Detecting: HUGE gold nugget found. (Pickerton claim)

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hello everyone welcome back to a foggy morning and pittin yes we nicknamed this claim patent because of all the Pickers let's hope someday we can nickname a claim no Girton if I claim full of nuggets anyhow the Mystery Continues here of where the Pickers come from so today I've come back to investigate where the sources I am I have not set any limits any sort of expectations of finding gold today I will not go away disappointed because I do not find it expect to find any I hope I do but do not expect to today I am looking and sort of following a few leads to see if I can find where that source is I have my trusty Garrett 80 gold metal detector I'm gonna be going around and checking out a few spots I've got jackhammer I got pans I've got everything gold panning the Fraser is always fun nice foggy morning I expect this fog to burn off as I said I don't expect to find anything but if I do [Music] so here's the crack that has produced the vast majority of my pickers so far lots of them have come out of there including those nuggets now one of the leads I have for today is as I was watching my own videos from afar let me back up a bit here I noticed the moss everywhere except for that bald spot right above where I found all those Pickers realizing that recently a rock has fallen off there and washed downstream in fact I think that rock right there is the rock that fell off one of my leads is possibly the gold was up above there the rock fell dropped gold and that's why over underneath that Moss I'm not finding any and down underneath that Moss I'm not finding any it was only right there so I'm gonna take the metal detector detect that crack above and see if we can find any signals [Music] [Music] so I have two signals here one there one right there side by side just above the crevice so you guys see what those are they're not giving me any number at all I have my sensitivity way up so they're not actually giving me a reading of what the number is but definitely sounding off as a signal so I peeled away the face right there and the signal went away could not get a signal anymore it must be in my pan I'm gonna go set up a panning table right here so I can pan close by use most of my work around here today I set up a pen table Oh stay right there and classify that down pat it out and see if that signal was anything after a quick classify here let's move the metal classifier away for a second metal decker show something in there I don't see it I looked around a bit don't see a massive no yet hanging out there let's go find out so little here should be able to swirl without really panning it there was gold see flex a fair number of little flex up there don't see any big nuggets or Pickers or anything like that that would be sitting off that metal detector I might have to just serve you the old-fashioned wave things over it and see what was setting it off want to get an idea of what might be out here that is a hot rock or anything another nice signal right there right there dig it up into a visit think I'll take the metal ticker back on there and see if there's still a signal still there [Music] put my gloves on here so don't cut myself on this stuff sharp in the pan whatever it is let's go pan her out again no Pickers or Nuggets there it is old piece of iron the sign is coming out it's burned off all the fog no the beautiful day in the Fraser another signal down here bouncing all over the place but when I checked out the little Pickers I had they bounced all over the place to the strong signal [Music] I didn't see I big chunks of you know rusted iron mongery coming out of here so that's a good sign a few more handfuls in the pan numbering the melt echo back and see if I got it so not showing up where it was before but also not showing up in my pan so it's probably on the surface and is now on the bottom of my pan yeah getting a bit of a signal down somewhere my pan okay what have we got he's got no old you got a picker or a little nugget yeah we'll pick her there we go it's pretty small one that must been right on the surface for the middle sector to pick that thing up but there we go the first picker of the day with the metal detector I'm impressed if that if that's what was actually setting off that Garrett that's a small piece of gold something else maybe Ben they're setting it off and that magister fluked out to be in the same Pam what's thick it's the anything else metal in there so I don't tape every target I find and dig because well most of them are duds this last one was well after digging for a few minutes I found a nail there so I decided to pan out what I dug anyways I'm glad I did because look at that huh nice picker was in there a nice picker and a piece of lead hmm good thing I didn't just throw out the dirt I dug when I found the nail that's a nice lil bit bigger that's why we call this picker today it's a really thin one but I'll take it so I cleared two more big sections of that rock above the trench there didn't find anything but the smallest gold up there so my theory of that big chunk falling down and letting loose a bunch of gold down into the crack I don't think is right the mystery continues here in Pinkerton [Music] [Music] here's a nice signal 40s 50s but not right in here pinpoint this [Music] seems to be right there okay so let's see Oh nails on the surface still there no I moved it I moved it over yeah it's definitely moved it down here somewhere now what you see it you see it Romano must have pushed it down when I push this piece of shell I needs bigger camera tell me when you can see it leave a comment when you can see it yeah of course you can see it it's huge focus man focus focus - great - focus okay here we go we're picking it up hmm I don't know what to say I'm speechless I knew this claim would eventually give up a good one and there it is let's go find more of them yeah who would I say that is oh I don't you know look I'm good at guessing weights of gold I've never seen one this big before that's gotta be either that's gotta be 5 grams 4 grams once say it's up to 1/4 ounce which would be 7 or 8 so I'd say it's 4 or 5 oh that's awesome don't actually bite your gold it will hurt your teeth yes gold is a soft metal but it's not that soft that's what it's full sand [Laughter] well so much for not expecting anything today maybe that's why I should do everyday not expect anything okay so much for the rest of the video if the whole video is gonna be about this one little nugget little nugget there's one huge nugget it's been the whole video just showing off a nugget some of my viewers would like that so my viewers all they want to see is gold they don't what they don't want me to talk they just want to see gold focus beauty originally it started there and then somehow I pushed it over here without seeing it that big how the heck did I not see it when I pushed it over I don't know well time to go and clear the wrestler detect the rest of this bedrock and that's probably a good idea to come up here and clear a bunch of it and see if there are any little buddies hey everyone it's probably been two hours maybe two and a half since I found that nugget and other than you know some pieces of wire a big bolt and a whole bunch of I think they're welding rods from the railroad no more gold but like a huge nugget that makes mix today Oh makes the week makes this claim I'm going to end off this video with a way in and the close-ups of the nugget so right now I'm gonna say thank you to my patrons for supporting me and my YouTube endeavors here if you enjoyed my video and like watching me find this nugget please leave a like comment say something tell me what you think of that nugget if you enjoy watching my adventures out here gold prospecting please subscribe to my channel and if you do subscribe hit that Bell icon so you get notifications when I put out new videos at the end of the video there will be a link to patron I do very much appreciate the support for my patrons out there if you'd like to become a patron click that link and I'll take off the patreon site where you can support me $10 pledge goes a very long way in making these YouTube videos and how everyone here's some pictures of that nugget I've out until the next video everyone have a great one out there good luck finding gold see you next time bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 211,672
Rating: 4.9211226 out of 5
Keywords: Metal detecting, gold nugget, Detecting gold nuggets, Metal detecting gold nuggets, metal detecting fraser river, Garret AT gold, Minelab, Goldbug2, gold, metal detector, gold prospecting, where to find gold, gold panning, gold nuggets, how to find gold, treasure hunting, finding gold, record smashing gold nugget, Pioneer Pauly, gold nugget found, gold nugget metal detecting, garrett at gold, garrett at gold metal detector, huge gold nugget, nugget in BC, British columbia, BC
Id: ql6ZpEkguF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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