LOKI Season 2 Plot Holes FINALLY Solved!

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so the hope is that after you prune yourself the extractor will pull you into the present of course hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Ary and lowkey was this big sprawling confusing series that introduced all these weird Concepts about time travel retrocausality Free Will determinism it was a lot to unpack so there are a lot of plot holes and unanswered questions that all of you asked on our community page and on my Twitter so I'm going to do my best to answer these questions for you right now this coffee is good huh now first I want to dive into the number one question all of you had time travel time travel is always going to be hard to understand because it's actually impossible in the real world so no wonder so many of us were so confused and just guys before we get rolling I want to thank all of you for watching clicking our video and for continuing to support us by shopping our merch store we are also doing our very first live show next February in Brooklyn New York and you can get tickets for that to come meet us in person down in the link below Blake Schaefer asks if Loki altered how time works in a time outside of time the TVA and then reshaped the sacred timeline then wouldn't that imply that because there is no longer a sacred timeline the events in endgame with the ancient one of the Hulk have changed and or never occurred time travel is weird time travel hey I'm going to make some more coffee do you want some we are right in the middle of a video a dude it's not a big deal make a commenter capsule right now so you're right time travel is weird but honestly it's not that weird within the TVA Mobius says in the very first episode that no there is no past TVA time doesn't work like but it does not because it's happening to me it's impossible but see that's kind of a misdirection because time in the TVA actually works the same way it does for us so while the rest of the Multiverse is getting erased rerouted and Rewritten the TVA moves more or less basically in a straight line did you want one oh oh yes please iced latte sure thing my guy coming right up so what that means is the events of endgame essentially created the Loki who was in this show when he stole the teser act and because Loki went to the TVA that history will always remain intact put another either way the TVA and Loki are the audience now just as we watch and remember the events of Loki journeying through 12 seasons of his show Loki also remembers his journey because it's his story he is the constant that time spins around oh I get it oh by the way that coffee smells amazing how did you make that so fast ah well buddy this is a cometer capsule and thank you cometer for sponsoring this video you see cometer coffee is delicious and tastes so fresh it is brewed from Craft coffee beans that come from the very best Roasters in the country never burned or diluted flash frozen to lock in freshness so not only does it taste good but it's also as you can see very easy to make you don't need any kind of special machine you just take a frozen capsule pour in hot water and you're done and for iced coffee just drop in the capsule from the fridge and for a latte add in whatever milk you like and all that's great but I have to emphasize how delicious and fresh this coffee is they have a huge range of flavors for you to try this one is called the original it's got notes of citrus honey and chocolate and it's way more cost- effective than hitting up the dry through every morning so right now when you join commenter you get a Limited Edition holiday starter pack and a free travel Tumblr when you sign up that's a free travel Tumblr when you click the link in the description or go to comment.com screencrush now back to Loki awesome SAU 79 a reference to this hey I love you dude shut up that is awesome sauce has a pretty common question maybe I just don't understand how time loops work but how did Obie still have the knowledge to write the TVA book at the end but Victor timley no longer receives the TVA book in the past from Ren Slayer wouldn't that stop him from learning what's needed by timely to create the TVA now that is a great question and just to back up a little bit on all this now we talked about this in our Easter egg videos but the entire season is an Ora Boris loop it's like a Snak eating its own tail this is when events in the future affect events in the past like in futur Rama when fry travels back in time to become his own grandfather or like the ending of Terminator exactly now there is also something called a Time Loop now we've seen this a lot in sci-fi shows like Star Trek next Generation but it's most famous uses in the movie Groundhog Day characters find themselves repeating the same events over and over except in the MCU the time Loop was the death of he who remains and then restarting the multiversal war you plunge your blade in my chest and an infinite amount of me start another multiversal war and I just end up right back here anyways but what you have to understand is the presence of Loki changes all of that Loki is able to totally rewrite the timeline of the TVA itself he can change events of the tva's past and can break this cycle yeah but then why does Loki have that power great question Loki gets this power because he who remains wanted him to have this power he wasn't lying when Loki first showed up what he really wanted was for someone to take over for him you take over and return to the TVA as its benevolent rulers so everything we have seen in the past two seasons was a way for Loki to become ready to take over for he who remains he had to mature and learn to become selfless because he alone could become a guardian of the timelines so to answer your question about the TVA man uals first off remember that we're watching a sequence of events that is brand new in that multiversal time loop I just mentioned there was never a Loki who could time slip so even though OB says that he learned everything he knew from a man named Victor timley we actually never get to see that original past now I have a feeling that whenever he who remains originally built the TVA he pulled his variant Victor timley out of the branch timeline to teach young OB everything he knew the point is the intervention of Loki and bringing timely to the TV a moments before it was destroyed means that we never saw how timely and OB originally met you know back in the early days of the TVA and I know what you're thinking if OB never learned from timely then how does he still know everything that he knows he still retains that knowledge because he exists in a linear cause and effect timeline a linear cause and effect timeline because he is in the TVA again the TVA represents the audience events that happen in the TVA and events that happened to Loki happen in chronological order so what happened to OB in the past is still happening unless Loki decided to change that P via time slipping oh okay so OB learned from a past version of Victor timely but there won't be a new version of Victor timely to teach OB again after the TVA is destroyed and rebuilt that's exactly right Doug well done hey what's this fuding thing doing in here oh hi Doug Doug this is the new Doug plushy we're making in partnership with makeship so this is something we've wanted to do for a really long time but making plushies is super expensive so makeship is holding a fundraiser for us so if you would like your very own Doug plushy you can go to our merch store or straight to makeship and pre-order one and if enough of us pre-order then you will get your plushy and while you're at our merch store check out our 50% off Cyber Monday sale and our brand new items like this den and Gru parody e t-shirt Fraser beast and this new Doug ornament where he looks like hermy the elf shopping our merch store is the best way to support our Channel and what we do here and also I am so soft I hate you 17 the goat 87 asks how can OB remember the memories in the moment Loki is speaking to him in the past you guys remember that moment right when like Loki was affecting the past and then OB suddenly remembered them in the future but it must have mean something else because I've never seen anything close to that happen before wait a long time ago he came to me complaining about time slipping but everyone else doesn't remember Loki from when he Time Slips past to Future and back if OB remembered Mobius visiting him 400 years ago why wouldn't he remember Loki well look Mobius does not remember OB because he came down to the basement once when he took a wrong turn but for OB Mobius was like his only visitor ever so of course he remembers him now that scene you're talking about when Loki changes Obie's past and it affects his future Bill and Ted Style a the answer to that simple Loki is able to change ob's memories in real time because he is time slipping within the TVA time slipping is a fancy word for time traveling the kind of time travel where changing the past actually affects the future which we saw in movies like Hot Tub Time Machine and back to the future again think of Loki's perspective as the audience's perspective as the audience sees OB learn things in the past and then we cut to present OB then knows the things that he just learned in the past because we're watching it happen Dixon otino on Twitter asks if the loom wasn't working because you can't scale for Infinity how is the final tree solution able to work within an infinite number of branches does jig drill get taller or wider forever or does it exist in multiple infinite timelines does this mean that time is now linear and no longer in a loop as it was on the sacred timeline and what does this mean in terms of incursions especially since they're all held together by Loki must Loki sit on the throne for things to work that is a lot of questions so I'm going to try to speedrun them for you the loom cannot account for Infinity because it's always going to have a finite size the circle but the tree can just continue to grow outward at both ends so yes infinite roots and branches forever that's what Infinity means now as far as time being linear and not in a loop the only reason the sacred timeline ran in a loop is because he who remains had to control it and part of that control was setting up a scenario where he would always die and always be reborn so no matter what he would always end up on top now as for incursions who really knows if I were wri in these movies I would make the rule that an incursion is like an unnatural Collision of timelines like an incursion is rot in the world tree that Loki has created but we're going to have to wait and see what Marvel comes up with and Avengers the maybe King Dynasty and Avengers Secret Wars and I think that yes Loki must always sit there and never ever ever poop I'm Christo seagull on Twitter asked how did they take centuries to explain physics to Loki when the loom was going to explode wouldn't it have just exploded minutes SL hours after the interaction in the repairs department so that's a great question Loki would have time slipped to the distant past and met a past version of OB who taught him everything that he needed to know actually maybe he didn't learned from OB because then OB would have remembered him when they first met instead he could have gone to any number of planets or time periods and studied physics with the greatest Minds in the universe yeah like Bill Murray learning piano and groundh heart does exactly high five Noob scrub bot ass if the loom overload was inevitable and just going to reset everything anyways then there was never a sequence of events where timely could have become he who remains so what was the purpose of he who remains leaving instructions to give timely the manual great question first of all we don't know for sure that Victor timley is he who remains we screen Crush just assume that after episode 3 I think that originally he who remains used Victor timely to build or rebuild the TVA and that is when timely worked with ob on the tva's designs but remember what he really wanted this season he wanted to be free I'm a peacock Captain you got to let me fly on this one I mean this was Wily Wonka in the Chocolate Factory my name is willly Wonka he needed someone to take over who he could trust to not seek power for himself somebody who only wanted to keep the Kang variants at Bay he even says that Loki meeting Victor was part of the plan how was Victor timle so he who remains new plan was for Victor to instead arrive at the TVA before it ended this allowed OB to improve his temporal Loom it placed Loki in a situation where he could almost wi this situation then forced Loki to travel back in time over and over failing and failing again I have been falling for 30 minutes until he realized his only way forward was to take the place of he who remains fine I'll do it myself Flyn Jitsu asks if the type of time travel Loki was doing was the kind where he transfers his mind to his past SL future selves how was he able to see himself a few times when he was time traveling was he doing different types of time travel great question great so we actually see Loki do two different kinds of time travel in one type of time travel he's moving his body around in the other he's moving his mind around now when he's moving his body around accidentally this is like the Clos Loop time travel it's why he prunes himself at the end of episode 4 basically in that kind of time travel events that are supposed to happen will happen because they've already happened got it get it got it good but but when he learns to control the time slipping this is retrocausality like we talked about earlier it's like Back to the Future when he can travel into the past and affect the future of the TVA so what he did in the finale is becoming unstuck in time like Billy Pilgrim and solder house 5 he is able to travel into his past mind and changed his own time stream again like Back to the Future waa this is heavy but then wouldn't he race his own past no because Loki is now at the center of time which makes him essentially the audience and just as we view the events of the show in a linear way that that makes Loki who he is in the finale Loki has also experienced time in that way basically if we saw it happen to Loki in the show then it always happens to Loki in this universe and that cannot be erased so all the time travel made the story confusing so let's answer some questions about the plot denza ask my only issue is after hearing they changed the fifth episode it makes sense with the no conclusion for Rin Slayer and Miss minutes it just seemed odd the story went nowhere for those two characters wait they they nuked episode 5 apparently in an interview with script magazine showrunner Eric Martin said that the studios nuked the episode because it wasn't something they were into now he later conceded that they were right and he said that it would have been one of the stranger things that the MCU had ever done it was a big swing now look we may never find out what was going to happen in that episode but it does seem like that if Marvel was trying to remove Kang and replace him with Dr Doom then they could have ordered the writers to create an ending where Loki takes over the Multiverse and Kang becomes a footnote in Mobius is filing cabinet I guess one of them caused a little bit of a ruckus on 616 adjacent realm but they handled it now to answer your question about Mis minutes and ravona it was open-ended if they dump Kang then she was eaten by Elias but if they keep going with the Multiverse Saga the way she is like potentially Kang could show up and save her yeah and when the multiversal war starts she'll be there and wherever there's a fight so hungry people can eat I'll be there wherever there's a cop beating up a guy I'll be there all right Kyle 2464 says how did Brad change the sacred timeline without branching was he meant to become an actor yeah I think you nailed it I he found out that he was an actor on the sacred timeline so he killed his other self and took his place so he could become and famous and date movie stars and that way he could also hide from the TVA they couldn't find him in the sacred timeline because he was just living out the normal life that he was supposed to have and don't want to be rich you know someone important like an actor Callen helle asked did ren Slayer and Miss minutes not know about the basement OB in the Looms location why when Brad grabbed timely did they take him to the war room to question him about where his prototype was shouldn't they have assumed that it was with ob and Mobius in the RNA that made no sense to me why are you assuming that they knew he was in the RNA with ob all they knew was that Mobius and Loki said the TVA was in danger and they grabbed timely they had no way of knowing he had contact with ob or left his gear in RNA Heather Feather 7199 asks what happens to Brad after he pruned Rin Slayer and was no longer possessed by Sylvie they just left him in the judges Chambers was he just roaming the TVA Halls afterwards until the time Loom exploded what the hell happened to him yeah I also thought they kind of dropped the ball on this one and his fate might have been explained in the original draft of episode 5 that we mentioned earlier like Brad's function was to sit at the Center of this moral battle for the soul of the TVA but that battle was done like within one episode like I wish that his death had mattered more or been on screen or had any effect on the story whatsoever Sara 11594 ask I also find it weird that Sylvie never mentioned she had a Thor or an Odin or Heim doll Etc the other Loki variants in season 1 mentioned their Thors with Prince Loki having killed his Thor for his Nexus event they really underutilized a lot of characters for the sake of brevity and it was a mistake no I think it would have been a mistake to linger on the Loki Thor relationship in this show we have seen that play out out before in the movies and this is not Thor's story it is Loki's story Sylvie had no Hang-Ups about Odin and Thor because as a child I mean she decided to become a hero a valkyrie as she was playing with their toys and she even says that they told her she was adopted at a young age no I knew I was adopted what they told you yeah I guess the difference is in sylv's Universe maybe because she was a girl instead of a boy Odin and fra were like much better parents to her a RC has a question that we answered last season I have a question related to season 1 when Odin adopted him he put Magic on Loki to make him look like a normal guy in Asgard even though he was a frost giant so why does Loki look like a human in the TVA with this we only ever see Loki turn into a frost giant once when he's holding The Cask of winters The ancestral power of his people and this show clearly states that there is a dampener that prevents magic in the TVA magic powers they're no good in the TVA Mr laon now there is a solution to this already established in the MCU remember when strange told ebony Maul you'll find removing a dead man spell Troublesome this establishes that spells Linger on after they have been cast think about how Agatha is still trapped in her body after wanting to cast her spell but I think the dampeners in the TVA mean that nobody can use any like new magic spells but if you already had a magic spell cast on you nothing you can do about it it continues on Force 410 has a great question how does his magic SLG good Powers explain what he was able to do in the finale giving life to all the timelines also if he could withstand temporal radiation why didn't he just go out to try the initial method in the first place so at the end Loki actually enchants all the timelines we see that with this green energy the same ability that we saw him use in conjunction with Sylvie but on aath and what is an enchantment it's showing someone a lie and then making it true an enchantment is a story and in the comics this is why Loki becomes the god of stories and that is how he gives life to the timelines by rewriting their stories as for why he didn't go out there himself earlier he's Loki he's a self-serving a-hole who had to learn humility over centuries and centuries and centuries RV made a good point here they asked why after the magic security protocols were lifted Why didn't just grab the Infinity Stones and use those well for one thing I don't think the Infinity Stones don't work in the TVA because of the magic dampeners I think they don't work because the TVA exists outside of every universe and the stones are all tied to their universes we heard this from the ancient one the Infinity Stones create what you experience as the flow of time and in the show we see that the Infinity Stones aren't even as powerful in alternate universes as they are in their home Dimensions thus the Infinity Stones are unique so the stones will work on the timeline just not outside of them like in the TVA Sapphire 571 says the kid at the World's Fair talks about the ghost clock haunting the Midway and there was a drawing in the paper but that event with Victor timling and Rin Slayer hadn't yet happened that's because Miss minutes had already been haunting the world's fair for a few days before Mobius and Loki arrived Hector Wilson P ask Victor timley was a variant of Kang if the new TVA is in charge of hunting and pring Kang variants then what happened to Victor timley who risked his life to save the TVA first of all the TVA is not hunting down the variants of he who remains it's more like they are policing all of these Kings and making sure that they don't threaten the Multiverse but what's interesting is this doesn't seem like it was the original intention of the show he who remains says that his variants are running wild my variants are already out there and then we have the ending of quantum Mania which seems like it was like setting up a whole Army of kangs coming after the 616 Avengers they're beginning to touch the multivers and now like the TV ages has kangs handled I got those reports on the variance of he remain and as for Victor timley Look he just lived and dies as a poor candlemaker Loki probably saw that he would become far too dangerous if he were ever pulled out of his timeline I mean after all we do see him display some pretty Kang likee traits like not sharing power Peter T asks who was the 8-year-old boy that eventually killed 5,000 people it doesn't matter the kid was pruned so this isn't somebody we would have ever heard of in our timeline because he was supposed to be pruned kelv Tas was the reason the new TVA manuals were blank because they were meant to be journals and no longer manuals I'll be honest I totally missed the pages were blank in fact I still kind of think this is a mistake on the filmmaker's part but if you want a no prize let's say that they don't need the manuals anymore because with Loki and charge they no longer need the temporal Loom Uncle D asks maybe I'm overthinking it but why was Loki able to time slip and not Sylvie should they not be able to time slip because they are both gods and both used he who remains temp pad you're not overthinking it that is a valid question the reason Loki is time slipping like that is because he who remains would have pre-programmed his temp pad so when Sylvia used it on Loki it would scatter Loki's temporal Aura across the time stream and eventually give him the ability to time slip why did he do that because like I keep saying he who remains wanted Loki to take his place and to do that Loki had to learn to time slip and become a master of time Brandon farara asked this might not be a plot hole but how did Loki know he wouldn't get spaghettified when he went out on the bridge with no protection seemed Cavalier with how much time he spent trying to defeat Kang that's kind of the point he didn't know he would be safe he had to take a leap of faith and actually risk his own life for his friends now we never actually see Loki ever do that that before even in Infinity War when he stood up to Thanos like his plan was to knife him this is the first time I think we've ever seen him truly put his life on the line in fact I think him standing up to the radiation is also a great Counterpoint to Thor forging Stormbreaker or ner David nurl ask how will Mobius live on his home timeline with the variant living there with his boys he won't live there that's the point it's bittersweet that he sees how good his life was before he was taken by the TVA now though he is free to pursue a new life on any timeline but a piece of him will always long for that time with his kids roit go saids in the last episode Loki was gathering all his friends to match the temporal Aura at the time before the explosion of the temporal Loom but he was still making a mistake by not including Victor timley since he was also present there at that time you are not wrong but was timley actually returned to his own timeline was his timeline already pruned maybe Loki tried to find that timeline honestly look they flew through that whole sequence so fast even ignoring that Loki was in New York in 2012 and never heard about the Battle of New York like it was never mentioned like I think that you know that's the episode that they rewrote in a single weekend so like who knows and finally we had a a lot of questions about how this show fits into the complicated tapestry of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Dada Axel asks isn't Loki technically just holding our universe together since as shown in what if the universe can be split into multiple timelines but collectively form one Universe data this is going back to a whole thing what's the difference between a universe and a timeline sometimes it seems like the sacred timeline is one Universe stacked along with other sometimes it's a bunch of universes bound together here's what we know and what if the Watcher says that's the moment that created a new universe so for me like that settles it branching timelines are considered new universes each branching universe is part of the Multiverse and dimensions like the quantum realm and the freaky Dimensions we saw in Doctor Strange 1 are like adjacent to each individual Universe along these same lines pirate ghost ask I'm still a bit confused we've seen the Multiverse visually in two different ways the strands of time like the sacred timeline and as black holes are these the same things or does each black hole consist of a different sacred timeline and what is colliding to make an incursion so I believe you're referring to the opening of Loki episode 6 when we we run through historical events pull out of a black hole and then enter another black hole that takes us into the sacred timeline now I always took this to mean that each black hole is one timelined one universe that are each contained within the sacred timeline oh yeah like the end of men and black yes like the end of men and black Dash Bennett says the events of quantum Mania happen in the 616 adjacent realm does that mean that every Universe has its own Quantum realm are there an infinite number of quantum Realms that exist between universes and if so are there infinite kangs that were banished there could a variant defeat Ant-Man I think you're overthinking this yes the quantum is adjacent to 616 but there are probably other Quantum Realms out in the Multiverse it is possible that other kangs were also banished to other universes Quantum Realms but like an infinite number of universes does not mean that the same exact event happened an infinite number of times when the probability is infinite it means that everything happened at least once and finally Chris para asks if the TVA prunes all the different timelines except the sacred timeline why do in Spider-Man no way home we see variants of other universes because Spider-Man no way home happens after he who remains is killed in the timelines brand out of control and hey just a reminder everybody to get a free holiday starter pack and a delicious convenient coffee from cometer click our Link in the description so do you have any questions or comments about Loki let us know in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] Ary [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 314,378
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: loki season 2, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, loki season 2 trailer, loki season 2 episode 6, loki season 2 episode 5, loki season 2 ending explained, loki season 2 episode 1, loki plot holes, loki plot holes explained, victor timely, kang victor timely, OB, OB loki explained, OB loki
Id: LnTUCKBjprg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 30sec (1410 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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