KANG was Right! - (and Across the SPIDER-VERSE Proves It!)

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we got to the man at the end of time and he made sense hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary so the MCU has so many villains with compelling motivations but Kang is the only one who's actually possibly right in what he's doing and his way might be the only way to save the Multiverse and the second episode of Loki kind of proves it the episode's ending shows the complicated ethics that will be so important for the Multiverse Saga the military force of the TVA just pruned count timelines and when a timeline is pruned it's completely erased from time and space this is a genocide on an inconceivable scale but as horrible as it is and it is there was no other way oh what you see the branching timelines are how all the Kang variants are returning and that's bad because they are the ones who will start a multiversal war that could destroy all of reality unless they are stopped this is what Kang the Conqueror wanted to do but you see Kang wasn't the only one another version of him already saved the Multiverse eons ago and that's he who remains he created the sacred timeline and he is the reason why the TVA are pruning timelines to begin with all to prevent the return of all these other KS and with every new MCU entry that deals with the Multiverse we keep seeing the same ethical debate and the biggest proof of it is actually in a non MCU movie across the spiderverse so allow us to prove why both of these Kang variants were right and why their way might be the only way they can save the Multiverse hey Doug is it cool if I leave early tonight I got Spanish oh I get it it's fall back to school time so you're taking Spanish classes oh no man I'm learning Spanish on Babel they're the sponsor of this video and it's going pretty great oh yeah yeah man like I took Spanish in high school and I got to where I could say some phrases but like the parts about masculine and feminine word forms like it just floored me but Babel doesn't just teach you random vocabulary words Babel 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languages and guys it's fall it is the time of year when I feel like I'm going back to school and I'm in the mood to learn new things see Babel Has a few different subscription offers to choose from so if you're interested in learning a new language this is the perfect opportunity to try this out plus they offer a 20-day money back guarantee so you can try it and see if it's right for you so click our Link in the description or scan this QR code to get started today I saw the multivers then it was dying all right so first let's go over what Kang and he who remains are all about starting with Kang the Conqueror according to Kang his variants are the reason why the Multiverse is going to end and those are the Council of kangs who seem to control or manipulate the entire Multiverse more on this scene and why it's bad for everyone later on so what are they doing exactly well they're messing with time and creating branching timelines and as Banner Hulk explained if you travel to the past that past becomes your future and your former present becomes the past which can't now be changed by your new future so the Kings travel through time and the Multiverse creating new universes this is causing chaos that is triggering countless incursions take it away smartest man alive in the dumbest Universe an incursion occurs when the boundary between two universes erodes and they Collide destroying one or both entirely so Kang's warning about the incursions is real as he explains to Janet here universes colliding endless incursions in multi merse of Madness we have seen universes Collide they destroy each other creating a chain reaction that will end the entire Multiverse let the disco balls from The Flash I will sort of but we don't talk about the flash around these parts anymore to stop the chaos Kang went to war with his variants his solution was conquering and erasing the other kings and their entire universes crude methods but effective now that might sound horrible but you will see why it's the lesser of two evils in just a moment now King was defeated by his variant and to the quantum realm and then the ant fam got in his way and then he got eaten by a bunch of super ants he was not eaten by super ants he was defeated by the regular totally not powerered people Ant-Man and the WASP he's presumably dead but we don't actually think he's dead dead but when Kang explained to Janna vany about the incursions and the chaos he showed her this circle that seems to represent his end goal and this circle looks exactly like the sacred timeline and this brings us to he who remains now he's the king variant who achieved everything that this King sought to do according to He Who remains eons ago a war broke out due to the warmongering Kings and this led to each King fighting to preserve their own Universe by destroying the universes of the other kings this war almost ended all realities he who remains found elath inside the void between universes a being capable of consuming entire realities he harnessed elia's power and won the Kang war and he did that by erasing all the other kangs and their universes and then he created the sacred timeline a separate Universe protected by him ages and ages of cosmic Harmony hence you're welcome he who remains controlled every moment on the sacred timeline like a god the timeline had to play out According to some grand plan otherwise it would Branch off to ensure the sacred timeline remains well sacred he who remains creative the TVA they oversee the timeline and hunt down any variant such as Loki and Sylvie variants create Nexus events by varying off their predetermined paths which creates branching timelines so what's so bad about new timelines well if they aren't pruned they will continue continue diverging and that is how the Kang variants will return leading to another multiversal war and this is the reason why the military side of the TVA pruned all those timelines in episode 2 so the war King wanted to stop has already happened person I am right too confused cuz I am so smallart okay buddy for so for Simplicity sake when we're talking about he who remains keep in mind that all of that happened in the past like relatively speaking so what we're seeing in the MCU right now with Kang the Conqueror and the madness and the Multiverse all of that is a repeat of the war that he who remains has already ended this is because the entire Multiverse is stuck in a Time Loop what happened before is destined to repeat itself again and again and again for why time travel I don't live in a straight line and with time it's hard not to skip to the end Kang is acting based on his knowledge of the future he saw How It Ends he who remains has already experienced this himself side note the fact that he who remains has achieved exactly what Kang wanted to do himself might seemingly confirm that these two variants are actually the same Kang yeah I missed the this when Gris was collecting Rainbow Rocks anyways acting based on a vision of the future is exactly what Doctor Strange did in Infinity war and endgame he risked all of those who were dusted because he saw the one perfect outcome to bring back everyone and defeat Thanos there was no other way just like Kang saw the only outcome to preserve the Multiverse I've gone through every every scenario this is the only way the TVA it works and keep in mind the universe that he who remains has saved is Earth 616 the main MCU timeline so the kangs are now returning because he who remains is dead the TVA is still there but as we're seen in these first couple episodes of season 2 they cannot stop the sacred timeline from unraveling into the chaos of the Multiverse and everything that has happened since he who remains death shows that everything he foretold has come to pass you plunge your blade in my chest and an infinite amount of me start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways the Multiverse was reborn this is how the there are countless diverging universes such as the spiderverse the Illuminati verse the three-eyed evil strange Deadpool and all the universes from what if and everything else but I think a bunch of guys like us should team up let's get nuts so isn't it a good thing that all these universes exist seems like fun to me sure it's awesome but it's also very bad remember Kang and he who remains explicitly said that the multiversal war will begin because of their variance and in quantam Mania we were introduced to the Council of Kings they seem to control the Multiverse and they ain't happy that there are others messing with their domain and the incursions are the reason why the alliance between the Kings will crumple and the multiversal war will break out universes colliding puts all the kings and their universes in danger King the Conqueror saw the future he knows How It Ends and all the kings have access to time travel as well so they also know how it ends and this will force them to act and start the war now in theory the king should be able to work together to prevent the end of the Multiverse because of mutually assured destruction and all of that however the incursions are already happening everywhere all at once on top of that we see time and time again that the universes are very fragile and they can be broken by pretty much anything so the domino pieces have already fallen and it's going to be every single Kang for himself the only way to stop the end of everything is to erase all the chaotic universes meaning each Kang will fight to ensure their Universe survives by destroying all the other universes there can be only one now this is what Kang the Conqueror tried to stop this is what he who remains predicted would happen after his death and right now with no other alternative Kang's way seems to be the only way to save reality without the me without the TVA Everything Burns but wait person didn't Kang kill so many people that is very true Kang might be right but his means are so very wrong Kang destroyed countless universes before being exiled and he who remains erased every other Universe which was also filled with countless lives this is like a bajillion times worse than what Thanos did it is worse than everything all the other MCU villains have ever done we are talking about an in conceivable number of lives that have been exterminated those are people and keep in mind he who remains committed repeated genocides because every time a new branching timeline was created the TVA pruned it so Kang's hands are soaked with the space dust of all the lives and universes that he has ended not to mention that some variants are spared only to have their lives and memories stolen and they become agents for the TVA brainwashed to hunt and exterminate more variants do you have any idea what kind of life you might have left behind who might be waiting for you back there I mean do you care I mean you know they took us their only crime is existing a cosmic mistake that's deplorable there's no question but the alternative is the end of everything so there is no other way you realize how messed up that sounds right not at least like not right now and Kang appears to be distraught by what he must do he knows that what he's doing is wrong but he also understands that there is no other choice that he must commit these unspeakable atrocities to preserve deserve reality when you can see time the way I do you don't get to close your eyes and keep in mind right now the TVA is the only group that oversees the Multiverse there are a few others who fulfill similar tasks and we'll talk about them in just a moment but the majority of the Avengers aren't even aware of this chaotic situation let alone aware of the Multiverse the Multiverse is real and those who are have no clue of the true threats to reality wait so did I just kill everyone is everyone going to die because of me and chances are if the Avengers were aware of what was happening they would likely stand against Kang so they could save everyone but this time you simply cannot save everybody and as we have seen in the first episode of this season the entirety of the TVA is about to blow the loom that serves as a temporal grinder is overloading due to all the branching timelines and when that happens no more TVA and this brings us to the ethical debate right at the center of the Multiverse Saga do the ends justify the means what should be sacrificed for the greater good should a celestial destroy one world if it means it will grow up to create an entire galaxy should five villains die for the safety of one Universe should you dream Walk To Save a Life if it means two universes could be destroyed as a consequence should you allow one person to die to prevent the destabilization of the Multiverse allow the continuation of a horrible regime as long as it keeps reality intact these are difficult and impossible sacrifices to make and so far the heroes have avoided making these sacrifices refusing to abandon their strong morals even if it meant risking their universes we may not be perfect but the safest hands are still our own now as commendable and as heroic as they are these choices show that they might not be the safest hands to protect the Multiverse because this isn't just about saving one world or a universe it's about preventing the end of existence the end of everything they're going to die orange shirt she's going to die most importantly we are all going to die this is gone all of this shows that what the Multiverse needs is someone who's willing to make the hardest choices to safeguard all of reality and it's the reason why the safest hands here might just be kangs take no way home for example when the five multiversal trespassers put Earth 616 in danger Steven was committed to sending them back to their universes even if it meant that all five of them would die it's their fate the deaths of Norman osor and auto Octavius are crucial points in Peter's story changing those could diverge his path in other words it will create more branching timelines but Peter refused to stand by and let the villains die even if it meant putting his whole reality at risk Peter was making these choices without even understanding what was at stake and what are the consequences of his decisions on the spiderverse break enough Canon save enough captains and we could lose everything what's so ironic about all of this is that Steven was the one who offered to cast the memory spell in the first place blatantly ignoring the dangers that Wong warned him about that spell travels to do borders between known and unknown reality it's too dangerous we've used it for a lot less you still think that there will be no consequences strange no price to pay now we have spoken about incursions being the main source of multiversal Destruction but as we've seen the Multiverse is very fragile breaking universes is way too easy it's as if they're meant to end all except one that seems to survive anything a botched memory spell multiversal travel dream walking time travel pretty much anything can trigger these incursions not to mention Heroes that can travel between universes and start wars like Wanda killing every member of the Illuminati so even without the king the Multiverse is at constant risk of ending and then of course there's all the cannon events and across the spiderverse and those change everything for this multiversal crisis wait spiderverse is part of the Multiverse too yes it's all the same thing the spiderverse is a network of universes within this larger Multiverse it's called the arachn humanoid poly Multiverse now we know that because we see Andrew Garfield Spider-Man in the movie and he obviously also appeared in no way home but the spiderverse refers to only universes that include a spider person so the big threat in the spiderverse is the cannon events now they are very similar to Nexus events these are events in the timeline of each universe that must happen for example Uncle Ben must die so Peter Parker becomes Spider-Man that's his Canon event for Gwen it was the death of Peter Parker for miles it's the death of his dad if a Canon event is prevented the timeline could collapse and the entire universe will shatter this is what happened to Miguel O'Hara he formed the spider Society a group of spider people from every Universe to enforce the spider verse who is in laser cages anomalies folks who wound up in the wrong Dimension we call those variants so the spider Society is like the TVA Miguel is sort of like Kang a variant who must allow some terrible thing to happen to preserve the Multiverse and there is something significant that happens right after Miguel tells miles about the Canon events when miles asks when his dad is supposed to die Miguel answers in 2 days but right then lla appears and says that's what the model says the movie Never explains what it is but our best guess is that it's some type of algorithm that allows the spider Society to monitor the spiderverse it's as if there is a script that everyone in the spiderverse must follow a chain of events that must happen just like on the sacred timeline so we're just supposed to let people die because some algorithm says that that's supposed to happen and here's a crazy Theory the spider Society isn't just similar to the TVA it's actually the same organization that was also created by Kang it's the TVA that enforces the spiderverse Miguel was put in charge by K in secret and even without Miguel's knowledge every step you took to get here I paved the road and I mean like look back at Lyla doesn't she look familiar yeah she's like rendy well yeah I guess but she's also an AI glowing with golden light providing information to a multiversal police force she's basically the spider versus Miss minutes hello and I won't be surprised if Lyla is actually a version of Miss minutes herself who's continuing he who remains mission to protect the Multiverse and the Canon events are basically Nexus events the only difference is that Nexus events Branch the sacred timeline while Canon events break universes but Canon events might not be exclusive to the spiderverse every timeline might have a predestined chain of events that must happen and if those events are broken or changed the universe collapses everything is pre-ordained now we have seen proof of it with the absolute points in time and what if in strange Supreme's Universe Christine Palmer is supposed to die she is his Canon event if Christine doesn't die he doesn't become Doctor Strange meaning he won't stop doramu from consuming the universe her death is an absolute point in time unchangeable unmovable Steven uses the time Stone to change his absolute point in time which destroys his entire universe so Canon events might be the real reason for the Multiverse ending any change to these set points in time begins the process of reality collapsing this triggers incursions and that leads to the end of of everything and this could explain why the entire Multiverse is stuck in an endless loop because every timeline has a predestined script that must play out this explains why he who remains has predicted that he will be reborn and save the Multiverse once again after the Kang war begins and this is the very reason why the kangs Must Be Stopped with their constant time traveling and multiversal manipulation they are breaking countless Canon events by variance throughout the Multiverse playing with time like chw in the end of Loki season 1 after hearing everything heu remains had to say Loki starts questioning his own mission to help Sylvie kill he who remains he becomes convinced that he who remains in the TVA are a necessary evil to Stave off something far worse and Loki's behavior in season 2 so far supports that sure part of him just wants to save Sylvie but he also saw the future in the first episode he sees the TVA will collapse and he understands that he must prevent this since they are the only defense against the other kings we thought it was about freeing the time line but that brings only more malevolence more violence more war more of H they're coming they're all coming and so all of this shows just how chaotic the Multiverse truly is and it needs someone like Kang it needs something like the TVA because it's way too easy to end the universe to just collapse the whole thing like a house of cards so that's it that's it this is what happens however we want to end on this is there an alternative to Kang's Mash genocide could the Multiverse exist with out this existential crisis there might actually be a more peaceful and less genocidal way perhaps the TVA is the key only instead of pruning timelines they will serve as a multiversal force that protects the peace the best way to protect the Multiverse is to eliminate variants like the ks variants who will start multiversal wars and instead of war the TVA could form a multiversal Alliance representatives from each Universe could be part of it all of them working together to ensure the stability of reality the Guardians of the Multiverse however Messing too much with the timelines could break Canon events so they will need to enforce time travel and multiversal travel to minimize the possibility of triggering incursions and who is better to protect reality than the heroes because if they canot do what must be done then maybe the Multiverse is better off with the one guy who already saved it eons ago so this is why we believe that Kang was right but what do you think is Kang's way the only way or could there be another option to save the Multiverse let me know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan ER [Music] okay
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 701,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kang was right, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, kang wass right, kang, he who remains, victor timely, loki breakdpown'marvel, mcu, marvel cinematic universe, kang was right theory, across the spider-verse kang, marvel comics, mcu films breakdpown, screencrush mcu, screencrush villains that ere right, thanos was right
Id: _f4aXgvYHKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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