Marvel’s KANG PROBLEM - What Went Wrong? (And How to Fix It!)

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I am King you talk to ants hey welcome to screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy and I've got a problem with Kang the Conqueror and I think you might have the same problem too so picture this you have a new big bad in the MCU that has the potential to eclipse the Mad Titan Thanos this villain is so powerful that he is essentially unkillable because there are infinite versions of him throughout the Multiverse ER tell me more this villain has an interesting motivation and he already won and conquered the entire Multiverse and wrote it as a god wow who is this a miser are you listening to me no I was not what were you saying her is this amazing sounding guy this is Kang the Conqueror a villain who had the making of the mcu's best villain and yet somehow the Darth Vader of the Multiverse Saga was demoted to a snoke don't tell me I'm a disappointment and this has made far more egregious after the introduction of the high evolutionary and Guardians of the Galaxy vol 3 a villain who is easily one of the mcu's best so why isn't Ken as good as him well let me see if I can explain what went wrong with Kang an attempt to fix this broken multiversal boy and I think there is a way for Kang to become one of the best MCU villains no now next I thought why are you doing on your phone I am playing this incredibly addictive game called myths of Moonrise and I'm believe me I'm not just saying this I love this game so when Mr moonrise asked us to sponsor us they asked me to play the game for like an hour I sat down to play and then three hours went by this game combines so many aspects of different games that I love first of all the story a meteor hits the planet and a werewolf a vampire and a wizard have to join forces against these monsters and demons but there's also like war parties you can send out with machine guns and pickup trucks so it's this hybrid of genres with this gorgeous artwork and an engaging story but as for the actual game see I love simulation and building games I've even created an alliance in the game called screen Crush where you can sign up and play along with me see in midst of moonrise you're rebuilding a city building new buildings and reclaiming areas from Monsters but mostly I like the fighting mechanics of the game you recruit and upgrade Heroes of all these different classes and then you fight them with this matching puzzle format different colors hurt different monsters in different ways my favorite hero is a werewolf named Steve I use him for raids this is the kind of game that can be really simple or really complex depending on your style of play now right now I'm getting my city squared away and I'm focusing on raiding nearby farms and towns and now is actually a great time to start playing with some moonrise the game is having a one year anniversary event with a first year anniversary Carnival new gameplay new Heroes and new dust Palace skins trust me that's all really cool stuff and when you sign up use the gift code anniversary which is worth 19.99 so click our Link in the description to play myths of Moonrise and join our screen Crush Alliance so download get playing and I'll see you in game now back to Kang so one thing before we start the Jonathan Majors real life situation has nothing to do with the Kang problems that stuff is very serious and still ongoing so let's focus only on the character the actor is portraying alright so there are four major problems with Kang so let's go over each of them and then how Marvel can learn to fix these mistakes and fix Hank well can you fix him when the MCU initially introduced us to Kank he was presented as the most powerful being we have ever seen in this franchise he's a multiversal ruler who literally lives in a castle that observes all of time itself he knows it all and he has seen it all and he manipulates time basically like a god he even has the tech that turns Infinity Stones into paperweights this is a very good introduction this Kang is he who remains one of many variants of Kank variants these are other versions of people from the other universes this Persona explains that eons ago he won a multiversal war against all the other kings he saved reality from his variants by erasing them and their timelines from existence so this one Kang has already killed all the other kangs after winning the war he created a new separate Universe called The Sacred timeline he ruled every moment in time he enforced the timeline to ensure that his variants will never return to threaten the Multiverse now I missed the dead has been a purple guy just wanted a bunch of really colorful magic rocks during this king's long Exposition dump he keeps telling Loki and Sylvie about the dangers of his variants how they are far worse than him and how they're the true threat to the Multiverse if you think I'm evil just wait until you meet bye variants and eventually we meet one of those other personas an Ant-Man and the WASP quantumania this variant is Kang the Conqueror that was confirmed by Marvel in his initial introduction Kang appears as a truly menacing and fascinating villain and those conversations with Janet we can see that this is a multi-layered character someone who's motivated by a misguided God complex to save reality from himself the scene when Kang meets Scott and Cassie and basically Force pushes everyone gave me real Darth Vader Vibes I really love this Kang in those two scenes I will kill your daughter in front of you then make you relive that moment over and over again in time endlessly until you beg me to kill you but then it all starts falling apart and this brings us to the first major problem with Kank he ain't a winner despite all the first impressions Kangas ultimately defeated by a bunch of ants yeah but they were super ants right really smart and advanced ants but still the freaking ants though and then he seemingly killed being defeated by Ant-Man and the WASP this King might be dead but as both credit scenes for the movie show there are countless of other versions of kings and I'm going to talk about why that's not helping a little bit later the problem here is that by this point Kang Was Defeated and killed multiple times because the first king we met at Loki was also defeated and killed he remains was stabbed and killed by Sylvie a female version of Loki who is a variant of the Loki who died in endgame now technically he allows Sylvie to kill him because it's part of some multiversal grand plan but dying is still dying if he does he does and this isn't even the first time a Kang Was Defeated as this variant explained that he already killed all the other kings eons ago including King the Conqueror this other Kang loses before he was even introduced he was beaten by his other variants and exile to the quantum realm then Janet Van Dyne outsmarts and traps him in the realm that's two embarrassing defeats before he even meets the titular character and finally Kang is defeated by a bunch of ants and two Heroes who aren't even considered to be very powerful in the MCU and according to Marvel this wasn't some Rando Kang this is the Kang the Conqueror the advertised big bad of the Multiverse Saga I mean literally his name is on the title of Avengers 5. in fact the original scrapped ending of the movie had Kang survive and escaped the quantum realm Marvel changed this ending though and seemingly changed their minds foreign has not came to conqueror anymore buddy I have no idea but I guess we should consider him as king the exiled Merlot Kang the lamb lame lame lame lame lame unless this King will return now we actually have a couple videos theorized you know how he could still be alive regardless of possible resurrections this car is Kang's momentum I am Kang metaphor and let's be real here quantumania didn't need Kank it sort of feels like Marvel threw King into the quantum realm is just a mandatory mediocre way to get more eyes on an Ant-Man movie something that didn't work and actually backfired because Kang was relegated a spouting exposition to get the audience pumped for Kang Dynasty and Seeker Wars Modoc should have been the only villain he fits so much better because he shares history with the ant team in fact just focusing on Modoc would have made for a much better movie a guy dressed like a bee tried to kill me in my room when I was six I've never had it on the one even with that big horrible CGI head of his and his really tiny bat yeah I'm like scarred for life after seeing that now in theory villains can lose and still be taken as serious threats in the comic supervillains are defeated all the time sometimes they're killed and returned to life this nature of Storytelling though doesn't really work in the MCU Loki for example can't lose in the first Thor and then return as a threat that assembles The Avengers that works because Loki was never advertised as a Thanos level threat and speaking of that wacky Titan he illustrates the second big problem with Kang and that's the inconsistent menacing Factor foreign [Music] the infinity Saga T Santos a lot and he spent most of the time just smiling at the camera but when he finally arrived at Infinity War he lived up to all the hype and then some in just his first introduction Thanos cements himself as the biggest most powerful most terrifying villain we have ever seen in this franchise in contrast there's Kang the Conqueror in one scene he mows down entire armies and universes and another he's easily defeated by ants he kills a bunch of quantum people but he conveniently forgets about his blue decimating beams whenever he fights the main Heroes he tells us about all the Avengers he's killed in the past and yet he can't kill even one member of Team Ant-Man and the worst part he keeps losing look at that face this is the face of a loser oh what a loser he kind of reminds me of Ultron he was very menacing at first but throughout the movie he kept losing over and over again oh to clarify powerful villains aren't automatically good Ronan was pretty strong but does anyone think he was a good villain yeah Rich Homie C the blue guy or the dark elf my point exactly a good villain doesn't always need to pose a physical threat to the heroes Zemo is one of the weakest villains in the MCU physically I mean he has no powers no special Tech and yet he devastated The Avengers with just a book and a cassette tape I know that road what is this this is true power a villain must be mostly successful to be truly menacing but it's also about having a strong presence the high evolutionary doesn't win a lot in Guardians 3 but he dominates our attention we have to take him very seriously and be terrified of what he could do to our beloved Heroes Kang's initial introduction is quite impressive one of the most impressive aspects of Kang both in the MCU and in the comics is that he's just a man with really Advanced Tech you're just a man he's Untouchable he's a master of time he has a strong presence even without shooting laser beams from his hands a good villain's actions speak louder than any words and yet Kang feels like he's all talk he's basically his own hype Man Without ever really living up to any of it and this brings us with the third major problem with Kang too much talking [Music] never shut up one of the basic rules of Storytelling is show and don't tell when Kang the Conqueror meets Scott For the First Time the movie attempts to make him more menacing by him recounting all the countless Avengers he's killed many times in the past but the movie doesn't show us any of that it's all talk about things he did off screen and yet he kind of forgets to do all that in the actual movie or we see him destroying other universes true and that's a good start but here's an idea instead of having Kang talk about all his far more impressive Deeds that happened off screen why not show them in a flashback they didn't even need to bring back the actors for cameos just show Ken killing Iron Man while he's in the suit Joe Cap's broken shield and Thor's hammer have a CGI Hawker Captain Marvel get eviscerated by Kank show me or better yet Hank needed to kill someone significant in the movie and not just in a flashback I'm not saying that Scott needed to die although that really would have redeemed this King but imagine if Kang killed Hank or Janet or heck what if he'd killed Cassie God that would have been a shocking blow the other problem with all of this talking is Hank's consistent hyping of his other variants a lot of me a huge chunk of the sixth episode of Loki is dedicated to a massive Exposition dumped by Kang about the other kangs and the Multiverse and while much of it is interesting its only purpose is to teach things that will only matter in the later stages of The Saga the Multiverse World building is very ambitious compared to the infinity Saga at times too ambitious for its own good to the point that it becomes tediously convoluted storytelling is this going to be on the midterm no no well maybe maybe yes you know but prepared both Kang and he who remain say that they must kill their variant and Rule as tyrants because that is the only way to save the Multiverse now this is an interesting motivation in fact it's one of the best things about Kang unfortunately it feels like a lot of empty hype since not only these other kings did not live up to their hype they actually made us much less excited about the future oh no how will the Avengers defeat this cartoonish Baddie Pharaoh Kang or the old Kang with the big hat who speaks like Yoda or I mean like should we really be that worried about blue cyborg Kang come on every single Kang among all these infinite variants look nothing like the next Thanos I mean seriously look at all these puny Kings all teleported in like they're making a video game entrance what is this fortnite or the MCU but there's so many of them I don't care if there's a gazillion of them even the idea of all of them building a multiversal army isn't getting me hyped for their future this collection of Kings is meant to represent the Council of Kings from the comics the thing is though this group never had any major role in the comics in fact they're usually killed off really easily there are only a few truly important kangs in the comics the prime Kang as well as his future self immortalist and his younger variant iron lad this Kang is meant to be immortus but he only looks like him right now he's just sort of an old Kang that seems like he stole his outfit from the Trade Federation she can't do that shoot her or something not sure Marvel could end up introducing a whole new king the Conqueror for Avengers the King Dynasty and Secret Wars and he will be the worthy big bad that we have been waiting for since Kang's introduction this might fix Kang but it also might create a very big problem which is also my fourth and possibly biggest problem that basically completely breaks the mcu's Kang in theory introducing a new Kang isn't such a bad idea that's sort of Kang's thing in the comics this is what makes the Multiverse so fun you can have countless unique and strange versions of the same character let's get nuts but you see the most important element of a character is well the character all of these kanks have different looks different motivations and personalities it's impossible to invest in a character that keeps changing with every new entry the most fundamental aspect of a character is making the audience care we need to be invested in characters to be interested in their stories Thanos Loki Zemo killmonger High evolutionary all of them aren't incredible villains because their motivations their powers their Tech and their Menace level and all that other stuff the root cause that makes them so good is our investment in their stories most villains are generally used for exposition and progressing the plot every scene they're in giving us the information about why the heroes need to stop them but when Thanos is on screen it's not about the plot it's about him him has a breathing full-fledged fascinating character we want to see what he feels what he thinks we want to see him interacting with other characters and see how that chemistry creates Cinema magic where is any of this with Kang right now why should we care about a character that's missing this core factor and then you add in all the other problems on top of that so sure this new Kang might be the most badass and coolest and most terrifying King we have ever met but is it enough buddy you're just a cheap knockoff I'm the upgrade well if we're all being real audiences have this wonderful ability to forget and forgive when Studios give us a shiny new toy so I guess time will tell but you see Marvel already did something like this with Thanos and it kind of didn't work Thanos and infinity war was perfect and we were fully immersed in his story but then he's killed and we're introduced to a different Thanos the younger version of him from the past and honestly this is a copy of Thanos and it's simply not as good as the original he's mostly there to create a conflict for the climax of the movie so there could be that big battle where all the heroes assemble and that's mostly it and it's fine because that's a small price to pay for the portal scene but this Scene encapsulates It All you attack everything from me I don't even know who you are this younger Thanos doesn't even know Wanda all the heroes are strangers to him he didn't experience what happened to his future self so this removes much of that personal conflict or history with the Avengers but we forgive this lesser version since Infinity War Thanos already did all the heavy lifting Marvel seems to be doing something like that with Kang but in Reverse they're introducing a lot of misdirected copies while biding their time to introduce the true Kang in Avengers 5 and 6. I love the idea of introducing kangan phase four and then developing his character over the course of multiple movies and shows however rather than developing a character the MCU is exploring an idea I have an idea they are using the kangs for World building the thing is though Marvel already has the perfect Kank and he's been there from the start a variant with an interesting motivation and a strong presence and that is he who remains he already won he lives up to his potential since he conquered the Multiverse and this is how Marvel could fix Kang forget about all the other kings he who remains is the True Villain of the Multiverse Saga yes yes yes yes what's the worst that can happen that is that true so we stabbed him to death however according to he who remains his death was part of the multiversal plan it's what's supposed to happen because time is looping in on itself you plan to blade in my chest and an infinite amount of B start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways in fact his death is the inciting event of The Saga and for all we know the new Kang that appears in quantumania's second credit scene is actually the young he who remains we saw how his story ends and now we're going back to the start and watch his Inception granted for all we know this is exactly what Marvel is planning Loki season 2 could reveal that he who remains is the final boss of the Multiverse Saga and over the course of phases 5 and 6 Marvel can develop and transform him into the ultimate Kang and this is very interesting because we already know that this Kang is destined to win according to he he remains his sacred timeline is the only way to save reality the other kings will wage a multiversal war that will threaten reality and he is the one who saves it and it's not just the Kings many heroes are threatening the Multiverse even without intending to like doctor strange and Spider-Man with that Bosch memory spell that nearly shattered every reality the Scarlet Witch invaded and killed the Mightiest Heroes in Another Universe leaving it defenseless and don't forget about the incursions yeah what are those again well I'll let the smartest man alive explain that one an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they Collide destroying one or both entirely and this could be just the start we could see universes going to war heroes and villains clashing across different realities everyone is desperately trying to preserve their own worlds in fact Marvel could form a more personal conflict between Kang and the Avengers by revealing that this whole multiversal crisis started when they created time travel in end game so now it's a Race Against Time to stop this Kang and prevent the end of everything but you see on the one hand the heroes don't want a multiversal dictator who will kill countless variants in erase infinite timelines but this might also be the only way to preserve their Universe because that's the one reality that can thing will save and this is the mark of a truly great villain it's more than being a menacing physical adversary it's about challenging every facet of the heroes force them to make hard choices to question their beliefs and in the end to change for the better and while time is running out Kang is always there he must conquer must erase his variants must create the sacred timeline because it's his predetermined Destiny he's convinced that without him Everything Burns it might be a little similar to Thanos who was also so sure that his was the only path to save the universe but unlike the Mad Titan Kank actually saw how it all ends I've lose a million lifetimes I've gone through every every scenario this is the only way it parallel Stephen using the time Stone to find that one and only outcome to stop Thanos and to cement this I would have this Kang show up to a meeting of one of the land kangs and just wipe them out just imagine Kank unleashing his power on them like Darth Vader and Rogue one's hallway Massacre and remember that earlier I spoke about the menacing Factor he who remains has this silent ominous presence about him this guy literally controls time he even created the TVA a Time police force that are located inside of a realm that turns the Infinity Stones into paperweights because he's a master of time he already lived out all these battles has seen every outcome so when the Avengers attack him he's basically Neo Untouchable Unstoppable inevitable just like time itself it creates this nihilistic view of everything why should anything matter if the outcome is already set in stone it's not just fighting Kang it's about fighting time itself this raises the Dilemma of Free Will versus predetermination protection versus Freedom the needs of the many versus the needs of the few could The Avengers change their Destiny and Forge a new ending to the multiversal conflict the future is not set there's no fit about what we make for ourselves and there you have it I just fixed came to conqueror and just a reminder everybody to join my screen Crush Alliance on myths of moonrise download the game with this QR code or use our Link in the description below what do you guys think about Kang so far do you have any problems with them and what kind of Kang are you hoping we see in Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars let me know down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 273,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kang problem, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, marvel kang problem, kang probelm, mcu kang problem, mcu kang probelm, kang en problemas, marami kang problema, marvel kang probelm, jonathan majors update, jonathan majors girlfriend, quantumania review, kang video, marvel, kang, johnathan majors fired, screencrush bad batch, heavy spoilers yellowjackets
Id: zeVSC3zg_9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2023
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