Jonathan Majors FIRED by Marvel - What's Next For KANG in the MCU?

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well Disney has fired Jonathan major as Kang the Conqueror so today I want to talk about what that means for the Marvel Cinematic Universe are they going to recast Kang or replace him with another villain and I'm going to bring on a geek lawyer named Michael Mella to get his take on what's going on here and what Marvel should do going forward and later I got one heck of an idea about who should replace Kang in the Multiverse Saga and I actually don't think I've heard this idea from anywhere else welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so first I think it's interesting to take a step back and look at how we got here now we've heard ious rumors for a little over a year now about major status in the MCU from great reporting from Outlets like The Hollywood Reporter Vanity Fair and even friends of the channel like Dave Gonzalez and Joanna Robinson so as part of the mcu's Multiverse Saga Majors was playing a villain whose ultimate goal was to control and dominate The Multiverse and because the Multiverse is filled with infinite realities that meant that Majors could in theory play Infinite variations of this character which is an exciting prospect for an actor the weekly Planet podcast even reported that Majors had a clause in his contract that said that only he could play a Kang variant so he would never have to act opposite another actor who was playing the same role and we've also heard that Marvel after seeing Major Performance is he who remains in Loki that they decided to like triple down on Majors expanding his role in the new saga hell they even named an entire Avengers movie after his character and of course we were all see him hyped to play Kang in this year's Ant-Man in the WASP Quantum Mania now look I know that movie disappointed a lot of you I liked it and I especially liked Major's performance in the movie oh jeez man but but Kang was murdered by ants murdered by ants he was not okay those ants okay you know what I'm not going to get into it right now I'm going to save that for a future video the point is quantum Mania disappointed a lot of you fans and there are rumors that afterwards Marvel was starting to Pivot away from Jonathan majors and then of course in March he was arrested for assault charges and a few weeks ago Joanna Robinson reported a rumor she heard that Kang Dynasty screen writer and Quantom Mania screenwriter Jeff lovess had been moved off of Avengers 5 because they were quote going in a New Direction variety reported that Marvel was looking to introduce a new big bad like Dr Doom or bring back Legacy characters like Tony Stark Loki showrunner Eric Martin also told script magazine that he had to completely rewrite his script for episode five of that show and you'll notice that Majors is totally absent from episode 5 and mostly absent from episode 6 in season 2 in episode 5 Loki actually gathers all the people who were at the explosion of the temporal Loom and for some reason Victor timley is nowhere to be found so the writing has been on the wall for a while here the Loki finale even found a way to minimize Kang's threat to the MCU I mean they turned the TVA into Kang police and Mobius even minimized Kang's involvement in Quantum Mania I guess one of them caused a little bit of a ruckus on 616 adjacent real but they handled it so we're all good for now this like none of this is how you would set up the new big bad if you were planning on keeping him around so the big question now is what are they going to do person yeah buddy treats not right now we're in the middle of the video treats no treats no treats or you're fired you know what go ahead and fire me because then I'll just get a job learning programming and backend website development and I am going to make a lot more money than I do here according to stack Overflow the median salary for backend developers in the US in 2023 was over $100,000 a year and I'll have the option to work from home no silly uniform required what but you don't know anything about computers and stuff can't even give me a treat no I don't know anything about computers and that's why I'm going to learn programming from boot dodev they're our partner for this video boot. 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Dev sounds like a pretty great deal and a good way to get treats yes it is so back to the future of the MCU Doctor Strange 2 writer Michael Waldren has already been tapped to write Avengers Secret Wars and now apparently he's going to be writing Avengers 5 which is no longer called the Kang Dynasty now we're still in the Multiverse Saga but now with no real multiversal threat so is the MCU going to bring back an old villain or introduce a new villain like Dr Doom now we've talked in the past about how Avengers 5 will almost certainly become Avengers versus X-men Multiverse of Madness showed us the X-Men living in a parallel world and the Marvel's post credit scene showed Monica Rambo Landing in a universe with the Beast her mother binary and there's some mention of Charles oh which reminds me we have this awesome Fraser be shirt for sale at our merch store where we design all the the shirts ourselves this month we also have this where he goes I go hoodie and shirt showing Mando with 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see a clash between the fox X-Men universe and the Marvel Cinematic Universe and that's going to lead to the destruction of all reality ities in the formation of battle World okay sir what's battle World well in both versions of Secret Wars battle world is a patchwork planet where the heroes and villains can have like really big fights and it's likely that the battle world in the MCU is going to be composed of heroes and villains from many different realities meaning that the new big bat of the MCU could really be anyone in the past I have theorized it would have been really cool to see The Red Skull return and I got a really fun Theory I'm going to run by you guys later but first Colton what do you think about what's going on now who the new big bat and you know what's happening well it it's certainly like a situation that we we've seen coming you know and we we've been talking about what are they going to do uh when you know this this final shoe finally drops and I can't say I'm surprised you know with the way Loki season two ended we knew that they had pretty much written themselves into a path where they could get rid of Kang I I don't even know that this ruling was like the the final thing I think Marvel probably already decided that's what they were going to to do um as far as who's going to replace Kang obviously Dr Doom is an option A lot of people have talked about that would be cool they have the rights to the character now but there's another like Fox Marvel character that I think would be a good villain to bring in to replace Kang a villain that a lot of us theorized would replace uh or would be the new Thanos for this new saga and that's galatis I think that galatis he how do you get bigger than Thanos you l Lally go bigger than Thanos you bring in a character who is you know just this monstrous being gigantic being literally and you can upgrade him from a a planet eater to perhaps a universe eater I think that'd be a cool way to do it you can have Silver Surfer come in we in The Avengers there's this being coming you could tie him in with aath maybe you know you could say elath galactus's pet that Kang took from him or something they have similar abilities with eating time and space Bas and stuff like that they're both purple you know Gore the god butcher the necro sword could have been from The Herald of of a Galactus definitely why it's trying to kill gods that protect planets yeah and you know definitely go the route say Galactus is like a multiversal Celestial I think that would be cool I think that's a way that you could bring in a villain who's relatively known you know he's not like Green Goblin or something with how people know him but Galactus is a villain that I think a lot of fans know and have heard of uh they even mentioned him in what's that Dick Cheney movie with uh Christian Bale they talk they compared Dick Cheney yeah Galactic Eater of Worlds so he's kind of in the the pop culture knowledge base so I I think that would be the villain that I'd like to see brought in to replace King I I I want to save Dr Doom I want we've talked about that in videos before and I've talked about how I'm such a huge Dr Doom fan let me ask you a followup though re Galactus Galactus to me love G Galactus we're old friends I got first appearance of Galactus I own the issue uh somewhere it's in terrible shape it's not worth any money but I treasure it Galactus to me he always seemed like a one at a time threat like one planet at a time and then he eats and then he's good how how do they take Galactus and make him a threat to the whole Multiverse is his hunger just become insatiable what do you think well I think there's going to be a lot of retconning going on you and I have talked about how like I I'll ask you questions we brainstorming a script I'm like so what's the rule with this and you'll often say there are no rules they don't know and I think yeah they make things up as they go for sure yeah yeah yeah yeah so I think that you could definitely reccon and say oh incursions are actually galatis becomes aware of your reality and it becomes uh vulnerable to the the uh hunger of Galactus and he like starts attacking your universe and I just want Galactus each universe is not planets yes exactly yeah make a multiversal Galactus and please for the love of God don't make him a cloud I do know oh but you just mentioned a liath and I thought it'd be really fun if they were like remember and It's a Wonderful Life how the whole movie starts off with two stars talking to each other it that would be Goliath his little baby Goliath that would be Galactus and his little baby dog Al Li come on it'd be so cool who doesn't love a cloud super villain it worked for Green Lantern if if they do make him a cloud at least do something cool where you like see like a silhouette of his helmet or something at least like in the lightning or something like that and have him form into his self because I'll acknowledge that having him be a giant humanoid would be a little weird but you know I I trust Kevin feige I trust Marvel to make him look cool I mean they they made Thanos work they've made different things that maybe you wouldn't think would work in live action work so I think they can do it yeah even project Celestial yeah go ahead Mike oh I was just going to say I didn't mind the celestials in the eternals that was not the worst part of that movie uh but just seeing a giant head just just suddenly appear in the sky a little weird but kind of fitting for the part of the MCU that we're in now yeah I wonder if I still think they're going to Recon the eternals and make it not on our Earth and our Dimension I think that would be a really fun way to go about that to explain things away but I probably not we're probably going to see like tiamut and something else so Mike I want to throw it over to you um you are an actual lawyer um I know you've been following the Major's case I don't want to dive too much into this because you know this is screen Crush we talk about movies I am wondering though uh based on the sentence that he's been given how much time he would serve if it's not appealed overturn things like that um and if if if it's possible where he may not serve any time and could in theory return someday or something like that so from the legal perspective you know where does this sit at right now well I think it's very possible that he doesn't serve any time as far as him returning to the MCU anytime soon I'm not so sure that's going to be the case um so Mar majors has been convicted on two counts and his sentence ing actually won't take place until February at a separate sentencing hearing um and the charges that he's been convicted of have a penalty of up to one year in prison however these are the types of charges that don't typically get prosecuted it usually doesn't get to this point in fact it probably only really got to this point because it was such a high-profile subject at the center of the controversy um and a lot of times prosecutors and defense attorneys will cling on to famous clients because it gives them an opportunity to Elevate their platform if they do really well in the trial because they know it's going to make National headlines so we won't really know for sure what major fate is so to say until we reach that sentencing phase in February but as far as his relations with Marvel and with Disney go I think that that ship has long past sailed the fact that they released a statement within hours of him being convicted saying that he's being dropped from the MCU shows that they were ready and waiting in the wings to do this they were just waiting for it to be official and I think that it's it's pretty smart on Disney's part to have done it that way I think they saw the Fallout that happened with Warner Brothers when they cut Johnny Depp too early before that legal process had played out and saw kind of the the big fan backlash that came from that obviously this case with Jonathan majors has its differences from what happened with the Johnny Depp Amber herd situation um but I think that Marvel took its notes from the last ing that Warner Brothers took and decided we need to at least have some cover here before we do this um obviously it's not going to be an easy transition for them but uh from a corporate perspective I think that they feel that they've done the right thing here to cover themselves after all Marvel is owned by Disney Disney is a family brand primarily targeted towards children so they want to make sure that not only are the characters that they're putting on screen uh morally upstanding and family appropriate but also that the actors and the people that they have involved in their projects uh really sell the Disney brand it also makes sense they would wait and and not let somebody be convicted in the court of public opinion before they fire them after James gun you know there's other experiences like that where maybe they reacted a little too strongly so um enough with the legal stuff we'll let other channels and Outlets like variety and th and all these other wonderful places cover all that because um I I I I'm not a lawyer but you are also not just a lawyer you are a massive geek fan of comics in these movies you're somebody with an extensive knowledge of Marvel that could rival even my own um so what do you think where are we at now let's assume Kang is gone at least for whatever time being you got this Avengers movie coming up we're barring toward it I already told you I think it should be Avengers versus X-men or that it will be but who is your big bad who do you think is going to come in and be the the guy or the or the woman to threaten the Multiverse I'm going to go with the beyonder and and here's why so I'm a big fan Jer oh yeah the original Jerry curl the the Platinum suit with the big lapels I mean if they don't give us Comics accurate beyonder may I take just a moment to explain to the lay person exactly who this guy is so you can go full okay okay very quickly the original 1984 Secret Wars comic showed this Cosmic being who is a light as a rift in the sky summoning all these heroes and villains to this planet he constructed out of nothing so they could fight and he could watch years later I think two later in the comics the beyonder decided hey I'm going to come to Earth and witness firsthand so he chose the body of Captain America because it's perfect who wouldn't and then he gave himself uh he he went like to just discover humanity and he met prostitutes and criminals and superheroes and he got a new haircut and a jumpsuit like a speed suit that's totally 80s and radical and then I'm not going to spoil how the comic ends Mike take it away with Jerry curl beyonder threatening the Marvel Cinematic Universe presumably played by Chris Evans right so Jerry curl beyonder comes in from his extradimensional Rift uh he comes into disco music there are Sparkles there are disco balls all around and he basically decides that he wants to take all of the heroes and villains from Earth transport them to a new world called battle world so he can have the ultimate fight between good and evil to decide which side is better uh which the name evil probably could have just given that away from the start you should probably pick the good guys but I could see this playing into Avengers 5 as we're now calling it in a way that makes it so that the beyonder is kind of in the position of the audience because for a lot of lay fans that don't go and see every single Marvel project they don't have Disney plus they don't watch all of the Disney Plus shows the big feedback that's coming out right now is that everybody is saying we don't really know what's going on anymore there's too much happening here there's too much going on so what if the beyonder were to say yeah you know I don't really know what's going on here either how about we just pull everybody into one place Let Them Fight It Out thin out the herd a little bit and then we can pick it up from there so it might be a way for Marvel to not only utilize a pretty classic character uh who was very quintessential to the secret Wars storyline uh but also in kind of a meta way they can use him to kind of put things in alignment again or flush things out make it more streamlined and easy to consume for the viewers so that they understand what's going on in the MCU from here on forward I mean I would hate to see a lot of the popular more minor characters that have been introduced in Phase five go off the Wayside because of a big battle in Avengers 5 but at the same time I wouldn't really hate to see that I think that actually might be kind of cool if they just kind of thin the herd a little bit and knock out a lot of these minor characters and get back to basics as has been reported that Disney plans to do well you know we do uh we can presume if they're adapting Secret Wars and incursions are involved it's going to be based in part on the 2015 Secret Wars so that reboot will be the thinning of the herd that you're talking about I also wonder you know going back so you're what you're saying is based on that classic 1984 85 Secret Wars comic book the big part of the part with that book was the beyonder was not the villain the beyonder was the Catalyst the villain ended up being Dr Doom where heo be he wanted to steal the Beyond's power it didn't take whatever it's Dr Doom it happens all the time so in this scenario when you have the villains and the good guys presumably you know he also the beond resurrected Doom he brought back other villains who were the heroes thought were dead like Ultron so you really could do a greatest hits with this Cosmic being AKA Kevin K VI n pulling the strings so who's the villain then that is going to try to steal the be who's the person who's going to like who's the leader of these bad guys right because maybe you're setting up that person to be the new new new new big bad and the new MCU well as you said uh if we're going the route of Avengers versus X-men I can definitely see Magneto playing a larger role in this story as well um I'm not sure if Marvel wants to jump straight to Doom I think that they kind of want to reserve him maybe tease him in secret Wars and then turn Kang Dynasty into or sorry tease him in Avengers 5 what would have been Kang Dynasty uh and then have him be the ultimate big bad in secret Wars um but he's not going to get there on his own right he needs a team of people around him I would also like to see somehow try and fit molecule man into all of this I love that character so good has the powers of a God but he has the the confidence of a geek he's so awesome yeah yeah and I mean we already have Titania in the MCU so that uh Intrepid romance could be shown on on screen and that would be great as well I love it okay um yeah there's a lot of like elements there that could be added up to something really cool there was this uh report I saw this morning unconfirmed from Daniel RP who sometimes is very accurate sometimes not um I forget what Outlet I saw reporting on it but they said that the rumor is that Marvel moving forward with the MCU is going to stay away from Magneto because they want to differentiate themselves from um the fox X-Men movies which frankly Colton I think you'll agree with me on this perhaps featured Magneto a bit too much shoed him more into some movies gave him a resolution brought him back for no reason uh like an X-Men apocalypse and the rumor is that maybe Mr Sinister would be this new big bat a character always want to see on the big screen Colton you're you're such an X-Men guy um even more so than than than I am what do you think about that Prospect of maybe Magneto being the leader of the villains or them just kind of casting Magneto aside for a while and going with Mr Sinister I I Adore Magneto both portrayals um I would love to see Magneto brought in I mean you're not wrong they used Magneto a little too much in the fox X-Men movies but I mean that's because he's great so if they were to bring in Ian Kellen Magneto or Michael fast Bender Magneto we know that the MCU is not opposed to bringing in Old Marvel villains that's what no way home was all about one of their most successful films of the Multiverse Saga uh and especially when you're in a situation now where they're having to correct course get rid of their big villain it might be easier to bring in a known name like a Michael fast Bender Magneto hell bring in both magnetos it's the Multiverse Saga bring in the old Magneto and the young Magneto have them team up uh these are characters who are not muahaha villains the these are villains who more so than villains they're antagonists you know what I mean they they have they have their own moral compass of things they're trying to achieve so I think that would be an interesting uh Direction they could go especially if they do Avengers versus X-men uh Mr Sinister yeah I think the fox X-Men films teased him a few times but never yeah there was the essex's at the end of U I think Future Past might have had that in it so I yeah I'm definitely all for that though I I do think that's a character that the MCU might need to tease a little before they bring him in but my question is I mean we're talking about all of these villains that could replace Kang are you guys on board with replacing Kang because if I had my way like uh months ago before they you know rewrote Loki and all of that I would have said recast King you know marvel seems to here lately believe that they can't recast any character or Disney seems to think they can't recast any character I'm big on recasting I I would love to see and Ryan I know you disagree with me on this but I I would love to see dancel Washington come in as an older more seasoned King I I think that that yeah that would be a perfect way to maybe even like phase out the character cuz I do think it's kind of weird that you introduce this omnipotent Godlike character in a TV show in Loki and then he's just gone but don't get me wrong the way that they handled it in Loki was very cool so they could certainly make it work I'll be honest with you Colton I think that Kang and the Multiverse are are they're way too complicated when you wrap try to wrap your mind around it the idea of there being thousands of these guys in this Arena and they're ruling together and what do timelines physically Branch are we watching some kind of metaphysical representation of timelines I think the Multiverse Saga as a concept has kind of been a loser from the start um it also just doesn't it's comp it doesn't exist like it you look at the infinity Saga it's so simple and straightforward anyone can come in off the street okay magic rocks destroy things stop the big guy who wants to destroy things the Multiverse Saga gets way too intricate so I don't I don't I love Kang I love Kang I love him more as a time travel character than I do as a multiversal character though so as much as I would love to see K continue and by the way I'm warm to denzo Washington I think that'd be a lot of fun I don't if they have to recast and I think they kind of like put themselves in a corner where Kang is done after the end of Loki that they rewrote I you know I would like to see this finished but it looks like they're not going to like it really does look like they have just totally pivoted away from that character Mike what do you think yeah I think it would be really difficult for them to recast k at this point there very well may be a clause in the contract that says that they can't recast the character of King again who knows whether or not that'll stand up but I think that you know maybe Kang wasn't as big of a draw as they thought that he was going to be in the first place Ant-Man and the lost Quantum Mania didn't do so well um I think Disney was smart to have the foresight to rewrite and re-shoot the end of that movie to have Kang losing to Ant-Man because if Kang had defeated Ant-Man and was just on the loose at this point in the story in the MCU then Disney would have a real problem on their hands having get sucked yeah having him get sucked into that time Vortex or whatever that was the the multiversal core engine at the end of Ant-Man and the WASP Quantum Mania is actually kind of saving them right now because they can at least put Kang on the back shelf for a little while until they figure out what to do with him I would absolutely love to see Denzel Washington come in and play an older version of K I think that's such a genius idea um but also I think yeah maybe give the fans and the people that are more casual viewers a little bit of a break from the whole Multiverse thing my problem with the Multiverse from the start has been it kind of seems like a Panacea to everything right you know somebody dies in the main 616 timeline we'll just hop over to 838 go grab a copy we'll be right back like I'm just going out for milk I'm gonna go grab me another Wanda Maxim off and I'll be right back in a second you know it it just kind of seems like it is from a plot standpoint just too easy I think that maybe we don't need King right maybe we should just be focusing on another newer threat somebody that is more familiar audience is somebody that is a bit more grounded too and maybe has more unique uh drives and motivations King is a conqueror but to what end we never really get that in any of the movies we never know why he is so power hungry or why he's such a control freak that uh everything has to be under his whim and will and um we really need those strong motivations from our villains in order for them to be believable in order for us to care about them I mean you take a Dyan like the high evolutionary right who has motivations that none of us could really relate to and yet still he felt like more of a real grounded character than Kang ever did for me we've all mentioned you know different villains so whether it be galatis Doom the beyonder whoever I I do think it's important that whoever this villain is that does come in for the Multiverse Saga I like the idea of perhaps learning that the he who remains character or something he was protecting more than we knew like protecting reality more than we knew so whoever this ultimate villain does end up being I like the idea of that villain now being free after the events of Loki and after he remains going away I my main concern is I just I want it to feel like there's purpose I want it to feel connected I don't want it to feel like it was just brushed aside so whoever this next villain is I like the idea of that villain coming from a consequence that has transpired with he who remains going away Loki being the new person at the end of time so whatever it is I I hope that it still connects in some way so the Multiverse Saga doesn't feel like it was kind of cut in half right in the middle of phase five well it's funny you should mention that a villain has to have consequences from he who remains and has to be somebody familiar because I got a theory that's going to knock your socks off Mike Colton thanks very much for joining me you guys can find all their Social Links below so I have an idea for the new big bad let's say that and Avengers versus X-men were introduced to variants of Heroes from all these different realities variants of Heroes like Steve Rogers Natasha Romanov and Tony Stark this would be a great excuse to bring back these Legacy actors but you know they'd be from other realities yeah but won't that overshadow the newer Heroes well it could except we can show the newer Heroes taking the lead here and showing the older crew like deferring to them it would be a subtle signal that the torch has been passed and this is when we could see like how fun variants are like maybe Tony Stark never got his hands on the mindstone so he never created Ultron so he still has is itch to control everything and he want still wants to put a suit of armor around the world or in this case around the Multiverse you see I could see Tony Stark being like cold and calculating he would see that the universes are all going to die and that they need to save who they can by creating battle world now in the comics Dr Doom creates battle world in the 2015 Secret Wars but I'm saying that in the movies what if it was Tony Stark who did this and then what if we saw a variant of Tony Stark construct a new world where he was totally in control a world where he can indulge his worst impulses because nobody was ever around to suppress them let's let Robert Downey Jr play Tony Stark as a villain the show what if showed us that in every reality where Tony died the heroes lose see Tony Stark's Shadow still looms over the entire MCU so in order for the new generation of Heroes to come into their own they have to literally defeat a variant of Tony Stark but Tony's a good guy and if you made him a villain then you would be sely in his memory but hold on I didn't say he would be the only Tony Stark variant I think Robert Downey Jr might be enticed to return if he could take the character in fun new directions there could be a another heroic Tony helping the heroes or remember iron heart in the comics she is aided by an AI hologram of Tony Stark so maybe we'll see Tony's Consciousness live on in her armor see I think all this makes a lot more sense than shoehorning in Dr Doom at the last minute or like returning an older villain then again maybe they can just recast Kang what do you guys think they should do let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] AR [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 402,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, johnathan majors fired, majors fired by marvel, kang, kang recast, kang mcu, dr doom, mnarvel, mcu, arvel, kang is out, multiverse saga, kang dynasty, jonathan majors, marvel phase 5, jonathan majors kang, jonathan majors fired, loki season 2, marvel studios, jonathan majors trial, marvel leaks, jonathan majors arrested, jonathan majors update, kang the conqueror, jonathan majors guilty
Id: yd90g8Cho9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 8sec (1808 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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