ROAD TO A MILLION - Cities Skylines: Ep. #1 - RTAM City

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hello everyone my name is Nathan and today it's time to dive into a new city skyline series I purchased a couple of DLCs while they were on sale and they actually got me hooked to the game again and I thought why the heck not document my journey to 1 million citizens and post it on YouTube I do have a couple of mods installed however nothing that is fundamentally cheating or anything you can judge for yourself I have them in the description so without any further ado let's get this started I'm going with my favorite map the two rivers map I'm also going to rename this to artem city road to a million let's freakin do this now since this game isn't the newest I'm not gonna you know waste your time explaining too much but I'm just gonna show you little snippets of my progress and basically give some commentary as to what is happening in the city first things first we want to build a little road so we can unlock the one-way street and I think for the time being I'm just gonna drag this Highway a little further and want to do this as straight as possible let's now think about where we want to have our districts right here I would like to have a little forestry area in the beginning it's gonna be a normal industry because we haven't unlocked the milestone just yet right here I would like to have a residential slash commercial area and up here I would like to have some farm houses now we could either do this in a fashion so it lines up with our highway or we just build the district's first and then leave the highway organically through the gaps and I think that is exactly what I'm gonna do let's start with a little roundabout right here we want to turn it slightly 45 degrees and this is probably gonna be the center now I think I want to build it slightly further down so let's get rid of this and we're gonna build it right here instead that should be good so give me just a couple of minutes in order to expand this area with the road network that I do like aesthetically alright there we go that doesn't look into shabby to begin with but I would like to have now is a bigger road leading all the way around it and this is also going to be our main connection to this district so I will probably end up having my connection bright here and everything else we expand slightly as we need it let me first try to drag this road all the way around in a straight manner if possible there we go something like that I actually really like that now we're gonna drag this road all the way to here and this is gonna connect with our highway not at the moment of course this is not a proper highway but we're gonna upgrade it as soon as possible so now in order to get down from this highway we're gonna make ourselves a little system here what I would like to achieve is a 45 degree angle and I just see that our connection points are not always lined up here that of course is a slight problem but maybe we are able to fix it just like that yeah look at that now our connection points are lined up so let's make a little something right here in order to get out of this area we want to be able to get off the highway and we want to be able to get onto the highway and of course we also have to connect this with a bridge we're also gonna go with a bigger road for this page up right here until we reach the roads another pillar right there and hook this up again and there we go that's how easy it is naturally we need to complete this with two more streets right here we can go onto the highway again and right here we can switch the sides of the highway if we want to looking good I think so all we need to do is actually hook up the street to this one I'm gonna go a little straight right here and then we hook this one up and I guess we can continue straight as of this point in order to get to our industrial area and right here I would like to have a bigger street with smaller roads branching off for the factories etc to make this more interesting we can take a little curve right here continue this a little bit and then take another curve maybe up to here I think that looks reasonable now all we have to do is branch off a couple of these streets also once again I want to make sure that we have as few intersections with the Main Street as possible I'm gonna fix traffic as we move along first of all we have to check whether or not this is actually performing the way we wanted to we could actually have a second intersection right here in order to branch off right there then we wouldn't need the street and therefore this street right here would be less busy yeah I think I'm actually gonna do that I'm gonna destroy this road again and we're gonna branch off from the highway once again there we go that was actually pretty easy and we can simply hook this up like so now one more thing I probably want to do is remove the traffic lights from these bigger junctions yet we planned out the first two districts let's finally get to building it's time to set up the housing and the shopping first I'm gonna actually fill everything that is here in the inside of the square with a residential and then we're gonna do a couple of shops probably a hell let's actually leave the center free for services though they probably don't fit here anyways so we can just fill this up with shopping white egg not another thing we can already do is build up a little bit of industry so I think that's what I'm gonna do up to this point that looks reasonable however there's one more thing we need to take care of that is electricity and water I'm gonna start with a little wind turbine right there we're also gonna need a pumping station probably right here and a sewage drain right there we need to connect this up and we are now 15,000 in the - so we probably have to take out a loan but before we do that let's just go ahead and use up some more money to get these water pipes in the joint something like that is probably already enough so let's go ahead and hook up these two systems as well all right there we go something like that should already be doing the trick all we need is a little bit of power but before we amp the power let's just see where they start building there we go bankruptcy alerts that is fine we get 50,000 in order to try again but there we go people are now starting to move in they're building their first homes and soon enough the shops will follow and after that we will see some industry hopefully as well but now that we know where they started building we should also be able to drag the power to where we need it so we're gonna go somewhere over here this is actually also expensive stuff the power lines what you're gonna do everything is powered and of course we probably need a second wind turbine very soon but we finally have people moving in at the moment we're still in the - but that is gonna change very dramatically in a few we already have our first industry building as well that is great actually we need a lot more industry at the moment because of course all of our people are uneducated we also need a some power so there you go congratulations we already reached the first milestone so now we have garbage healthcare and education at our disposal we have a plenty of money once again so that is good to know garbage disposal I'm probably gonna have to add somewhere along these lines now let me think I want a separate garbage disposal for my industry so maybe let's go ahead and drag a little road from here and this is gonna be for my industry area and we're also gonna branch off from here take a approximately 45 degrees turn and this is where I'm gonna have the garbage disposal for my actual city so one right there and one right here perfect we're also gonna have a medical clinic which I'm gonna plot down right here it can take care of more or less everyone here finally we're gonna have a school or right away we want to educate our citizens this is a long grind usually and I want that to be right here with probably a park next to it there we go we are once again in the - it's time to let the game run and accumulate some money actually before we do that we need to increase our power that's what I meant before but one more of these turbines should be enough c'mon right there - get us up to speed hall a bit alright there we go we are finally in the plus I just need to let this running we're gonna probably reach the next milestone with ease and after that we already have many more possibilities such as making this into a forestry area worthy village already reached we can now have two fire and police departments next milestone a thousand three hundred all right it's time to convert this into a different type of Industry this district right here I want to swap that into forestry right there and let's actually also call this forestry industry very unoriginal but it works for me I'm also gonna make this into its own district in case we want to set up a couple of policies so what we should be seeing is this in tire industry getting dismantled and swapping into a forestry industry and it's also gonna clean the ground eventually I'm also gonna rename this district into Old Town info right now it is pretty new but eventually we're gonna nope this is where it started we're still missing the fire department and the police station but for the time being usually not too many buildings get burned down but we can already see some robberies are going on so maybe a police station wouldn't be the worst of ideas problem is it's gonna decrease our weekly income by a lot well screw it let's just set up a police station right here we need to take care of this crime wave it does make everyone happy so yeah there we go we have a whole bunch of people upgrading just because of that fact that means more people that means more money so that's good the forestry industry it does look a little sad at the moment but the trees are gonna get more lush in a couple of in-game months or so next milestone a tiny town we have reached it we can now place parks so that is gonna give us a lot of upgrade possibilities also we have these canals that is something I'm interested in couple of fences etc etc next milestone 2400 now with our newly gained money I think we want to set up a couple of parks like the bouncy castle park this is like an incredible one I want to place this right here because it fits perfectly and look at that it's making our people so so happy another thing I want to place is the carousel park and I think we can place that let's see we have not enough power at the moment let me set it up here in the corner I think that is a good idea making more and more of our people happy now let's take care of our power issue I'm gonna place two more of these turbines right there and we probably want to set up one more thing I'm gonna set up a basketball court right there and let me see what is the cheap plaza right there 2500 now I plaza doesn't really belong here does it well we shall see I can always move it I do have a mod that allows me to move buildings so like this everyone should be happy upgrading their buildings etc etc look at that we're already making a thousand three hundred-plus a week however people do want more industry and I should be able to deliver that if we do something like that and drag another parallel street we can add more industry oh yes that's gonna look amazing actually and we can fill this up with trees to make this aesthetically pleasing as well alright so at the moment it looks as though we don't have enough educated workers what we need is a high school really and I think I'm actually gonna place that down right here this building can take care of more or less everything yeah the moment we simply have to play the waiting game for these houses to upgrade and accommodate more people just give them some time for development man I just appreciate the details of this game I mean if you follow one of the citizens how they go about their day for instance this guy's just chilling on his balcony right now freaking amazing we're almost at 2,000 people already making over $2,000 plus I did have to expand my industry area slightly though get now it's time to build another part of town and for that I think I'm gonna expand into this direction give me a couple of minutes to come up with something I like there we go we have a little expansion it is accessible from this intersection and this one right here we might actually want to set up another row of shopping centers right here thinking about it and other than that everything else can be filled up with residential oh I still did not build my fire department that of course is a mistake we need that right here in the center it is actually burning already coming to the rescue if only you have the time to build a fire station when it burns in real life Oh No someone wants to steal garbage that's not good so maybe it's time for a fire station and police station here as well fire station we have a nice little spot right here and the police station can go right there we almost reached the next milestone and I'm making pretty good money at the moment there's a very very high demand for residential which of course we can provide and maybe a little bit more shopping here to wrap it up let's have a look at the education still over 50% uneducated and of insane maybe it's time for another elementary school to be honest with you maybe one right here that is covering the rest of the area I'm gonna have it right there so it also includes the lower half of the district and naturally we are lacking a little bit of power once again but soon enough we should reach the next milestone and then we can move on to water power let's also make sure these guys are happy I think right here I have the space for something bigger something for is deep and then right here I thought we might be able to fit something something like that we all know the parks are important finally we reached boom town which unlocked the transport so we can have buses and taxis at the moment we also have a recycling center and a whole bunch of roads unlocked so this should allow me to actually upgrade these intersections to their final road types let's see upgrade this one here yes indeed to a normal highway this is gonna allow us to drive much much faster we also want to upgrade the on and off ramps so people can drive faster and right here I actually have to use the Move it mod to get this slightly out of the way so I can upgrade this final piece now the question is do we want to upgrade the road on the top we could have a six way lane for instance I mean it cannot hurt six ways is surely better than four ways right there we go this should have done the trick and you can see the vehicles are driving much faster already one more thing I haven't built yet is a cemetery and I think that should be a priority right now before the bodies start piling up I think right here is the perfect spot for it it also has a decent coverage we're definitely also gonna need another fire department I'm gonna place that right here and possibly a clinic right yeah let's plug the clinic down right next to the park alright it's time to think about the next part of town so basically I'm just dragging my road network to over here here I want to have my farming industry plus a little village so basically a district of its own all right there we go I got my intersection for the time being I all of this is subject to naturally but let's think about our farming set up a bit once again I want my big road to lead basically through the entire industry with little roads branching off so something along these lines and then well let me see what I can come up with there we go something like this is going to be good as a start we don't have too much farming area here but it's certainly enough for a couple of farms so let's swap that to a farm and also give it a proper name the farming industry then on the other side right here on the top I want to have a little living area so let's get this one set up there we go now of course this is gonna get its own district just like that Evergreen Park that is actually a good name we're gonna leave it just like that there we go everything is hooked up to the water let's start zoning a couple of things we have a very high demand for residential at the moment so that's what we're gonna start with pretty much now there we go finally we have a little bit of demand for the farming industry so that's exactly what we're gonna do so this new part of town is coming along nicely I might want to connect these up with pedestrian pathways so people that are living here can also work here but I don't want cars to actually cross the different districts I want them to use the highways that's what I'm talking about we're done with the basic wind turbines it's time to set up with the good ones that yields 20 megawatts if you set them up correctly I think I'm gonna have like two next to each other at the moment we're making an insane amount of money for the size of the city some pretty happy playing the waiting game at the moment we could also use a little bit more water and search drain right there and other than that we're doing pretty well for ourselves one more thing I cannot forget is the garbage disposal of course these people also deserve a little bit of it oh I just saw there's the traffic lights that I don't really want not necessary finally we reached the next milestone a busy town so even more stuff is unlocked probably all types of roads and a couple of bigger buildings and parks we're gonna continue until we reach about 5,000 people and then we're gonna wrap up this first episode of course with every episode we're gonna get more people exponentially at least that's what I'm hoping for so 1 million people will be more than possible in a reasonable time that is a really nice building I have to say the Botanical Garden I placed it right here next to the forestry industry also I toggled off the zoning for these streets right here I don't want any buildings adjacent to these streets except maybe a couple of parks and all the empty spaces we're gonna fill up with I drew trees or other props we can place down alright there we go we almost reached 5,000 people traffic is no problem whatsoever at the moment though I do not seem to have covered this with fire stations that of course is a slight issue let me actually expand the street just slightly so we can place one you're gonna go right there and hopefully take care of the issue oh my gosh do something about it what is going on here holy cow that is a slight issue fortunately our industry isn't big enough for that kind of thing to get out of control let me also set up a police station right here and maybe one more right there though these guys are also happy about it but they aren't quite covered though the people up here need the police station much more desperately so that's what we're gonna do I think with that out of the way we're gonna wrap it up at 5,000 population thank you so much for watching guys I hope you enjoyed it and you're looking forward to the next episode have a great time and see you soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: Nathan's Sandbox
Views: 1,565,077
Rating: 4.8403597 out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines walkthrough, cities skylines playthrough, cities skylines 1 million, cities skylines tips and tricks, cities skylines road layout, cities skylines guide, cities skylines traffic, cities skylines fixing traffic, cities skylines green cities, cities skylines after dark, cities skylines mods, cities skylines pc, cities skylines park life, cities skylines realistic city, cities skylines biggest cities, cities skylines tour
Id: sKBsiw7zaB8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 04 2018
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