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oh I've been dubbed many names by many people a ruler a conqueror hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Erie okay you all saw the thumbnail we think that the Kang from quantumania is he who remains and I'm going to prove it to you in this video hold on I know that you're all about to tell me that these two variants are not the same person and that I've completely misunderstood how the Multiverse Works wait just a few minutes give me a chance to change your mind now when I say that these two variants are the same what I mean is Kang will become he who remains and that there are many clues in quantumania and Loki that might prove this so let's explain how Kang becomes he who remains come on come on let's talk okay first let's address the obvious in theory kangan he who remains are the same person because of how the Multiverse Works they all started as Nathaniel Richards and they share similar histories but somewhere along the way all the variants began diverging from one another into alternate versions and that is because of time travel so that's how the Council of Kang exists in fact we see that many of the variants in the arena are very similar to the Kang from quantumania well it's right about that guy who actually looks like he who remains ah look at you keeping track of the Easter eggs in all these videos so you're right Doug there is one variant in the credit scene that looks like he who remains but I think that variant was thrown in as an Easter egg and nothing that we should pay too much attention to anyways they are all Kank also Kang and he who remains have two very different personalities and demeanors and there's also the scars all of it being acknowledged and understood and I'm still fully convinced that he who remains is the future version of Kane what what who are you Peter me I've come to the doctor's timeline to make sure you take that job it's essential to our future I didn't die well sort of but I'll explain that later too let's start with the biggest clue that these are the same person according to Kang the Multiverse is dying the other kangs are playing with time like children they keep traveling through time creating countless new universes the Multiverse is so overgrown with branching timelines that endless incursions are triggered an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they Collide destroying one or both entirely universes are colliding and destroying each other this keeps happening everywhere throughout time and space creating a Shockwave chain reaction that is killing the entire Multiverse Kang tried to stop them by starting a multiversal war but he lost and was exiled to the quantum realm Kang tells Janet that he saw How It Ends and then he shows her a timeline shaped like a closed loop but how does that save the Multiverse well it's simple one timeline means that there is no k chaos in the Multiverse because there is no Multiverse there will be one Universe with no variance all that Kang needs to do is stop any branches in the timeline this means erasing any variants that might break the timeline and create new alternate universes this is exactly what he who remains did with the sacred timeline oh and I'm about to say he who remains a lot so sometimes I'm just going to shorten that to hwr I like it so eons ago there was a multiversal war that nearly destroyed all of reality a war fought by the Kang variants hwr ended the war after he weaponized a multiversal beast called Elias he wiped out all of his variants and their own universes afterwards he created a new protected Universe a perfect non-branching closed loop called The Sacred timeline isn't that what Kang wanted to do exactly right hwr achieved everything that Kang was planning it can't be a simple coincidence that two different Kang variants want to create this sacred timeline coincidence I think not I mean sure in an infinite Multiverse it technically makes sense for multiple kanks to end up doing the exact same thing but in the context of Storytelling and character arcs they share the same motivation for a reason and there's more wait what I'm right in the middle of proving that Kang is he who remains yeah but King's dead we gotta explain that first right you are let's address that all right so Ken gets pulled into the multiversal engine Corps after Scott overcharged with pen particles and then the core blows up so it kind of looks like Kang died but come on he was sucked into a device that's connected to the entire Multiverse fine totally fine he might have teleported away right before the corps blew up or maybe he entered the probability storm inside the core and that somehow sent him into another Universe now we have another theory on how Kang will return but this ties into a longer explanation later in this video so for now let's just assume that this Kang variant shall return who are you just a man you're just a man flesh and blood don't tell me I'm a disappointment now let's explain how he became hwr after he comes back according to hwr the Multiverse exists in an endless cycle of death and rebirth when hwr dies the sacred timeline unravels and splits into a new Multiverse at that moment all of Kang's variants came back and because of time travel it's as if they always existed and as hwr says he will be reborn and end up right back in the same place because of the nature of time and the Multiverse see you soon and this is how Kang will become the next iteration of he who remains you plan to play in my chest and an infinite amount of B start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways his prediction is proven right by everything quantumania revealed about the Kings and the Multiverse though at this point it's unclear if the Multiverse is stuck in an actual time Loop like the one in Doctor Strange or if what hwr actually meant is that one of his variants will repeat his decisions and reach the same outcome most branching timelines are actually not a lot different from each other so most Kang variants end up making the same decisions I mean we even see how many of them wear the exact same armor on top of that they are Time Travelers as Kang says he looked into the future to see how it all ends this knowledge affects his decisions and don't worry about the days what's really going to bake your noodle later on is which is still a broken it if I hadn't said anything now some variables might change in every iteration but eventually the equation Remains the Same the sum of everyone's decisions leads to the same outcome every time and that ending is a version of hwr winning the war and creating the sacred timeline and then the whole process repeats itself all over again and it happens again and again and again because it's supposed to because it has to so they're not the same guy like exactly okay look I might be cheating a bit here because these two variants are not identical like down to their atoms they are still technically two separate variants but for all intents and purposes they are the same person this king is destined to repeat everything that age WR already did before so in the end he's just a prisoner of time just like everyone else and how to Kang describe time it's a cage what about the scars you want to know how I got these true Kang has scars on his face hwr doesn't but like I said some things change in every cycle so I guess that maybe this time around he's got scars but look at what hwr says here I'm older I'm older than I look he's way older than he looks now king is not Immortal there's even an older looking Kang in the credit scene that's immortus hwr might have some regenerating Tech that keeps him looking younger maybe it includes some healing capabilities which remove the scars in fact he might be staying younger the same way the Scott was turned into a baby it's the epr Paradox instead of pushing Lang through time you might have wound up pushing time through length I mean smart Hawk pretty much created an immortality machine which by the way is a one-way ticket for Steve Rogers to re-enter the MCU you just blew my mind now let's get back to some more similarities between King and hwr I know it all and I've seen it all I know how it is so after creating the sacred timeline hwr established the TV8 short for time variance Authority their job was to enforce the sacred timeline and erase any variants that threatened to Branch this timeline Kang was already doing stuff like this before his Exile he burned whole universes out that triggered incursions so the TVA and Goliath are essentially more efficient methods to do this a really horrific method but this is Kang we're talking about hwr explained that the only thing that can break this Utopia of his are the variants specifically his variants and notice how he answers Loki here and what do you say Fredo me this is verbatim Kang's answer in the movie when he's asked who's threatening the Multiverse his response is me a lot of me and then he reiterates that he means his variants just like hwr if you think I'm evil just wait till you meet bye variance now pay attention to how Kang describes his motivations he says that before his Exile he took control over the chaos that his variants were causing Janet caused Kanga monster for planning to wipe away in a universe it's a threat to him but Kang says these actions are of a conqueror he burns the broken worlds and makes a new one and wouldn't you call hwr the ultimate conqueror he took control of the chaos pruned all of his variants in their broken universes and created a new singular timeline he conquered the Multiverse and ruled his timeline like a god when hwr describes his other variants he says that some of them work together and by this he means the Council of Kings for a while there was peace narcissistic so congratulatory peace and that doesn't sound like hwr holds them in high regard he's sort of mocking them because he remembers that their narcissistic self-congratulatory piece was the very thing that was killing the Multiverse and from the credit scene the three leaders of the council decide to wage war on Earth 616 because they began to touch the Multiverse they see the Multiverse as their domain and the heroes are invading their their Kingdom meaning that in relation to the present timeline there in the narcissistic self-congratulatory peace stage and the next phase is the multiversal War I mean literally the war that will happen in phase six with Avengers King Dynasty and Secret Wars also notice that Kang usually refers to his variants as versions of himself but when speaking about the council he always refers to them as they they made contact they they shared technology using the best of their universes to improve the others as if he doesn't even want to be associated with them it's only when hwr starts talking about the countering variants that he refers to them as himself hwr even says that at some point he was named a conqueror however from what Kang said he didn't conquer universes just for the sake of ruling he did it to burn down broken universes that threatened the Multiverse granted Kang is obviously very biased toward himself but notice this moment right here I'm tired and I'm older I might be reading between the lines but it looks like hwr reminisce is on his past as a conqueror with some regret almost like he remembers the terrible things he did back when he was King the Conqueror there's a clear sense of melancholy and regret in hwr's words he's clearly not proud of the things he's done and he constantly refers to himself as a villain the devil evil dictator devil we've all done horrible terrible horrific things but he also says that there was no other way without the me without the TVA Everything Burns he and Kang have this Sympathy for the Devil thing going on for themselves both of them explain their actions as terrible things that they must do to prevent something far worse they are the only ones who know how to save the Multiverse Kang and hwr are very good at manipulation hwr tells Loki everything he needed to hear to bring him to his side to the point where he's willing to turn against Sylvie he even uses Ms minutes to offer Loki and Sylvie to get everything that they always wanted Kang employs the same tactics with Janet he tells her that she could get back her lost time reunite with hope as if she never left also Kang had an army of mindless robots in the quantum realm hwr had the TVA which is composed of brainwashed varying science speaking of the TVA let's talk about the statue at the end of Loki it was a statue for me we was built a big step after hwr dies Loki is sent back to the TVA only something has changed nobody remembers him what are you talking about are you what's your name and where previously there were statues of the timekeepers there's now a monument to Kang back when Loki ended we assumed this statue meant that a Kang variant took over the TVA but after quantumania this statue has a whole new meaning we are in the past the tvas passed and more importantly hwr's passed back when he was Kang the TV8 exists and in reality where time is acting strange but it's still a linear timeline they have their own past present and future so the TVA still has a timeline hwr must have programmed a type of reset to the TVA reverting the timeline to an earlier point in time and this is a time when he rolls openly before he installed the timekeepers as figureheads of the TVA anyways we think that because the TVA is a separate timeline and the Multiverse means that it's located inside the quantum realm Kang already conquered the realm when he was trapped there and don't forget the realm is a universe that exists outside of time and space yet it still has its own strange timeline just like the TVA how long have you been here I don't know it's hard to say you know time passes differently here in the TVA time works differently in the quantum realm there are many similarities between the quantum realm and the TV8 like the fact that the realm is used for both time and multiversal travel and it's very likely that hwr was using Quantum energy for all the tva's tech this will also connect to Kang's return after his supposed death in quantumania since he's technically still stuck in the quantum realm it's possible that Kang was sent into another layer of the quantum realm remember when someone enters the subatomic Universe they need to shrink significantly through multiple levels of the realm to enter this layer so what happens to someone who shrinks to a size that is smaller than an atom when Kang shrunk into the core before it exploded he may have entered a section of the quantum realm unlike any we've seen before a reality that exists outside of time and space where Kang might find a certain timeline consuming smoke monster that's right Kang's death is how he finds Elias that first variance encounters a creature created from all the tares in reality capable of consuming time and space itself and then he will weaponize the creature use its power to return to the quantum realm and transform it into what the TVA will eventually become and after that he'll start the multiversal war and unleash eliaith on his variants and their timelines and that is how Kang becomes he who remains so all of these are the reasons why he who remains is the future version of Kang the Conqueror all of this makes Kang into a far better villain in the MCU and it's why he needs to come back his motivation aligns perfectly with hwr he's a really interesting villain and quantumania already set the stage for him to be the big bad of the Multiverse Saga sure they can always introduce a different Kang but after quantumania that'd be way too awkward they already got Kang just bring him back and unleash him on the Multiverse but what do you guys think could King become he who remains let me know down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 567,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kang he who remains, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, he who remains and kang, he who remains vs warrior kang, he who remains and kang the same, he who remains adn kang, he who remains adn kang the same, he who remains and kang teh same, kang he who remains death, he who remains and kang the smae, he who remains adn kang teh smae
Id: crv1iqwpRpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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