Untouched Pocket Loaded in Gold!

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holder 1 Dan her what Andrew prospecting here let's come back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope you like what you see I have a couple hours to kill in Kamloops BC my son is playing volleyball in a volleyball tournament here today and I had three hours before I have to go pick him up so I decided to stop by tranquille River you may have seen previous videos there's a way to point you may have seen previous videos where I was planning on tranquille it's an awesome awesome spot lots of great gold free public panning for anyone on lower tranquille that is and I'm just going to go and spend a couple hours and see what kind of shiny I can find hope you enjoy [Music] now it is a chilly chilly chilly fall day here ice on all the puddles you can even see the beaver pond behind me is frozen so it won't focus all there's a layer of ice over top of it all the leaves have fallen off the trees we are well deep deep and fall and it's cold out here it's giving chilly padding today fingers are gonna freeze but I'm only here for a few hours should be fun all the same and here's our first pan or on the creek find in sunshiny seeing if he can find as Polly would say that can be don't know where I'm gonna pan today probably go upstream a bit more from this still so just walk in at a random spot and I see lots of people but digging underneath this Bank here it does lots out underneath this Bank hopefully that means they're finding something hopefully doesn't mean it's all gone I see another panner just upriver they're crazy they're everywhere long tranquille but I think this is where I'm gonna start in fact I want to be over there but I just start on this side then cross over and see what's on the other side because you know the grass is always greener on the other side and number one so nothing spectacular but we got four pieces of gold there I'll do a couple more here before I move across this other side and see what it looks like only one little speck in the next pan I'll play that rock over there I think you better try down here this time another panner just showed up from the area they're everywhere on this beautiful Saturday morning pan 3 a little bit better than the one spec pan I just had and that was right there let's keep digging I should point out this is bedrock right now here we have bedrock so I'm digging right on bedrock so nothing spectacular in that one I am going to move to the side and see what the other side holds people have worked this bedrock outcrop really hard might be worth a look to see what they're finding back when I was working this side of the creek I actually never worked up here on this stuff here I was always working a trench that ran sir the water's edge here because there's a a dike bedrock dike that runs down there and it was loaded in gold but because I was doing so well in there I came up and tried this spot out and because today I'm not doing so well okay well give it a shine no much better but a nice piece maybe I'll try again from there I was up over where my shovel is over there digging down in pocket at all there's the puckett that last handful came from a nice we get that rock out of the bottom unfortunately my backpack is way downriver with the pry bar in it so I just have a shovel today see if we can make it so we'll work I think I got it loose it's just not coming out there we go that's a nice little pocket now we had my little trowel here that's what hands are for [Applause] one digging down in there that they only have one glove on I'm getting used to the water now ooh that one's got gold in it I just saw some truth camera hopefully the camera guarded enough that I can Circle it or something on film I just saw some gold this could be a good pocket if it is good pocket maybe I'll go and clean that up more takes a long time to fill a pan for a pocket like that though so yeah it's not production work that's for sure okay let's see what's in here that's some Pekin oh oh yeah there we go that's what a pocket can do for you lots of great gold I will go clean the pocket out a bit more one of them is even a little muggy he's got thickness to him he's tiny but he's got thickness that's what I'm talking about I don't put everything on camera the last you know three or four pans I know a few pans today I haven't even shown you guys because they were so near awful I should talk about that a little bit on my last video the video that just came out yesterday would've been awhile ago when you watch this I had a lot of people calling me an idiot and stupid and all these things for what I was doing well I don't put everything on video the information that I'm going by for my testing is from thousands of hours of research and maps and trials and tests and the one I'm talking about is where I was up by the bee trip on that little Creek on the side of a hill testing a creek I have really good reasons for testing a very steep Creek like that down at the bottom it goes over a talus slope that's not gonna catch anything if the river disappears the creek disappears up higher where I wanted to get to was too dangerous for me I didn't want to hurt myself especially when I'm by myself out there so I ended up testing that hill which I wanted to test I wanted to see if there's a pockets that are catching gold on and there wasn't it's all part of the information but for someone to watch my 15 minute video and say I don't know what I'm doing you don't have all the information you don't get to see the whole process so you might have to just you know defer to the fact that maybe I know what I'm doing maybe I know something you don't about that particular situation and just go with what I'm doing because I do have reasons for it and I do know what I'm doing I am pretty smart when I know this stuff so though those of you who say I'm dumbest dipstick or much much worse you might need to you know I want out wha say you're ignorant but ignorant meaning you don't know L the information all the facts you might need to just give me the benefit of the doubt that I actually do know what I'm doing have a reason there's my lecture for the day let's look at water let's look at gold let's go have some more fun and another nice pan from a pocket that just must be loaded in gold now the pockets not very big I will continue to play with it until you know it Peters out the but there we go one that one two three four five six seven eight nine nine medium-sized flakes in that pan nothing wrong with that so here's one of my favorite things to do when prospecting finding a piece of gold sitting on bedrock you see it from that distance let me zoom in on it the lens doesn't slogging up too much beautiful piece of gold sitting there just waiting for me to pick it up now there it is a very nice picker should I put up in my pan so I can find it again I trust my panning skills I won't lose that there we go it's in there I trust my panning skills it will come out in the pan well my my my my my another one just popped out as I was digging around god I love it not nearly as big as the last now unfortunately this has to be the last pan of the day because I have to go pick up my son Alex from his volleyball tournament well I'm here bear give a good show to Nico one of Alex's friends who likes watching my videos hey there Nikhil and of course a shout-out to all of my students at Mount Boucherie not just Nikko all of them now it's a great big flake isn't in here I'm gonna be digging back in this river no I trust my Pappy it'll be here though I am taking it slower than usual and I'm filming it all so everyone can see how I take careful pan rather than just a very very fast fan usually why I'm panning I just go for speed I only go careful if I know I've got something good in there or if I know I'm working really fine gold or if I need to know exactly what's in a spot of course I mean that's all one-handed so I can hold the camera with the other hand here we go let's hope for a big flake hey there it is and a few more look at that very nice picker I'd even call that one a picker a couple of big flakes that's the way to end off a day with a buy you the full pan of gold that little pocket was just loaded in good gold you have to title the this video a little pocket loaded in gold at a free public panning reserve you don't need a good claim to get big gold well I sign off from my amazing little pocket here that thing had a lot of great gold in it for what is it like three pans worth of material a lot of great goal so definitely a great spot to work of course I will be showing you a picture of all the gold once it's cleaned up really nice close-up picture and weigh-in and all that I was only here for an hour and a half it's not a huge way in but it was a lot of great wool so here you go here's a good shot of it and of course as always if you enjoy this video please hit that thumbs up button please leave me a comment I love reading them and I respond to well not all of them anymore but a lot of them and if you're new or haven't subscribed before I hope you liked what you saw today enough to subscribe so you don't miss more in the future and of course I've hundreds of videos from the past I really hope you all enjoyed my adventure on tranquille River here today until the next one fight a little bit of an interlude from gold panning to show some history of the area tranquille River here right at the base of it has a very large ghost town it's actually a ghost hospital if anything this a long long time ago was a mental hospital for the area and later on a tuberculosis Hospital or a place for people with tuberculosis to live away from the rest of the community so they didn't spread the disease and then even later on it became a ghost town it was abandoned and it's big I'll see if I get an aerial shot of it or something like that's to include in here but long time ago this here was a hospital and now it's all vacant the ghost town right at the base of tranquille River right where it enters into Kamloops Lake anyhow nothing to do with gold panning just thought I'd include some history now that makes a fun day of recreational panning not a whole lot of work not too strenuous enough gold to keep it interesting great weather great way to get out that's what it's about right there that's the fun part of prospecting the recreational panning part makes your day again till the next one you it's cold out here it's giving chilly panning today fingers are gonna freeze
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 1,174,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: great gold, gold panning, panning for gold, Tranuille river, tranquille, tranquille creek, digging for gold, public panning reserve, free gold panning, gold panning reserve, gold panning BC, bedrock gold, bedrock pocket, pocket full of gold, bedrcok pocket full of gold, gold, sniping for gold
Id: e5HAY6bIweA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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