Why Dr Strange Is the REAL VILLAIN of the Multiverse Saga

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your curiosity could have gotten you killed you weren't manipulating the SpaceTime Continuum you were breaking it hey welcome back to screen Crush I'm Ryan Arie now with phase five chugging along I want to talk about the real villain of the Multiverse Saga and I will burn them out of time nope not him the real [Music] villain yes Doctor Strange is the real villain of the Multiverse Saga d r to die cool you go first then a lot of people messed with the Multiverse in Phase 4 Kang destroyed timelines Wanda dream walked and Sylvie well Sylvie got the ball rolling but no one caused more destruction than Doctor Strange in phas four alone Three Strange variants caused four incursions that's more than everybody else combined the Illuminati were right when they said the greatest danger to the Multiverse it turns out is Doctor Strange but look he's not just a Multiverse Saga villain he has always been a problem down to his first movie he has morals but his intentions matter more than the outcomes she did what she thought was right the bill comes to I didn't mean for this to happen we were at War while the rest of us banded together to try to stop Thanos Steven as always chose to go It Alone hey you died oh no uh no it was an accident look accident C there it is okay fine and stranger's arrogance is ultimately his own downfall and the downfall of everybody else around him so let's look at how Doctor Strange is the biggest threat to the Multiverse and how he'll probably be the one who freeze Kang freeze Kang but Kang is dead nah buddy come on Kang is still alive there is no way the new Thanos was taken out by ants so let's start with Strange's first movie Doctor Strange just a quick recap in case it's been a while since you've seen it Doctor Strange is a renowned surgeon who loses partial control of his hands after a texting and driving accident desperate to heal his hands and return to his old life he goes to karage for help after traditional medicine fails him now at first the ancient one doesn't want to teach him because he's so arrogant but eventually W gets her to come around the villain of the the movie is kilus and his zealots all of whom were trained by the ancient one but now they are trying to get eternal life from an ancient entity called doramu who lives in the dark dimension now the big reveal is that they actually got the idea from the ancient one because she's been taking energy from the dark dimension for years kilus murders the ancient doramu is released upon Earth and Doctor Strange is only able to best him by locking them both in a Time Loop now eventually doramu is frustrated and agrees to leave Earth if Doctor Strange frees him strange breaks the loop doramu leaves it everything goes back to normal except for Mordor who cannot accept or forgive the anent one so you would think that doctor strange would learn a lot from all this about how limits are necessary and actions have consequences and mainly some rules cannot be broken but of course not that's not Who Doctor Strange is from the first time we meet him it's established that he is not a rule follower and that's supposed to be okay because it works out for him you can't do it freehand I can and I will now look I'm not saying that it was wrong for him to save that guy's life but it establishes a pattern of disregard for the rules then the next rule we see him break is texting and driving now it might seem trivial compared to some of the world ending reality breaking stuff that we're going to get into but texting and driving is very illegal in the state of New York and for good reason and look as brutal as the wreck is he's honestly lucky that he didn't hit someone else and end up in jail just so selfish this does bring him to his knees though and eventually lands him at karage where he promptly breaks all of their rules hey I'm going to play this accident card so now you will die H not so fast cuz I have a nature card that counteracts that particular accident hey what are you guys playing ah well this is called dumb ways to die it's a card game where you have these three beans that you're trying to keep from dying in Dumb ways and they're the sponsor of this video uh- oh Doug look out the psychos here with the psycho attack a jeez will you roll for me your boy's got no thumbs uhhuh sure thing ahuh look at that you're dead and you lost a bean ah well what's the point of the game well it's straightforward fun and very easy to learn basically you draw cards try to avoid accidents and then you try to keep these little beans alive longer than anyone else the beans are even these moving hologram cards so you can see exactly how they meet their demise oh this is like The Dumb Ways To Die YouTube channel and hit song yes exactly and there's that song D ra to die yep that's right Doug this game is fast-paced a lot of fun and very easy to play and I drew a death card and now I am down to one bean cuz I cannot counteract that at all he he hey it's going to die soon so to get your own Dumb Ways to Die card set check out our link below now back to Doctor Strange now look there is no doubt that doctor strange is brilliant not just as a surgeon but as a person I mean he got his MD and his PhD at the same time won multiple surgical Awards and mastered the Mystic Arts incredibly quickly but his arrogance makes him act stupid and we see that from the beginning of his training when he uses the time Stone Doctor Strange is explicitly told that he is not Advanced enough to read the high text and look normally I would say that everyone should have access to all the knowledge they want but when that knowledge could break time maybe let's be more careful with that especially because you know what motivates strange to mess with the time Stone selfishness strange tries to write an email to Christine but deletes it after he realizes he'll never be able to fix what they had and right after he deletes it he immediately goes to the time Stone the one object that could undo everything that he has done now he knows he's not supposed to do it he sneaks in and even double checks that Wong isn't there and then he does the spell without even bothering to read it all first he just doing exactly what it said in the book what did the book say about the dangers of Performing that ritual I don't know I hav got into that party like I said earlier strange is a brilliant man but this is objectively a dumb move there is no way he thought this wasn't dangerous he just thought that it wouldn't be dangerous for him but it is when he's doing the spell there are these cracks that form around him as he reads about doramu doramu the dark dimension now it looks a lot like the mirror Dimension but it isn't the mirror Dimension is all encompassing but what strange sees goes away as soon as he stops the the spell and if you look frame by frame you can actually see different versions of himself in the cracked reflection in a way that is very similar to the Multiverse of Madness posters so as far back as 2016 Doctor Strange was beginning to break the Multiverse temporal manipulations can create branches in time well wait why does it break here and not when he uses it against doramu or when Thanos uses it because those were Nexus events kind of like how Loki could yell at the top of his lungs when the destruction of Pompei was imminent see the time stone is fine to use when things are in inevitable and moving on to doramu the entire message of the first Doctor Strange is that people who break the rules get well the ancient when drove celus into the arms of doramu because she has stolen bits of eternal life from the dark dimension for years and ultimately that's why she's murdered and cilus thinks that dmu's eternal life will be peaceful because the ancient one has used the stone for so long his punishment for calling doramu to Earth is eternal torture so by the time strange fights doramu he has to break the rules because it's gotten so out of hand that it's become a Fight Fire with Fire situation but you would think that after dying dozens of times in a Time Loop he would be careful about breaking any space-time rules in the future but that's not the case also why is MTO treated as such an extremist the world nearly ended because people didn't follow the mystical laws hey didn't he take away that guy's ability to walk okay yes he took away the guy's sorcery so he couldn't walk anymore but again let me redirect you to the Giant floating demon head in the sky from just days earlier and by the way everyone I want to thank each and every one of you for watching us and supporting our Channel and helping to make screen crush a success we recently launched our very own merch store where me and the team design the shirts ourselves and we have a lot of fun ones we're proud of there's the creepy Miss minutes pinup the variant hoodie with our logo all the variant suspects featuring history's most offending Time Travelers Doug as Loki mug and shirt and many more shopping our merch store is the best way for you to directly support what we do here at the channel and I am deeply grateful to all of you for watching and subscribing if you weren't here I would be off flipping burgers somewhere where right now instead of taking orders from a dog that's me I'm the dog he's talking about okay so back to strange so like that was the events of the first Doctor Strange movie and we don't see him again until Infinity War now look I'm not going to talk too much about Infinity war and endgame because strange actually does the right thing there I mean he handles everything afterwards terribly but we'll get to that later for now let's talk about no way home there was an incident with Spider-Man what man let's start with the obvious no way home doesn't happen if strange isn't there there are no multiversal intrusions atme doesn't die and the whole world doesn't forget about Peter Parker if strange doesn't perform that spell the entire situation could have been avoided yeah but Peter asked him for help I know Peter went to him for help I want to remind you that Peter is 17 years old he is a kid who does not know anything about the Multiverse or the risks of this spell he just wanted to help his friends who were suffering but Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful Sorcerers in the world and he knew the risks again the entire plot of the first movie is that some people do sketchy magic and a demon From Another Dimension tries to take over the planet he's very aware of what could go wrong here and just in case he's forgotten all this Wong is there to remind him that spell travels the dark borders between known and unknown reality it's too dangerous his boss Wong tells him no now admittedly he does relent just a bit and says leave me out of it but you would think that the warning would be enough to at least let strange know to be careful maybe he should even kick out the kid who is notorious for rambling while he casts his spell got to say that's awesome I don't know if you've been in a fight before but there's usually not this much talking all right sorry my bad kind of just stop talking so to recap the entirety of no way home doesn't happen if a strange considers the rist and doesn't perform the spell B listens to W it doesn't perform the spell or C at least performs the spell alone now who's really at fault for the resulting incursion no way home is the first incursion that we see but it's definitely not going to be the last and every incursion we've seen since then has been caused by none other than Doctor Strange so let's talk about the Multiverse of Madness now Multiverse of Madness is definitely the film where strange behaves the most irresponsibly before we even get into his actions so let's get the timeline straight trust me all this matters so in Far From Home the Student News video says that it's the last day of school yeah it's like the last day of school we're good they also say that people were blipped back eight months prior to that eight months ago a band of Brave Heroes brought us back so assuming the last day of school is in early June like it is in New York that means that Hulk snap brought everybody back around October of 201 23 W division is set about 3 weeks after endgame now we know because Monica comes back to her job 3 weeks after she's blip back and her first assignment is West View it's been 3 weeks and you're the first to report and to make things really easy let's assume that the Halloween episode of w division was actually on Halloween so that means that endgame takes place early October 2023 ju division takes place late October of 2023 far from home takes place in June of 2024 and since Peter is a senior and we see Halloween decorations it means no way home takes place in October October 2024 now we know that Multiverse of Madness occurs after no way home and because Christine is getting married and spring weddings are common let's just say the Multiverse is around spring of 2025 that means that it has been a year and a half since Wanda created the hex and strange has never talked to her about it I know sooner or later you'd show up wanting to discuss what happened at West viw now I'm not saying he should have visited her because they were friends in fact I think they didn't even meet until the Battle of Earth but since he is a powerful sorcerer it seems like he would have wanted to talk to a newly discovered that created a pocket Reality by accident and honestly it seems like he never even talked to her about the events of endgame that's the kind of justification our enemies use is it the one you used when you gave Thanos the time Stone killing Vision was the hardest thing she ever had to do and it was worse because it was ultimately pointless I blew a hole through the head of the man I loved and it meant nothing so when she realized that Thanos had the time Stone she didn't know how he got it because it happened on an entirely different planet if she even knew that strange had the time Stone she probably assumed that it was a big fight when she was blit back she still had no idea and if strange never talked to her about it that means that she had the joy of finding it out by herself again they weren't friends so I'm not saying it was his responsibility to comfort her but it seems like something you would want to discuss it's honestly not surprising that she resented him do not speak to me of sacrifice Steven strange and before anyone says that he was too busy or he didn't have time he had the time to cause an incursion with Spider-Man he could have found her but he only goes to her when he needs something we know anyone who's faced such a thing I think I might and then he is surprised when she's angry with him and as a caveat I do want to say that while I think that Multiverse of Madness is overhated it is not the best writing of Wanda I said do you know what we're doing in Wanda Vision have you seen it and no they had not so I don't want to say that him talking to her would have changed everything but God at least it would have helped right also he never actually tells Wanda about incursions and I don't think that she ever knew their full scope of Destruction she wants to be with her kids more than anything but she's also terrified of losing them again in the infinite Multiverse there's a cure for every illness a solution to every problem I won't lose them again this is the woman who stopped her entire plan because she scared her children so it's hard for me to believe that she would have been so reckless if she knew it might hurt them and strange had the chance to tell her all of this after Wanda goes full Rampage mode on karage they have a long conversation where she explicitly states that all she wants is her kids and to live a happy life with them strange could have easily said well actually I had a situation with Spider-Man recently where he tried to change something and it ended up nearly destroying the world the same will happen if you try to go to your kids or bring them here it will ultimately hurt them and Wanda probably would have stopped before it was too late but instead he tries to guilt her and never explains any possible consequences what happens to their mother or do you know when else he could have told her this any time if he had actually visited her between Wanda vision and Multiverse of Madness it's fine it's fine you know what I'm not mad about it Strange's fault Wanda became a villain but I'm not mad about it seem mad about it it's fine but that's just what he could have done beforehand now let's get into what strange actually does so we see four Stranges in this film our Strange Defender strange Illuminati strange and evil strange of those four Stranges three of them three cause incursions so let's start with our Strange now Wanda and strange are perfect foils in this movie so structure-wise it makes sense that strange dream walks but it is so frustrating the entire thought process of and I did what I had to do is what landed them in this problem in the first place all you strangers you're the same his justification for this is that he has to save America and look I'm not saying it was a bad thing that he saved her but the potential price is so high especially with everything that Wanda did there was a good chance that dream walking would be the final straw that caused an incursion for our Earth but most importantly strange isn't the one who actually Saves America America saves herself so his dreamwalk was entirely unnecessary and then there's consequences for dreamwalking into a dead body strang's consequences seem pretty low let's compare it to Wanda when Wanda sees what she's done she kills herself and destroys the dark hold across every reality her consequence is her life Doctor Strange on the other hand seems pretty hunky dory at the end of everything he gets a third eye as a sign of his own corruption but emotionally he's okay he is setting out to find real happiness after everything that has unfolded even after he discovers that he caused an incursion and sets out with Clea there's a little smile on his face I mean a universe was destroyed a woman just died but you're smiling bro stop smiling stop it stop it and this leads me to believe that strange learn nothing from any of this he is still going to break the rules and cause problems because ultimately he's not really the one paying the price and that is why I think that he'll be the one who lets in Kang but that's just our Strange now let's look at what all the other Stranges did what if strange is basically our Strange if our Strange had real consequences it literally opens with the question what if the best of intentions has very strange consequences and what if strange is not alone in the car that day when he gets into the accident Christine is with him and instead of facing injuries of his own he kills Christine instead of losing his hands he loses his heart strange will do anything to fix it but it's a Nexus point that cannot be changed so instead of dealing with what he's done he battles and consumes monsters until he has enough power to change the Nexus point and the ancient one sees this coming so she splits the timeline because she does not follow the rules either mind you and then two versions of strange get to fight and as they're fighting the good strange says something really interesting this isn't love this is arrogance this is our need to fix everything it's what drove us to study the Mystic Arts in the first place now what if posits our favorite characters in bizarre and outlandish situations but the essence of the characters doesn't change so this would be true of our Strange as well his driving force has always been his own arrogance the good strange is eventually absorbed by evil strange even he couldn't get through to himself and guess what the world the universe was destroyed and as the world collapses around him he says that he never meant for this to happen strange just always assumed that the consequences did not apply to him and because of this he destroys billions of people but that's just one of the incursion causing variant of strange and he's not even the worst so let's talk about Illuminati strange 818 strange is the clearest example of just how dangerous Doctor Strange is I mean there is a reason the Illuminati says that he is the biggest threat to the Multiverse also quick note our Strange act so surprised when they say this as if he didn't nearly cause an incursion months before 818 strange takes his fatal flaw arrogance to a whole new level and tries to take on Thanos all by himself so he dream loocks and surprise surprise incursion everyone in that reality died so for the second time we see a strange kill billions of people and much like what if strange 818 strange feels incredibly guilty when he realizes what he's done now I'm not saying that strange is a fundamentally bad person what I am saying is that his arrogance his belief that he can be the so savior of the universe leads to destruction and that all of the remorse in the world is not going to change that and then there's the third eye strange the one truly evil strange that we see he's angry that there's no Universe where he's actually happy despite all of his power and Status he's still empty and isolated so he's taken to kill killing every strange he finds you ever had that dream where you're falling as if you've been pushed off a tall building that was probably me now we never find out exactly what caused the annihilation of his Universe whether it was dream walking or him killing other strangers but his actions have consequences far outside his own reality by murdering other Stranges he's causing incursions for their universes and our Strange and 818 Christine are walking down the street the world is completely folded in on itself and it almost seems like the floating buildings repeat and I think that's just because this isn't just two universes crashing into each other but multiple crashing into each other repeatedly that means that third eyye strange hasn't killed billions of people but instead tens and tens of billions of people so let's recount our Strange has caused two incursions what if strange caused one 818 strange caused one and third eye strange caused God knows how many so from four Stranges we've seen minimum five incursions and I can almost guarantee he will be the one who lets Kang in probably through you guessed it an incursion so remember that scene in Infinity war that made everybody hate Peter Quill no you did qu I got it I got it we're going to have something similar with Doctor Strange he's going to let his own arrogance get the best of him and it's going to let Kang back in wait what do you mean let Kang back in well dude Kang was sucked into his multiversal power core he's not dead he's trapped somewhere else I guarantee you now I can see strange doing this in two ways first through an incursion that he's already caused at the end of Multiverse of Madness Clea rips open a fabric of reality to show strange the incursion now instead of the type of incursion we saw earlier where was clear that Two Earths collided this one is set somewhere that looks Cosmic now we still don't know where King the Conqueror went at the end of Ant-Man and right after the movie came out we theorize that he fell into somewhere even smaller than the quantum realm so what if that is where this incursion takes place and with both Clea and strange dumping in to fix it Kang the Conqueror has the perfect means to now get out and back into Earth 616 I could also see strange trying to fix the Kang problem on his own and ultimately making it worse sort of like 818 strange did with Thanos imagine that the Earth's Heroes find out about K but strange says well this this is an interdimensional problem and I'll handle it instead of working with them he goes to face Kang himself but isn't strong enough on his own when Kang bests him he finds out the location of America and boom he can go anywhere in the Multiverse that he wants hey person uh yeah buddy accident card oh crap when I don't have that nature card so that is my last bean and you win the game good game high five and just a reminder everyone to get your dumb ways to die card game check out the link in the comments below so what do you think is Doctor Strange the real villain are incursions even that bad and special shout out to the writer of the video Banna Mardy you can reach either of us at our socials listed below and if it's your first time here subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm Ryan [Music] AR
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 401,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4VIlrrQndG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2023
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