LOKI Ending: What Happened To He Who Remains Kang and Deleted Scenes - Marvel Breakdown

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Welcome back everyone It's Charlie The Loki season 2 finale wrapped up a number of overarching plot threads heading into Marvel Phase 6 and Avengers 5. A lot of you have been asking what happened to he who remains after Loki broke the loom and created the New World tree version of the wider multiverse. Sitting atop the remains of he remains citadel at the end of time in his former chair. The chair that he's sitting in was the chair that he who remains was just sitting in earlier in the episode. there are a bunch of scenes that they didn't include the ending of Episode six to explain what actually happened to him. So we'll explain what happened to him between Loki leaving his citadel at the end of time and then fixing the multiverse. Marvel is still currently committed to the Council of Kangs versus the new Avengers in Avengers five at the moment. so just in general right now, the whole concept of kangs is still something that Marvel is working on. In the writer for Loki, Season one is now writing Avengers five two. He already wrote Avengers six Secret Wars that that wasn't clear. So there's a lot of energy from the Loki series just in general that's being baked in to Avengers five and Avengers six. if you're brand new to the channel, be sure to subscribe to get all the videos. There's a bunch of big stuff coming up. We have What if season two episodes? I'll be doing videos for pretty soon, and they just started releasing the Loki and the one Division Blu ray. So we're giving away a couple of copies all year through to enter. You just be a subscriber and let me know what you want them to do with Loki during Avengers five. In Avengers six, he's kind of the most powerful character in the MCU right now, next to people like Scarlet Witch with all of her chaos, Magic. but at the end of the finale, Loki time slips back to he remains did it all at the end of time. Before Sylvie originally killed him during the events of Loki Season one in that finale, the moment he arrived in was this moment here, after she lost all patients with him, it made the lunge across the table at him like, That's enough. Loki tries to stop her. They had their battle between the two of them where he tries to convince her not to do it. That all took place during the season one finale Originally, Sylvie pushed him back through the portal, back to the TVA, his time slipping started. She proceeded to kill he who remains, causing all the problems they had containing the loom during season two, basically setting the plot of season two off when Loki comes back to that same moment in the season two finale, he's figured out how to control his time slipping and he remains, realizes what's happened. Like, okay, you understand how to do this now? He pauses, Sylvie in time so they can have a chat just between the two of them, where he reveals that he orchestrated the events of season one and season two. These moments here, knowing that everything with the time slipping was going to happen, like he did it on purpose. It was all part of his grand design, He reveals they never would have been able to fix the loom. All of the victor timely stuff that he's set up at the beginning of Season two was part of his grand design, but that was part of the path that he was laying out for Loki to learn how to evolve into the God of stories, the God form of Loki, the whole idea is that an every time loop that they experienced the loom would always destroy all the extra timelines no matter what. Like this explosion would always happen, no matter what reset so that only the sacred timeline remained. And he just rebuild the TVA when the timeline rebooted again. and this was happening over and over and over again, many, many, many times That's why if he told Loki that he didn't fully understand things yet, like he hadn't fully gained the power to command time just biologically without any technology, that he should try a couple thousand more loops. all because he who remains was still trying to get Loki to take over management of the sacred timeline from him. But his secret plan was to push Loki through all these time loops to learn to unlock his God of stories. Power which then Loki shows that he's already learned how to do. When he pauses Sylvie by flicking his finger the reason he remains created this elaborate time loop for Loki to go through over and over again to evolve this way was because he remains wanted a more omnipotent being to be managing things after he left, someone who wouldn't be dependent upon technology. noticed during those final moments. He also reveals that the Council of Kangs exist outside of time in their base, and nothing Loki does will be able to stop them from already existing out there. That's because their base is outside of time in a different dimension, like the TVA, like a pocket dimension it's not affected by anything that either of them did during Loki Season two, even when Loki fixed the multiverse, Loki decides that he's going to beat he who remains. Finally, by not playing his game, he was offered two choices Choose the loom, keeping things status quo or no loom, and let any and all king variants run wild, Creating a new King multiverse work just as bad as the first one, if not worse. Loki chooses his own third option to break the loom and then sacrifice himself by becoming a custodian of sorts to the multiverse using his newly unlocked god of stories. Power of controlling time to keep the tree that is the multiverse healthy. sort of like a cosmic gardener keeping the tree of all the timelines healthy, which gets back to his last conversation with Mobius. He asks him, How do you choose what to prune and what to allow? because he has the power to change anything in the timelines that he wants. He's asking, Mobius, how do you know what to change But when he returns with all the timelines in tow, he remains citadel at the end of time. Looks like it's been reduced to rubble like it's years later in this decade to almost nothing is kind of like a continue to decay over a long period of time. so here's what they did not show in that ending scene after Loki left he who remains for the final time when he leaves Loki and he remains, allows Sylvie to kill he who remains like she originally did during the season one finale, because the moment that they're in here is back during the events of the Season one finale. remember Loki jump back to this time period. so the idea is that the minute that Loki time slips back to the TVA, Sylvie became unpaused. Loki, who remains unpaused. Then they have that same moment of her killing him like she did during season one. then she escapes to Broxton, Oklahoma, and begins that part of her time loop. It's happening in the past. Remember? then when Loki is ascending to he who remains chair, turning it into his own throne with all the timelines he remains has been dead for a long time. So long that his citadel decayed to the point where almost nothing is left of it. Just some framework in part of his chair. The whole idea is that Loki is repairing it with his power like that. Kintsugi method Golden joinery, turning it into his golden throne, meant to be fashioned after Odin's golden throne that he used to sit on one of the other important details here to the kind of flows with this. If you couldn't tell his new horns are made of that same Kinski style with the golden veins of the rock from the citadel in them. It's meant to be his God and Loki costume, his Loki, who remains costume because that's basically what he becomes. Loki, who remains So a lot of people were like, Wait a minute, he who remains knew about everything that happened during Loki season two. If he had this even greater, deeper play in it play, would he have allowed himself to be killed? part of the whole idea is that he wanted to leave the like he didn't want to work anymore. He gotten so bored over the eons. So he was just trying to push Loki to the point where he could do all this on his own without any technology. And he was just waiting for that to happen, to allow himself to be killed, to be perma killed, basically. So if it wasn't clear, he who remains is supposed to be perma dead heading forward after the end of Loki season two in remember because Loki controls everything inside, all the timelines, Loki can also control everything that he remains does now when it comes to Avengers five, though, as he told Loki, the Council of Kangs is still out there, still coming for everyone. There's still a threat. Loki can't stop them as they exist right now because they're in their own little pocket dimension outside of the timeline in Loki can only control stuff inside the timelines. But. That's why they have that moment at the ending with the TVA talking about Kang the Conqueror from Ant-Man and the WASP Quantumania being defeated by a bunch of Avengers from the 616 universe. Basically, the TVA is now actively focusing on monitoring the Kang variants from across the multiverse that'll wind up culminating during Avengers five. In Avengers six. It also explains how the TVA can continue to be involved in the events of Deadpool three because they will be a big part of Deadpool three. and as far as Marvel being committed to the whole counsel of Kang's storyline in Avengers five, the way they've set things up is they can change whatever they need to change if they have to. If things go south with Jonathan Majors Because right now, as far as we know, they're still waiting to find out the results of whatever his trial winds up being would that means is it they'll still be doing Council of Kang's stuff in Avengers five because it's still called Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty. But dark is timeline. At the very worst they would just recast Kang and just continue to use the characters the same way they were going to before with the Council of Kangs. that's part of the reason why during the Loki series, particularly Loki season one, they had a bunch of different variants of Loki that look nothing like Tom Hiddleston. There are a lot of people in earlier videos that were asking about some specific contract clauses that Jonathan Majors had about playing the different Kang variants. there was a lot of confusion over his contract because part of it stated that he would play all the different variants of Kang, which is what they showed during Ant-Man, the WASP Quantumania Post-Credits scene. but his contract didn't give him the right to be the only person to play Kang variants, just that Marvel could ask him to play all the Kang variants if they wanted to. Not that he had exclusive rights to do that. right now we're still in the middle of Marvel Phase five too. So Marvel has given themselves a couple of years till they have to deal with Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty, so they don't need to actually use the Kang character or any of the Kang variants for a good long while. part of the reason why they've done that is just to give this whole thing with Jonathan Majors time to clear itself up so they can either bring him back in a couple of years for Avengers 5 Kang Dynasty, or recast the role with another actor in a couple of years. So even though it sucks, we have to wait a couple more years for another Avengers movie to come out like it's going to be 84 years between Avengers Endgame in Avengers five, right. Now Marvel's just kind of using that delay to their advantage, just to let things behind the scenes clear up before they actually need to use the Kang character again for like they really need to use him. so when you're looking at like all these different movies and Disney Plus series that are still coming out the next couple of years, do not expect to see a bunch of Kang or Council of Kang stuff happening in the background. This would be a lot of post-credits scenes, a lot of X-Men stuff happening, like we have Deadpool three coming up, big multiverse storyline, a lot of TVA's stuff going on during that next year, But for example, there's only one Marvel movie coming out next year and it is Deadpool three. These because they're so confident in it, they basically delayed all their other movies till 2025 just to give them time to work. A lot of their issues out behind the scenes because there's a lot of issues, a lot of chaos going on behind the scenes at Marvel right now. so like the end of Loki season two is like the last time you're meant to see a Jonathan Majors Kang like Kang just in general show up for a good long while like Kevin. Foggy is the real control of the multiverse. Kevin who remains and he's paused him in time for just a couple years just the way that all the problems that he's having to see if they need to recast the character, I'm sure there's going to be a ton of questions about everything that's going on. There's a lot of announcements that they made recently about completely different shows, like a bunch of footage that's been dropping. So of course they'll do videos for everything as we get more news about it all. if you have any questions that I didn't address in this video about any of the characters or going forward, what's going to be happening, just write them in the comments below. everyone click here for my Loki Season 2 Alternate ending for the Beyonder version of Loki that he evolved into and click here for that Moon Knight Season two announcement that Marvel just made. Thank you so much for watching Everyone stay safe and I'll see you guys in the next one!
Channel: Emergency Awesome
Views: 337,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loki, Trailer, Emergency Awesome, Loki Season 3 Trailer, Loki Season 2 Episode 6, loki season 2 episode 6, loki, Kang, Loki Season 2 Episode 6 Finale, Loki God Of Stories, Loki Season 3, Loki Season 2 Episode 1, loki season 3 trailer, Loki Ending, trailer, Loki Season 2 Episode 6 Ending, Deadpool 3 Trailer, Loki Season 2, Loki Trailer, Marvel, Movies, emergencyawesome, Charlie Schneider, 2023, Deadpool, Avengers 5 Trailer, Avengers Kang Dynasty Trailer, Loki He Who Remains
Id: Hc1CXnwReRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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