What's The Best Canned Soup? (Taste Test)

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I love GMM - particularly their food videos but even in the voting I knew this tournament was going to be terrible. Why did they not do TYPES OF SOUP?! Mushroom, minestrone, pumpkin, chicken noodle - why was ramen a soup, Chili a soup and then just canned cheese soups? Plus if you’re not from the US most of them aren’t even available. They missed this opportunity so much as far as I’m concerned. Such a shame.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/quietlycommenting 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm kinda iffy about this soup tournament. There was a really good broccoli and cheese soup in previous thats not included in this episode and while I love chili, it was so different compared to the lighter soups but they compared it to totally different products. I dont think its staged but it feels like the setup of products wasn't done that well.

All that said I still enjoyed it.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/deliciousdave33 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

all I could think while watching this episode is that the cheesy Campbell’s soups are no way near the best soups? Why just cheesy? I can’t even say I’ve ever eaten a cheesy soup that wasn’t broccoli cheddar. Should have been all Campbell’s soups imo. You can’t say that the viewers “agree that cheesy soups are the best” because people voted on your survey. people voted on the survey because it was the only option

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/suhoatmeal_ 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

What monster is eating Campbell's cheddar cheese? Put that in pasta but just to eat the soup?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Hinkil 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know what spoons they are using? I think they are beautiful but can't find them.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BabyGirlElderGod 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Ritz crackers with cheese Rhett mentions in More: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJn35XJGZR4

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Novocaine96 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Can someone remind me exactly where do you vote for these kind of episodes (for the soups, etc)? Would love to participate!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xarlesaurus 📅︎︎ Sep 26 2020 🗫︎ replies
(Link grunting) (upbeat techno music) - Good Mythical Morning. - The day before yesterday, we set out on a once in a lifetime soup journey. We scaled Mount Ve-soup-ious to declare the best instant noodle soup. Then we out swam a soup-nami and named the best fast food soup. - Yes. - And today our journey ends as we free climb El-soupie-can, (Rhett laughing) to declare the best Campbell's brand, not a sponsor, cheesy soup. - Eight bowls of fragrant flowing fondue, food flourish before us only one to be bestowed the honor of lactose-lorian in this cheddar double header. This symposium of sodium. This confabulation of creamy quesos. Which best, most thick, will impress the members of this cheeseboard. It's time for Souptember to Remember Cheesy Campbell's Soups! - Oh, wow. (Rhett gasping) I'll give you a few minutes. - I burst something. - Campbell's has over 80 different types of soups, but the ones that really stand out as the mm, mm, goodest, are the cheesy variety, at least I think. And clearly you agree because over 28,000 of you voted and decided on your eight favorite cheesy Campbell soups. Let's meet the soups competing today. - We've got baked potato with cheddar and bacon bits soup. - Cheddar cheese soup. - Baked potato with steak and cheese soup. - Roasted red pepper and smoked gouda bisque. - Creamy broccoli cheddar bisque. - Spicy chicken quesadilla soup. - Chicken broccoli cheese with potato soup - And beer and cheese with beef and bacon soup. - Well, lots of B's. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) - Our first seed is the baked potato with cheddar and bacon bits soup. It's chunky y'all. Versus the eight seed, cheddar cheese soup. - That's it, it's just cheddar cheese soup. - Cheddar cheese soup. I mean it says great for cooking, but almost a thousand of you said that it was your favorite soup to just eat plain. - I think we've got to start here because it is, it is so simple. - I thought this was more of a, cream of mushroom type situation. - There's no mushrooms in it. - No, I mean that you just, you buy that can just for cooking. - That is not great. (people laughing) You know what, it might be good in cooking. - [Link] It's horrible. - [Rhett] Y'all. - [Link] A thousand a y'all. - Thousand of y'all must have gotten confused. - Yeah, yeah. - But over here. - That is horrible. - Baked potato with cheddar and bacon bits. Good lord. Look at how chunky that is. - I mean, it's like gravy. It's like eating a gravy bowl. Those bacon bits are strong too. - I don't want to take another bite of this cause I want to save up the room in my stomach. - Yup. - And I ain't tasting that again, hopefully ever in my life. - So this Campbell's cheddar cheese, good for cooking not good for eating on its own. See you ladle. (can crashing on the ground) - Oh! - I almost banked it. I want to bank it today. - It'll happen. And that means baked potato with cheddar and bacon bits moves on. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) Okay, we got the four seed, baked potato with steak and cheese soup, versus the five seed, roasted red pepper and smoked gouda bisque. - I mean, Chunky does not play. I mean, if anybody's got truth in advertising, it's Chunky. - [Rhett] That's just a piece of meat right there. - [Link] Nothing in it. - [Rhett] That's a just a piece of meat. - [Link] Yeah, that is, that is a chunk man. - Oh, it's a little tangy too. - Yeah, just got that tang. Now this bisque over here, first of all. - What's a bisque? - A bisque is a smooth, creamy, highly seasoned soup of French origin, classically based on a strained broth of crustaceans. It can be made from lobster, lang-gous-tine. - Yeah. (people laughing) - What the heck is that? - Langoustine. - [Voice] A Jewish lobster. - It's like a very, almost like a crawdad. - Oh, a Jewish lobster. Crab, shrimp, or crayfish. This one contains no seafood ingredients. - Oh gosh. Boy, this is interesting, isn't it? - This is a thick tomato-ey thing. - That is tasty to me. - Mhm. - And complex. I mean this is just steak and potato, man. - This. This kind of rubbed me the wrong way. I don't have any desire to go back in. So I'm going to. - [Rhett] It's almost too much. This is fancy and really nice. - [Link] Bisque-y. - To the baked potato with steak and cheese, we're going to. - [Both] See ya ladle. - I'm going left hand. (can crashing) - Ope! A little bit to your right. - Won't try that again. - And the winner is the slow kettle style Campbell's bisque. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) - Heads up we are entering the last few days for you to join the third degree quarterly, or annual plan to be eligible to receive the Mythical Society quarterly collectible, the coveted Cloak of Mythicality. Listen, you got by September 30th to do that. Go over to mythicalsociety.com. - All right, so we've got the creamy broccoli cheddar bisque, another bisque. - Bisque-ing it up. - Versus spicy chicken quesadilla soup. I was about to say both of these from Campbell's. - Both of these from Campbell's. It's the kind of thing that like a sports, a sports announcer says when they have, like there's a lull and they're like, both of these from Campbell's. - Of course that's the point of this entire exercise. Hmm. (Link makes disgusted noise) Eek, what is happening? - I thought you were gonna like this, because I thought you were like a broccoli soup man. - I am, and I would not even call that broccoli soup. Maybe it's the bisque is the problem. - I was looking forward to this though. - Rhett, I'll just tell ya. This has 18 grams of protein per can. I don't have to tell you, that this has got a very special ingredient. - Oh man, like I got four beans in this one bite. - It's huge beans. That's good right there. - Yeah, that almost tastes. - Spicy pieces of antibiotic free chicken meat, beans, corn, green and red peppers and cheese. - I thought you were going to say spicy pieces of antibiotics. - In a tomato puree. - And I was like, woah okay. Stock up on this one. This is easy, man. - Yeah. - This almost tastes like something you get at a restaurant. - So give her the Chunk. I totally agree. Something about that, I mean Campbell slow kettle didn't do it for me on this round. - Y'all should be using the fast kettle. (can clanking in ladle) - See you ladle. (Rhett And Link cheering) Oh yeah! Nice! - All right! - It danced around, but the chunky spicy chicken quesadilla moves on. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) - Okay, now we got our number two seed, the chicken broccoli cheese with potato soup, versus the number seven seed beer and cheese with beef and bacon soup. - So these are very similar. Did you know that Campbell's tried to make a K cup version of soup back in 2013. They had the broth in a K-cup pod and a packet of instant noodles. Nobody bought it. - Now this is better than the other broccoli soup. - A lot better. Cause the broccoli, some about that stank broccoli in the last one. - This tastes like what you would expect. - The chicken, the chicken's not bad. - Now, beer and cheese. That's hearty. - This is interesting. Do you, now you don't do the. The reason why you get it on your beard is you don't do the soup rake. You need to do the back of the, back of the spoon soup rake. - That's a precarious thing. That gets on the side of the thing and then you get it on, everywhere. - No, it doesn't. No it doesn't. If you do it right, it all goes on the inside. Ain't nothing on the outside. - I like this. - That is a strong beer flavor. - That's what I like about it. It makes me realize that I'm doing something interesting with my life. - The beer just throws it off for me. There's a bitterness that, I mean, it it's like somebody spilled a beer in your soup. - I like everything in there. - But I know that's what it's supposed to be. - Beer, yes. Cheese, yes. Beef, yes. Bacon, yes. - All right so, we need a tie breaker. Which is the U.S. can open. Us opening a can. Now we're gonna put on these gloves. - Because we're going hard, and we don't want to cut ourselves. - This is a race. Whoever opens first, their soup moves on. Where's my? - That was the thing, you don't get a can opener. - Yeah, imma do it with my teeth. - [Stevie] All right, you ready? - Hold on, no, you don't get to put it, you don't get to apply it. You gotta have your can opener up. - [Stevie] Three, two, one, go! (intense competition music) (Link grunting) (Rhett gasping) - Oh! Mine released! Mine released. - What do you mean yours released? Mine's already off. Boom, got it. - I'm saying. - You made a mess. - It let go at the very end. - Mine released! - So all right, yours goes on, and that means that the. - That the beer. - Chicken broccoli cheese with potato. - See you ladle. - No. - I'm not voting for this. - Oh yeah. - So I'm going to see you ladle. - This, yours goes on. - See you ladle. (can hitting the floor) - And the chicken broccoli cheese with potato moves on. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) - All right, the semi-finals. Baked potato with cheddar and bacon bit soup, versus roasted red pepper and smoked Gouda bisque. - [Rhett] Okay. - So let's dip down into the Chunky. - This is the number one seed. Everybody loves this. - You know, you feel the potato and you taste the bacon. That would be a good slogan. Better than mm mm good, which is their longest slogan. Some other ones include. - You don't like that one? - Mm mm good, or the soup? - You don't like that slogan? - Other slogans include, give me the Campbell life. - Ah, that's not good. - I'm trying to figure out is this sour or is it perfect? I mean, this is chunky. It eats like a meal. Which I think is, is the chunky slogan, at some point. - It is a little, it does have a little sourness to it. But so does this, I mean. - [Link] It does. - Do they all have something in them? - This seems intentionally sour, in a good bisque kind of way. This there's like a, I hope they don't notice that it's a little sour. - Maybe that should be the Campbell slogan. - I think the bacon bits. - I hope they don't notice it's a little sour. - I'm, I'm going for the bisque. - [Rhett] Yeah, me too. - [Link] Okay. - I mean, I hate to topple the number one seed, but you know what? Sometimes you gotta. - It's not as good as you think it is. - See your ladle. (can crashing on the floor) - Ooh, to much to your right, and you hit a couple of things like the filing cabinet. So the smoked red gouda pepper roasted, all those words together, bisque, moves on. - [Rhett] Yeah. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) Okay, our other semifinal match up we've got spicy chicken quesadilla soup, and chicken broccoli cheese with potato soup. - Mhm, how many calories in a serving? Because with this there's 200 calories in a serving of this. - Only 180. - Oh. So about the same. - 400 per container. - Yeah 430 over here. - And you get 75% of your sodium for the day in just one can. That's the way to get right to your sodium. - See Campbell's was malign for having a lot of sodium, and then they reduced their sodium and they were, they got an award in Canada. - You get an award for reducing sodium? - In Canada. - Oh, I've never even tried to reduce sodium. - And then people didn't like the soup as much, so they added the salt back. That's still a good soup. I remember trying it earlier. Now this one. - This is the more classic broccoli cheese kind of taste. But. - This is. - I don't know, man. It has like a slightly rotten taste to it. - I think we just don't like the, like the straight up the most cheese forward versions of Campbell soup. - This is complex and interesting and colorful and there's beans. - Yeah. And I'm not even doing it because of the beans. If, you know, the beans weren't there, would you still vote for that? - Yeah, but the beans just make it, you know, completely irresistible to me. - Guys, we got to do it. The broccoli cheese and potato soup. See you ladle. (can crashing) - Oh. - Was way off. - Which that means the spicy chicken quesadilla soup is moving on. (bell dinging) (mouth slurping) - Only 471 votes separate the fifth seed, which is the roasted red pepper and smoked gouda bisque from the sixth seed, the spicy chicken quesadilla soup. It seems that our taste. - Is orange. - Is orange, and a little in a sense. I mean, we're very, we're orange vibin today. With your mug, your feel good sweatshirt available at mythical.com. - Do you think that's what happened? - My gloves. - Do you think the fact that we've got so much orange happening, we were just were drawn to orange? Because I feel like we'd have to redo the whole thing if that screwed us up. - Well then no, that's not the reason. (Rhett chuckles) - Okay. The roasted red peppers good. - And it's got that. It's got these little orange, like grease flecks that are floating in it. - The grease flecks, yeah. - And that's fun. This one is much creamier, beanier, and meatier. Is there actually any meteors in this? - Wow, that is not super easy to know the difference. I mean, I know, well, I know the difference. - [Link] Pun intended. - But it's not easy to know the winner. - That's a fancy, fancy. I mean, let's look at, That's 180 calories, 180 calories. Oh crap. - This comes in a microwaveable thing. - We're looking at 2.98 for that versus 1.78 for this. So it's pricier. But you can microwave right in it, so that evens out. - I don't know, man. - Only one can sit a top, the golden steps of whatever we call this. - The gold stoop soup, soup stoop. - It's very close, but I think we've gotta chunk it. I'm with you bean man. - Yeah, it's the spicy quesadilla is better. - Okay. One time. Make it count. - See you ladle. (can clinking around ladle) (both cheering) Yes, that's the way to go out. - All right, there you go. The best cheesy Campbell soup that you can get is the spicy chicken quesadilla soup. It won't even fit through your door so you're going to have to bring it in through the garage. (Rhett laughing) - Thanks for subscribing, and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - This is Nathan. - And I'm Nikki. - And we just got married. We are at the Dragon's Teeth in Maui. - [Both] And it is time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Congratulations. - I was expecting a giant wave to just envelop them. I wasn't hoping for it, I was just expecting it. - Well that's, what does that say about them? - It just means that I watch a lot of internet videos where people will get. - Yeah. - You know, by waves on the beach. Okay. Click the top link to watch us determine the best cracker to dip in soup in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is going to land. - [Rhett] Cloak yourself in Mythicality with our newest society exclusive item, a secret society cloak. Sign up for the third degree quarterly or annual plan by September 30th at mythicalsociety.com to be eligible.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,854,832
Rating: 4.9335809 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: 50uvEWjlops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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