will it run? 1943 Briggs & Stratton model ZZ engine

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[Music] hey guys how's it going uh yeah I've got an engine that was given to me this past weekend from a show called ricer AMA one of the youtubers kind of came along and gifted me a new engine for the hoard to go build something possibly in the future so I was in the process of that and some other stuff that was given to me getting put away I figured won't we take the engine and see if we can possibly get it to run know what we have and before it goes in with the the back shed with all the other engines for future builds and we'll have a little bit of fun with it even get to run what it means what it doesn't need and just see if it'll fire up so it was I believe it was Mike hopefully I got the right name Mike there's a couple of people that dropped off some stuff it is supposed to be a 1943 Briggs Zizi engine somewhere between six and nine horsepower how we think it was fairly Torquay - it's a beast of a motor so before it gets put away I figure we'll just do a little assessment what we have so you can get it fired up and cleaned up I have a feeling that carburetor is gonna need some love and hopefully it has spark so let's uh get it apart put it on the lift over there I'll try bolting through the lift and clamp it down and you can do to go fire it up so we got a rope start so it's going to be one of those ones that are gonna get my exercise I have a feeling all right let me get a little organized here and then I'll bring you back hey I got a clamp down I think this is probably just a breather no breather for the crankcase quite sure you would check the oil I would say that cap down below but I don't know if it has it it does have a stick that's pretty good good enough for us to run it on right whoop starter you were saying something about is very hard to kind of pull over and I have a feeling I quickly looked on the internet and it seemed like the starter Cup is the wrong size the one that they show I'm seeing on another video was much larger than this and kind of makes sense because I don't think you would have this screen stabbing screen with some so much of a gap around there so maybe we can go and use the pulley on the other end and we use that you can get the rope on there we use that to try to get it pulled over let's get the plug out of it and see how it does turn over part put a little bit of marble down the plug hole to large-sized saris loose yeah ask that bigger setup seem to find a lot of it well the forties machines have that that sounds like it's got a separate doesn't sound like that spark plug is going right into the combustion chamber sounds like it's going into some pre chamber just seems like it's making an awful lot of noise here coming out of there you know right unless the Pistons just got that much of a volume that that much air is changing uh we should probably wrap a rope around it and give it a couple of spins and see if we hit any spark check out that spark plug wire that's on me yeah put that on and see what we get we think our chances are I'm gonna give it it and you give it a 50/50 we want to go that way right yeah you could probably use that cup right now and no spark plug in if I think when we put the plug in it gonna fly this too much I didn't see anything did you share one more time dude I mean bite how much air is coming out of that it seems like it's different from what I'm normally used to I did not see anything yeah I think the only kill I'm not sure if this is a decompression or kill it's hanging on the side here so we got to go dig in for spark and go find out where the points are so I say well best bet is probably getting this cover off and start digging I took two off the bottom don't see me the other ones besides the two on the top might be something under that gas tank though that is one heavy car it's cast ain't one heavy flywheel so I would say yeah that's the kill that button that we saw there's a ground I think the mag would be underneath the fly walk try to think of you can see anywhere four points you guys could see anything I can't probably get a flashlight when I look up behind here see what I feel I think there'd be a wire from that going down to the mag to kill it anyone do pop that flywheel off I guess that should be our next attempt it's got a broken fin on it somebody got two broken ones someone put a bolt in it to help Barbie with the balance of the weight if I wouldn't better off leaving it out it's almost across from the other one all right let's go get that out of there so you can get the flywheel off let's see how much that fights us let's try to get a puller set up on that I don't judge her by the broken fins that are on there I don't know if I want to do the screwdriver behind it and whack it in a senator deal let's write polar never got a setup on there well let's see we run that in a little pressure on it it's gonna one turn and see if we just go smack it with a hammer in the center but she that flight was pretty of about 20 pounds yes I came off kind of uneventful being for a pop we are yeah regroup let me get some of this stuff taken out of the way and we'll take a look at the points and let's go in yeah oh yeah there there creddie yeah weird setup at six got a GM that you see you adjust the bottom one up and down well normally you move the points set up this one's got like a a jack screw on the bottom half let's see if they even close it doesn't look like a closest does it no you're not opening and closing I wonder if that little cam is frozen right there Shay we probably we want to do we want to take these two guys out of the way we're just assembly out and see if we can get that pin to come up and out I think it's frozen it's like somebody soldered on a a new lead yeah we wouldn't have come with that funky red would have been like a cloth covered coil where and this looks like house wire this right here yeah someone's been in here before definitely this is a speaker wire it looks like doesn't it all right let's get those two screws out and see if we get that little plunger out and figure out what's causing its issues [Applause] we have to get herself some little pliers or something go get something that looks like it's made out of like mica she's gummy you'll want to tear up the outside of it you know good don't know if there's anything else down below that the cam is riding on should go spray some yeah that's tight going in there let's go take a q-tip on the drill kind of clean some stuff up we'll clean this up and see if put that back and get it to go up and down done busted oh that's odd I thought the plastic one would flex better than the wouldn't stick once okay work on that it's good under the magnifying glass that pin looks a little just a little chewed up on the sides I'm gonna try polishing it up on get some 400 Rifton WD in knocking the highs off of it you know I probably check that up in the drill if I have to I like is you need all that much though you know blow the crap out of there come back a little bit 3-1 the pin up and we'll see if that that works this is that goes up in the office yeah guys still a little chalky though like we're gonna need to fool with that just a little bit more I try to run it on a buffer or something I'm not sure if the damage is on here or here I could fix it as like I said I could physically see a little bit of a beat-up nasaan this but yeah it's right I'm gonna continue I check this up in a drill we'll run some sandpaper around it yeah so I'll help us get a rustic him off of it [Music] flip it over to the other side and see if that will do it for us let's go give a little bit more batteries didn't make it like that it feels better I think we got it now I gotta change my battery and we'll clean those points up a little bit okay as you can see it on there just beat wait that one's beat white it's not too bad when you go clean those up we'll get it back together and we'll see if we get some spark a little purge [Music] it's like didn't really look that bad just other one they'll be showing up on camera it's completely powder away back down the middle I'm gonna leave the gap whatever it was we're just kind of eyeball it I would say it's probably supposed to be about 16 that's a guess Oh throw those screws back in that a plunger back on and see if they will open and close if they open and close and we'll put the flywheel back on and we'll see if I get some sparking okay let's see we are looking right there yeah closing the aughts kid I don't see it's a lot better than what we had before I know if you guys are able to see it I lowered your candle your camera angle that point gap looks fairly large but it's closing again I'm gonna leave it alone cuz I just oh I'm not familiar with what this is supposed to be set up like again this is just a preliminary adjust you can get her running and do it a wellbeing check on whether this is a good engine and fire it up starts knocking away you know all right the flywheel back on it and give it another yank so you get some spark yeah definitely say that it's not the factory cup that was on there it looks like somebody kind of hog out the hole it's not exactly pristine and the bent little tab over but the tab doesn't line up to the one that's on there it falls down below it and just spins right around so let's go try it again a magnet wouldn't kind of prove it against just does not want to cooperate I'll set it up not that I rap can't fix right again we need to go that way you think I'm gonna say yes did you see anything I did not go try it again [Applause] that's what I get for saying that's gonna have spark I gotta turn the lights off and give it a shot just make sure that I'm just not seeing something I might get the big drill out too and we'll spin it I mean the nut on the crank nothing that's back off I see probably what we should do is get grab an ohmmeter and we'll mount the signal where's the wire going out no it's out the back is it that's the coiled wire well I'm outta here we'll see if we're getting an on-off signal going across the points and go from there right now it's showing close so let's see if we spin it yeah it's showing closed all the time you know what I think it is like I just see it right now okay this is a kill button right I wonder if that's supposed to be a button back there or not maybe not maybe that just touches well we have a close to sync all the time that's not opening up so something is causing is something sorted to ground I'll do some homework and I'll bring you back how about if we take so we got one two three four that's one or not looks like we got four yeah we can get this teen off so you guys sit off we're gonna look behind this kill switch here and make sure that we're just not shorting out somewhere there if not could be the coil could be the condenser but yeah someone's already been in here so I kind of want to go and just make sure that we have going out what's going on back here we got the whole mouth what's happening because I just don't see where the wiring is going up to this kill there's no wire going to that kill that's why I couldn't find it so yeah that was a kill wire probably went down to right there and it broke off and they never replaced it so that is not a ratio let's look into explains what I couldn't find here right uh let's go put a meter on it was unscrew the condenser from the chassis and we'll see if it opens up there the coil wire coming out of it and then here's the little wire coming in just two sets of windings inside here one over the top of the other one and it makes a lower voltage a much higher voltage I think this house is set up it's got a ground up here I'm not sure what's going on yeah yeah someone's been on this I got think about it a little bit definitely in that coil now because I took it right off that should be opened sticking that whole assembly off right now I think I get rid of that whole thing bill will come right out of there now go go through the back of the wall let's go bring that over to the bench we'll take a peek at it 500 meter around it see if we have an issue throw it over on the bench and I have should probably ground to the body of it all right so this is the coil wire lead going out don't you can see I'm attached to it over here there you go and then the other ones just on the the body of the coil and that winding is showing 6.5 K or six point five thousand and then if we go to check essentially the point the points wire which is this going in it is right on zero so it's saying that this coil is just grounded right out so it's got a ground issue inside here this coil is no good unfortunately I have to take off shortly but I'm just kind of thinking then go in Park on the internet do a little bit of homework but it's already broken can't break it more that's already broken so I'm thinking maybe what we can do is we can cut the jacket back a little bit I wonder if we could run the wire through it maybe it's the last loop of the wire that is chafed and grounded out to the body of it that's my guess again I'm not quite sure what we're supposed to happen numbers we're showing an ohm 1 ohm which is pretty much is that direct short you know and I'm not quite sure was you have our number on that on that side yeah I think that is the fatter windings and this is the skinnier windings I'm not sure that all right so just got back from running an errand and what e you guys thought the bucket truck was crappy we T see the trailer or what anyway I went in gets a little bit of homework on you'll internet and SHOP dog cm I had a video on doing some testing but I was looking on the resistance that's trying to flick up what the resistance should be on both ends of this and one thread I did see saw it had like point six or point 0.9 ohms on one end and five point six on the other I forget what we had on this but I think it was pretty close to that right so I may be damming the coil before its time but anyway there's a test when it's all together see what they were yeah yeah point six point eight and get I don't know if that was correct or not though six point six I think they had five point six I think there shouldn't be screwing it up so let's reassemble it and we'll try that test with the six volt battery guy go take one of those up and see if it will trigger I figure before I put all together I got the points bolted back down the coil back on the wire you're gonna condenser not soldered yet but ground and the output side of the points for your aunt so you can see this opened and points close close and open so the signal coming from the points we know definitely is working right are you so I would say let's get the rest of it back together I think I already said that didn't I and we'll check it okay oh my well this is gonna work over here it's shot so the theory is you take six volts personally first you I slayed the points that's the cardboard is in there for and then on the hot side which is the condenser side in the elite coming off the coil you put your hot lead then you take it supposed to be a six volt battery and I'm using a six volt transformer because I don't have a battery and then you're supposed to strike on the ground side of things and it should make the coil wire jump about a quarter of an inch so I'm gonna set yep a little stand there and we will give that a shot see if it works if it does work that means you know your coil your coils okay you condensers okay if it doesn't work it's neither it's one of those I think let's go and see if this will work for us we're gonna go over it about there weren't your way yeah all right so our system is working so everything I was chasing was a wrong turn sometimes that happens to life right all right so let's get that flywheel look into it actually should look into the magnetism of the flywheel and we'll see what if that's okay you know see how those magnets are I think we're okay there I say we put it back together spinning it again that's spinning up with the drill see if we get any spark out of it kick you now I do do not know what fixed it but maybe it'll show up in the video someone has to be pointed out you missed this you missed that don't know it could have been with that contact lock where the points the condenser and the points were were soldered I wonder if it the solder that I took off of there earlier may have been a little bit too large and it was grounding it out I'm not sure anyway he's shooting at the bio coil let's let's could do something how about we take the plug and make sure we still spark the plug of it the whole time it wasn't just a bad plug I misplaced my little squirt bottle what fuel that was that just worked out just fine didn't it it's not dangerous do have sparked around that's what Nick said no cookies go spark arrestor in there yeah just spark arrestor in there that's why it sounds funny when you plug it back military I forgot yeah let's give me a little bit more fuel past that oh we gonna plug in here and give it a shot yeah judging by that sound coming out of the exhaust I doubt with the drill it's gonna have enough snot to kick it over let's give it a shot I should probably move maybe you out of the line of fire a little bit sheets fire out the exhaust although it'll look cool the camera melt give a shot [Music] [Applause] [Music] choke is like bend over that's why it won't take a hit on that side straighten that up good like the way it sounded nice bumpy deep the next question is what what could we use to make out of it I always think I'm like a not that I have the time to do it over the other projects I want to do like a big beastie kind of bumper of a minibike just like a little tank I'm not gonna off-road then we can get some air in Canada when do it again yes good I'm glad I'm winning and did some homework then we know that have a good setup [Music] [Applause] hello that down my bottle those the next day and when we're in an errand I picked up another rusty piece of crap yeah I'm good like that let's go and tear into that carb and see what we have to work with at least we can kind of clean it out for future being ready to go on this engine how's that sound I'm gonna fire up the ultrasonic cleaner get that hot and we'll start tearing this carb off of there and see what surprises we get on the inside that came off easier than expected spoke to you soon I'm not gonna worry about the gas tank we'll just we'll just fill the float Bowl up if you can get to run and tune it through the help easy right rancher kind of fine-tune the carb and let it run for a couple of minutes yeah it's getting shocky are we seeing debris s practice or nothing see it we got so it's got a main jet that goes through the Senate that has to come out first maybe not no I think yeah I take that pretty sure you guys think is Center out should be a long stem in there get the wrong screwdriver let's get a little bit in there no it gives us a fighting chance for miles long yeah - you see how that goes right through the center of the carb the three on top out hopefully this thing has not run since the the advent of alcohol based fuels I seem to kill every small engine say probably in my area I want to say 70% of the deaths of power equipment are due to the fuel I wonder how how efficient that is for pollution keep building more and more machines right that's you bad once you get that apart hopefully that float is okay copper flows over time I have a tendency to go Kukui get that lost yet out of there Soaker just on a cleaner and we tap that pin out we'll get the float off let's get that pin out that's no good I shake it it's got fluid in it I doubt very much I have another one of these will continue to move forward we're gonna know it needs one all right Anita looks pretty good though check in this - might have it I know just sonic cleaner used to want to put in it you see how much it sunk that in that kita which one's in better shape hey we'll let that stuff soak for a while guys ask what using the ultrasonic cleaner I could say question probably or three times a day again it is gunk it's tea they sell these cans they have a little basket already inside of them they're kind of meant to go use just as the can for cleaning your carbs but I dumped the contents out into the ultrasonic cleaner and use it that way put a little bit of heat on it some vibration it does even that much better so far it's the best thing I found not that I'm saying I'm going to stay with it but for now that's what I found it works fairly decent so there go and take some time to go put the engine back together unfortunately I gotta take a flywheel off one more time because there is that metal backing plate over there that has to go on so I'm gonna get that on and we'll get the fan shroud on while the carb is doing it to cooking yeah let's see how they did my good flood still floating that's a good time you tell where the wine it was then it's a tad warm sideways for the dream for a second you try it 100 maybe walk all right he don't want an airgun blew them off pretty simple carb let's see what getting this one put back together we need a gasket did it go like that I would say it went like that and this is a different float so we may have to tweet B we have to tweak the setup on it you know I like to try to make us know that when you flip the card over generally its floats its level right it seems like it's gonna be sitting fairly high let's put it together need to bend anymore you know how high that is on an angle the muscle are way too got to bend that tab that let's get Jeff down on something high-tech adjustment most of the time if they have you do is you set a roll pin or drill bit that's a certain size and you see if it touches going across it's kind of a common set up form you may have to go a little more but I seem to pretty much find out that every time I do that when I go look at it it's sitting level doesn't look too bad probably go a hear more we're gonna leave it right at that let's go for the body of the curb [Applause] I guess that it's not much to this one so I have a gazillion pieces this one's not so much meant to be taken apart middle of a field by a farmer this huge job and a pair of pliers I'm gonna of course the last trick I like blowing air in it blowing the air in it upside down it should be blocked I flip it over I should be able to blow air through it here goes in here's blocked that's just having to float come up and shut the needle and seat shut where it is you want to do the mean first getting a body that carb has to be together before you can put this one in we have for the follow-up of that there is that meters how much the main field goes in and this is the adjustment this needle pinches off that hole and allows more or less fuel so that's how you're able to adjust it by turning this a lot of times weather plays a difference in the two that's what you see that this is actually set up to grab with your fingers and tweak back and forth touching on the older stuff altitude makes a difference altitude is because how much oxygen is in the air how they may pick the air is affects the mixture because you're just in the air fuel mixes well altitude is adjusting the you're adjusting the fuel mix altitude is adjusting the air mix so you have to adjust the fuel to match the altitude in the air and what's nice about these older carps and older stuff that has a main jet adjustment like that is you can tweak it where some of the you know the newer stuff that doesn't have that capacity you got to think more part and change Jets right it inside them we're all back together let's go pop that on and see we get ya see if you can back feed that look bowl I don't want to put gas in the tank cuz it's interesting just gonna get put away anyway so everybody don't want to go if you only tank and we'll run the carb right out so there's nothing kissing the carbs for future I think we should put a little in a spark plug hole to give her a little bit our prime now we'll try it the way it is we have the drill set ups and like we're gonna rope start it pull enough we'll go with that back yeah let me get you set up I almost screwed up I put the linkage back up and when I went to go check it was set at full throttle and that might have been an issue so I pop the linkage back off and I put an external spring on it let's go see if it could turn the idle speed up a little oh we have a return spring on the throttle right ready rock and roll [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah before I used up the yes that was in it let's read again [Music] too much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] that's fired up one more time it's just low we can get it to foam [Music] [Music] [Music] that might be a little too slow [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] maybe the muffler hit the plug wire at my hand is that myself woke me up but it runs good I'm happy with it you know it needs to be on over more of a fine-tooth comb but it's definitely a functioning engine it's not noisy just not knocking valves aren't clacking so it's pretty cool scores for as that's concerned I want to thank I believe it was Mike who gave it to me from the bike show last weekend and now we're gonna go put it back in the stash we come up with something in a future to go use it for we know we got a good powerplant for that situation but can you guys like the video just throw a thumbs up my way and if you'd like to put a little comment down below it rarely it really helps the channel out as far as a youtubes recognition of what you do and suggesting it to other people so what they got that guys are gonna go sign off and get on to some other projects that are waiting and I will see you in the next one so until then thank you all for kind of hanging out in my garage and turn some wrenches see ya so I went out and I bought something that makes the bucket truck look good I don't know I want to call it like a 50 utility trailer I think it was always a trailer was never made out of something else but for those who follow my channel Krusty the lumber truck kinda looks like rusty the lumber truck right well the plan is to tow that tow this behind that so we're gonna give it the same treatment that Krusty got on the outside and I bought it cuz it has blue paint kinda blue paint some blue thing a little blue thing
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 857,219
Rating: 4.9393315 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, Briggs & Stratton model ZZ, briggs, engine, cold start, old start cold start, old startups, old start, farm, gas, generator, antique, carb, spark, free, tecumseh, tecumseh carburetor repair, small engine, hit miss, briggs and stratton, barn find, power equipment
Id: K8-ugnK3aok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 27sec (3387 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 14 2018
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