Why Dr. DOOM Has Been the MCU's Secret BIG BAD, All Along - Kang, T'Challa's Death, Hydra, and More!

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Dr Doom is not only coming to the MCU but I think that he may have been here all along welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and we are going to revisit the entire history of the MCU to explain how Dr Doom might have been pulling the strings during some of the infinity saga's most crucial moments that's right we combed through the official Marvel Cinematic timeline and found key points where Doom was pulling the strings in some of the biggest moments of the infinity Saga and also I have a theory that Doom may have inadvertently created K and started the mess that is the Multiverse Saga and guys before we really get rolling here I want to thank all of you for supporting our Channel and shopping at our merch store screenrush merch.com where we designed the merch ourselves right now we have this brand new Return of the King shirt the Nelson and Murdoch shirts and many more you can also come see us live at our live show in Brooklyn New York on February 22nd George Washington's birthday the link for the tickets and everything else are below now before I can explain how Doom will fit into the MCU first we have to explain a little backstory from the comics then as we'll go along we'll see how we can retrofit his classic origin into the Marvel Cinematic Universe so Dr Doom grew up as a poor romane traveler what used to be known as a gypsy in a country called laveria his people were harassed and killed by the soldiers of a local Baron so Doom's mother Cynthia made a deal with a demon for Supernatural powers that she used to attack the baren soldiers but then she was killed by a witch hunting mob Doom swore Vengeance and later in life when he discovered his mother had sold her soul to the devil he swore to retrieve her soul from hell now this will be the driving motivation for most of Doom's life revenge on the baron and saving his mom's Soul so Doom grows up and he is just a knowledge sponge learning about magic and technology and soon he is recruited to attend Empire State University where he is classmates with Reed Richards the future Mr Fantastic now Doom is at the University to use their resources to build a device that he thinks will help him to enter hell and save his mom but Richards points out that his calculations are off the machine backfires scars Doom's face and for the rest of his life he will blame Reed Richards for tampering with the machine so Doom returns to Latveria and he lives with these monks who believe that he will become their leader they help him Forge armor and then he takes on the Persona of Dr Doom using both magic and science he overthrows the baron and becomes the ruler of Latveria and also the greatest super villain of all time but what makes Doom truly great is that he really believes that he is the only person who can fix the world with himself as the leader of the planet he believes that there will be a new golden age of peace and prosperity so if you want to read a great comic book about this I highly recommend the Books of Doom by Ed Brewbaker Pablo Randi and Mark farmer it is a great read that shows how Doom is a nuanced villain and a perfect fit for the Marvel Cinematic Universe let's now talk about how Dr Doom has been in the Marvel Cinematic Universe all along what so oh just a second person hello by certainly I would love to provide you with my social security number in exchange for entry into a contest it is five hang it up but I am eligible for a major award it's a scam Robo call Buddy hang up the phone but they seems so nice how did they get my number dude that's the messed up part that nobody wants you to know they got your number and email from online data Brokers now the internet is filled with Shady people who would pay big money just for access to your private data for my data but I'm a little dog I know these people are truly evil now like I know all this because I used to get a ton of spam phone calls and emails but you don't get those calls anymore never because I signed up for 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information to other advertisers but here's the thing these data Brokers legally have to remove your name from their database if you ask them to ah jez but I don't got time to contact all these companies and do all that I'm a busy guy with Dy business to do well Doug that's where incog comes in they contact those companies for you you don't have to do anything and they alert you when the request has been completed after signing up I get almost no spam and I cannot even remember the last time I got a phone call from my old Nemesis unknown number so I highly recommend giving incog a try use my code screen crush with the link below to get 60% off an incog plan it is a great deal that you don't want to miss now back to what I was saying so to talk about Doom in the MCU I got to lay out a couple ground rules first now at first I thought that I would go back through the history of the MCU in that timeline book and come up with theories about how Doom is actually behind everything including Ultron in Civil War but that would actually undermine the story that we've already been told also if Doom had already been a super villain for the past 20 years we would have heard of him by now so what we're going to talk about is how the infinity Saga was actually the origin story for Dr Doom we're going to start him at zero and bring him all the way up to 11 now the other question we have to answer is how old is Dr Doom well I figured we would make him no older than Tony Stark born sometime in the early 1970s this would make him about the same age as Pedro Pascal who is rumored to be playing Reed Richards it also means that now Doom could be played by Killian Murphy a fan cast that we like so much that we're going to use Boll of Killian Murphy as a stand in for Dr Doom throughout this video now to kick things off Doom is going to have a very close relationship to sovia the war torn home country of w maximoff that was destroyed in Age of Ultron because Latveria borders sovia at one point I thought the Doom should maybe be sovian instead of latverian but trust me this works way better so Latveria borders sovia and maybe at one point they were once part of the same block of Nations during the Cold War so this will give us some fun ways to connect Doom to the Marvel Cinematic Universe for instance we know that Zemo is sovian and that he is a baron Baron Zemo but in the comics his father Hinrich Zemo was actually the first villain Baron Zemo that Captain America fought in World War II so let's do something similar here MCU zemo's father is the baron that hunted down and tormented Doom's family as a child although if we did want Doom to be sovian then maybe The Baron's Castle was the castle from Age of Ultron but trust me we're not going to go that way it's going to be a lot more fun this way so all that origin stuff with Dr Doom's mom and the baron men that would have happened in the 1970s or 80s during Doom's childhood and so then in the late 1990s this young Refugee starts making high-tech Weaponry that catches the attention of shield now at the time Shield would have been running Project Pegasus doing tests with the tessera so they recruit young doom and young Reed Richards to help them study this object now a couple years ago I posted a video about my pitch for the Fantastic 4 where Reed was a scientist who was studying the Tesseract and he stole his Tesseract powered ship after realizing that Shield wanted to make weapons with the Cube It's a pretty good video that will actually probably remake and post again soon so in the MCU instead of re and doom meeting in college they meet at Shield Victor has no formal schooling but he is just an information sponge but he resents Reed and the fact that Reed comes from money he thinks that if he had a fraction of Reed's resources then he would have done something great for the world like overthrow the baron and save his mom's soul from hell now remember at the time Shield did not realize the Tesseract opened gateways Hawkeye actually pointed that out the Fury at the start of the Avengers yeah the cube is a doorway to the other end of space right doors open from both sides but Victor would have figured this out very early on but he would not tell Shield this information because Victor wanted to use the tester act's ability to open wormholes to teleport himself to the realm where his mother was trapped now at this point Victor has been studying his mother's Magic books but he doesn't yet know enough about these other worlds he just needs more more knowledge more technology more time remember that for later so in secret Doom builds his own machine to use the tesak to travel to another dimension Reed finds out about this tries to stop him and this creates the accident that scars Doom's face now Doom is extremely proud so from this point on he will keep his face face covered in various ways he is kicked out of shield and then he travels the world looking for answers now when Doom was studying the Tesseract he also studied its history and how the Red Skull obtained it from a Norse tomb and how Yan Schmidt believed it was from the gods Doom would reason that a celestial object like this would have come from Aliens not gods and he wonders if there are more artifacts like this so he built a device to detect the gamma radiation of the Tesseract and discovers that yes there is another one of these objects on Earth in a place called karage his journey to karage leads him to the ancient one so Doom demands that she teach him her ways now remember at this point the Ancient One still has the time Stone which she can use to look into the future and see possible outcomes so she does this for Doom just like she did for Steven strange is meant to be the best of us but at this point Doom isn't really a villain he's filled with anger and resentment but so is Steven strange Doom just wants to save his mom and keep his people safe so the ancient one sees that Doom could be a great force for good and agrees to train him which would mean that Doom would have been training alongside kilus another MCU villain who was learning magic to regain a lost loved one so doom and cilus would have struck up an antagonistic friendship similar to the relationship between doom and Reed both of them have an interest in reaching other Realms cilus wants to live at doramu in a realm without time and doom wants to go to hell which by the way I've always thought the hand dimension in Doctor Strange might have actually been hell because it was unleashing Steven's worst nightmare on him again and again and again now Doom would have been an amazing student a fast learner on track to become sorcerer Supreme one day because in the comics he actually is second in line for sorcerer Supreme several important events in the MCU would have happened while Doom was studying at karage Tony Stark reveals that he likes to put on Armor and fight terrorists armor Doom thinks how childish and the Battle of New York would have also been a particular interest to Doom because a god Thor had come to Earth and because an alien Army succeeded where Doom failed they used the tessera to open up a portal but Doom would have looked at the Avengers and thought they were Silly buffoons wearing costumes and serving that witless o Nick Fury Doom had more important matters to tend to like learning the Mystic Arts so doom and cilus would have discovered probably together that the ancient wom was channeling energy from the dark dimension to stay alive Doom confronts the ancient one about this demanding that she share this power the ancient one now sees that his future has changed if Doom is allowed to stay at kartos he will kill her and take the time Stone so she banishes him a couple years later kilus actually acts on this information and leaves the Ancient One in early 2016 which we saw in Doctor Strange so Doom is aimless two different institutions karmart Taja and shield have kicked him out and prevented him from helping his mother but then then a seminal event happens Shield Falls Hydra was behind Shield all along to Doom this makes perfect sense how else could Shield have been so inep they were handicapped from within so now Doom sees a way forward with Hydra remember at the end of winter soldier the Black Widow leaked all of shields files they were encrypted but for Doom decrypting them was very simple so now Doom has full access to all of Shield Secrets now a couple caveats I don't think that this means Doom knew about Fury scroll agents I believe that Fury kept them off the books like like Hawkeye's farm and two this means that Doom now knows about wakanda what do you mean well in season 2 episode 2 of what if tachaka is recruited to help stop ego from taking over Earth and Howard Stark confirms that Shield knew that wakanda was a hidden superpower your father was a great Ally to US during the war which also explains why it was on Fury's map and Iron Man 2 so now Doom armed with Hydra and shield Secrets returns to his home country or home region lap Veria slovia a powerful Hydro Cell is doing great work in sovia with another artifact that emits those Cosmic gamma signatures that Doom loves so much but this time it's the mindstone so Doom approaches Baron von strucker hat in hand asking for work he says that Shield was weak but you you strucker are strong so strucker puts Doom to work on robotics all those robots that Ultron activated in Age of Ultron Doom built those but Doom really wanted to work with the scepter he was fascinated by the progress of the twins he wants to Grant this kind of power to himself he plots to overthrow strucker but before he can The Avengers attack the Citadel so Doom loses all of his work his research his home and then he has to watch in horror as that bumbling idiot Tony Stark's creation destroyed the entire country now this is the simum moment in Doom's life it's when he sees that the people controlling the world these so-called heroes are morons Doom realizes that up until now he has been selfish concerned only for his own family but now he expands his vision he realizes that he must control the world in order to save it from this chaos and in doing so he will finally have the tools to save his mother's soul from hell now Doom like all cobians is now a refugee again he tries to assemble some kind of Coalition of people to become their leader okay so when does he get his armor and mask oh yeah so look I should note that after his accident Doom has kept his face hidden in some way at car marage he wore bandages at Hydra he made like a rudimentary mask for himself and now he wears a combination of both a mask alongside with the green robes and hood of his people now in the mountains surrounding sovia the mountains of laveria as well he led these refugees to a temple a temple of people who worship him as their prophesized leader meanwhile he sends this band of refugees into the wreckage of of their Nation to retrieve valuable resources these robot machines that Doom had built and the vibranium embedded into the Earth so using these Salvage machines Doom can finally wage war on the governments that have hounded his family for his entire life and so Circa 2016 or 2017 Doom finally becomes the Liberator and monarch of Latveria and this is where he takes inspiration from that idiot Tony start he will build his own suit of armor and become a new kind of Iron Man he will build his own suit of armor around the world but this time he will succeed hey what about Baron Z he's sovian did he like tell J what to do or something okay no I want to quickly note something here about Baron helmet Zemo we have said in the past that it would have made sense if he had a collaborator in Captain America Civil War and the channel Nando V movies has a great video about how that collaborator should have been Sharon Carter but I don't think that do Doom would have worked with Zemo or even been his Silent Partner because after all Zemo is the son of the baron that kicked his family off their land but I do think that he would have met Zemo in these refugee camps and that he would have given Zemo the means to decipher Hydra Secrets millions of pages much of it encrypted but I have experience and patience I mean think about it they're both refugees they're both in the mountains they could have met exchange resentments about the heroes and then Doom could have told him what he discovered about the Winter Soldier it is a neat way to tie Doom into the destruction of the Avengers and on the same note there is a way we could also possibly tie Dr Doom into Thor Ragnarok now there's a weird part of Ragnarok where they don't really explain why Odin stayed on Earth why whatever do you mean well think about it Odin breaks Loki's spell but he doesn't go back to Asgard now in the original cut of Ragnarok Loki was a homeless man and they changed that in re-shoot because it made his death too depressing so originally he probably did not remember who he was right up until his death but in Ragnarok he's in Norway at peace living out the rest of his life now this could be because he hadn't had the Odin sleep for so long and he knew that he was going to die no matter what now Colton Ogburn the guy who's trapped eternally in our television but doesn't know it so please don't tell him Colton thinks that Odin realized that his son Loki would never stop lusting for the throne so he decided to just let him have it but there is a way that Doom could have been involved here remember Doom had a passing interest in these Norse gods from when he studied the Tesseract but now that his goal is to take over the world he would want to rid the Earth of any of these aliens who could challenge his authority so he wants to build a Thor tracking device now we saw Doctor Strange use a strand of Thor's hair to create a spell that would help him track Odin I need to one strand of your hair let me explain something my hair is not to be meddled with doom could then use this same spell tracking down Thor's hair from I don't know like any of these battle sites but in instead of leading him to Thor it leads him to Odin in a nursing home now D maybe wouldn't even know who this ASG Guardian was but he sees a chance to capture and study one of these aliens but when he uses his magic on Odin he breaks Loki's spell and then doom and Odin have a fight that destroys the nursing home Odin wins barely but his injuries are so grave and his magic is so spent that he knows that he won't live long and he returns to Norway now to be honest that's all fun but a little bit too convoluted and silly but here is an MCU connection that makes total sense in Spider-Man homecoming the vulture wants to Rob Stark town power to sell Stark's gear to a major client 100% that client should be Dr Doom he would want Stark's Arc Reactor as a potential power source for Latveria and his own armor and around this time Doom takes another action that will affect geopolitical power remember he knows all about wakanda he knew about wakanda before tala revealed himself to the world because he has decrypted Shields files so Doom in addition to being a sorcerer and scientist is also a world leader so he is very very good at geopolitics he would see wakanda as a threat to him and he would want their technology and vibranium for himself so it would be in his best interest to destabilize the nation of wakanda any way he could no you're mean yes I think the mysterious illness that killed tala the disease that no scientist in the most advanced scientific Nation on Earth could combat that disease was actually a spell created by Victor Von Doom and the reason that only the heart-shaped herb could heal him is because the herb has magical properties so Doom would have infected him with this spell before the snap snap but the spell took years to take full effect now with the snap in 2018 there are two ways forward one is that Doom was snapped and his rise to power is delayed but that is the boring option so let's go with option two the snap happens and doom uses this as an opportunity to rise to power in fact maybe he doesn't use his robot army to defeat the baron and take over Latvia until after the snap after all half The Baron's forces would have been gone leaving the country open for Invasion and there would also be so much chaos happening post Snap that nobody would pay attention to an obscure Eastern European nation being taken over in a coup in Falcon the Winter Soldier we heard it mentioned that sovia was divided up by neighboring countries cannibalized by its neighbors before the land was even cleared of rubble so one of these countries was Latveria and soon all of these countries will become part of Latveria bowing to their political and technological strength and influence but wouldn't the governments of the world do something to stop such a Madman from extending his grasp of power did we learn nothing from Neville Chamberland at Munich well Doug remember this is after the snap everybody is trying to keep their own house in order so poor Eastern European nations would actually welcome the power and stability that Doom would offer them so by absorbing these countries Doom also absorbs what's left of sovia and the precious vibranium that is beneath the earth now look like I said earlier you could like R conet and make Doom sovian but he doesn't have to be but I do think that sovia should always be a key point in Doom's life after Doom overthrew the baron he made his home in The Baron's Castle or he rebuilds the one from Age of Ultron like which whichever option you like the best that's what it is but Doom ends up in a castle so this is where the Dr Doom that we know and love begins to take shape Doom begins to send spies out across the world to infiltrate other governments he even sends spies to wakanda because some of these spies are doombots sophisticated life model decoys that can pass as human beings now in wakanda forever we saw the wakanda standing in the world has slowly been eroded with fear and paranoia that could have been stoked by Doom's own agents by the end of that movie the president wants regime change in wakanda and I can see Doom's fingerprints all over this maybe Latvia was part of a coalition of governments pushing for regime change or May maybe it was simply Doom's agents in the government that were pushing for wakanda regime change like Richard schiff's Secretary of State president wants to take offensive action against Banda destabilization make that guy a latverian doombot spy oh that would be cool right and doom would also hate that there would be an entire nation of superpowered aliens on Earth but there's not much he could do about it right now however we did see this news Taker and Spider-Man no way home that mention political turmoil in new Asgard so maybe Doom was trying to stir things up as Valkyrie was in a state of transition trying to take control of the government now look I did go through the MCU looking for a few people who could have possibly been Doom's double agents I would have lik to have said Hayward from W division but he's just too much of a dumbass also if one of Doom's men would have had custody of vision's body he would have had it return to laveria so he could study it but Doom would have definitely had interest in Wanda maximoff for one thing they're from the same region for another she's the most powerful magic user on Earth so he would have followed the events of Wanda Vision very closely especially the part where there was another sorceress with a powerful book of spells remember Doom studied at karage he would have browsed that forbidden section where the dark hold used to be kept right here he would note that this evil book The Dark hold was key to entering hell and finding his mother so Doom would want to exploit Wanda's fragile state of mind and her desire to be reunited with her family remember at the end of Wanda Vision when she's using the dark hold and here's voices yeah and then they never followed up on it right so why would she hear her boys cry out for help when they're just eating ice cream with their mom in the 838 because Doom was combing the astral plane looking for Wanda and he sent these spells to her spirit to nudge her in a direction of his choosing those voices were Dr Doom why would he do that oh he wanted to control and harness Wanda's power for himself he wanted the dark hold and this is exactly what happens in the comics the Young Avengers at one point go on a quest to find Wanda and they discover her with amnesia and engage to Dr Doom so you want to know where I think Wanda went after she died in Multiverse of Madness she is in Latveria with Dr Doom but what Doom really wanted here was to enter Wanda's mind and to make her her think that her kidss were trapped in hell and then he could use the power of the Scarlet Witch to free his own mother but Doom he didn't count on the Multiverse Wanda dream walking took him totally by surprise now look don't worry unlike Marvel I have not forgotten about the giant Celestial that emerged from the ocean Doom would have been studying the earthquakes that were happening in the eternals he would have determined that they were unnatural and he would have traced the sight of the emergence I think that while the celestials were fighting each other and having their own personal moments or whatever Doom would have also been present in the background testing the celestial power and plotting how to take that power for himself but this plan was thwarted when those silly Heroes turned the celestial into stone ew what a waste now around this time is when something key happens Doom learns about the Scrolls maybe this is before secret Invasion maybe it's after doesn't matter point is he captures a scroll tortures it and then when he does he learns about the cosmos all those secrets that Nick Fury kept off the books The Creep the Scrolls the true nature of the Infinity Stones and one of those Secrets is time travel Scrolls can time travel not that we know of however we do you know that people in space know about temporal mechanics after all nebula knew how time travel worked and your former present becomes the past exactly and of course Doom would immediately connect the Multiverse to time travel and see a path forward this is how he could finally gather the knowledge to save his mother enter other universes and accumulate their power and knowledge just like the Avengers did to undo the snap now this this is where it gets really interesting there are rumors swirling around that Marvel wants to use Doom to replace Kang as the big bad of the Multiverse Saga like how Doom is the central villain of the secret wars in the comics now I'm going to explain why this isn't the worst idea ever how it could actually happen and why there is precedent for this in the comics so in the comics Kang is from the distant future and he begins time traveling after he discovers Dr Doom's ancient time machine the same time platform that we saw kangs using in the quantum Mania post-credit scene and that Reed Richards used in the Multiverse of Madness so Dr Doom actually invents time travel and inadvertently the Multiverse but he had help with a notebook of a 19th century scientist named Victor Tim so hold on this might get confusing in season 2 of Loki we met a variant of King called Victor timley a poor Candle Maker who acquired a TVA handbook and then use those designs to become an inventor now they keep telling us that this man was before his time if we had the resources he would have been bigger than Einstein now in the show Loki he who remains sent this manual back to Victor timley to bring him to the TVA because his original plan was for Loki to take his place why would you give up being in control buddy I'm tired but in the original structure of the Sacred timeline that was not Victor tinley's original role he who remains changed Victor tinley's role in order to get Loki to take over his throne originally Victor timy's designs were actually used to create the TVA thousands and thousands of years in the tva's past I learned everything I know from a brilliant 19th century inventor then Victor timley so he who remains changed Victor's path in order to have Loki take his place at the center of time which means the Victor timely did go on to have these ideas and maybe even write them down and those ideas helped OB design the tva's machines so what if Dr Doom discovered timel notebooks as well and then use them to create his time platform it's another fun or a Boris Loop well that's silly because if Dr Doom could time travel then he would just rule the Multiverse like Kang wrong because Doom is smarter than Kang he would immediately see the consequences of traveling through time every time he time travels he splits off the universe he creates another doom and there can only ever be one Dr Doom so Doom doesn't really use his time machine but the key thing here is that he is aware of the Multiverse he would monitor its unchecked expansion and the damage the kangs are doing and most importantly he would be ready to step in and fix their mistakes so when Secret Wars does happen and when the Multiverse is collapsing Doom can step in to create a patchwork Universe called battle world and that is why he will be at the center of Avengers Secret Wars well guys that was a lot of fun to write and tell you about let me know your thoughts on this below do you think that Doom could have been in the MCU all along how would you weave Doom into the fact fabric of the Marvel Cinematic Universe let me know in the comments or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe and smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 684,379
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dr. doom, screencrush, heavy spoilers, new rockstars, Doom, fdoom mcu, maervel, arvel, doom In the mcu, dr. doom theme, dr. doom vs avengers, dr. doom vs lex luthor, dr. doom vs kang, dr. doom powers, dr. doom movie, dr. doom vs, dr. doom vs thanos, dr. doom origin, dr. doom cartoon, dr. doom mcu, dr. doomsday, dr. doom explained, dr. doom movei, dr. doom orgin, dr. doom organ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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