Ending it All! One Last Run.

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hold on Dan her with Dan her prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome I hope you like what you see today enough to subscribe I'm here with my buddy Zeebo hey from Canadian gold mining yes that's right and his dog off in the bush somewhere there and of course we're running the highbanker at Croke creek today we needed one last good gold fix before the school season starts so this was a nice easy one I had some dirt ready to go had a friend we're not willing to help dig it's easy right see what we get this morning it's not to be much but who knows maybe maybe there's nuggets hope you enjoy [Music] so this pile of dirt that we're digging here I actually dug out of my tailings pond with the Bobcat three years ago it's not very rich pay so I just put it off to the side thinking that someday we'd come back and see what we could find in it well I guess today is some day we are having to reclaim this site here this year so we're gonna take that pile and put back into the tailings pond to help fill it in hi bankers working well we have the water a bit low today not quite as much water as I'd like my pumps just not quite getting up the hill as much but it seems to be running well a little bit at a level at the moment I should fix that oh good oh good let's just go and dig for an hour and see what we get [Music] [Music] [Music] so we must have been digging for probably an hour now we've been an hour I don't know must be I'm first one of my water pumps not giving us quite as much water as we like I'd like a bit more than this so we have overloaded the box a couple times means that some of our gold would have pushed down farther in the mass or possibly even all the way out we really overloaded at once but things are looking good I like the way the mats are working at the moment of course these are gold owl maps from Goldstein placer supply in Grand Prairie all gave you a better shot of those in a minute whoo things see me working humming away nicely havin fun smashing anytime we're playing with gold I'm having fun I'm hoping SIBO is gonna be more regular occurance on my videos here because he is planning hopefully to run this place next year the whole the whole claim the whole mine okay kept moving a whole kit and kaboodle we have to put in another permit so my permits are up for this one but the plan is he's gonna take it and I will definitely be there recording what he does amigo is looking for the gold for us today a second ago he was swimming in the tailings pond oh there he goes amigo seeing what we've lost what went through the hi baker checking out the tailings pond see if there's any gold in there [Laughter] dirty dog so I think it's time for a clean-out we haven't seen any gold yet today so it's time for us to pull out the mats so we can get our first little rush of gold see bows over here just cleaning out the top hopper and they cancer there's no extra stuff that's gonna come down on us when we shut off the water we'll let the water go for Oh 30 seconds or so once he's done cleaning to wash the mats out nicely and of course we'll have a good look to see if there's any visible gold at the top end of the mats they said before we don't have quite as much water as I like so we are actually pong treating oh it's not not bad it's actually loose behind them now yeah that's still mason loose so I think I see a piece behind that one riffle over here that could be one I saw something flash on me up here oh here we go oh yeah I saw a quick flash up here as the material sort of moved around a bit okay let's lift the mat usually the good stuff is right up top I see one piece let's get in there I see one piece and it's a little nice one right there nice I see another one over here little guy yeah there's one there Oh a couple more down here so there's a bit of gold and yeah there's one see if I can pick them up come on I can move them oh it's a nice one it's a little nugget there we go and that's typical for here really dirty still has some like iron stolen attached to it nice nice yeah yeah Beauty it's always nice to see something course yeah I don't imagine we'll get much course here today this material is not all that great as I said that Pitt has produced a few little nuggets about that size but nothing bigger really yeah beauty let's wash her out and see what else is in there yeah [Applause] [Music] Oh holes in now they've been good for the video panel sure number on into the pan there [Applause] nice thing about those gold owl mats they don't leave much material was that quarter pan yeah yeah [Applause] that material up there how does I figure about a quarter of the amount of gold as what's noranti mining is going on [Applause] down below where those pits were that you saw there there's built I'd say the past as much over it's all yeah it's better than where we are today yeah in on a black fan night [Applause] sure people at home yes should be handing into a safety club here you know I was I am fairly confident with my parenting skills yes you when I'm being careful yeah when I'm going fast I know I lose stuff but when I'm going fast I'm like in production mode of losing a little bit it's not a big deal dealing of pawns like this sign I'm going slow and it's mostly champion yeah it is even the small stuff is chunky yeah okay unless this in Cameron see what see what we happen here oh no the nuggets go on oh there it is Oh where's the gold there's not much I should have been more so one nugget few hundred little specks that's the one big piece a yeah I would have expected more there that's not good back to digging yeah so here we go for round two before we get going though I just have a good look at this goal dowel mat before we start getting the dirty really nice it works just as well as gold hog mat for sure but really nice the way it hooks together with these aluminum bands and you can reconfigure it with multiple with coarse matting and fine matting or however you like it really easy to work with and it catches the gold every bit as good as the gold hog mat does let's do it [Music] [Music] my little minions digging the gold for me find me the gold my minion [Music] so we have completed our next run and we basically flattened out the pile there's still a bunch of material over here but that's all just topsoil and it's not good there's nothing in it we've got all the good pay we've run it all through we're gonna go down and clean this out in a second and see what it has in it great Rock right there but I think it's just a rock I don't see any big Chinese but usually they're right underneath there if they're here at all unless I just washed it out [Music] triple water right on my camera God be good for it [Applause] [Music] one nice leak right there another one over here let's get over there no don't think so that might be one quick tell at least one good flake I'd say we got a bit more involved this time if that's a nugget I can't quite tell oh no it's not it was just by Oh something biomatter about four hundred dollars and I uh I killed one that year that's about a new one there's not too much dust from the freezer Oh boy she's lonely it's always fun being out here such poo morning it's really warming up now let's see a lot more small stuff this time around yeah but nothing big nothing's gonna add up any weight other than our muscles from all the way yes I got a leak in my boot I just filled it it must be a big one - [Applause] nice little gemstone of some sort clear crystal but it's heavy heavy so we know it's a gemstone not just piece of quartz who knows what kind but because it's at the very bottom underneath everything means it's at least as heavy as the black sand Ben - yeah there yet I think I found a piece topaz here before I need to get clear topaz so that could be a piece topaz with some redness to that piece of all day yeah a little bit of iron still and still attached to it very cool it's fair bit in here actually [Music] so we've moved spots we're now working this pile over here this right through there was a trench some hard rock miners did 20 30 years ago to see what the bedrock looked like when they dug out this trench they took some scoops of the plaster material from bedrock and left on the surface for a further you know investigation well today is our further investigation in fact I have dug you can see where I've dug once before here I did not find much gold I found two very large flakes I think there was one nugget one little nugget two large flakes something like that but not very much gold see what I are gonna run a half yard of this stuff through and see what it holds there's the water boy let's get digging go Sebastian and another last plan of the day plan or less plan today you do the odd video of you panning and whatnot you get lots of comments of people telling you you don't know what you're doing no technique is awful you know I think everyone's is a little different but at the end if you test your tailings there's nothing left and yeah who cares my buddy Andy that you go on the island there he is this little shake when he does it and I'm trying to master it because it works great it just keeps it active but it looks strange but it works great yeah I'll do like you said earlier Lloyd you usually pan my concentrates in a tub just after all that hard work I don't want to lose it yep even a speck I'm sure as I get to make more videos I'll have more negative comments alright so well we're at it let's give a plug for Canadian gold mining right on hey guys so we've got a website Canadian gold mining dot CA which I try to have a resource page for miners to look at and find things that you need other information about our adventurers etc and then we've got a the Canadian gold mining page which is on Facebook for anyone to join anywhere any country and then also the Canadian gold mining group which I have to admit we've kept Canadian because we want to keep it relative to the mining regulations and you know things that relate to Canadian gold mining so everyone come join us and have some fun thanks Dan a no problem you want a piece they do it a little quick here not one piece is going down everybody I see it yeah Matt just four pieces I think I saw go down yeah not much of anything not today but I feel healthy not in the city hanging out with a friend at the creek can't complain exactly and it is senior froggie okay it might not be a frog like a toad last time I said something to the Frog and I had people correcting me saying that was a toad anyhow froggy hanging out in the creek smell the camera look at the algae growing you this at the end of the summer okay I'm gonna clean out for gold and see what we got just clean up the gold right now to take a good picture of it and of course Sebastian's my guest here today I'll be sending this gold home with him oh we had a lot of gold mm-hmm I think there was that much in there from this morning and there's the gold [Applause] and there's the gold we got today a billion micro specs a few bigger flakes and one little muggy one picker hey you know I think that's gonna add up a little bit too there's a lot of tiny gold there now Sebastien's could take this home with them I'm hoping he weighs it up at home and gives me a total so I can include in this video okay I know the viewers want us to always want to know the total weight what are you guessing for that [Applause] [Music] point four or five mm guess more around point three myself or even with that little guy yeah he might be point one but yeah I would get I would guess 0.25 two point three in there well I guess we'll know yeah I better get every last speck out of that black sand and try to get to the floor well everyone we had a fantastic day at the troch Creek claim so this was a Dan her with Dan her prospecting and Sebastian from Canadian gold-mining signing off from Trout Creek I hope you enjoyed watching us big thanks to my patrons out there because your support I get to do this and make these videos for you all to watch thanks everyone for watching please leave a like a comment subscribe if you haven't I hope you liked what you saw enough to subscribe if you haven't already and until the next one bye say bye-bye [Laughter] you
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 120,969
Rating: 4.9317894 out of 5
Keywords: high banking, highbananking, high banker, Highbanker, sluice, power sluice, sluice box, gold in the sluice, gold in high banker, wash plant, running high banker, running highbanker, running paydirt, washing gravel, washing paydirt, trout creek claim, small scale mining, hand mining, canadian gold mining, high banking gold, highbanking for gold, high banking equipment, high banker mats, high banker sluice, highbanker gold sluice, gold owl mats, gold panning
Id: A3t-Yj3JlqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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