LOKI: What He Who Remains ACTUALLY Did to Loki

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welcome back to New rockstars I'm Eric Boss and I think we all need a full account of the TVA from the Loki series like Episode by episode throughout seasons one and two we were kind of given a different understanding of what its purpose is how the agency was created who was really in charge but now that some time has passed since the finale I think we finally have some clarity on what he remains was really planning throughout this whole season so I'm going to break it down and really it starts with two questions what was ob's actual role in all of this and why when Loki was first pushed out of the Citadel in the season 1 finale did he immediately time slip back to an earlier era of the TVA before the timekeepers by the way if you seeing less of me on the channel this month it's because I have gone on paternity leag my baby might be arriving a bit sooner than expected so we're playing it safe Jessica Clemens is back to cover for me thanks Jessica and thanks to everyone of the new rock star team who's going to be stepping up this month popping up in videos doing me a huge solid and I appreciate the full new rock star team I'm going to be back in a few weeks but I'm just so excited to watch their videos with baby boss okay throughout Loki season 2 we wondered whether it was he remains or Victor timley or OB or someone else who originally created the TVA the Loki finale leaves it still a bit murky but according to he remains it was still he who paved everything and that includes every step of the way that Loki took in season 2 when Loki circles back to he remains in the Citadel he remains indicates that everything he went through in season 2 was also part of his design this isn't the first time we've had this conversation how did you know I know about the slipping and who do you think paved that road He Who Minds bingo so he taunts Loki saying Loki thought he was slipping Through Time sticking it to the system going to beat the man but then whoop here he is and he asks did you really think I was going to sit back and let her kill me so really everything that he remains did this season is just because he didn't want to have to deal with Sylvie that Sylvie was someone who would not negotiate maybe Loki would be more willing to hear him out and he remains indicates that he also knows all about Victor timley in this supposed scaling problem of the temporal Loom that seemed to be the major crisis of this season no there's no there's no problem the temporal Loom is a fail safe it deletes the ones that aren't supposed to be there everything except the sacred timeline and the TVA well that's just that's just collateral damage no Big Easy to rebuild so this line really says it all he remains created the TVA the story that he told in season 1 that he used elath to prune all the other timelines to win the multiversal war to build the TVA that was all true but what he left out was Ren Slayer Ren Slayer helped him tame goath helped him win the mersal war and shortly after that he used protocol 42 to wipe her memory and just make her kind of like a minute man Hunter of the TVA and then later on a judge but he built this apparatus of a loom to kind of automatically prune the sacred timeline into one braided Strand and that Loom has in it a fail save so that if ever gets overloaded which it does from time to time to time it automatically just prunes everything so you don't have to rely on the professionalism of the TVA Workforce the TVA melts down everyone in dies and spaghetti fies and then it just gets rebuilt over and over and over again and he remains oversees it all sitting in a chair by himself in the Citadel just twiddling his thumbs and when it comes to the season one finale leading into this season the implication really is that he remains sent Miss minutes and gr Slayer to deliver a TVA handbook to Victor timley in 1868 Chicago so that Victor timley in 1893 would be a chicago-based inventor n kind of con man who did a lot of writings but an inventor way ahead of his time whose writings would inspire people like a Caltech theoretical physics Professor turned science fiction writer ad Doug and when OB in the TVA meets Victor timely the two geek out over each other you wrote the TVA handbook but I learned everything I know from a brilliant 19 century inventor n Victor timely so if your work is based on his work and his work is based on your work exactly which came first it's like a Snak eating its own tail so we get this little pocket Paradox as I'm going to call it and this was deliberately created to be a self-contained Ora Boris a snake eating its own tail and that's why Obie has this name he remains upon his death from sylv stab had in place a plan to Launch launch a variant Victor timley on a road that he paved to inspire OB for these two to meet and for this little oror to be just a little kind of distracting tornado in the TVA to just caused everyone to scramble over the temporal Loom meltdown when really it was never that much of a risk to the TVA because the TBA could always be rebuilt this was just designed to do one thing to manipulate Loki into learning how to control time slipping so that Loki could make it back to he remains in the Citadel and that these two men could talk without the pesky Sylvie interfering thank you you to better help for sponsoring this video you can love holiday season and also admit that it's stressful travel time with family marking time with New Years it can be a lot and if you feel like you could use a little help with it all try connecting with a licensed therapist by using better help starting therapy can be hard the right therapist for you may not be in your area and some people struggle with the face-to-face interaction of therapy with better help you can have your therapy sessions as a phone call as a video chat even via messaging if you prefer that whatever is the most comfortable version of therapy for you just click the the link in the description and answer a few questions about what you're looking for from therapy and what your preferences are better help will then match you with a therapist from their Network that's right for you if you don't really fit with that therapist which is a common thing with therapy you can easily switch to a therapist for no additional cost without stressing about insurance who's in your network or anything like that if you think that you might benefit from therapy consider betterhelp click the link in the description or visit betterhelp.com neww rockstars clicking that link helps support this Channel and also gets you 10% off your first month of Better Health so that you can connect with a therapist and see if helps you now why when Sylvie pushed Loki out of the Citadel in the season one finale did he go back to an earlier era of the TVA before the timekeepers when the agency statues showed he remains appearance like we did not see Loki's body time slip physically you know like where his limbs kind of turn into stretchy gross bubble gum and his face contorts around that did not happen when he fell through the door so he didn't time slip he was placed here Sylvie didn't do it she was just using H M's temp pad H M's temp pad was rigged and preset so that when Sylvie used it to push Loki through the door Loki would fall into that earlier era why did he remain set it that way because he wanted to initiate Loki's time slipping glitch he cursed him so that he would be time slipping he would give Loki this hurdle to overcome but more importantly a new skill to use a way back to him so that Loki can cognitively just kind of think and unstick himself from time and loop back earlier to his life path and find his way back to the Citadel he also I think did this because he wanted to take Loki back to an earlier era where there was some other past temporal Loom crisis underway to show him that temporal Loom meltdowns are a recurring thing in the TVA so that when he tells this to Loki later on Loki will believe him now of course when they end up talking in the Citadel Loki surprises he remains with his own new power status he quotes a TS Elliott poem that he remains doesn't recognize and he kind of turns the tables on he remains to declare himself more in control of pausing Time and Time slipping than he remains expected him to be and I think right here is something we have to recognize that I don't think we've really talked about Loki figured out how to time slip organically with just his body and mind he who remains cannot do that he needs technology ology he needs that Master temp pad without it I don't think he could pause time and Rewind and loop things as well as he can so why can Loki do it and he remains can't well because he remains at the end of the day is just a man Loki is a God he was the god of Mischief now he's a god of stories his body can resist the flow of time because ASG Guardians and frost Giants age slower than the humans of Earth do so by teaching Loki time slipping just because he remains couldn't convince Sylvia of his argument he remains made a huge mistake he gave a god the powers he himself can only achieve through technological Wizardry now the only things that separate these two are knowledge and resolve Loki gains knowledge in the scene he looks at he remains equations on the chalkboard and realizes that he can build a more functional Loom and Loki gains resolve by having final conversations with Mobius and Sylvie before he makes a final walk toward the core so as we head into Avengers Kang Dynasty he remains Legacy will not be the Kang variant who remained who cleverly tamed aath and vanquished all other kings by pruning their timelines he remains is going to be known among the dynasty as the Kang who made the greatest mistake that any Kang has ever made he gave the the opposition the powers that only kangs are supposed to have and he gave the Avengers a loophole into defeating the Kang Dynasty all the Avengers are going to have to do is aligned with someone that most of them have only known as a monster so I want to know from you what do you think about this Theory comment down below and reminder that it is ho ho ho season at new rockstars so support us by grabbing one of those holiday designs from nerd. shop I'm going to be back for my paternity leave in just a few weeks big thanks to Jessica Clemens and the whole new Rockstar team for covering for me thanks for watching and I'll see you soon bye [Music] n
Channel: New Rockstars
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars
Id: -lnZSZzvlXc
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Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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