Mysterious Death of Reporter Dorothy Kilgallen & the JFK Assassination

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My speculation on this:

Kennedy was going to disclose the UFO files. The secret service knew there were going to be tribunals. Because the people would not accept that they were lied to. So it was them, or Kennedy.

This happened to minister of defense James Forrestal as well in 1949. He did not want to take part in fooling the people. Forrestal was killed, thrown from the hospital window. A small window so he had to be pushed out with force. Traces of a struggle were found. A call was made to Washington: its done.

JFK was killed. Oswald was framed for it, he was lured to go there and the officer that arrested Oswald, was allegedly killed by Oswald. But the bullets inside of the officer did not match Oswald's gun. Probably the officer Tippit was forced to push the weapon in Oswald's hands just before his arrest. And the officer was shot from far away. Oswald was blamed for it.

Ruby was probably offered money for killing Oswald. And instead he was arrested. He died not long after that in jail from lung cancer in 1967.

Marilyn Monroe was killed with barbiturates in 1962 after the secret service was afraid she would talk. JFK told her he saw alien materials in a hangar during pillowtalk.

Dorothy Kilgallen, a close friend of Kennedy wouldn't believe Oswald was the shooter. She investigated and this frustrated the people that orchestrated the murder on JFK. Clearing her out of the way was necessary for them. The fact they made three kids motherless, they did not care about. Murdered 3 years after Monroe in 1965. Strangely her documents and files were removed to not be seen again.

When JFKs brother Bobby Kennedy won the elections, was going to be presidential candidate in 1968, he was the next threat. Because Bobby would know the truth on UFOs as well. He was shot dead in a hotel before he could ever be elected president. In his body were more bullets than the gun of the perpetrator could hold. The secret service was around.

The UFO matters apparently are so incredibly secret and so lucrative to some, it needs to stay secret at all cost. And not even a president is allowed to disclose. He will not live to tell if he does.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Remseey2907 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
on November 8 1965 a 52 year old woman was  found dead in her Manhattan townhouse between   the time her body was discovered in about six  hours later FBI agents swarmed that townhouse   and took all of her documents all of her files  everything they could find quickly an autopsy   was performed with the conclusion that this  woman died of a combination of barbiturates   and alcohol circumstances undetermined  despite that confusing message there was   no investigation none of her colleagues none  of her people that knew her none of her family   nobody that knew this particular woman stood  up for her and said that's not what would have   happened here more than 10,000 people went  to her funeral weeping over the loss and   this woman was buried and for 55 years almost  55 years she was ignored she disappeared that   is until now the name of that woman was  Dorothea Mae Kilgallen and as you will   learn she was murdered and for 53 years she  has been denied the the Justice she deserves time now for everybody's favorite guessing game  okay how many people remember Dorothy Kilgallen   from What's My Line there must be somebody out  there who doesn't well you know that's exactly   where I stood that's all I knew about her that's  all I knew about her what's my line well now I've   written two books about her the reporter who knew  too much and denial of justice let me explain -   this is my fourth book about the assassinations  the first one had to do with this guy Melvin   belli how many of you remember Melvin belli all  right well I knew it stabbed Li in the 1980s in   San Francisco I practice law in his building I  got to know him quite a character as you know he   represented Jack Ruby and when Bella died in 1996  I decided to write a biography of him because I   looked at two autobiographies he had written and  they conflicted now think about that a minute but   that was Bella what was most interesting to me was  Bella's representation of Jack Ruby I never bought   that psychomotor epilepsy insanity defense for  God's sakes have made no sense and you're gonna   hear more about that tonight because it didn't  make any sense but more than that - about Bella's   affiliation with the Mafia love the Mafia one  guy told me in the Mafia loved him his main   client was Mickey Cohen who was a Los Angeles  gangster he loved to be around them and have   people think that he was a mobster so I finished  that book and while I was looking at that I'm a   former criminal defense lawyer and I've analyzed  cases on television and so on and so forth and I   always looked at motive and always wondered about  his representation of Jack Ruby and what that had   to do with the 1960 election when Joe Kennedy  double-crossed those mafioso who had helped them   win the presidency Joe told them hey you helped  us win Illinois and West Virginia and we'll leave   you alone right away what'd he do he appointed  Bobby Kennedy in general and Bobby Kennedy what   after those guys didn't they well I wrote a book  called the poisoned patriarchy how the betrayals   of Joseph P Kennedy caused the assassination of  JFK and I looked at the assassination I believe   differently than anybody ever did I looked at why  Bobby Kennedy wasn't killed instead of why Jack   Kennedy was that changes everything bill Alexander  who prosecuted Jack Ruby when I interviewed him   said to me well you know Bobby Kennedy had a lot  more enemies than Jack did so I looked at it that   way I wrote about Jo and I did all that and I was  done well I just have read three biographies this   year Michelangelo Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein  I hope by reading those I would get a lot smarter   but what I found out in there this each of those  three men had one thing in common curiosity and   I believe through writing all of my books and  what I've done in my life I'm a curious person   well while I was interviewing people for the Jack  Ruby excuse me the Melvin belli book I ran into a   doctor in San Diego and I started talking to him  about Bell eye and he gave me some good facts and   things and then he said you know mark by the way  he knew Dorothy Kilgallen and I said well what he   was on What's My Line he said no you don't know  anything about her Dorothy Kilgallen yes she was   on What's My Line she was the smart one on the  end down there who guessed the occupations of   people more than anybody else right but also  she was syndicated in 200 newspapers across   the country the Hearst chain voice of Broadway  articles everything and this is actually back   when remember when they actually read a newspaper  she had a radio show with her husband listened to   by one million people a day in New York and she  covered as an investigative reporter some of the   most famous trials of the 19 of the 20th century  Lindbergh baby kidnapping case all right dr.   Sam Sheppard I'm gonna show you a photograph of  Dorothy in the courtroom at the dr. Sam Sheppard   case and he said the Jack Ruby trial well that  really kept in my mind I kept thinking about that   and I decided that I would start to look into  Dorothy Kilgallen and see what I could find and   I'm gonna take you tonight on the same journey  that I took to learn about Dorothy ascending   from a college dropout to what the New York Post  called the most powerful female voice in America   that Ernest Hemingway said was the greatest female  writer in the world it's a great inspiring story   and I'm pleased to say that the reporter who  knew too much has become a best-seller gonna   make a film out of it looks like in all of that  and people around the world I've heard from who   are inspired by this woman's story it's an amazing  one but let's look at what's my line okay well   I'm sure you can all name who's there Bennett Cerf  Arlene Francis right and the host was John Daly of   course well you know she she was kind of the hard  edge one wasn't she I don't know if she was your   favorite or not I don't remember watching it too  much but it was an intellectual quiz show kind of   wish we had something like that today but Dorothy  was smart and she would guess the occupations of   people more than anybody else so I started looking  into more into Dorothy and the evidence tonight   some of it will be evidence that's never been  presented before so hers here's her her column   the voice of Broadway I don't know if you ever  read it it was mostly you know as I say in those   those local newspapers in the cities across the  country well she was a Pulitzer Prize nominated   writer and if I could write even half as well as  Dorothy Kilgallen did I'd have 25 bestsellers if   you get a chance go to the Dorothy Kilgallen story  org look at her columns she wrote that we'll talk   about you'll read some of her writings in both  denial of justice and the reporter who knew too   much what a gifted wordsmith and you're gonna hear  some of that especially when she describes Jack   Ruby all right voice of Broadway and everything  35 year career called the most foul most powerful   female voice in America all right here's Dorothy  at the Shepherd trial this might be my favorite   photograph of Dorothy look at that Dorothee right  in the middle all the call the columnist Saul Ian   newspaper people all circulated around her you  can almost see the respect there for her Dorothy   had it was a woman of integrity she went after  the facts she didn't have a conclusion and then   thick thick fit the facts to that she came up  with the facts and that had a conclusion unlike   what we see today how many people from around  the world Iceland Australia a soldier in Iraq   other people have emailed me since the books  have been published and said I wish we had a   reporter like Dorothy Kilgallen today God willing  I wish we did too so she covered that trial if you   don't remember dr. Sam Sheppard was supposed to  have killed his wife there was a one-armed man   remember what movie did it become the fugitive  of course now when JFK died she became obsessed   with that case now why would that why did that  happen well first of all she was a very good   friend of JFK's he had been to her home and played  charades she saw him at the Stork Club when he was   a senator they became very good friends and she  just leaped when he was killed but the real topper   was this this is Dorothy's youngest son Carrie  and you can imagine how a mother would feel when   the president the United States permits you to  come to the White House and while you're there   Prieta Pierre Salinger sets up a meeting between  the president of States and little Carrie and he   makes a fuss over Carrie he tells him look Carrie  says I brought letters from my third grade class   and JFK makes a fuss over those it gives him  a pt-109 pin just makes a real fuss over him   and so when when Dorothy tried to describe what  had happened when JFK was dead this is what she   wrote the picture that stays in my mind is one  of this tall young man bending over a small boy   carefully scrutinizing envelopes until he came  to the name Carrie grade 3b is the man who was   assassinated in Dallas you see her interest in the  JFK assassination wasn't business it was personal   she was a she was just an absolute bulldog when  it came to cases searching for the truth always   looking for the truth that's who Dorothea was so  I began looking into her investigation of the JFK   assassination and what did I find yes she spent 18  months and here's why and I'm gonna talk about a   few books later and not a very nice way here's  why she's the most credible reporter to have   ever investigated that JFK assassination she's  unlike all of these fancy authors or self-styled   experts or whatever you know why because she was  there in the front row at the Jack Ruby trial   she listened to the witnesses she watched them  all right firsthand eyewitness I'm very proud   of the fact that my books don't speculate I find  primary sources not what somebody said to somebody   who really witnessed what happened so the first  one that I found in fact I didn't have this in a   reporter too much and then I found it fortunately  for denial of justice this is the column called   Ruby stars at last and right away here I hope  you'll be as impressed with her writing as I am   she was describing seeing him the hustler in  the black suit and the very white shirt neat   and nervous is the star of the show at last Ruby  stars at last if he died tomorrow and he won't   he would die happy in the knowledge that he had  made the big time yet little more than a half hour   later the defendant bounced back quietly into the  courtroom lightly like a dancer under clumsy guard   well you feel like you're right there don't you  you can see him I was standing by the bar railing   as he turned to take his seat and he broke into a  quick smile gave me a friendly bird-like nod and   said hello brightly then everything quieted down  as Judge Joe B Brown returned to the bench Jack   Ruby came just ahead in the crowd up front a bald  head shadowed by a you pen strokes of black hair   Jack Ruby described by Dorothy Kilgallen who was  just a few feet away from him during that trial   so what a Dorothy do well she started looking  into the facts and I will tell you right now   she was not interested in Lee Harvey Oswald he's  a dead end he's been a dead end for 50 some years   and yet there are those people who will continue  to perpetuate this ludicrous Oswald alone theory   well Dorothy didn't buy it she looked at the one  person that she could investigate and where she   would find the truth and who was that it was Jack  Ruby first thing she did was ingratiate herself   with Melvin belli Jo Tana Hill and the defense  team she had dinner with Belle I and and Tana Hill   and you're gonna see proof of the fact that she  did as much as she could to learn everything from   them so then Dorothy began to do what she needed  to do six days seven days I'm sorry after JFK was   killed she wrote the first of scathing columns  that would end up causing her death in 1965 all   the enemies looked at these columns Dorothy  Kilgallen wasn't going for this Oswald alone   theory stuff she was doing her own investigation  and what's the name of her first column the Oswald   file must not close President Lyndon Johnson  has bail evaded so swiftly to his high post   that in one sense he has been snatched up into an  ivory tower he is no longer in a position to hear   the voice of ordinary people like me talking  care candidly and if he could walk invisible   along the streets of the nation and listen to  ordinary people talking he would soon realize   he must be sure that the mystery of Lee Harvey  Oswald is solve and lay before the nation down   to the smallest shred of evidence is if Oswald is  President Kennedy's lone assassin he is the most   important prisoner this country has had in 100  years and no life announcement in Dallas is going   to satisfy the American public that the case is  closed and then listen to this the case is closed   well it is it well I'd like to know in a big smart  town like Dallas a man like Jack Ruby the owner of   a striptease honky-tonk can stroll in and out  of police headquarters as if it was a health   club at a time when a small army of law enforcers  is keeping a tight security card guard on Oswald   security what a word for it Dorothy on the job  going against the grain driving the one with the   wrong way on a one-way street because everybody  is doing what hears J Edgar Hoover shouting Oswald   Oswald Oswald Oswald alone to the world and  everybody bought it brainwashed everybody and   they missed the truth Dorothy didn't she didn't  buy it another column da to link Ruby to Oswald   right away she knew that ruby was the key Ruby  shot Oswald we got a look at Ruby and she talked   about that in here mark Lane called her the only  serious investor serious Journal investigating the   JFK assassination enemies circling watching what  she's writing now we have this information we have   of course Ruby's shooting Oswald what did she do  when that had happened Dorothy Kilgallen arrived   in court yesterday and stopped the show Joby brown  one of her fans gallantly granted an interview in   his chambers Bell eye of San Francisco and Jo  Tana Hill took her to lunch at a nearby seafood   house named Vincennes whose oysters bail I declare  to the best decide of Fisherman's Wharf what did   Dorothy write in that column and an X column I  don't see why Dallas should feel guilty for what   one man or even 3 or 5 in a conspiracy had done  she was already looking in to the fact that one   man didn't do this and she knew also she wrote  a column and this is something something that   a lot of people have missed years later just  curry wrote a little autobiographical magazine   well she interviewed just Jessie curry and in  here you know what it says guess where he sent   the officers first when JFK was killed not to the  Book Depository not to the grassy knoll but where   the overpass he sent him there it's in here it's  in his words Dorothy wrote a column about that J   Edgar Hoover then and I have the FBI file he had  the column he was watching what she was doing and   you see written on it in his handwriting wrong and  capitalized wrong wrong wrong you know what was   Dorothy was doing and he was one of the first  enemies that she really had all right now all   these authors you know boy I'm gonna talk about  their books in a little while but you know they   don't even think Dorothy Kilgallen was at the  Ruby trial and they certainly don't think that   she interviewed Ruby well first of all here's  a photograph who's that that's Belle ayan and   Dorothy isn't it pretty good proof that she was at  the trial wouldn't you say all right let's look at   the next one when in fact let's look at this video  if there's any proof that you need with regard   to Dorothy Kilgallen being at the Ruby trial  and being involved heavily in this watch this we decided we didn't want those who saw it I  think they saw some talkers important things now   prospectively here in douse and away from Dallas  when we are moved we may have to take some who   have seen it on TV not because they're qualified  but because eventually we want to get to trial but   we're not going to go to trial here must perforce  the trial with witnesses who saw this on TV in six months in the county chance that  you might get a transplanted Chicago in or must have but was that maggiore have been your ID   one that we the one with talent  because people being this bar leopard coach in American she was a sharp  dresser wasn't she there she is okay now   you know uh four hundred reporters at that  trial how many of them interviewed Jack Ruby   one twice in the books I have a photograph  of the Ruby trial court room and there's a   railing between the spectators media and the  council tables right behind there Jack Ruby   was interviewed by Dorothy Kilgallen twice and you  want some proof for that well I'll give you some   proof here's Joe Tannehill explaining about  the interview that was permitted by Dorothy he was another a nonsense because this interview  with her was a very significant point in his   classless life you know and I think he would  enjoyed it very much and cooperated with her   in every way that he could and told her the  truth is he understood it and and it was just   a a very agreeable conversation between them and  I just I just can't understand people doubting the   sincerity of that interview because it wasn't  to me I watched him and it was a very sincere   discussion going back and forth that's history in  it that's history all these videos there's more   than 50 of them are up on the Dorothy Kilgallen  story org that's all shown in in both of the books   where you can go look at those for yourself what I  like to do is present the facts for people and let   them make up their own mind look at these things  that's history she was there and I'll tell you how   many authors in a little while say she never even  was at the trial or interviewed ruby so she wrote   a column on it nervous ruby near breaking point  and again the prose is amazing Jack Ruby's eyes   were as shiny brown and white bright as the glass  eyes of a doll he tried to smile but his smile was   a failure when we shook hands his hands trembled  in mine ever so slightly like the heartbeat of a   bird I'm nervous and worried he told her I feel  I'm on the verge of something I don't understand   the breaking point maybe when Kilgallon told Ruby  I think you're holding up pretty well he said I'm   fooling you Dorothy I'm really scared she wrote  I went out of the almost empty lunchroom corridor   wondering what I really believed about this man  now you're probably wondering yeah what did Ruby   tell her I wish I could tell you because when  Dorothy Kilgallen died her files her documents   everything disappeared they've never been  found I think I know where they are and I'm   gonna keep after it I'm gonna find that file if  it's the last thing I do but we don't know what   he told her the only thing we do know is shortly  thereafter she didn't go to Washington DC to look   into the government there anything she didn't  stay in Dallas looking into LBJ she didn't go   to Cuba looking at the rut the Cubans or Russia  where'd she go she went to New Orleans she went   to New Orleans because carlos marcello one of the  most dangerous mafioso in the in the country the   one with the greatest motive to have killed Jack  Kennedy so Bobby Kennedy was powerless which is   exactly what happened that's where he was and  you'll hear about that a little bit later okay   so then what did Dorothy do you know about the  when the Pentagon Papers were released or than   Nixon videotapes or anything well Dorothy had a  hand in what some sort of same sort of thing she   exposed Jack Ruby's testimony before the Warren  Commission before it was supposed to be released   now that's a big deal if you can imagine on the  front pages of the paper outcry over Ruby leak   brings a federal probe Dorothy had integrity and  that integrity connected with people trusting her   with information nobody else got I don't know if  we've got anybody like that today we don't have   a Walter Cronkite or anybody else like that today  and news that I know of or somebody like Dorothy   they all trusted her with material they knew she'd  keep her mouth shut and in this situation she did   because j edgar Hoover was absolutely furious  when this obviously appeared in the newspapers   before it was supposed to be released he quickly  dispatched these agents now I'd like to give you   this visual I kind of look at it like these two  great they probably weren't but great big beefy   FBI agents go over to Dorothy's you know million  dollar townhouse and here's a little short Dorothy   and they sit her on one of her expensive couches  and they grill her for hours where did you get   this material where did you get this material I  love to think about that image well they weren't   successful because I was fortunate to find in the  National Archives a memo from Hoover to the Warren   Commission describing for the council there the  fact that they had tried to get the sources and   what he had to say was Dorothy refused to reveal  the source said it was a responsible person who   had a legal right to the transcript she was the  only person who knew the identity of the source   and if you want one comment for her that describes  the integrity of this woman it is this one that   she was the only person who do the identity of  the source and she would die rather than reveal   his identity imagine that J edgar Hoover's a  little upset with that of course he was the   enemies are circling okay now we get it one more  column here maybe you didn't know from what I   have read I would be inclined at the FBI might be  more profitably employed in probing the facts of   the case than rather than how I got them which  seems as a waste of time to me at any rate the   whole thing smells a bit fishy it's a mite too  simple that a chap kills the president United   States escapes from that bother kills a policeman  eventually is apprehended in a movie theater under   circumstances that defy every law of police  procedure and subsequently is murdered under   extraordinary circumstances she didn't buy all  that she didn't buy that Oswald alone stuff she   didn't buy what everybody was saying her to sing  happen at that time and then of course with regard   to the Warren Commission I'll talk about it in  a minute the Warren Commission report she summed   it up in one one word laughable that's what she  thought of it and she was right so on her state on   Ruby's State of Mind she she talked about you know  what he had what he had gone through and we'll   talk about that a little bit later so with all  this research in mind I went ahead and tried to   see if I could find some eyewitnesses some primary  sources who knew Dorothy and I was very fortunate   to find the fact that videotaped interviews with  four people had been possible you already saw one   of them that was Jo Tannehill her two hairdressers  her best friends mark Sinclair and Charles since   and a woman who was the last on the last what's  my line show with Dorothea and with these video   and month the videos in mind then we can kind of  get an idea of what Dorothea was going through you   almost can hear the drumbeat of the fact that all  these enemies are circling Marcello she he's gone   too she's gone to New Orleans to look for him look  at what he's doing you've got Hoover you've got   other people are looking and what's going on and  obviously as I say she's going against the grain   well let's see what we can figure out exactly what  was going on her mind I'm going on in her mind so   let's start with Mark Sinclair he was a very very  close friend of hers her hairdresser she trusted   him with everything and this is what he had to  say about her talking about you know they all knew   that she was investigating the JFK assassination  alright he actually went to New Orleans with her   by the way and while they were there and she was  putting together what she believed would work by   the way she was working on a book for Random  House that she was going to publish at the   end of 1965 just after I mean two months after  she actually died in November and in that she   was going to put all of her facts conclusions  evidence and everything in there and Sinclair   went with her to New Orleans to tie things up and  she immediately sent him right back to New York   and said don't ever tell anybody you were here go  back there now and don't ask me any questions then   he also then talks about here what she's what she  said about what she was doing her investigation she wouldn't stop on him pretty warned exclusive  yeah says she had it all and she told me all about   this and she told Donna was there too so I  mean he knew we knew what she was doing at   this time she said that this would be the  case of a lifetime a story of a lifetime   that she would prove that the president was  assassinated who assassinated the president   case of a lifetime gonna prove who killed  the president how about Dorothea state of   mind with regard to this I mean she wasn't  a dummy she had to know that the enemies   were circling all right she was a smart  woman let's hear what Mark says about that around this time you used to get her ready for  what's my line show he said would sometimes play   the game of what's lying on the idk so done yes  where you would pretend to be a contestant like   you really play the game down I was there and  we would play the game around her while you were   playing the game once did she ever say something  out of the blue about threats of her life yes she   told me that this is a couple of weeks before she  died or maybe three or four weeks before she died   I'm not sure the time anymore but she told me  she was going to get a gun because her life was   being threatened and she was scared for her life  and for her family gonna get a gun scared for   her life scared for her family gives you a chill  almost she told other people yes I'm gonna break   the real story and have the biggest scope scoop  of the century and one of Dorothy's problems with   this and one of the things that led to her Dave  death was that she was a blabbermouth she told   everybody what she was doing she made comments  like that in public and again these enemies are   out there Hoover who wants to just bundle up the  thing and and have a go away marcello other people   who you know could have could have been exposed  in her book for random house so let's also get   then the opinion of another hairdresser and that's  Charles Simpson let's see what he has to say about   Dorothy's last days this is Charles Simpson did  you have the feeling that she was investigating   the murder case of Jack Ruby killing Oswald and  Oswald killing Kennedy was she digging into that   she never quit she never quit she dug up something  she dug up something about the assassination of   President Kennedy that somebody didn't want her to  know because she even told us of her own volition   she said I used to share things with you guys  and she said but after I have found out now   what I know she said the wrong people knew what  I know it would cost me my life I hope you did   all hear that if the wrong replay knew what I know  it could cost me my life and then Charles Simpson   about the Warren Commission and what she was doing  she had a copy of the Warren Commission testimony   sometimes she she printed it um she printed on  the front page of the journal American before   the president received it and there analyzed the  tale from then on we were starved who's we marked   myself our phones were tapped they were trying  to find out where she got her information from   that she could get this information before the  president got it President Johnson now you know   what's easy to talk about this now because it's  so many years later but try to put yourself in   that situation that Dorothy was in all right it's  it's like today when somebody knows something that   nobody else knows and they realized if they expose  it they're gonna be subject to you know who know   what can happen but Dorothy knew that she knew  too much she was the reporter who knew too much   and so she's scared people have asked me you  know did why didn't she take measures yeah she   bought a gun and all that well she thought she was  invincible she was the biggest star of the time on   Broadway and across the country the most powerful  female voice in America she didn't think anybody   could touch her so what she what was she doing at  that particular time because there's only three   ways that Dorothy could have died she could have  mitad committed suicide accidental death or what   murder well Dorothy was Catholic to begin with  so suicides a question mark plus she was on top   of the world she was planning a trip to London she  was working on the tell-all book for Random House   she had a movie deal for the book she had a lunch  plan for the Monday after she died all of those   things were happening and Mark Sinclair if you saw  a video said she was just sparkling on the night   she went to What's My Line he helped her put on a  special dress he put some flowers in her hair all   of that kind of thing and then if you watched the  last What's My Line Show and I'm pleased that an   awful lot of young people have have been inspired  by Dorothy and they watch her now on What's My   Line if you get a chance go in there and take a  look at some of those what's my line show the best   one probably the funniest is one with Groucho Marx  that you would enjoy but watch her last show now   remember the medical examiner says what she died  of a barbiturate and alcohol right so I mean what   happened that evening was she groggy on What's My  Line did she show signs of some drug problem or   something like that Joe Tannehill in an interview  says he was had lunch with her in New York about   a month I think before she died her mind was sharp  she was just in great spirits and all this kind of   thing okay well on that last show you're gonna  see once again Dorothy guesses occupations like   none of the others could and one of them was with  Katherine stone that will mention in just a minute   but you can see that so what does Dorothy do she  is on What's My Line she leaves there and goes   to Bar in New York called PJ Clark's maybe you've  been there I've been there I've set right next to   where Dorothy sat on November 7th 1965 right there  she had fun and then she met a mystery man Dorothy   Kilgallen my books is warts-and-all ok Dorothy had  a side to her that many people would probably have   problems with her husband Richard was a Broadway  producer when she met him he fell on hard times   his creative abilities went nowhere he ended up  being an alcoholic he ended up wandering around   with other women and Dorothy finally was lonely  and she ended up going out with a singer that many   of you may remember named Johnny ray the little  white cloud that cried remember that song he was   a known homosexual well he wasn't a homosexual he  was obviously a heterosexual because they had a   torrid love affair to the extent that I will tell  you right now that Dorothy's son Carrie and this   was something I had to really consider whether  to put in the books is not Richard son it is John   he is Johnny Ray's son and I've been able to show  that and prove it because if you look at pictures   of young Carrie the one she took to the White  House I saw one on the cover of Good Housekeeping   back then there on an article in Good Housekeeping  he has golden hair Richard had dark hair Johnny   ray had golden hair so she had an illegitimate  son Carrie well Richard found out about that he   threatened to kill Johnny ray if they kept up  a relationship so there's obviously motive for   Richard to have been involved in Dorothy's death  and he's one of the main suspect both books are   true crime murder mysteries I set up the facts  for you I give you all the suspects you know and   you can make up your own mind one of them's Frank  Sinatra I might add she and Frank Sinatra hated   each other she wrote a scathing column about him  his bimbo girlfriends his affection for the Mafia   all of that so he struck back and he called her  the chin 'less wonder if you remember when Dorothy   was on What's My Line there may have been a little  absence of her skin she was not a beautiful woman   but she was an attractive sparkling type of a  woman with her with her personality and all that   at one point in Las Vegas and his act he held up  a key and said that was her figure he said if you   run into Dorothy Kilgallen do it with a car I  mean they did not like each other at all so I   put Frank Sinatra in the book as a suspect you can  make up your own mind as to what may have happened   there she also had an affair with a guy named Ron  Pataki now before we get into him let me tell you   what I was able to do there had never been an  autopsy report published about Dorothy's death   well I couldn't find one either and the New York  medical examiner's examiner's office wouldn't give   me one because what I'm not a member of the family  well my wife who's head of cataloging at the Santa   Clara University Library has a friend both of us  do at the Library of Congress we got in touch with   her because I just had this feeling that maybe  that autopsy could be at the National Archives   and that's where we found it and so I published  it in the reporter who knew too much and as I say   said before I'm not the greatest researcher who  ever lived autopsy report can we put that up I'm   not the greatest you know investigative reporter  that ever lived but I looked at this and remember   what's the what's the determination she died of  a barbiturate and alcohol well barbiturate was   supposed to be Seconal which is sleeping pills  right I read down through here I found Toulon   all in there Toulon all is a step up in terms  of medication to help you sleep so she had two   barbiturates in her stomach and I'm trying to  figure out whether it's accidental death or a   bird or whatever it is all right so now we got two  barbiturates in her stomach and then I was able to   find a witness on the East Coast whose father was  with the medical examiner's office who said that   three years after Dorothy died a toxicologist  there had kept some of her bodily fluids hoping   the technology would help them analyzed those  specimens and they found Seconal to Lenore and   phenobarbital three barbituates in her stomach  they also found a glass that had residue of   phenobarbital on it which meant that it looked  like Dorothea drank vodkas and tonics and it   looked like that they had poured whoever decided  to do away with Dorothea those that powder into   that particular drink so that's what I was able to  determine about that and then I tried to hook it   up with all right how could she have been poisoned  and that led me let's see yeah that led me to this particular guy Ron Pataki will show a picture  of him in a minute but Ron Pataki if I don't have   it up there now was show it in a minute romba  tacky was a journalist in the Midwest much younger   than Dorothy 22 years younger and he kind of  latched on to her right as she was investigating   the JFK assassination perhaps by accident perhaps  by not they had a torrid love affair according to   her he said they didn't but I pretty much proved  that that happened that that had happened so on   the night before she died she went to PJ Clark's  and then she went to the Regency Hotel and that's   where Catherine stone a witness who was on the  last what's my line program Dorothy guest her   occupation as selling dynamite saw Dorothy with  a mystery man at the Regency Hotel Bar now Pataki   Dorothy shared her JFK assassination investigation  evidence with him and we believe that she thought   and we've found that through Mark Sinclair that  he thought she was leaking her information to   the wrong people and they had a showdown that  night at the Regency Hotel bar we believe that   and I'll give you some more information about  Pataki in a minute that really shows exactly   what happened we believe that he either poisoned  her with barbituates put into her vodka and tonic   drink at the bar or accompanied her home and did  it there again the facts are presented for you   and you can make up your own mind but please put  up the poem one of the poems that he's written   I interviewed Ron Pataki three or four times I  told him I felt like he was the main suspect in   her death he made all kinds of you know defenses  against all of that happening but I proved that   you know there was motive on his part because  she was going to expose him as leaking her JFK   assassination information and there were other  motives as well so I was able to find on Ron's   website this poem although he wrote two poems  one of them was the first one that I found was   never trust a stiff at a typewriter there's a  way to quench a gossips stench that never fails   one cannot write if zippered tight somebody who's  dead can tell no tales who does that sound like   he said it was just a humorous poem if that was  not bad enough try this one vodka Roulette scene   as relief possibility while I'm spilling my guts  she's driving me nuts please fetch us two drinks   on the run just keep all that skip all the noise  and make one of them poison and don't even tell   me which one you know one of the things that you  worry about as a criminal defense lawyer is if   your client provides facts that only the killer  could know all right those are facts only the   killer killer could know he didn't know anything  about how there wasn't anything publicized about   how Dorothy could had died proof positive that  obviously he was involved some way in her death   Ron Pataki all right so then I'd written the  reporter who knew too much and I could have quit   right there but I decided to write a second book  because of three or four reasons so reporter who   knew too much followed by denial of justice and  one of the things that happened as I was writing   this I always felt like kind of Dorothy was  guiding me now and I'll tell you this and you may   think I'm crazy I kind of think she chose me to  write her story I'm not sure why if she did very   honored that she did but every once in a while I  get this idea or something it just felt like she   was guiding me along and this is I was able to  through I felt some guidance from Dorothy find   the daughter of Dorothy's Butler James Clemente  that's who this man is and my wife and I went   to New York City and we were able to interview  barbara de Jordan or Brenda Jordan the daughter   and boy it just opened the floodgates she could  tell us about the parties at Dorothy's you know   at the townhouse and Sammy Davis jr. and Jayne  Mansfield being there and Jayne Mansfield taking   off her clothes and her father having to help her  put him back on I mean they're just some great   stories that she could tell us she could tell us  about how her father took Dorothy's columns to the   journal American all kinds of things how the the  sari the butler and the and his wife and the two   children lived in the townhouse so barber was a  first-hand witness to what went on there how they   were permitted to sit at the dinner table with the  other Kilgallon children like part of the family   and then she gave us some really strong news  she said that Jill Dorothy's daughter had said   to her father my mother was killed we have another  witness who said that Jill said that as well that   they all knew that Dorothy was working on the JFK  assassination that her father said be careful stay   away from Jack Ruby you shouldn't be involved in  all that but of course she wouldn't listen so we   learned a lot from Barbara too Jordan as well as  you heard me say that FBI agents swarmed Dorothy's   townhouse the morning that she died and took all  of her documents that's from Barbara to Jordan   that she knows that happen in the new book people  ask me all the time with the deaths of Marilyn   Monroe and Dorothy Kilgallen related well as you  may know the circumstances with with Kilgallon   dying in fact we should go back if we may to when  Mark Sinclair found Dorothy Kilgallen s body if   you'll bear with us just a minute I need to be  able to show you that video if we could do that   I'd appreciate it in the meantime I'll talk  about yeah if you would Mark Sinclair 3 I'm   sorry mark Sinclair is the one who found Dorothy  Kilgallen body these are the the said this is the   sad chronicle of that did she tell you what her  plans she was going home what obviously she did   because she went to the Regency do you suspect  that she got a phone call after you left after   I left I think she got a phone call from somebody  and she agreed to me whoever it was at the Regency   that's what that's my belief because she wasn't  going to Clarke's she had asked me if I wanted   to meet her because she did not have anybody she  was going to meet with and she was not dressing   for a date date well she did end up on the Clarkes  briefly with maybe but not mom but she wouldn't be   she might have done that and then gone home but  that wouldn't have been an evening like she had   why didn't you accept her offer and go with her so  I was tired myself we did she had done something   every day that week and she had more appointments  for me the following week and I didn't want to see   any more I wanted to go home did she tell you that  she had a meeting at her son's school yes on that   that was Sunday I did her hair before the show  and she told me to come the next morning before   9:00 I arrived at the house at 9:00 here's my  key I think was about 8:30 8:45 he was my key   let myself in went upstairs and died he was dead  in her bedroom you went to the third floor bedroom   and she did not sleep in that she did not sleep  in that room and when I entered Dorothy was she   was not in that room but the air conditioning was  on it was called out that's the room what about   that air conditioning vent was that no that's the  dressing room oh no that's a heater that's not an   air conditioner this is the air conditioner oh  that's it what the work it would have been in   that position right in that same position and it  was blowing out in that room and I was here and I   the light was on and she wasn't there so I turned  on my curling irons and I walked into the bedroom   not thinking that she would be there and she was  sitting up in bed and I walked over to the bed and   touched her and I knew she was dead right away and  how was the bed made up the bed was spotless she   was dressed very peculiarly she was dressed well  like I've never seen her before she always dressed   in pajamas and old socks and her makeup was off  and her hair was off and everything was done   she was completely dressed like she was going out  the hair was in place the makeup was on the false   eyelashes were on the matching pin MA and row book  laid out on the bed a drink on the table the light   was on the air conditioning was on though you  didn't need an air conditioner you would have had   the heat on and she was always cold and why she  had the air conditioning on I don't know possibly   someone else that turned it on well maybe to keep  the body at a certain temperature you know was the   glass on the bedside table within her reach it was  on the right hand side no it was way away way over   and the book she was turned upside down it wasn't  in the right position for if you've been reading   laid it down and it was laid down so perfectly  you know like that and one hand rigor mortis   had set in on one hand the right hand and it had  drawn up the cup of the covers a little bit and   there was lipstick on this sleeve of the bolero  jacket and the light was on and she was sitting   up it's even better that we brought it up right  here because I want to talk about Marilyn's death   as well but you heard him say eyelashes makeup  hairpiece on clothes she never wore to bed not   in the bedroom she ever slept in book upside down  no reading glasses no nothing that sound like a   staged death scene to you no investigation despite  that they took one look at an empty Seconal bottle   and decided for whatever reason the Emmy office  at that time was controlled by the Mafia by the   way that's in both books close the case up be done  with it that's what they did no investigation so   that turns me to Marilyn and Dorothy's death no  investigation of Dorothy's Marilyn's barely an   investigation I will tell you right now and one  of the things I'm working on if I write a third   book is this the Marilyn Monroe's death was a  dress rehearsal for how they killed Dorothy a   lot of similarities there drug overdose found in  a bedroom all these other kind of things that's   something I'm going to investigate as I go along  okay here's Potocki that was Dorothy's boyfriend   that I told you about one quick thing about him  because I want to move on a bit until recently   I couldn't quite figure out how Pataki ended up  involved in Dorothy's death whether he actually   gave her the barbituates or set it up or whatever  and these things happen when you're researching I   found a casino a casino gambling boss in Las Vegas  who told me about the Mafia in Vegas and all of   that and then just by chance while at the end the  interview asked about Dorothy he knew who Dorothy   was and all of that and I said by the way how  about Ron Pataki said well sure I know about him   I said oh you do he said yeah we knew when Dorothy  died the Pataki he was around there because as I   understand it Pataki had gotten himself in some  trouble with the wrong people and those wrong   wrong people were pressurizing him and then they  knew that Dorothy Kilgallen was his girlfriend   basically at the time and they made a deal you  tell us what Dorothy's gonna put in that book   for Random House and if you do we'll get you out  of that trouble well we think that's what happened   right now because what this gentleman said to me  gave me a chill when he told me he said Pataki   told the wrong people the people in the underworld  whoever they were marcelo anybody whoever that way   the FBI guys whatever it was that Dorothy was  going to connect which we believe he already   had Marcelo Oswald Ruby and that she was going to  show how that whole thing was orchestrated with   bringing Melvin Bell I Indus to silencing Jack  Ruby at trial and he said to me when Pataki gave   that information out his his words Dorothy was  dead Dorothy was dead all right so I decided to   see if I couldn't get the New York District  Attorney's Office to investigate Dorothy's   death and I got them to they did a kind of a  told me they were going to do quite a thorough   investigation of her death but they really didn't  and though those details are in the book as far as   how far they went and why they didn't go further  and all of that I also tried to do other things at   that particular point to see if I could get find  that file of Dorothy's by looking into the FBI   files and all of that but then something happened  that really made a lot of difference and I want   to be able to recognize somebody in the audience  because that particular person in my opinion is a   hero I don't exactly remember when it was but  I got a telephone call from a man named Greg   Mullenix who was a lawyer in Fresno California  he said he bought the reporter who knew too much   or audio tape of it in the afternoon and read it  by the time he went to bed and he had a gift for   me and I said well what's that and he said I have  a copy of the Jack Ruby trial transcripts that's   Greg right there he deserves a hand and I'll  tell you why I'll tell you why I missed them   all of these authors of these books and I'm going  to talk about in a minute they missed him I think   we all felt like that you know oswald era Hoover  at brenway brainwashed us all that the Ruby trial   transcripts were probably about what the insanity  defense and all of that and so nobody took a took   time to even look at them at all well Greg was  nice enough to trust me with him 2,000 pages there   I am with those this stack took me two weeks to go  through them two weeks we would not have the Jack   Ruby trial transcripts if Greg had not brought  them along and I'm so appreciative of him trusting   me with them so what did I do I went through there  and I will hope you will be as shocked as I was   here's the cover page you can take a look at it  I embedded the Ruby trial transcript excerpts in   denial of justice so you can read them I didn't  want anybody saying that I made up this stuff or   whatever so four things stuck out at me right away  now remember this is the foundation that we should   have had for looking at the JFK assassination this  is where you start here's here's the transcripts   right here this is the Bible the Bible for the  JFK assassination sworn testimony by witnesses who   have no reason to lie who there who saw everything  this is this is the truth and yet those people who   knew about it and I'll give you an example a  little bit later or those people who didn't   know about it we should have found it some way or  another long before Greg did but we didn't and so   we miss things and when I went through there I  couldn't believe it I was just shocked I'm sure   my wife will tell you I screamed a couple times  first of all Jack Ruby according to two witnesses   Don Campbell and John Newman at the Dallas Morning  News said that Ruby came there shortly before JFK   was killed and stayed through when he died at 12  when he was shot at 12:30 and along with others   looked out at the window in the Dallas Morning  News down the street toward Daley Plaza as the   assassination was happening he was watching  the assassination which means he must have   known that it was going to take place you know  Dorothy Kilgallen heard that testimony and she   always looked at little things for instance she  never believed ruby was telling the truth do you   remember anything about him telling everybody that  after the after the assassination at the Dallas   Morning News he was on a twist board he was trying  to sell this twist board to the employees there   well she didn't buy that if he was supposedly so  upset about JFK's death and everything he wouldn't   do that Dorothy Kilgallen looked at the little  things but remember she's sitting in the front   row at front row listening and watching this  testimony and she hears Campbell and Newman say   that Jack Ruby was watching the assassination as  it took place all right here's the one that really   hit me though Jack Ruby what'd he say well I just  happened to be by the Dallas Police Department   basement right I just happened to go down there  and they just happened to bring Oswald on and I   just happened to shoot and well if you if you  believe that they know come on but people have   for years and years and years and years Ruby trial  transcript in the page the conversation was about   this man named hallmark who the parking lot across  from Jack Ruby's carousel club on Saturday before   Ruby shot Oswald he came over and asked to use the  payphone hallmark stands there as he's using the   payphone and he listens and here's what he said  did Ruby say anything with reference to whether or   not concerning whether or not he would be there  and not when Oswald was transferred did he say   anything on that he told every he told whoever he  was talking to that he would be there he would be   there yes stalking Oswald no question about it  he would be there it wasn't happenstance that   he ended up there and then in the Ruby trial  transcripts it talks about Ruby make he made   like a reporter he told a witness he made like  a reporter to get into the news conference for   Oswald in the police headquarters and then get  into the basement and then he used his friends   from the Dallas Police Department to get into  the basement as all as well I hate hate the   word conspiracy there's no conspiracy in this case  it's a plot to kill the president and this proves   it it's always been in there and we all missed it  Greg found these things and I published them so   I've been looking for information where I could  corroborate a little bit of this the one thing   about Ruby and the cops and today I heard more  information about that I found Ruby Dorothy had   written a column claimed Dallas cops lived it up  at Ruby's place and she does this column many New   Yorkers who worked in nightclubs operated by Jack  Ruby in Dallas say they weren't a bit surprised   that the revelation in Ruby and the local police  were chummy so to me he was allowed to hit they   were allowed to hang around he was allowed  to hang around headquarters when they were   questioning Oswald Oswald the performers vittle  vividly recalled jam sessions at which Dallas cop   join in the fun some playing musical instruments  others doing turns of singers and comedian at   the Carousel Club the also report that the town's  police made Ruby's place their late-late hangout   enjoying parties with the strippers and their  men friends after the official closing time   Dorothy found that that's what she did she found  those facts watch the assassination would be there   when Oswald was going to be transferred made like  a reporter if you if you hear about ruby that the   press confident that he's holding a notebook and  a pencil he didn't just happen to get down there   he was part of the plan part of the plan Oswald  was captured Oswald's a loose end you get rid of   Oswald by Ruby and then you shut up Ruby with  Melvin belli that's what Ruby found or Dorothy   found out now I have some disturbing news for you  some news that is disturbing to me and I hope it   will be to you I hope you'll all agree this is  primary source information Dorothy Kilgallen   columns and now we have the Jack Ruby trial  transcripts that's important material I hope   you'll agree I assume you'll agree also that this  kind of material should be must be a part of the   sixth floor Museum at Daley Plaza that's where  it should be right as part of the story as the   other side of the story Oswald alone all this so  people teachers children researchers can go into   the JFK museum at Daley Plaza and look at all this  material perhaps that hard copy of the Ruby trial   transcripts and all of that and then make up their  own mind about what happened wouldn't you agree   that makes sense none of it's there I happen to  be there myself today it's not there why isn't it   there I had a personal experience with the museum  this summer I offered to give them more than a   hundred documents videotapes books everything  about Dorothy Kilgallen as well as a hard copy   of the Jack Ruby trial transcripts and this was  a rollercoaster ride until I realized what was   going on I don't know how many of you have been  to the museum but if you go there I think you'll   get the same feeling that most people do that it's  completely almost completely focused on all alone   I saw that today all the exhibits about him all  of this kind of thing there's only two and I wrote   down the the two quotes about Ruby that I'll tell  you about otherwise it's all eyes wallet alone   stuff it's all Warren Commission stuff yeah they  put up some conspiracy theories but they're so   absurd that they make no sense whatsoever remember  the name of the museum sixth floor Museum at Daley   Plaza it points you directly at Oswald so I was  going to give him all this material from Dorothy   remember that's adverse isn't it to the Oswald  alone theory the Ruby trial transcripts that are   adverse to the to the Oswald alone theory first  they love the idea then they said the documents   weren't originals so they wouldn't take them so I  wrote a long email and said you're not gonna get   originals of these things they're authentic and  they're accurate and that's what you say you're   after on your website so they came back and said  okay yeah I guess that's all right and everything   in the meantime I sent them that material so  they could look at it and make sure that they   understood how important it was so then they came  back to me and they said look we're gonna send you   an agreement so this is the agreement they sent  me well I'm just gonna to summarize it it's an   impossible agreement no person like me could ever  sign it and this is the first indication really   that I got that they didn't want this maybe the  second I had they demanded that I give them all   the copyrights to my books all the copyrights to  books that I hadn't even written about Kilgallon   they had the opportunity to reproduce the books  make derivative works distribute the books by sale   or other means perform the work publicly display  the work publicly and use sound recordings of the   digital audio transmission they also could give me  no guarantee that they would exhibit my material   that they would keep it they could destroy it if  they wanted to that was the agreement that they   sent me signed by their CEO and by Stephen Fagan  the curator and Lindsay Richardson the assistant   or whatever curator why would you send somebody  who's giving you something for nothing important   historical documents about the JFK assassination  why would you send an an impossible agreement   well I jumped out of my shoes and I got upset  and everything else like that and I told him I   couldn't possibly do that and so then as I'm more  suspicious about the fact that they really don't   want these things and can I trust them with him  they say they're gonna send me another agreement   month or so goes by and then they tell me they're  going back to their copyright person before they   can send it I'd had enough I couldn't trust them  these are historical documents I couldn't trust   them and I was told by several colleagues mark  if you give them to them they'll throw them away   they'll destroy him I want them to be part of the  of the exhibits and all of that I also asked them   to speak at one of their programs about the  Ruby trial transcripts the most important JFK   assassination documents in history do you think  they'd let would let me do that absolutely not   now you're trying to think in your own mind why  why would they do this the museum is only alive   because of the Oswald alone theory everything  they have in there it's it's they lose their   relevancy if you were to put in an exhibit the  Jack Ruby trial transcripts and even the four   excerpts that I told you about that blunts  everything about an Oswald alone theory if   you put Dorothy's research in there and put in her  columns or some of the things that I found through   that it's it's just gonna blow away those things  that's why they can't take those things they can't   take the donation that I had for instance today  when I was down there and Greg and his wife were   there with my wife and I and we went around and  everything there was this there are two comments   about Ruby a Chicago native known for his temper  and heretic behavior behavior Ruby had childhood   ties to organized crime although mob-related  conspiracy theories evidence suggests that he   acted alone his motives remain in doubt they  know that's not a true statement because they   know about the Jack Ruby trial transcripts in fact  Gregg at one point they offered to give him give   them the transcripts they said they had some but  they weren't in good condition so he gave them to   him and what did they do they didn't put him in  an exhibit or anything else they just put him in   their files they knew they knew about what was in  the Ruby trial transcripts and they weren't about   to do anything with it and then mr. Fagin who's  now the curator assistant curator Fagin about   why more questions and answers about why Ruby  shot Oswald very difficult to know because we   really don't know what was going through Jack  Ruby's mind when he pulled the trigger Ruby   said it to be said he did it because of his love  for President Kennedy in part also despair mrs.   Kennedy from coming back to Dallas to testify at  a trial but then who those who knew Ruby well he   doesn't tell who these people are his friends and  co-workers they suggest something different they   say that Ruby's simply wanted to be a hero and  thought he might receive a medal for shooting the   assassination the president they envisioned him  standing at the door of his nightclub the Carousel   Club on Commerce as the man who shot the man who  shot the president you look at the Jack Ruby trial   transcripts you look at Dorothy Kilgallen columns  you look at all of that this is balderdash and   I just wanted to scream today as I watched young  children and older children walk into that museum   with their instructors and see that junk one  side of the story and walk out of there some   way or another thinking that one person killed the  president United States to that extent I finally   filed a complaint with the Attorney General of  this state and I said that under the deceptive   practices act if the look if the museum wants to  include certain things in its collection it can   do that but it can't go out and say as it does we  are the authority on the assassinations we have   everything you'll want to see they send out with  advertising saying that come to us we want to show   you everything the truth about the assassinations  the truth isn't there and now we know for sure   that they're deceiving because they won't let the  trial transcripts see the light of day or dhothi   Dorothy's research I'm still waiting to hear from  the Attorney General whether they'll look into   this or not and you know there's repercussions  from this a lot of repercussions and what are they   well they are the fact that researchers children  whoever it may be through the years haven't known   the truth it's interesting to note that this  these books that have been written about the JFK   assassination okay JFK and the unspeakable james  douglas the kennedy half century Larry J sabato   moment of madness by Elmer Gertz written a long  time ago even Dallas 1963 that talks about daily   plaus and other things the two worst offenders  case closed by Gerald Posner junk reclaiming   history this is the worst one by Vincent Bugliosi  the Manson prosecutor a thousand pages I knew   Vince when I found out about Dorothy's research  and the fact that she'd interviewed jack ruby   and she was there and she did all this and the  columns I sent him everything he said yeah mark   I'll include that in the book you think it's in  here absolutely not it's not in any of those books   about the trial transcripts or Dorothy Kilgallen  research and here's the worst one this damn Warren   report trash those books I mean I can't even  believe I'm saying they ought to be burned   because they continue to perpetuate these untruths  and we can't have that this is history people say   well who gives a damn about Dorothy Kilgallen  dying 50 years ago well I do and you should too   we want to know the truth she gave up her life for  her country trying to find the truth people have   called her a patriot two gentlemen go to her grave  every week in New York and put flowers there she   is revered by everybody that knows about her and  she can't get a date at the JFK Museum there are   other examples I could give you of the behavior  by the museum but I'm gonna leave you with this   and then we'll get on to Dorothea and summing up  some things there I got this flyer not too long   ago okay and this is another deceptive practice  if you could show the flyer this came through   email museum donor female the sixth floor Museum  at Daley Plaza it's giving day on September 19th   and I look down through here and I wanted to throw  up because here's the last sentence help us give   all North Texas the chance to visit this Dallas  historic landmark that changed the world arrogance   the landmark didn't change the world what changed  the world the killing of JFK the senseless death   of President John F Kennedy and they send this out  to people don't they have any shame and I've let   Fagin and everybody at the museum know I sent him  a copy of my letter that I sent to the Attorney   General and what have they done boy they're really  scared I'll tell you they're scared to death to   the effect that if you'll go on to the museum  reaction to the fact that they know the Attorney   General is on the job now what could they do I've  offered to meet with them I've already talked to   him about the donation again I've offered to  speak at their programs somebody speak about   the Ruby trial transcripts I don't give a damn who  it is if it's not me and what do they decide next   weeks the anniversary of the JFK assassination  what are the main two programs they have the   last day of Lee Harvey Oswald a conversation  with Ruth Payne toward and the other one toward   a psychological understanding of Lee Oswald just  crazy just crazy stuff and as I said the museum in   history how many young people have written essays  about this for for when they get back to school   how many teachers bringing those kids in today  and I just wanted to say wait a minute there's   more to this please please there's more to this  so what do we do now well I'm hoping that perhaps   with this this presentation I can warn people  out there be very careful taking people to the   museum unless they clean up their act or close  their doors one way or another which might be   the best thing to do because they're not telling  the whole story and people are being duped by it   every day and paying their money you know I feel  like I've tried to have a contribution to history   here myself I've been very fortunate through Greg  and through others to find information I don't   know why I got involved in this in the beginning  I don't maybe Dorothy chose me or whatever but I'm   a man of the truth like she was I've tried to be  Dorothy's voice I've tried to tell people educate   them about what happened here all right and I'm  gonna keep fighting when government agencies and   other people and authors and the museum and  others try to close her mouth they did it in   1965 and it's not going to happen again the real  tragedy here is that this woman died at 52 years   old 52 years old she died and that her mouth was  shut she couldn't write anymore she couldn't do   anything she couldn't live a life that we would  hope a woman like that could I want to close by   showing you maybe you'll remember that at the  time there was a famous program or a popular   program called Edward our mural person-to-person  and again I would say to you go into the Dorothy   Kilgallen Story org you can remember that you'll  see all the videos you'll see all the photographs   of her you'll see her columns you can read all  that yourself and make up your mind the Ruby trial   transcripts I posted those on my website mark  Shaw books com you can go read those spread the   word spread the word to young people especially  about this but here is the woman that they killed Dorothy if you have to be confined to one  job of the money that you do which would   it be well and I love television I have so  much fun on what's my line playing the game   and I love our morning radio program  too but I think that I would have to   settle for my first love and my true  love the newspaper business it still   has me and always will I think I hope well  god bless you Dorothy thank you very much questions/comments protest this is a library you  can say what you want any questions yes sir do you   believe that Carrie Kumar is the son of Johnny ray  and also did you ever were you ever able to speak   with Carrie Kumar well I think the mark Sinclair  says in a video that Dorothy told him that Carrie   was Johnny Ray's son the photographs of Carrie at  a young age show that golden hair I don't think   there's any question about that people ask me all  at the time about the three grown children well   I could never get them to cooperate too much  with what I was doing they didn't stand up for   Dorothy when she died recently I've tried to do a  couple things that I thought might help with that   I actually sent Carrie kamar daiba day before  lat two days ago books my books about Dorothy   that the museum didn't want Dorothy's books she  wrote a book called murder one and a book when   she traveled around the world in a race I sent  him the Good Housekeeping magazine I sent him   all kinds of things because I thought he ought to  have them and so I did that people say why didn't   they cooperate they don't have very good memories  of what happened in 1965 and beyond Dorothy was   worried about Carrie because she didn't think  Richard would take care of them well she was   right when Dorothy died Carrie went to live with  Jill and then came back to live with Richard and   he threw him out of the house I think it's three  or four years later Richard committed suicide so   they don't have great memories of what happened  back then and recently I had to make a choice to   go forward with something I felt could bring the  truth to Dorothy but to do it I would have had   to have probably gotten the children into a court  of law and if I had done that I thought it would   be too embarrassing for them I thought it would  have been especially tough for caring Dorothy   just adored Carrie read this article you'll see  and she changed her will so that he would get an   additional amount of money in the will that will  was never found by the way we think Richard threw   it so I'm still hopeful at some particular point  they might help with an investigation I don't know   if they think their father killed their mother  I think they believe that Ron Pataki obviously   was involved in Dorothy's death but they also know  about her obsession with the JFK assassination and   you see back then what they all thought the two  interviews you saw with the hairdresser's this   was kinda kind of amazing those are in 1999 and  2000 they waited that long to say anything about   Dorothy's death they never cooperated with anybody  and you know why because he said they're still   scared and I have had people including Dorothy's  second cousins in Arizona who would only talk to   a friend and not talk to me because they were  scared they said we don't want to lose one more   family member now this was 40 or 50 years later  but they're still worried out there because all   of them knew that what happened to Dorothy she was  killed and who was she killed by the same people   who killed JFK the powerful people Hoover Marcello  whoever else that may have been so I hope that   answers your question I hope it at some particular  point you know I've never heard from them so I   don't know if they're appreciative of what I've  done or not I hope they are because thousands of   people around the world I've heard about Dorothy  and hopefully you know she's gotten her reputation   back yes sir you talk about Marcello and he's  kind of not very far down the the the beaten path   I don't know if you know gee carmen was do you  I do not I do not I'm afraid not okay well Jean   was one of Marilyn's best friends all right and  her children published a book posthumously that   said that Johnny Roselli indicated that Marilyn  was killed by Marcellus people and that it wasn't   the first time that he'd done that sort of thing  no no I don't think if you don't mind I don't   think it would be the first time he was a ruthless  guy his is a billion-dollar empire in New Orleans   stretched to Dallas in fact I don't know if any  of you a good friend of mine out here of eternity   brothers Steve Dillon went ahead and called my  attention to an article I don't know a a story   on Channel five I believe it was about Campisi the  Campisi David camp is either restaurants that you   have here and the fact that he has a relationship  through I believe it says what grandfather or   something Joe Campisi well Joe Campisi and Joe  Sevilla where Carlos Marcello's underlings in   Dallas Joe Campisi actually had dinner or Jack  Ruby actually had dinner and there's proof of   that at Joe Campisi's restaurant the night before  he shot Oswald and more than that you know some of   these things it's hard to believe they didn't put  together way back then guess who the first visitor   was to Jack Ruby in jail it was Joe Campisi  mafioso and they didn't link that in at all   they just missed all those things because they  were they didn't care they had Oswald and that's   what happened so that was pretty interesting that  way one more question Alice's about there was a   handwritten note on the autopsy report about co2  what the heck was co2 doing in her bloodstream   you know it's interesting there are people and  I want to answer this people around the world   who study the JFK assassination every aspect of  it every centella of material that they can find   I have great respect for them I'm not one that  can do that I don't know anything about that I   don't know anything about where the bullet was or  where the trees were anything else like that I'm a   Dorothy Kilgallen follower Oh Dorothy's autopsy  what you said what was there I don't recall but   it may have been in there but we've never been  able to figure that out obviously if it was no   sorry excuse me for saying that but the point is  that people I respect anybody point of view let   me give a shout-out to this library they permit  all kinds of points of view about everything Tom   keener and Jeff Tim's what if they said to them  what if they tried to put on programs that only   favor one side or the other of things okay they  don't do that that's what libraries are all about   that's what we should be about we should hear  all sides of the story and why that damn Museum   won't do that is a tragedy any other questions I'm  cussing too much aren't I okay money money 6 bill   that's a six million dollar operation down there  by the way in case you don't know that's what they   take in the every year we will cover all questions  but I want to go front to back so to do a lot of   what thank you yes sir one one quick one in your  research have you seen real honest complicity from   LBJ well if I said I look emotive if want to look  at motive you can't Farley go any further than LBJ   he'd probably been a benefited than everybody  else the problem with LBJ and again is is the   layers of you know he was involved Murchison  all these other people nobody's been able to   kind of get through all those layers that's a  problem with Marilyn Monroe's death too is you   can't get it through all the layers to who it was  Dorothy's is much easier that way so the answer is   no but boy if you look at motive some people were  talking about LBJ LBJ today and you know the fact   that obviously he could have been involved there  but I don't think they've ever been able to you   know connect him as much as you would like to see  happen questions comments okay I'm curious if you   have any fear for your life bringing this out  well that goes with the territory in what I do   you know I've written books about Mike Tyson's  trial that nobody liked written books about to   Jonathan Pollard the spy then nobody liked my  emails been hacked my Facebook page has been   hacked I've gotten some nasty emails from people  but I will tell you more than anything I think I   haven't worried about it too much because again it  goes with the territory but for the most part it's   been overwhelming response from people around the  world who have just fallen in love with Dorothea   and I think because that's happened they really  haven't wanted to go after me too much that way   the criticism that I've gotten some people  weren't happy that I told a story about Kari   being an illegitimate child but I felt like that  was part of the Dorothy story because you know   just one quick I don't want to keep you too long  but I'll tell you she got really scared one time   before she died she woke up one morning and the  New York newspaper we couldn't find it and we   don't know which one it was but we knew do know  it happened there was a picture of Carrie and I   have a feeling this was a warning to Dorothy he  was walking across running across Central Park   and the picture was in the New York paper and it  scared her to death because she thought somebody   was following Dorothy or following Carrie they  were after her son to the extent that and we could   firm this because in a What's My Line program  right after that it was right near Halloween   they laughed about it on the show because she put  Carrie in a limousine to trick-or-treat and she   was scared to death of what happened there so you  know you never know what's going to offend people   but if you're if you're looking for the truth  you know with this situation you people don't   have to do anything about it but if you want to  call the attorney general's office or you want   to send a letter there and say hey look into this  you can I think in this day and age we too often   let things go by that bother us especially when  they're about the truth you know we've lost some   of that I think for some reason yes sir I think's  very interesting talk and I remember that week in   63 very well but there is something that the  Jack Ruby supposedly said that I think I got   it from there thirty years ago there was a JFK  assassination Center at the West End when it was   a popular place to go in Dallas was right yeah  they had a lot of information there but there's   a there's a comment that jackaroo be made that  take me to Washington I will talk but if I stay   in Dallas I'm a dead man I wonder if you ever  heard that well yeah and I think it was part   of that one where he said you know I can't ever  tell what happened the truth and all that kind   of thing you know again remember you know I'm not  putting down people who go for this Oswald thing   but ruby was the key he was the key and Dorothy  knew that and that's why she focused so much on   him and you know exposed his Warren Commission  testimony and interviewed him and nobody else   did that she was she really would felt like  that he was the key and everything so he may   have made those statements and everything else  like that but again you have to remember nobody   was listening nobody was listening those columns  are out there she wait 8 or 10 columns basically   say in the Oswald alone Theory's baloney and Ruby  stood up outside there by a railing if I remember   in a courtroom and said those things but nobody  paid attention why because Hoover was was you   know basically just brainwashing everybody and  and I'm sure you know why and and some people   have said to me well the the JFK museum down here  is doing this to protect Dallas because if there's   a plot to kill the president and people in Dallas  knew about it they should have stopped it but if   it's a lone nut you see then nobody in Dallas  could do anything and that's the same reason   that Hoover did what he did what he said because  he couldn't be held accountable if it's a lone   nut all right and so I think all of that has to do  with the fact that for whatever reason nobody was   listening way back then I mean Joe Campisi was the  first visitor oh I'll tell you another one I don't   know if you remember who candy candy bar was the  stripper all right well candy bar got in trouble   for marijuana possession do you remember this  all right well when I interviewed bill Alexander   I didn't realize Bill Alexander prosecuted candy  bar for that marijuana possession in front of what   Joe Brown the same judge okay and who did candy  bar who did Jack Ruby called after he think he   after he got arrested or whenever it was he talked  to candy bar I mean there's there's a whole part   of that that nobody ever even looked into and who  was candy bars fiance at some point do you anybody   have an idea who that might be Mickey Cohen Bell  eyes main client and Bell I handled the appeal for   candy bar I mean there's a million ways you  can go with some of this but nobody figured   that out there's not one newspaper story about  the fact that Mickey Cohen Bell eyes client one   of the one of the most dangerous mobsters in the  country that he's connected to Bell I if you had   that then you connect Bell I - you know and Bell  I statements and everything just didn't happen   nobody was listening and just one other thing  a friend of mine there's like thirty years ago   he passed away but mm-hmm he knew Murray now Oz  well real well and it was a passion of his the   whole thing and he's actually he was actually  quite famous at the time in his own right is   the air house the way it was on three talk shows  but he you know he said from marina as well he   maintained that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't what he  wasn't the primary guy and forget exactly how he   said that there's people that know them better  than I but we used to like talking about that   it wasn't you know it was not leave high every  all also I always believed that yeah there's a   really good book I can't think of the name of  it but it basically this is an eyewitness who   was a kind of drug runner and other things in  New Orleans and it's his first-hand account of   how many times he saw Oswald with Marcello at  his office around there and all of that I think   it's pretty pretty believable in terms of that  connection there but you see Dorothy didn't go   with that she she really looked at motive Joe  Kennedy double-crosses the Mafia they helped   him win Illinois in Canton and West Virginia they  win the election we win the election we'll leave   you alone I have an eyewitness that I found a  very revered newspaperman who was right there   when Joe Kennedy ordered JFK to a point Bobby  attorney-general what does Bobby do he goes after   those people especially Marcello because he hated  Marcello and all of that and what is Marcello what   is Marcela doing as November of 1963 comes around  he is in it has a trial in in New Orleans for   racketeering Bobby Kennedy helped orchestrate  that and he's about to be deported well he's   backs against the wall he's got to do something  he hates Bobby Kennedy but he if he kills Bobby   Kennedy Jack Kennedy will come after him with  everything the government has but you killed   Jack Kennedy Bobby Kennedy is powerless and I will  tell you right now you can look it up they never   bothered those guys again now I think that makes  common sense in terms of what happened here and   then you bring bail I into it and all of that but  there's an awful lot of people who would disagree   with me yes sir did you come across any evidence  that Dorothy started her book yes good good point   I should have brought that up she showed she was  working on it and she had showed chapters to I   don't know if you know but Bennett Cerf who was  on you know with her on What's My Line he was a   publisher founder of Random House the night before  Dorothy died at the last show he showed she showed   him chapters of that book we don't know what  really happened to that but three years later the   book murder one which is a collectible item right  now murder one was published under Dorothy's name   and it was all about her trials and everything  else and in the excuse me and the preface in   the foreword to that book there's material in  there that looks like it could have come from a   book that she was writing about the assassination  yeah is it possible that she's told other people   her suspicions her findings well people have  asked me did she have a copy of her her file   she should have had well back then you didn't  couldn't go down to Kinkos or whatever so she   do that basically all you had was a carbon but she  was very closed mouth about it the only people she   talked to about it were the two hairdressers and  Ron Pataki and we believe anyway that she didn't   really speak to anybody else about it except to  tell him what she was doing she didn't give them a   specific she just told him they're gonna crack the  case wide open and all that which was obviously an   invitation to eliminate her and then that's what  they did yes sir yes I'm not really sure exactly   how to put this but it won't matter please this  is gonna labour assuming Oswald was guilty and   Ruby are guilty and all that stuff why should you  know Dorothy be murdered I mean if she if all the   thing if everything will could exonerate them  is that the only reason you know well yeah it's   it's almost the same situation you're in with  the sixth floor Museum you can just about let   anything into the to the to the equation you can  let Dorothy's material in you can let my material   in research whatever it may be all of that can  be then considered along with other the other   evidence that happens and you can discount that  and all in everything right you can do that but   you can't do it with the Ruby trial transcripts  and that's where Dorothy watched this remember   she's in the courtroom she's listening well here's  another thing I always wondered wait a minute the   reason that they found Jack Ruby guilty is because  they didn't buy the insanity defense because they   didn't you know the insanity defense right well  they didn't but they had heard also the evidence   of Ruby's actions before he shot Oswald which  were in the Ruby trial transcripts and so the   jurors had to have said to themselves look he  couldn't have been crazy if he's watching the   assassination when it took place he if he said  he'd be there when it happened if he snuck into   the basement making like a reporter I think we  now know why the jury decided what they decided   so you can get around anything you people can  say I'm crazy or Dorothy is or whatever sworn   testimony and it's believable and if you listen  if you if you listen to it I think you'll feel the   same way so Dorothy had that information that's  what made her lethal that's in my opinion what   made her lethal she was going to publish some of  the transcript material that she'd heard and it   would have blasted away I like to say in the book  that I believe if she had done that J Edgar Hoover   would probably have been indicted Marcella would  have been arrested they would have put all that   together and everything but nobody was listening  yes sir this is actually all very enlightening   I'm actually just here for extra credit for class  but coming from basically someone who's really not   even interested in this entire subject this is  okay good and I'm sorry that sounds very sorry   it's actually very enlightening you've definitely  brought light to this whole situation like clearly   there's something more going on with the whole  assassination like there's like I truly believe   there's no way that it's just Oswald but then  that only raises more questions for me and I'm   just curious what your thoughts are as to so  since we've kind of more or less cracked open   that it's not a one-man job do you believe that  Oswald is in fact the shooter as well I think he   had a part in this I think he had a part in this  certainly remember just curry sent the scent to   everybody to the overpass you know there are all  these other things that happened during that a   lot of confusion and all of that kind of thing I  just think it's it's unfortunate that they just   focused in on Oswald who said he was a patsy but  nobody was listening and then stopped they just   basically stopped you know I read something  today oh I think it was at the museum as a   matter of fact it said that and I'd I'm not sure  I knew this or maybe you will the assassination   of a president at the time was not a federal  crime it was a local crime so just curry and   his his or you know his Police Department should  have taken over this whole thing well right away   what happened Hoover marched in took over had  all the documents sent to Washington all these   other kind that's unfortunate because I think and  just curry has said if he could have had some time   with Oswald and his detectives and everything he  probably could have found out what happened here   but with Oswald those who were involved in his  participation they couldn't let him live I mean   they couldn't do that you got loose lips there and  you got to get rid of him and you got the perfect   guy to do it there's Jack Ruby I want to be a big  star in the in the Mafia that's what he wants and   and you know there's a lots of reasons why they  would have been able to recruit him but he was   the perfect guy to do that one of the reasons is  this common sense all the friendships with the   police I saw today where it said that Jim Lovell  you know the detective that's holding on to Oswald   in the in the in the audio it says and Jim and Jim  Revell says yeah I saw Jack Ruby's standing there   with a pistol in his hand well obviously who that  who it was right and then and yet if you look at   the Warren Commission what they say oh there's  no evidence of Jack Ruby having friendships in   the Dallas Police Department come on yes yes sir  oh you're talking about a relationship there with yes uh now forgot what's gonna ask that's what happens  when you get older think about it a minute all   right all right the instance where Oz will Wagner  car the state Attorney General of Texas this is   what I was going to mention he had actually had  jurisdiction over the case because it was a state   crime and his his state agency was investigating  this until it was shut down by LBJ and in his   investigation and I found this out because when  he retired he was a graduate of Texas Tech and he   donated all his personal property in papers to the  southwestern collection at Texas Tech University   when they're all still there and I went through  the who is this again that did Wagner car he was   the state Attorney General of Texas in 1963 and  he his investigation turned up the fact and this   is in his documents that's in the collection at  Texas Tech that Oswald was a paid FBI informant   they would see when he was an informant number 179  and he was being paid $200 a month by the federal   government now ironically when özil was arrested  at the Texas theater and brought back the Dallas   County Sheriff when they were going through the  contents of his wallet they found a receipt for   a government voucher for $200 what a coincidence  no no coincidences life that's fascinating and   that should have been followed through some way  or another I've never heard that before I had   no idea you know when I said I was well it was a  dead end I shouldn't say that he's a confused man   you can't ever figure anything out there you can't  come up with any conclusions because there's just   all over the place just like something like that  that may be the truth who knows Dorothy didn't   want to get involved in that she saw ruby as the  key and I do too yes sir mr. so let me thank you   for coming and also thank Alan Library to put  this program together I'm just just fascinating   and it's an honor to be here and thank you for  giving us this opportunity well it's my honor I   appreciate it very much thank you thank you and I  will say you know I wouldn't be here if if Tom and   and and Jeff you know didn't ask me to come and  they they knew what I was gonna talk about they   didn't have to they would you know feel like it's  gonna be controversial or whatever but that's what   this is all about you want to present all sides  of the equation and I really appreciate that   it's a wonderful library so thank you this young  man is not my student and but I'm very glad that   he's here for extra credit yes as statistician  I have a steady dish somehow I think my life   has been it's a mystery that how I end up with  JFK it just amazes me coming from 10,000 miles   away in 78 I was like as nano second away from Lee  Harvey Oswald marina all of us oh and then for 12   years I worked in downtown when I was teaching  and passing by JFK assassination that I guess   so called X which I think is morbid to let cars  drive by it but that's my opinion and I do agree   with you on the sixth floor Museum I never took my  students there because I know it's just absurd it   doesn't have to be that way either it doesn't have  to be that way if they'll be flexible about things   and but it's difficult for them to do how are you  gonna put the Ruby trial transcripts in there and   then keep you know they could call it this sixth  floor museum in tribute to Lee Harvey Oswald if   they wanted to that's up to them but you can't go  out and promote it as the landmark that changed   the world or we're educating people or we're the  place where you should come that's deception to   people who are paying their money and the problem  is of course they don't know what they're missing   because they don't promote any of that they  don't promote anything that's not Pro Oswald   alone so all of those people that went there  today they say they have four hundred thousand   people come through there every year they come  there they don't know what they're missing they   don't know that the ruby trial transcripts exist  they don't know that Dorothy Kilgallen material   exists so they can only you know watch and listen  to what is provided for them I don't I don't know   how the the people at the Museum look themselves  in the mirror now this way especially when they   know about all this material and won't permit  it to be in that Museum one more thing I need   to say because this young man here he needs to  understand in 50s and 60s even up to this point   it's the Russians do it very well I think the term  if I translate it correctly it's called a sparrow   it's named after that bird usually they send a  young handsome man or or a lady in order to I   guess extract information from you recently they  just didn't in Iran as well - I guess undermine   someone that they think is dangerous so I think  George Pataki it doesn't surprise me around that   sir it doesn't surprise me that why somebody must  have set him up with Dorothy for that reason to   extract the information in a romantic way you  know the Russians are perfect at it actually   before I should also tell you Ron Pataki still  alive he's 84 lives in Columbus Ohio I continue   to pile up information about him and what he  did and I'm gonna I'm gonna end up getting him   indicted at some particular point because there's  no question he had something to do with Dorothy's   death all you have to do is look at those poems  for him to have had you know some part in and   whatever happened and I'm hoping that if we  can get him arrested at some particular point   or charged with a crime that he will let us know  what happened back then by the way before we're   going to take three more questions but we have  on YouTube called Oswald's last call we have   two million hits you'd be one of them hello you  mentioned a couple of facts that I found very   interesting nism one is after the trial she went  directly to New Orleans right yeah yeah whatever   carlos marcello is that's right exactly and you  know again i think what the problem we have is i   wish you know that she had written down and we  had what odds will what Ruby told her we don't   have that but as I said she didn't go anywhere  else except she went to New Orleans and that   was where Marcella was mm-hm and she had a scary  experience that's why she sent mark Sinclair the   hairdresser back to New York and all of that so  we have to believe that whatever Ruby said sent   her there yeah that's a very important point that  I didn't know about and also could you elaborate a   little bit more you said there were two witnesses  from the transcripts that testified and that they   saw in Jack Ruby watching the assassination  what what were the witnesses and what was   their background they were well I I have to go  back to my notes but one of them was I think a   circulation manager and the other might been  a Salesman or whatever they testify that now   you remember that the time that JFK was killed  was 12:30 Ruby showed up at 12 I think they say   12:40 or twelve thirty five one of the other and  apparently we were trying to figure out how far   away the Dallas Morning News building was and  it was quite a number of blocks down from Daley   Plaza but if you were there you could have seen  into Daley Plaza how clearly we don't know but   they had a window in the corner and the one man  testifies that Ruby got there I think at 12:25 or   12:30 or something and was there until that guy  left and the other guy then testifies that he   was there after that and Ruby was there the entire  time and he was standing with everyone looking out   at Daley Plaza as the assassination happened and  from that testimony you get the feeling that they   realized that obviously it wasn't by accident  or coincidence that he was there for that you   know he always said he was selling advertising or  whatever they don't mention anything about that   I think they were just of the belief that you  know why was he there at that particular time   so that's their testimony and I can give you  the the names I gave him to you before but I   can give them to you but they're in both of my  books thank you that's curious when you tell   my Bobby Kennedy and Jagger Hoover do you have  a theory about Jimmy Hoffa I kidded Gregg down   here today that Jimmy Hoffa may be buried in his  backyard in Fresno you know that's that's every   time I think of Jimmy Hoffa if you don't mind my  saying something you'll laugh at I think of uber   you know what I think of uber because if Jimmy  Hoffa would have been alive when anybody started   a service like uber they would have been killed  with those Union people they would have never   put up with that at all it would never at ubirr  would not be there today Hoffa is just a mystery   now there's some if you don't mind there's a  another little connection I'll tell you about   there was a lawyer in Florida named Frank Horrigan  oh and he passed away but I was able to interview   his wife Nancy and he represented an interesting  triumphant if that's a word triumph or whatever   anyway Carlos Marcello Santo Trafficante who is a  gangster in Florida and James Hoffa and bail I was   a very close friend of Oregano's and after the  Ruby trial Nancy Reagan Oh told me she was with   her with with trafficante and and bail I and they  were around and everything and one way or another   then Rogan Oh said to traffic honey well what  about bail I and Ruby and he said whatever you   do don't ask bail I about Jack Ruby which men that  somehow or another that was connected in there and   here's Hoffa in that whole you know exercise too  and nobody hated Bobby Kennedy any more than James   Hoffa as you know he tried to strangle them once  in Washington so that whole connection in with   Hoffa I really looked into that at one particular  point in terms of him his active participation in   the JFK assassination and I really couldn't find  a connection there it was much easier doing that   with Marcelo and Sam Giancana in Chicago yes sir  I had a question regarding about Mark Sinclair who   witnessed or found her body Dorothy no police  report or personal possessions that were taken   away being investigated you're aware of that  when you talked to mark I mean know if he if   he was describing the whole room was kind of odd  yeah you would think that he would say hey I this   is this is not she didn't kill herself someone  murdered her he left right away he left right   away after he found the body scared to death he  didn't want anybody to talk to him or anything   else he didn't talk for 50 years and I will tell  you that with with Mark Sinclair I hope that you   looked at his you know now this is information  from a long time ago right and I did not conduct   those interviews all right I know the people that  did they're very responsible but if you will if   you watch his watch Joe Tannehill if you watch  Charleston Sinclair mark Sinclair and Charles   Simpson you kind of get a feeling that it looks  like they're telling the truth a couple times   words or they try to put him in their mouths  and they won't do it I think they're they're   very credible in terms of what they said and they  were heartbroken when Dorothy died because she was   so close to them and everything so those are the  kind of witnesses that I try to find yeah I didn't   interview them myself but I know who did and and  I think they're very credible yes hey Mark how   deep have you looked into the Santo Trafficante  end of that of that because of the connection he   had with more cell I think that's one of the most  fascinating mafioso in history a mild-mannered man   Frank Logano represented him and you know really  Nancy talked about what kind of person he was that   he was very low level but he was a you know he had  people who could do bad things to others she talks   about on the day that JFK assassination occurred  that Traficante I believe it's smart cell oh yeah   Marcello and she and she was a very young woman  at the time celebrated the death of JFK at the   I believe it's the International Hotel in Miami  toasting JFK's death and who really bothered Nancy   to the point that she left her relationship with  with Regatta for a while because it really upset   her and gave her the feeling that they obviously  had something to do with JFK's death well the   reason the the reason I'm saying looking at Santo  Trafficante um he hated Kennedy and had to do   with the Cuban Missile Crisis yes I think that's  odd and see because he knows and the whole thing   right and supposedly he admitted to his lawyer  in 1987 for he passed away that they killed the   wrong Kennedy they should have got Bobby not John  look into that angle because very very interesting   very very possible again okay like Bobby very well  that's for sure her that's for sure and who killed   Bobby JFK RFK jr. now thinks that Sirhan Sirhan  did not that it was the other guy in the room   who knows if I had to guess I'd tell you that they  couldn't let Bobby Kennedy become president United   States the same people that killed JFK they were  about to let him become president United States   if I had to really investigate that death and I'm  not going to but if I had to I'd start with the   same people who were involved with killing JFK  because they got rid of Bobby right so they're   powerless and they're not going to go after him  anymore and now Bobby pops up again and he may   become president United States you're gonna let  him do that absolutely not was there somebody   over here thought I saw Han that was you okay yes  sir basically it was just a comment that I never   believed the stories as they present them now  about Kennedy's death and there was used to be   a radio personality there used to say and now for  the other side of the story or the other side of   the page that's true yeah well you just presented  the other side of the page for me to where I can I   can just say to myself I knew that wasn't true it  couldn't be it just never was anything can be true   and I don't stand up here saying I'm right but  you know I've got to go along with Dorothy you   know she she loved JFK and it was a senseless  death they should have never killed JFK they   should have killed Bobby and JFK then was killed  in at an early age just like Dorothy was there's   two people that should have lived a long time  and unfortunately they both were killed at her   at early ages so yeah there's the other side of  the story but there will be people who will hear   what I had to say as they have done I mean I'm  very blessed that with the two presentations I've   made on the reporter who knew too much and denial  of justice there's more than a hundred thousand   hits now and so I feel good that people at least  have gotten that side of the story they may not   change their mind or whatever I will tell you that  I let okay I'll just tell you this I wasn't going   to but I will tell you this I let the media in  Dallas know about my sending a complaint to the   Attorney General and I asked them to look into  it and that includes a couple reporters with the   Dallas Morning News it includes man with the the  editor down at the Statesman American in Austin   I with all of them and I also let a gentleman at  night I haven't heard from any of them and then I   let a gentleman named Patrick Williams know at the  Dallas Observer I had a conversation with him the   other day where the first thing he said is I'm  not gonna do it anything with this because I I   know it was it was Oswald alone and why do I know  because of case closed that's my case and I said   we'll just listen to me for a while and I gave  him pretty much some of the information that you   just heard I felt like I was talking to a doorknob  he did not want to hear any of that and he wasn't   about to look into any of this at all that's  his prerogative but as I said to him you know   it's really too bad that you don't want to look  into this it's too bad you're not someone like   Dorothy Kilgallen I don't think he appreciated  that comment but I said it anyway you know come   on you're a newspaper person follow up on this  see what's gonna happen and when anything to do   with that this is his Bible not the Ruby trial  transcripts that's for sure yeah you've been   instrumental in trying to get the DA's office in  New York City to reopen the investigation he had   to pry can you tell everyone about your efforts  in that regard complete failure how's that here's   what happened 50-plus year old murder case right  all right so the reporter who knew too much came   out in 2017 and I wrote a long letter to Cyrus  Vance Jr who you may have heard of gotten some   bad publicity with regard to dealing with the  leader of our country DEA in New York City sent   in this long letter and I said hey and I say the  reporter knew too much and the agent and other   people my wife even I think thought I was crazy  they'll never look into a murder case like this   and lo and behold the next thing I knew he told  sue Adelman at the New York Post yeah we're gonna   look into this and I was as happy as I could  be and they promised a thorough investigation   so for the next few months they gave me a former  homicide detective named Richard Ramos as my point   person I sent him material through the email of  witnesses documents evidence report the autopsy   I sent him everything that way and then we agreed  to meet in New York City I think was June the 4th   of 2018 the DA's headquarters downtown he was so  excited I normally handle embezzlement cases he   said my dad is so excited he started watching  more what's my line I mean I mean this is just   something I can't believe I got this case he  was so excited and by the way after looking   at your book I wonder if Ron Pataki didn't sell  Dorothy's secrets to the wrong people I walked   out of there floating on air I'm gonna get my  thorough investigation so a couple months go   by and they let me know Ramos does that they're  going to give me an update I answer the phone   and I'm expecting some good news or an update and  this Eugene Hurley who was the assistant district   attorney a sign of the case comes on the phone  and I knew right away there was a problem and he   said Mr Shaw I'm sorry we've looked into this  we can't find any harm that came to Dorothy I   said well what about the stage destiny no we  can't can't find anything there how about Ron   Pataki all the evidence that I gave you how about  the 22 witnesses I gave you and then he finally   said got aggravating so mr. Shaw I'm not going to  argue with you besides we don't know who did it that's what he said wasn't that so I went  ahead and I wrote another letter to him to   Vance and I said that here's what he said and all  of that I put that in the denial of justice book   I appealed it I filed a Freedom of Information  Act I did everything I possibly could and they   would never come back to investigating I then  went to the Attorney General of the state of   New York and tried to get them to look into  it and they didn't and so now I've come up   with another angle that I think might work  because I'm not going to give up on it but   it really was disturbing because you know she  still hasn't gotten that full investigation   that I want that's all I ask he is for them  to do a thorough investigation of her death   and I don't know if that's going to  happen but I'm going to keep trying you
Channel: City of Allen - ACTV
Views: 3,940,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dorothy kilgallen, jfk, jack ruby, dallas, mafia, police, john f kennedy, assassination, mark shaw, librray, allen, texas, Dorothy Kilgallen, Denial of Justice, oswald, lee harvey oswald, suicide, murder, accident, allen public library, reporter, killed, JFK assassination, The Reporter Who Knew Too Much, tragedy, What’s My Line, Media Icon, TV star, Television Star, Dowdle Brothers, movie, new evidence, investigation, dallas texas, Marc Sinclaire
Id: VYDaqto22NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 25sec (7405 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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