Why Don't You Want TO GO To Your NEIGHBOURS House Ever Again? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit what caused you to think I'm never visiting again after being in someone's home I've got two first one I was pretty young so like 6/7 my mum was friends with this woman called Louise and she had a daughter that was about my age mum didn't really know Louise all that well because they met through mutual friends but the daughter and I got along so we arranged a sleepover at her place the house was fine but I started feeling pretty homesick because I didn't know these people very well I walked out into the lounge to try to get Louise the mums attention to maybe ring my mom so I could leave but before I could speak I saw her and her boyfriend [ __ ] on the couch law anyways that exact boyfriend was later found to be molesting my little friend and ferry mum ended up becoming a lesbian in the future second one I was 18 met up with this guy that I had been talking online to for a while we had mutual friends we took the train to his house which he shared with an older couple who had a few kids it was legit a trash house absolutely filthy McDonald's sundae with ice cream still in it was used as an ashtray it stunk so bad and the kids were just like playing on the floor and dirty nappy while their fat lazy stinky parents watched TV and did drugs I left so quick I didn't know he or where I was going would have drugs going down and he was trashed too he kept ringing up his underage xgf and abusing her verbally I didn't know very much about him obviously law I was an it contractor that was sent to a few assisted living houses these houses were for adults that suffered from a wide variety of developmental issues keep in mind we are talking for adult acre centers and at least 50-plus houses one of the houses as soon as you walk in the door you are assaulted by toilet stink imagine a porta potti baking in the Summer Sun it's just old musky urine / [ __ ] stink I immediately flinch and the woman caretaker says don't worry you'll get used I go to sit down at their PC and notice the chair has a [ __ ] stain on it no thanks I'll stand I then go to put my laptop bag on the ground and the caretaker says you may want to keep that with you we haven't bombed for bedbugs just yet and we had an outbreak last week I immediately step outside and explain that I need to leave but my office manager says just finish the job and we won't have to come back I put my laptop back in my car and went back to the client as I am attempting to fix the PC a client comes in and is demanding something when the caretaker won't give it to her she just starts screaming just a loud long guttural scream after 20 seconds or so she reaches into the back of her sweatpants and pulls out a wad of [ __ ] which she proceeds to throw at the caretaker apparently she got so mad she [ __ ] herself and then proceeded to use that [ __ ] as a weapon I duck behind the PC scream wait for the sea troll [ __ ] fit to end and immediately beeline it to the door I don't bother calling my office manager until I'm 20 minutes away so she can't tell me to turn around I was never sent back there again back in the mid 2000s I was heavy into the online dating scene would chat it up with a girl I hope a name and maybe down the road we would meet up I was on and off chatting with this girl for about a year that I hadn't met when she called me one evenin going on about catching a guy hiding under her bed and that she was scared and didn't want to be alone she wanted me to come over and stay the night because even though she said she talked to the police she wanted someone there to at least make sure she was safe I found it odd at first because we hadn't met before but I decided to go because she sounded genuinely scared her apartment was the entire bottom level of a really nice old house I walked in and the smell hid me first old rotting food mixed with [ __ ] her kitchen was completely covered with dishes opened canned food cold drinks in cups her living room was just as bad with piles of dirty laundry old dishes and cups everywhere she told me to make myself comfortable on her couch and she went off to the other room I had to push a pile of clothes and papers off the couch just to sit down after about a minute or two she calls me into her bedroom to show me where the guy was hiding I walk into her bedroom to see in nightmare more dishes how many dishes can one person have clothes everywhere a bowl of old stagnant water and a bowl of moldy food for like a cat or something I asked her if she had a cat or a small dog she said no now her whole story was that she came home and went to get changed in the bedroom when she found a guy hiding underneath her bed she screamed he ran end of story the first problem with the story was that her bed was only an inch or so off the floor not even the skinniest guy could hide underneath that I decided not to point that out and try to think of a nice way to get the [ __ ] out of there she led me back to the couch and asked me if I wanted to fool around I declined and she got a little irritated and started pacing she then got up and announced that she had to use the bathroom after a few minutes alone trying to come up with a legitimate exit plan that doesn't require me getting stabbed I hear her call for me from the bathroom using a very singsong voice she asks if I could hand her a roll of toilet paper to which I hesitantly obliged as I walked over to her closet that held the toilet paper I had to pass her she had the bathroom door wide open and was currently grunting rather loud as I grabbed her the toilet paper she let out a grunt followed by a large clock at this point I handed her the toilet paper and she thanked me wiped in front of me even as I quickly walked back to the living room I hear the toilet flush and her move from the bathroom back to her bedroom calling out to me as she moved I'm going to get changed into something comfortable she never washed her hands after a few moments she calls to me again in that singsong voice I sighed got up and headed towards her bedroom she was standing there topless with only panties on and a sanitary napkin hanging from her panties she then told me not to mind the pad because she believed sometimes I needed a way out I came up with the idea of making my clamshell phone ring and pretend I got a call from work and that I had to go in she got really sad really quickly and began pacing back and forth I headed to the door and told her that I need to head out she followed and told me to hold on that he had to let me out the other part of her story was that after she discovered the man hiding under her bed she scared him off by screaming and that he ran out the front door her front door had a deadbolt that locked from the inside I asked her if she always locked it from the inside and she nodded she unlocked the deadbolt with the key she had on her and opened the door for me she asked me if I was going to come back and I told her of course I never went back a few months later I received a call from a number one didn't recognize that number left a message and it turned out to be her asking me to call her back on that number and that she missed me i reversed search the number out of curiosity and it came back as a number to a mental hospital a couple things are left out due to length and trying to write this on a mobile she also had a pet turtle trying to grasp on to life in a very dirty tank after she got dressed into something more comfortable she came back to the living room sat on my lap and asked me if I wanted to fool around when I said no using the excuse that I was a born-again Christian and that I'm saving myself for marriage she began pacing again and muttering to herself her more comfortable attire was a set of very old and very tight pajamas even though I vowed never to go back to her again I did the same thing two months later with a different girl I was chatting with that called me to come over that one had a better outcome I was very adventurous in my mid-twenties I moved to a new city at the start of my senior year in high school and quickly made a friend I'll call her Amy here we hung out at school alot and eventually we started hanging out outside of school the first and last time I went to her house I was struck by how messy it was piles of laundry on the couch a layer of dust on the thousands of knickknacks that sat on the shelves / hung on walls I felt immediately stifled in there but didn't give it that much thought to be on this nor did I think twice about accepting a soda when her mom offered a MS mom emerges from the kitchen with a huge glass of soda in hand and then proceeds to tell me that she is a magical creature from another realm at first I just laughed but she snapped at me and told me that only believers could stay I kind of nodded and went with it now convinced that she was not right in the head I took a sip of my soda and just as I was pulling the glass away from my mouth I noticed that this and the glass had what I thought were a bunch of cracks on the side and there was something Brown stuck to one of the ice cubes as this woman is ranting and raving about having met fairies and unicorns I ran my finger along the cracks and they moved I felt my stomach turn telling myself that she must have had sewed her out of this glass alot and that this was just the syrupy bits of soda that she didn't wash off very well or something to that effect I took a closer look at the thing stuck to my ice cube it was a goddamned Roach leg I quietly interrupted to point this out to her as I tried really hard not to gag what followed was a lecture on how soda was expensive and that it was rude and horrible of me not to just pick out the leg and keep drinking the soda I don't even remember what I said to get out of there but for as long as I knew Amy I never set foot inside that house again thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe I had a new friend in middle school and I went over her house for a sleepover it was fun at first because we were just playing outside then she shows me her creepy unfinished basement with a rabbit hutchensen bunnies she tells me house she was when one of her bunnies died recently and how her older brother made her laugh by making its corpse dance her dad is drinking in the kitchen big big gut something about him makes me feel uneasy she shows me a room with a big fish hanging on the wall and flies around it sighs she says we can either sleep in here on the couches or in her bedroom then she tells me that her mom and brother sleep in her room with her every night and they locked the door I asked why she says ghosts I'm thinking what about your dad don't ask it aloud because I figure it's really him they are hiding from then I faked a stomachache and had her mom take me home edit because everyone's asking we were about 12 years old at the time my mom spoke to her mom over the phone when we made the plans her mom was a nice seemingly normal lady there was no reason for my mom to be concerned I don't think there would have been a reason for concern even if she had met the father it's not like the dude was some horrific character straight out of deliverance same if she toured the house it was a totally normal house albeit old big and therefore creepy and the fish wasn't rotting it was taxidermy there were just some naps around it sighs for whatever reason I was still going to sleep there until my friend said her mom and brother slept in her room at night because of ghosts and she told me this fact with the same level of excitement that she told me the story about her brother making the dead bunny dance for all I know she was just [ __ ] with me because she got a thrill out of being creepy she was into the macabre and ended up being off and working at Hot Topic when we were in high school I was the new kid in the sixth grade and quickly made friends with this one girl I think she kind of jumped at the chance to be friends with the one person who knew literally nothing about her she was really nice to me but also kind of really strange like she'd growl at people and she'd draw wolves on every single surface from the classroom to her bedroom but nonetheless we were both in an advanced art program so we saw each other more than I saw other people in my grade and I wasn't in a position to reject friendship went to her house once never went back when we entered the home it smelled heavily of dog urine but there wasn't a dog when I asked if she had a dog her response was no not since the accident then there was an uncomfortable silence and she just started laughing uncontrollably red flag I stayed because my mother wasn't picking me up until a bit later and I didn't exactly know how to walk home when my mother did come to pick me up and I was about to exit the house the girl's mom literally ran after me and grabbed me and brought me back upstairs she shook my shoulders screaming I couldn't leave right now I started freaking out not knowing what was happening the girl's mom is frantically running around to all the windows and screaming at someone outside in a language I don't understand my mom calls the house and is also freaking out the girl's mom wouldn't let her talk to me and she also just watched me get dragged back by this woman so she calls the police it s Culp's and turns into like a mini hostage kind of situation there was a guy outside that the girl's mom used to date and he wanted something from her and if I left he'd run into the house when the door opened so I couldn't leave cops come the girl's mom gives me a plastic shopping bag duct taped everywhere and tells me under no circumstances am I allowed to look inside of it and that I had to hand it to the man outside I didn't want to do that but it seems like it's the only way I'm getting out of there it was rounded out by the contents and I remember it bearing the weight of a bowling ball I actually peed on myself I was so scared I didn't know what else to do so I took the bag and started to leave the house when I made it to the exit I straight up heated the bag and ran to my mother I have no clue where the guy was I think at that point he was already apprehended by the police whole time this was happening the girl who I was there to hang out with was sitting on the table in her kitchen eating cereal like a dog not at all fazed by the series of events happen in front her we had to go to the police station that night and Baku acid was so late when I got home I didn't go to school the next day that day I missed school the girl told everyone I was insane and that when we hung out I went crazy and I peed myself for no absolutely reason we don't talk anymore edit spelling walking from the mall one day I took a different block than I normally did I passed a house with a rusted old vehicle in the driveway and just as I pass roaches scatter in broad daylight a month or so passes and I'm hanging out with my buddy he says to me he says I met some dude who's pretty cool want to go over to his place sure I reply we pull up no [ __ ] up to that same house from the beginning of the story same car same roaches [ __ ] it the guy was ok to hang out with it turns out that everything else that happened in that house was the thing of nightmares and yes the roaches live inside too one dad and mum hanging out on dirty couch dad in his underwear too two emaciated dogs a Great Dane with some horrible joint issue or displaced leg socket limping around and a chihuahua constantly rubbing his ass all over the carpet three no running water it had to be turned on from the mains as everything leaked in the house if they left it on for cigarettes put out on tables desks literally anywhere possible five the kid literally backing inside his room six the same kid spray-painted his room black seven that kid's brother sleep walking and peeing on the kitchen floor he cleans it up with a towel laying on the floor and leaves it there once he's done 8 that same kitchen has tacks of dishes migrating out from the sink onto every inch of the counter 8 me and my buddy ask if he has any snacks he comes back with a bag of chips jar of mayonnaise can of corn and can of tuna mixed it all up and proceeds to double dip all day not to mention I hate tuna but that's my issue sit down with a bottle of chester Cola with Santa on it it's August 9 dad comes in to chat with the guys and talks about his gout for an hour ten dudes cousin is living there because she got kicked out of her house she's fat and trashy and lonely so she tries to hang with us sitting on the nasty stained carpet picking her feet while eating a bag of Cheetos and without shame asks if we'd like any now granted this all took place on mostly separate occasions and I kept going back but whoa boy that family was something else and every time I left I thought to myself that's it I'm never coming back it actually caused a rift in our friendship that I don't think we ever got over he was in town only for a few days I told him if I came over since we were drinking I needed to spend the night and that my wife would be there because we lived an hour away so he's home from college and we go to his childhood home his mom's house she's out with friends I walk in with an overpass back for me and my wife I are square to put it and he shows me where we will be sleeping this is a mid-eighties era trailer looks clean though until he opens the door to this room his mom's room I dared not turn the light on there are unclean sheets on the bed there are five dogs in there mostly laying on the bed which I now notice is covered in dog hair on the floor which is bare plywood as the carpet looked to have been haphazardly torn out there are 1015 piles of [ __ ] and the soaking into the wood everywhere my friend looks past all of this and tells me I can put my bag on a chair in the room I said okay and my wife was just glaring at me I looked back at her like I got this it looked as though he had cleaned the whole house pretty well then shoved the dogs into his mom's room which seemed frequent given the state of it so I went out on the back porch with my wife and the first thing out of her mouth was we are not [ __ ] sleeping here your friend is [ __ ] disgusting and I'm not staying in that room I said babe you don't have to sell me on it I just don't know how we are gonna get out of it I basically requested a room she said I'll stay sober I can drive you gotta get us out of here I said okay can we just hang out a while longer she agreed that was fine a couple hours later and her body language basically said she was donezo I asked where the bathroom was I went in there and shat as I tried to think of what to do to get out then it occurred to me I was doing it I shat wipes then we'd everything in the bathroom and flushed probably six times I came out of the bathroom gripping my stomach and covered in flop sweat splashed on water from the sink proclaimed we had had sushi for dinner and it must have been bad went and got my bag and went home I'm not the best actor I'm pretty sure my friend knew what was up we were never the same after that idk our friendship definitely wasn't worth staying a night in that literal [ __ ]
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Id: B8awxtRTbzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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