best of loki | i've lost track of the number of times i've been killed, so go ahead [loki edition]

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] hey hey know this you cross me there are deadly consequences Never mind take a ticket there's only two of us in here take a dick how do you plead Madam a God doesn't plead absolutely not this is fine as guardian leather variant identified your pardon look this has been a very enjoyable pantomime but I'd like to go home now now hang on just a minute are you guilty or not guilty sir guilty of being the god of Mischief yes I'm going to burn this place to the ground guilty of finding all this incredibly tedious yes you're coming with us I'm sorry who's us guilty of a crime against the sacred timeline absolutely not you have the wrong person please try to verify this is everything you've ever said what sign this too oh really and who should we have I suspect The Avengers by an accusation oh believe me you can smell the cologne of two Tony Stark we're not here to talk about the Avengers oh no no oh this is absurd and this what they did was supposed to happen you escaping was not hahaha for the record this really does feel like a killing me kind of a room not supposed to happen according to whom the time Keepers oh the timekeepers right not big on trust are you trust is for children and dogs thanks for visiting the TVA oh how we're doing last chance variant foreign [Laughter] it's been a very long day and I think I've had my fill of idiots in armored suits telling me what to do perhaps I should speak to these time Keepers Gods to Gods if you don't mind this is actually your last chance I'm sorry but they're quite busy oh they are what are they doing this is a mistake I shouldn't be here hi there you're probably saying this is a mistake I shouldn't even be here how do you plead guilty of this please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being we're born an organic creature and do in fact possess what many cultures would call a soul what to my knowledge do a lot of people not know if they're robots what's going on hang on everyone quiet I'm trying to use his powers ma'am don't rush me what if I was a robot and I didn't know it you try to use that oh several times are you taking me somewhere to kill me no that's what you just were I'm taking some place to talk but I don't like to talk not a robot so I'll be fine why would guilty and I sent it to you to be reset reset what does that mean what is that is it bad what does it mean you were created by the timekeepers to protect the sacred timeline correct hahaha is that funny but you ridiculous bureaucrats will not dictate how my story ends timekeepers the sacred timeline who actually believes this bunkum should you return what are you gonna do finish what I started claim my Throne the idea that your little Club decides the fate of trillions of people across all of existence at the behest of three space lizards it's absurd I thought you didn't like to talk you want to be king I don't want to be I was born to be I have a bomb king of what exactly mid God foreign see you again someday now you're the king of midgard then what happily ever after Asgard the nine Realms space hey I know you you're that criminal with the blue box got you like a fish Casey what's a fish I can't believe you were DB Cooper come on I was young and I lost a bet to Thor I did not know what a fish is so I moved my entire life behind a desk the timekeepers have built quite the circus but what difference does it make I want to know exactly what I'm being threatened with before I comply death Casey violent painful death and I see the clowns are playing their parts to perfection if it's all the same to you I'll have that drink now no big metaphor guy I love it makes you sound super smart I am smart foreign you know things didn't turn out so well for the last person who said that to me I don't have to play this game I'm a God let's talk about your escapes you're really good at doing awful things and then just getting away we've grabbed enough temporal Aura to know it's our low-key variant but which kind of Loki remains unknown they're the Lesser kind to be clear I was just standing up to make a point I'm sorry go ahead I won't be as meaningful now okay well stay seated I'll do what I want to do you finished you're going to start taking things seriously uh you need the god of Mischief to help you stop them if you watch any of the training videos you were supposed to wow as many as I could stand your TVA propaganda is exhausting why me variant we're hunting is you I beg your pardon good smart let me see the back of that jacket very subtle and who knows maybe there's something that we missed well you're idiots I suspect you probably missed the law well that's why I'm lucky I got you I don't want anybody out there to forgive what you are oh you're only hope we're capturing a murderer no a cosmic mistake that's enough lovely and what do these do reset charges prune the affected radius of a branched timeline allowing time to heal all its wounds which by the way sounds like a nice way of saying disintegrate everything it's vicinity comes on it and watch the videos in some of it you're probably wondering what happened out on the mission more than any other variant and no two are alike do I get a weapon yeah well I'll have my magic back there's no one concerned about that of what me betraying you no why not that was your first lesson in catching a Loki expect the expected Ragnarok are you familiar yes the destruction of Asgard and most of its people I'm sorry yes very sad anyway it got me thinking oh my goodness don't tell me the very an ambush to kill them another team of minutes why Nexus events happen when someone does something they're not supposed to do right the little more complicated but yeah great hello and stole their research on as well that thing they're not supposed to do skates into a whole range of other things that aren't supposed to happen and so on and so forth until eventually a new timeline branches yes chaotic alterations of a predetermined outcome exactly so differences in appearances or not so slight whoever this variant is we haven't been able to find them so let's bring in an expert that's me four Ragnarok causes its complete destruction and I could do anything I wanted I could let's say push the Hulk off the Rainbow Bridge and I could also Set Fire To The Palace you see half the fun of being a trickster is knowing everyone knows your trickster and then many of your tricks can come from exploding the fact that you know that they know I'd like all files pertaining to the creation of the TV aches those are classified it wouldn't go against the dictates of the timeline because okay I like all files pertaining to the beginning of time then those are classified oh God you nice to see you I just need this for a second the end of time there's a class okay what files can I have the apocalypse is coming Ragnarok certa will destroy Asgard no matter what I do no don't do ah apocalypse that's the apocalypse Ragnarok obliterates the salt we don't want to get too giddy oh come on cool because the timeline's not going to branch because it gets destroyed any minute now until this entire town is wiped off the face of its Planet imagine all that volcanic ash appearance been ambushing our soldiers and hiding out in doomsdays to cover his tracks you're welcome yeah take me to a real apocalypse take me to Ragnarok I'll show you yeah so you can run away back to your Homeland no no it's not going home we could go anywhere you're here to help me catch the superior version of yourself that's it I'm not sure Superior is actually quite the right word there it is right just nine good things awesome I'm all gonna die anyway I'd never stab anyone in the back that's such a boring form of betrayal but because you know this variant is better than you and you can't take it very nice yeah I've studied almost every moment of your entire life you've literally stabbed people in the back like 50 times we never do it again anything we do can create a huge Branch oh Mobius if I even the end of the world sound boring it is adorable that you think you could possibly manipulate me oh we're gonna start very small disturbances very small can you make bird noises bird noises I'm 10 steps ahead of you I've been playing a game of my own all along Pokey Pokey hey come on friends he's free what charm your way in front of the timekeepers hustle them and seize control the TVA three magic lizards time keepers omnis whoa It's amazing moratori Estes created the TVA and everyone in it right including you including me you see every time I start to admire your intelligence you say something like that quad ego de fodores and winning we are from the future right what is the TVA I mean it's from the future it sounds from the future it's pretty futory so keep an eye out for the missing charges and if you see a Loki prune it the bad lady preferably how does it all end that's a work in progress oh there's Lazy Time Keepers what are they waiting for what came before they're toiling away in their chamber untangling the epilogue from its infinite branches I see that was me using magic to dry my clothes no more Nexus events just order and we meet in peace at the end of time nice right so I didn't announce myself with every squeaky footsteps only order no chaos it sounds boring hi for one I'm glad we're getting to spend this time tomorrow I mean he's saying I think we got off on the wrong you know you called me a scared little boy I called you a lot of things you're the fool the TVA brought in to hunt me down me I've I'm scared little boy yes it was quite patronizing I thought it was a bit too far actually [Music] they're very clever I know Loki no don't call me that I understand why four found this so annoying what are you doing shopping for plants in this storm [Laughter] I miss Randy could that be you I mean I probably would have won assume but yes maybe thank you for helping me stall for time you really do love to hear yourself talk you're not the first person to tell me what a few questions have you really got nothing else better to do rude hi [Music] you don't even know how to recharge it of course not the only tech savvy Loki wow [Music] this isn't about you Christ you're trying to enchant me it won't work why because you're a magician no because my mind is too strong don't ever call me that text hubby are you sure you're a Loki you're in my way you are my way just slow down variant you idiot this is momentous one I don't know what that means I thought perhaps we could work together so you're just fully a magician then fine for my next trick I'll make you disappear but now I see you lack Vision oh I'm sorry about not calling some faded photocopy of me Loki neither of us it's getting off this rock if you can't get that temp pad turned back where do you have it hidden in my heart well then I'll cut it out nice very dry lovely I'm Sylvie now oh you changed your name brilliant yes I do have the tempered I'm not going to get very far if he keeps trying to kill me every Thursday well you're full of it I need your help you're so weird what exactly makes a Loki a Loki Independence Authority style do you need me to get that thing recharged that's the only reason you saved me out there maybe yeah I mean sure that too so naturally you went to work for the boring oppressive time police I didn't work for them I'm a consultant or we could just Slaughter each other here in this abandoned mining Shack what do you say good for me okay hand it over the plan you interrupted was years in the making years okay got it we can't fight our way onto that train you said anything about fighting oh you're fighting I'm gonna assure you despite my acquaintance behaving like an animal uh we mean you know harm I'm going to enchant a guard have him lead us through the crowd and if anyone gives us any trouble they can start shooting and then what kill every God and hijack the train pitiful I'm not giving it to you you're gonna have to try harder than that we're doing this one my way it's remarkable that you ever made it as far as you did hello look like someone with a planned it's a great plan hmm sorry about that don't be I enjoyed it oh I did too uh look I can't go backwards on a train well I never sit with my back to a door there are doors on both sides I can't sleep in a place like this you can't sleep on a train no I can't sleep around untrustworthy people all right you're as beautiful foreign never said a thing that nice in 30 years which one was that diplomacy don't know she's not actually I was adopted it's a bit of a spoiler for you sorry about that no I knew I was adopted you're drunk no I'm just full what they told you did they not tell you no I need you to try this very nice thing with the figgy Port who's got the figgy port we just have to take my word in the figure pool why am I to take quite the tumble you maybe we can fix it where'd you learn to do that you know them whatever they sell you just go into their minds and project some sort of Illusion really it'd be easier if I just in charge of me and make it give me the 10 packs of your leap out of moving train no thank you well I don't ask I think something's happening yes that planet is about to crash into US you're not a serious man you're right I'm a God I don't think I've ever walked this much in my life a pretty good life lucky I missed it champagne ah yes thank you very much no I'm good thanks I'll take care saw some people looking at you weirdly what cheers to the end of the world or the entire moon is destroyed right yep and everyone on it is killed including us yes including us maybe love is hate what was that Love Is Love is hate oh piss off can I see your tickets love is uh something I might have to have another drink to think about tickets yes of course here they are imaginary dagger it doesn't make sense is it no no terrible metaphor damn I thought I had something there oops still it looks lovely doesn't it here's an idea what if you Enchanted me and you could walk for both of us all right take a nap in my subconscious and then you could just wake me when we arrive yeah [Music] foreign to say oh I don't have a quip I've got nothing to say to you come on you Sif I feel like I've told you so much about me I really don't know the first thing about you thanks for the Tactical Advantage by the way I should have an equal amount of security this is insulting you did this what you betrayed me you betrayed me grow up grow up you know what occurred to me that you're not really the god of Mischief oh here it comes how long have you been working for the variant me working for her please bad memory prison how quaint what am I the god of self-sabotager the god of backstabbing that the only reason you brought us here to kill us I've lost track of the number of times I've been killed craving pathetic work okay okay so hang on the foxy Dopey insult from the folksie dough she's difficult and irritating and she tries to hit me all the time I'd like to suggest we take a quick breather so I can ask several thousand questions give my regards to Lady Sif no what no no no please not okay good hello which one ever see you this is a nightmare she took me to one of her apocalypses that's where we hatched our plan together which is coming along very nicely thank you okay I understood that beyond that don't die don't die as in the plan there's a general demand of living please please no more please I beg you you know all the Liars in this place and they're a great many you're the biggest if you're low-keys you should always have a plan it's been a very very very trying past few days months I don't even know how long it's been since New York you're telling me that things are low-key too oh yes okay how do we get past the guard dog I'm gonna enchant it and now I'm surrounded by variants of myself plus an alligator which I'm heartbroken to report I didn't even find all that strange it's not very snuggly okay is it tablecloth no it's a blanket how best to put this uh us as a child us in the future and us as uh uh an alligator it's best not to question it oh you're gonna tell me not to kick the door in that made a difference and now we're running from God knows we're trying to get to God knows where [Music] please foreign [Music]
Channel: maria
Views: 1,938,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki mobius, loki mobius death, loki sylvie, loki sylvie kiss, loki, loki sees the future, loki crying, loki robot scene, loki db cooper, loki death, loki episode 1, loki trailer, loki edit, loki funny moments, loki best moments, loki and thor
Id: g7E9n1ZXaUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 50sec (1430 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 09 2022
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