Loki ENDING EXPLAINED - What Season 2 Means for AVENGERS: Kang Dynasty & SECRET WARS!

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thanks to thrive market for sponsoring this video if there's a hope that you can replace that thing with something better hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so the Loki season 2 finale answered a lot of our burning questions but it also opened the door for even more questions than before so I want to break down Loki's new role as the overseer of the Multiverse and how we could still be stuck in a he who remains or a Boris Loop and of course we're going to talk about how all of this will play into the impending multiversal War war and Avengers the King Dynasty and Secret Wars okay so we learn in this episode that he who remains never intended on letting Sylvie kill him he always knew that he would come back did you really think I was just going to sit back and let her kill me reincarnation baby a lot of what he who remains did and said in the season 1 finale was revealed to be a lie but what was seemingly true is that he was tired and handpicked Loki to be his replacement you two you two run the thing Loki spends centuries working diligently to expand the temporal looms capacity and eventually they succeed it's working he did it but for some reason they didn't anticipate that no matter how much expanding you can do you can never catch up with infinity myum will never be able to accommodate for an infinitely growing Multiverse it's here that Loki realizes that he's going to have to go back and stop Sylvie from ever killing he who remains to which Sylvie says if you want to stop me you're going to have toing kill [Applause] Loki also learns here that the loom is nothing but a fail safe and keep that word in mind fail safe because I think that we could still be living out one if he who remains many fail safes but more than that in just a bit J person I am starving there is never any food around here well actually you know what hey there do you guys have any food no we were just talking about how there is no food yeah you know you're at a video story at the end of existence so it's really hard to get fresh healthy food yeah and healthy sustainable living is very hard in such a rural area are there has to be a better way guys there is a better way look at all this food I got for the holiday party wow look at that yeah check it out I got Gluten-Free mac and cheese I got fig Jam cereal big bag of dates dried mangoes organic chocolate truffles person did you steal all that food no buddy I got this when I became a member of Thrive Market they're the sponsor of this video this is an online communitybased grocery store with a guaranteed savings on every single order they curate the best products that you would find a health food store and they discount at 40% of the retail price and they can do this because of the membership system memberships are $12 a month but annual memberships are only five bucks a month totally worth it like I spent $100 in my first order but look at that I had $57 in savings like these are the highest quality organic and sustainable products and if you find a lower price somewhere else they will match it plus orders over $49 shipped for free with carbon neutral shipping and it's a great place to do your Thanksgiving shopping they have frozen meals turkey and Frozen orders over 120 bucks also shipped for free this is a great way to try new products that you have never heard of before Oh so is it is it just people food yeah buddy sorry oh that makes me sad I'm just kidding buddy they got pet food too in fact I got you these sweet potato chews for dogs you want that yeah good boy so if you join Thrive market today with our Link in the description you get $30 off your first order and a free gift worth up to $60 just go to thrivemarket.com screencrush and sign up today you will not regret it now back to what I was saying anyway Loki decides that he's going to rewrite the equation of multiversal existence I'll change the equation I'll break your loom he thinks that he can do what he who remains couldn't allow for a vast Multiverse with free will while simultaneously preventing a war that destroys everything he who remains seems exhausted by Loki thinking he can change the inevitable okay and I don't think he who remains his exhaustion with Loki is necessarily coming from a bad place it could be that he who remains has gone down a similar path to Loki eons ago in his own quest to find a way to save save all of existence I've lived a million lifetimes a path that ultimately led to the creation of the Sacred timeline after all he did say killer and we protect what we can so why does Loki think that he can save the Multiverse well I mean that's what's unclear I mean we see Loki go out on a bridge to destroy the loom and then he uses his magic to revive the dying timelines he then weaves them into what looks like yrail well in Norse mythology yasil is the tree of life that encompasses all worlds we actually hear Thor talk about it to explain the nine Realms in the first Thor movie somehow Palpatine returned I'm just kidding I'm in here my father explained it to me like this that the your world is one of the nine Realms of the cosmos linked to each other by the branches of victrail the world's tree and if you'll notice there he said his father told him about yasil which means that Loki was likely taught yasil as well and those teachings from Odin is what inspired Loki to morph the Multiverse into this treel likee structure also be sure to check out our Loki in the Marvel's inspired merch at our merch store where we designed the shirts our El we've got our Mobius on a Mobius riding his jet ski a restrained flurin Doug is a flurin I do not conent to my likess being used and so much more shopping our merch store is the best way to directly support everything we do here at the channel and now we also have Channel memberships where you can get custom badges priority replies and it's another great way to support the channel and while I have you I also want to mention our live show coming up in Brooklyn on February 22nd where you can meet me and the whole screen Crush team in person link for all of those things are below we hope to see you there now while we get to see Loki create this multiversal tree they never really explain how he was able to do this I mean I guess if Loki is now the god of stories like he is in the comics and he'd theoretically be able to control the story of the Multiverse and just like not let a war happen wait back up God of stories I thought he was the god of Mischief okay so let me explain in the secret Wars adjacent comic book series Loki agent of Asgard we see Loki become the god of stories now in the comic Loki followed a similar path to his MCU counterpart now like in the MCU comic Loki had died but when presented with an opportunity for a second chance at life Loki decided to rewrite his story I can rewrite the story he no longer wanted to go down the path of a villain doomed to fail he wanted to change eventually this Loki learned how to navigate the Multiverse and literally freeze time just like we saw in the season 2 finale so in the comics Loki used this ability to rewrite his own story and made it to where he was never the god of mischief and instead the god of stories a very powerful and almost omnipotent being and that is the Glorious purpose that Loki found in the season 2 finale taking on the role of the single thread holding all of existence together very similar to the Greek Titan Atlas who held existence on his shoulders except for one key detail Atlas was being punished while Loki made a sacrifice just like we predicted he would in this video here congratulations you're a prophet and can we talk for a minute about how huge this is I mean we have seen some powerful beings in the MCU Thanos Scarlet Witch Captain Marvel the celestials I could go on but all of these characters exist within the very strands of reality that Loki is holding together their lives are literally in his hands Loki is arguably at this moment the most powerful being in the entire Marvel Multiverse but Loki's entire reason for overthrowing he who remains was to allow for free will but what good is Free Will if everyone's dead and part of that Free Will is allowing he who remains variant to exist as we saw at the end of the episode when they mentioned Quantum manous Kang do any of them know that we exist yet nope I guess one of them caused a little bit of a ruckus on 616 adjacent realm but they handled it so we're all good for now now more on that specifically Kang in a SE because he is definitely coming back I'll be back so I'd really like to get a clearer picture on how exactly Loki's plan differs from he who remains is and what Loki's plan is to prevent the multiversa war from happening he who remains sacred timeline kept variants of himself from coming into existence variants that would try to overthrow him and start another multiversal War Loki's plan on the other hand allows for the Multiverse to expand beyond that of the Sacred timeline and as a result Kang's variance can come into being so it's not really clear what Loki is going to be able to do differently than he who remains to stop these kangs from from taking over I mean is his plan really to have the TVA just take on any heu remains variant that stirs up trouble I'm pretty sure that heu remains could have tried that approach to begin with and I suspect that the result was that his variants were too difficult to defeat that's why the easiest path was just to not allow them to exist he who remains said my variants are already out there we'll find them there's too many and we know this Council of KS has come into existence the quantum Mania King that we hear mention of having been defeated was banished to the quantum Realm by this C so they're already plotting their takeover and they have to be pretty powerful because they seem to be existing outside of time and space in that post credit scene we can see them looking out at the branching Multiverse which we can also see here as the top of Loki's multiversal tree now as of right now the Kings don't seem to know that the TVA exists they're beginning to touch the Multiverse but the TVA also doesn't seem to know that this Council of kangs exists but I think they'll discover them soon and then they are going to come for Loki and that is what brings me to our big Theory we are still in an Ora Boris Loop come on now we know that the multiversal war has happened before and that it will happen again so what if we are still on the path that led to that first multiversal war we have theorized before that King the Conqueror from Quantum Mania is the king who went on to become he who remains in Quantum Mania we see this King talk about how the Multiverse needed order and he even envisioned a sacred timeline in the Loki season 1 finale we also hear he who remains say I've been dubbed many names by many people a conqueror now I think that this very King is on the same path to becoming he who remains I think part of he who remains original ascendancy not only included defeating his variants but he also overthrew the TVA and the god at the End of Time Loki in the final moments of the season 2 finale we saw ravona in the void at the end of time here ravona is coming into contact with elath it's a living Tempest that consumes matter and energy where are shark tank elath is the shark now we know that he who remains is the variant that Tamed elith and weaponized him to end the multiversal war I weaponized elith I ended the multiversal war so here's our theory that scientist variant we heard about in the season 1 finale became king the Conqueror and attempted to defeat his other variants and win the multiversal war he then got banished by his variants to the quantum realm like we saw in quantam Mania that King was then defeated and sucked into his multiversal engine Corp and after being sucked into that core he was essentially pruned and where do you think you go when you get pruned the nursing home no the void at the end of time and in this void at the End of Time Kang will find elith and elath will obey Kang because the Beast was already serving and protecting Kang's future self he who remains Kang will tame elith and that is when he will come across a woman he doesn't recognize raona Ren Slayer raona will recognize him though and she will join him in his quest to conquer the Multiverse just like we saw here in season 2 you made a difference in this war thank you for being allmighty team now in Avengers the Kang Dynasty I think we're going to see Kang and ravona roll in on elath and help the Avengers defeat the Kang variants attacking Universe 616 Kang and raona will then travel to the end of time and find the mysterious God there at the end of time it's there that we will see a parallel of the Loki season 1 finale play out in the season 1 finale we saw Loki and Sylvie enchant elith and enter the Citadel at the end of time all with the intent of killing the man behind the curtain he who remains this time around it will be Kang and ravona traveling to the end of time to find the god behind the curtain Loki again it's like poetry sort of they rhyme as we discussed All Season we are living in an aura Boris meaning the same thing happens again and again and again and things like cause and effect can be swapped oh yeah retro caal exactly we got the best example of that in this scene between Ora Boris and Victor timley so if your work is based on his work and his work is based on your work exactly which came first it's like a sck eating its own tail now I think this Citadel at the end of time has been destroyed and built time and time again throughout all of eternity switching between being Loki's throne and he who remains Palace right so are you saying this is not the first time Loki has taken his throne at the end of time exactly and I think that we got clues that this was the case when we saw Loki walk up these invisible stairs it's almost as if on a cosmic level his very essence knew these steps were there because they always have been and they always will be so wait who is there first Loki or he who remains well buddy there is no first I think this Citadel and the TVA have just always been we know that he remains paved the path for Loki to find him because he wanted Loki to take over for him but why Loki because Loki is the one he took the throne from to begin with he also knows that if he lets Loki take control that will result in his younger self coming into existence as that scientist that we saw in season 1 the scientist who becomes Kang the Conqueror and goes on to overthrow Loki and after he beats Loki and wins the multiversal war he will have the statues of himself erected throughout the TVA and he'll have ravona and every other agent's memory wiped so they don't remember the way the TVA was run under erase her memories are you sure erase all their memories okay but why does he erase rone his mind you know I was never really clear on that well this Ora Boris shows us exactly why this raona will know things that Kang doesn't and Kang won't like that this raona will also know that Kang or he who remains is destined to betray her like she saw in that vision for Miss minutes so ravona will likely be planning to beat he who remains to the punch and overthrow him but as usual he who remains as many steps ahead and wipes her memory making her forget that he ever betrayed her I think we'll also learn that ravona has been trying to manipulate Kang from their very first meeting hoping that she could change the future but in an Nora Boris Destiny always arrives meaning that the original reason he who remains ever wiped her memory to begin with was because of her planned betrayal from having known that he betrays her again it's retro causality sounds like a bunch of bull stuff to me excuse me nothing nothing going and after eons and eons and eons are ruling alone creating the fiction of the timekeepers to protect himself from being discovered like how Loki was Kang or now he who remains will be tired and want a replacement so he will pave the path for the younger self of the God he once overthrew to return to his throne I know it all and I've seen it all once again guaranteeing he who remains own reincarnation once again showing us another he who remains fail safe to stay in power and around and around and around we go he who remains made it clear that he is all about fail safes to stay in power whether it be the temporal Loom or the time slipping Loop he placed Loki in he always has a backup plan and I think that we are living out yet another he remains backup plan okay so we are now trapped in this Ora Boris Loop where Kang and Loki are essentially taking turns being rulers of the Multiverse but this time around Loki will finally put a stop to it instead of Loki dying at the hands of Kang when he's overthrown we'll learn that Thor followed Kang to the end of time after Kang helped them defeat his variant it is there that Thor will find his defeated brother and after a heartwarming reunion between the two we will see Thor go on to fight Kang for what he has done to his brother in the distance we'll see Kang forming his new Citadel Loki will stop Thor and tell him that now's not the time but that he has a plan Loki will explain that he saw this coming that he saw himself die at the hands of K but what he didn't see was the arrival of his brother it's this moment that will be the Nexus event that throws a wrench into this eternal Loop like in the comics Loki will become Avenger Prime in the comics there is a storyline where Loki flies into the Sun but he doesn't die he finds himself at the god quy a place that's very similar to he who remained Citadel at the end of time with the multivers threat Loki formed a team of Avengers from throughout the Multiverse and he himself became Avenger Prime and I think that's exactly what we're going to see happen in Avengers Secret Wars Loki surviving King's attack will be a Nexus event that results in the total Destruction of the Multiverse Loki and Thor will then travel across the dying Multiverse using TVA Tech and they will form a multiversal team of Avengers to stand off against Kang and this big battle will take place on the last remaining planet in all of existence battle world and I think it's here that we will meet a new version of he who remains the beyonder beyonder I like that in the secret Wars comics the beyonder is this Cosmic level entity that actually brought every everyone to battle world now in the comics the beyonder is not a Kang variant but neither is the Comic version of he who remains this version of Kang will act a lot like he who remains and we'll see he and Loki have a candid discussion about their place in the Multiverse very similar to the one that we got in the season 1 finale and ultimately Loki will realize that in order to fully put a stop to the Ora Boris that kept putting Kang back in power both of them will have to be removed from reality and that is when Loki will make an even bigger sacrifice than the one we saw in the season 2 finale and he will write himself and King out of all time space thus rebooting the Marvel Multiverse and rebooting the MCU well guys that's just our thoughts on what's going to happen next do you have any theories let us know in the comments below and big shout out to the writer of this video Mr Colton Ogburn you can find his Twitter and mine below and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 534,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki ending explained, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, loki ending explained season 2, loki ending explained season two, loki ending explained new rockstars, loki ending explained kang, loki ending explained hindi, loki ending explained malayalam, loki endig explained, loki ending explained comicverse, loki season 2, marvl, marvel, mcu, kang dynasty, secret wars, mcu secert wars
Id: NQyc_gG9wmQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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