Why You Should NEVER Fall Asleep in Public...

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today's video is sponsored by raycon co-founded  by rayjay raycon is disrupting the electronics   industry by making great sound for everyone  their wildest earbuds start at half the price   of other premium audio brands and sound just as  amazing as any other top products on the market   from snoop dogg to melissa etheridge raycon have  become the obsession of countless celebrities   and it's easy to see why what with their six  hours of playtime and seamless bluetooth pairing   ray consuales earbuds come in a fun range  of colors and patents with a variety of fit   options to choose from i don't know about you  guys but i personally find scary stories very   relaxing to listen to especially right before  bed with my pair of recons the stories have never   sounded clearer and with their extra bass and  noise isolating fit i can instantly get immersed   in whatever story i'm listening to best of all  recon earbuds are so compact and comfortable that   i can easily drift off to sleep while wearing them  something i found very difficult with other brands   so if you want to help support the channel and get  a pair of awesome earbuds in the process head over   to buyreicon.com forward slash masquerade  to get 15 percent of your rakon purchase   with raycon's 45 day free return policy  you've really got nothing to lose   so again that's spyracon.com forward slash  masquerade or simply click the link in the   description box below and be a part of  the next wave of premium wireless audio when you think of canada what sort of things  spring to mind polite locals a high quality of   life maple syrup sure all of those things but  what you don't immediately think of are the   nation's grisly true crime cases and just  like every country it has its fair share   today we'll be examining one that most people  outside of canada have either forgotten about   or never heard of in the first place until  recently i certainly hadn't i know i usually   cover mysterious cases in these kind of uploads  but bear warning today's case is far less cryptic   and far more brutal it exposes the frightening  reality of how dangerous strangers can be how   fragile our lives really are and how swiftly  and unexpectedly they can be taken away from us   so join me as we dive in and find  out what this case was all about july 30th 2008 was an ordinary  sort of day for tim mclean   a 22 year old carnival worker and reportedly  all-round nice guy he'd recently finished a   gig at a fair in edmonton and at noon hopped on  a greyhound bus pamper his home city of winnipeg   at 6 55 pm the bus made a stop at  ericsson manitoba it was at that point   a tall well-built man randomly decided to  board the greyhound that man was vincent lee   standing over six feet tall with a shaven  head and donning sunglasses lee would have   been quite an intimidating figure to run into  in a dark alleyway at midnight but this wasn't a   dark alleyway at midnight this was a public bus  in the early evening and despite his size and   admittedly strange appearance nobody on board  paidly much attention least of all tim mclean   tim was used to traveling for work and always  brought his headphones along to make the long   journeys go by faster he sat at the very back  of the vehicle listening to his music and paid   no mind to lee who had just taken a seat  at the front of the bus he was just another   guy on the greyhound a guy he would never meet  and who would never have an impact on his life   after some time the bus came to  a brief hall to the rest stop   it was at that point that lee  stepped outside to have a smoke   passengers near the front of the greyhound  noted that he seemed a little agitated   when lee reboarded the bus he took a look  at his seat at the front but her seemingly   dissatisfied with it he instead walked to the  back of the bus and sat down next to tim mclean   tim who was half asleep and deaf to the outside  world thanks to his headphones opened his eyes and   took a quick glance at lee being athletic himself  tim felt secure enough to shut his eyes once again   there's no way he could have guessed what  was going through lee's head at that very   moment if he had he wouldn't have drifted off  to sleep like he did it was almost 8 30 pm   the bus rumbled on through saskatchewan the  legend of zorro playing on the tv screen tim   was now fast asleep at the back his head resting  against the window lee sitting right beside him   only five minutes after falling asleep  tim was awoken by a sharp pain in his neck   lee had just pulled out what one  passenger described as a rambo knife   and was at that very moment repeatedly  impaling tim in the neck with it   it's the stuff of nightmares to be sleeping  peacefully completely oblivious to the   outside world only to be awoken from  your dream by a killer attacking you   to wake up in total confusion only to  experience your last agonizing moments on earth   had been caught completely off guard and  there was nothing he could do to save himself   he clutched desperately at his neck as lee  continued to thrust his massive hunting blade   into it tim let out a chilling scream which  other people on board described as something   between a dog howling and a baby crying screams  now began to roar throughout the bus first at the   back then at the front as the reality of what  was happening dawned on everyone all the while   lee's face was completely expressionless there  was no emotion behind his decision to butcher him   no rage or hatred the pair were complete strangers  tim tried his best to fight back throwing himself   on top of lee to stop the thrusts but it was  all in vain he fell to the floor of the bus his   screams turning to gurgles as a straight-based and  unfazed lee continued to robotically puncture him   the driver of the bus quickly pulled over  to the side of the road and opened the doors   all of the other passengers made a run for  the exit as salee dragged his blade around   the circumference of tim's neck an old woman was  knocked to the floor as everyone scrambled for   their lives one mother sitting near the massacre  threw her toddler several rows forward to get them   away from the danger zone a passenger sitting  one row in front of lee and tim 26 year old   garnet cayton had served five years in the  canadian special forces he paused deciding   whether to flee or help the mortally wounded tim  garnet turned to another passenger next to him and   said give me a hand let's get this guy but the  other man ran off i'm willing to take on lee by   himself and realizing that tim was already gone  garnet got off the bus but along with the driver   and a passing tracker decided that he wasn't going  to let lee get away with what he had just done   when we all got up we saw that the guy was cutting  the guy's head off said garnet in an interview   immediately after the incident he was cutting off  the guy's head there then he saw us he came back   to the front of the bus told the driver to shut  the door he pressed the button and the door shut   but it didn't shed in time and the guy was able  to get his knife out and take a swipe at us so we   backed off the door and i ran around the back side  of the bus the driver took off and then we both   returned to the front to see what had happened and  he hadn't got off the bus the door was still open   we shut the bus door and that time shut it it  was at that point he came and started walking   to the front of the bus and he had the head in  his hand and he just looked at us like this and   dropped it on the ground totally calm the three  of us have weapons from the truckers track there   and we just stayed outside while he tried to get  out the door telling him stay put stay put stay   there don't try and come out he tried to get the  bus working but the bus driver disabled the bus   somehow in the back i'm not sure how he did it  the driver had actually activated the emergency   immobilizer system lee was now stuck on the bus  unable to drive it away garnet and the two other   men stood guard outside the greyhound all three  armed with hammers and crowbars they waited there   for the authorities to arrive all the while lee  taunted them with tim's now decapitated head and   according to eyewitnesses began eating parts of  his corpse it wasn't clear which parts until later   at 9 pm royal canadian mounted  police officers arrived at the scene   a standoff ensued with a still very dangerous lee  refusing to surrender he was heard saying i have   to stay on this bus forever during this time  the officers stood guard as lee continued to   mutilate tim's remains cutting off and eating  parts of him right in front of their eyes   this standoff lasted until 1 30 am at which  point lee broke a bus window and tried to escape   he was immediately apprehended they searched  him and inside his pockets found tim's ear nose   and tongue both of tim's eyes and parts of his  heart were missing and weren't found anywhere   at the scene they had been eaten by his killer  in the garnet caton interview which i've left   a link to in the description garnet explained  the entire ordeal with serene clarity relaying   the actions he took and his thoughts and feelings  during the massacre despite his calmness the young   witness clearly has that deer in the headlights  look on his face throughout the entire report   the poor guy was obviously still in a state of  shock while the reporter asked him questions like   have you ever seen something like  this before surprisingly no phil   before tonight i had never seen a guy decapitated  by a total stranger than have his eyeballs eaten   nowadays we'd recognize that garnet  was clearly suffering from trauma   it's hard to say whether the reporter back  then realized that or not but making the chap   recount and relive his horrible experience  was at the very least an extremely bad taste   it's hard not to suffer from trauma  after seeing what he saw on that bus   like i said the first responding rcmp  officers on the scene could do nothing   but watch for several hours while lee cut  up an eight parts of tim in front of them   one of them corporal kembaker took his  own life six years later the trauma he   suffered as a result of seeing such carnage  was one of the leading factors in his decision   two other witnesses aboard the greyhound  that night were stephen and isabella allison   the couple were sitting opposite lee and tim when  the slaughter began seeing that is not something   you get over very quickly said stephen it's made  me a shell of my former self i'm trying to get   back to normal but it's hard stephen who was  a grade a university student before that night   quickly found it difficult to go to class  played by images of lee thrusting the blade   into tim isabel dropped out of school entirely  and started taking medication to ease her stress   they both expressed how their trust in strangers  had been shattered and how their lives have been   altered forever mr li zan provoked kling of  tim mclean evidently had multiple victims   many of those who were on board and  those who arrived to help never recovered   and continue to deal with the mental scars  he inflicted on them to this very day the fact that lee committed the slain was never in  any doubt what jon scurfield the judge presiding   over the case had to decide was whether lee should  be sent to a prison or a psych ward as such he had   lee examined when asked why he singled out tim  mclean in particular lee gave a strange answer   he claimed there was a voice inside his head which  told him the alien sitting next to you must die   lee had long since believed that there were  aliens living amongst us and that it was his duty   to take them out it was an order from a higher  power and if he didn't carry out that order he   himself would be killed despite recognizing that  he had committed the action he apparently had no   memory of eating parts of tim it also came  to light that lee had recently lost his job   after a disagreement with his employer and that  for 24 hours before boarding the bus that fateful   evening he had been sitting upright and completely  motionless on a bench his eyes wide open holding a   sign that said laptop for sale six hundred dollars  he sold the laptop for 60 bucks only a few hours   before boarding the greyhound in the end lee was  diagnosed with untreated schizophrenia and was   sent to a high security psychiatric institution  he apparently responded well to treatment and   over the course of nine years vincent lee was  given more and more freedom he accepted the awful   things that he had done that evening in 2008  and from then on resolved to live a moral life   in 2016 he changed his name to will baker and  moved into his own apartment outside the ward   in 2017 he was completely discharged he now lives  amongst the general populace with no restrictions   a completely free man with a completely new  identity they did take away his bus pass though   so is that justice some would say yes since lee  wasn't in control of his thoughts at the time   of the incident and is now stable and fully  medicated others would say absolutely not he   took a stranger's life eight parts of him and is  either still dangerous or deserves to be punished   you'll have to decide for yourself which line  of thinking to agree with no doubt the comment   section on this video is going to be interesting  but anyway that's the case a disturbing tale all   around i know it was a lot less mysterious and  a lot more brutal than what i usually cover   but since so few people seem to have heard of  this incident i thought it was worth dissecting   tim mclean was just a random guy who  got on the wrong bus at the wrong time   he could have been anyone and that's what's  so terrifying five months after his slaying   tim's girlfriend gave birth  to a son he never got to meet   one final tidbit of information to leave you  with soon after the incident peter the people   for the ethical treatment of animals attempted to  run an ad in the portage daily graphic comparing   the killing of tim to the consumption of  animals the paper refused to run the head   hey guys lizzy here and thank  you very much for listening   a huge thank you to robin mickelson for making the  thumbnail for this video he's an amazing artist   a great help to me and yeah links down  in the description to all his stuff   also a huge thank you to all of my supporters  here on youtube and over on patreon especially   my biggest supporters ladia glassley tony hardy  yoshi6500 patrick ruseki dapper boise mcsnatchy   matthew j bauer amanda hansen phantom knight  hamish k alex greenzorgh azrael warakai charlie   lackey connor lothan crawford k mcdonald expand  on fox solicity gina valera grey white rabbit   infamous sempappy leonardo martinez lord 210 lucas  maniac mara lancaster monaco mendoza ailing nahu   native beauty nadine peter log juraj philip westje  procupide nata ronnie franklin sarah ramirez   silas geist sloan crawford taylor and monica  gruenk the only dorita miss krypto and mrs   ivonne rankin thank you guys so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   that wraps things up for this one guys hit that  bell icon to get notifications about my uploads   smash that like button or i'll smash you  and you'll be hearing from me again very   very soon until then you all stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 594,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, countdown, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, yandere, Japanese, English, British accent, asmr, relaxing, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, canada, Vincent Li, Tim McLean, that chapter
Id: JZlHEtqzVf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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