Workers DARE Their BOSS To Fire THEM (r/AskReddit)

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ah slashes credit what's your best fire me I [ __ ] their you moment from work worked a job where I was the only one who knows how to take apart clean fix and put all the equipment back together and do the weekly and monthly main shifts had a boss tell me one day that I was doing a poor job and not doing enough and that anyone could do it if I didn't step up I would be fired or else as they had manuals for each piece of equipment so that night I took apart all the equipment weekly and monthly stuff to cleaned them and then just left it apart for them to figure out that morning then I turned off my phone after getting home for the entire day as I had the day off when I turned it back on the next day I saw that I had initially received angry texts ordering me to return and put everything back together this lasted an hour then text saying I risked being fired then texts begging me to return then more texts trying to compromise with us then an apology before nothing else for the rest of the day other than that the head boss wanted to see me as soon as I came in the next day came in the next day and over half the stuff was still not put together and what had been put together was put together haphazardly and would need to be taken out again then put back in correctly was immediately asked to be seen by my boss in there boss to explain myself the moment I was seen entering once in the office I told them that if they weren't there to apologize then just fire me then and there or drop it and let me put all the stuff back together they looked at each other and then told me that I could get back to work boss never called me lazy again hah I worked at an unspecified telecom a few years ago I was a senior manager in charge of programming third level support and production support a business unit bullied through code changes made by the business site through a side deal with a legacy programmer in the data center circumventing my team cabin production testing that just had to get implemented immediately without going through any testing at all I refused the Shia overruled me 72 hours later phone activations had ground to a halt customers nationwide were screaming and the Shia called phone conference after phone conference demanding timelines for when I was going to get this [ __ ] fixed he kept screaming to have members of my team to get on the phone and explain themselves to him I refused finally I snapped and told him that if he wanted me to fix his mistake I would need to get off the [ __ ] phone go work with my teams and the only reason they hadn't walked out yet was that I was keeping him off their asses but we would all happily go together 24 hours later Cal my team had the [ __ ] cleaned up and fixed for a clean rollout this was all to avoid a 24-hour delay forecast ash production testing I wish I could say that was the only slash worst time I was a summer teacher at one of those Koreans at prep school that higher dew point s college students for a summer and then promptly worked them to death although I will admit the pay was pretty good we taught 8.30 and through 5.30 p.m. with an hour lunch but at homework 2 great every evening prep work etc well they were mainly focused on teaching English that I was a math and physics major so they had me teaching Sat math and college prep physics no problem then they decided since I studied physics I should also teach their chemistry class I tried to tell them I didn't know much chemistry but they insisted so I worked my ass off refreshing myself on all of the stuff before I taught it while still teaching another math and physics class one day in the middle of this I got legitimately sick I called in the night before but the rolls and told them I couldn't come in I took one day off sleeping in my apartment and then dragged myself in the next day when I show up they pull me aside and say so how do you plan on making up the time for the classes you've missed excuse me well we didn't have anyone to tee your classes so all the kids are behind now you have to make up the time we figured you could just extend your morning class now for the first week akka teach over lunch and your afternoon class could then start an hour early for the next week why didn't you have a sub teach my class then they screwed up they said we don't have a sub well then no I'm not going to skip my lunch because of your guys poor planning will fire you and then you won't get your plane ticket remebers they replied go ahead first I followed the rules and gave you notice I was going to be out second you just told me you don't have a sub for my classes that means if I leave you're going to lose all of those students that I'm teaching that will cost you a lot more than the planet ticket will cost me I just posted this in another thread the other day it's not exactly what you're looking for but since it was already typed up I once worked as a night clerk at a privately-owned non chain hotel as the overpass guy I often had to do things that weren't really a desk Clarke's job like bring extra pillows or blankets to guests or clean up small messes or occasionally plunge a toilet or something there was no one else there at 2:00 a.m. and so it just came with the job one night I get a call from a room to the front desk and a guy says a toilet is backed up it's the middle of the night so I just changed his room and I go to take in the keys to the new room and check on the situation there is [ __ ] and piss all over the floor it looks like they shoved an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet there is just [ __ ] in filth everywhere it's disgusting I probably should throw these guys out of the hotel but I'm young and I honestly don't know how to handle it so I hand them their keys and just stare at the mess as I use the room's phone to call my boss I tell my boss about the situation and I don't know what I expected exactly for him to call a plumber maybe I'm not sure like I said I was young and didn't have a ton of life experience but he tells me to clean it up and I sit there quietly holding the phone for a second and I say something like no this is too much man I don't even know where to start with this and it's disgusting and he says we're aggressively and angrily like this is my fault it's your job to handle nightshift problems clean it up so I stood there looking at the floor and a piece of [ __ ] literally floats through my vision in this pool of Filth and I came to the most wonderful realization of my life a realization that made me so happy in that moment that I actually felt a little giddy and life I did when it came to me I realized I can just quit and guilhom I am NOT cleaning this up I quit I remember he said what and then yelled some but honest to god I don't remember what he said I was almost laughing not at in or the situation just in relief at the realization no one could actually make me clean up this pool of human [ __ ] so I said I'd closed the room off and go watch the desk until my shift ended but I wasn't cleaning this up be in anger just told me to get the hell out then which was dumb because it left literally no active employees anywhere on the premises for however long it took him to get there after I left but that's what I did I just left and went home they tried to withhold my last paycheck when I went to get it saying I was responsible for the cleanup cost and then that they didn't have to pay me because I left in the middle of a shift but I knew that was [ __ ] even then and told them so I think I literally said I don't know who I have to call about this but I know you can't do that and I'll figure out who to call about it so they ended up just saying we all mannered to you and they did I actually kind of liked that job but [ __ ] there are limits this was about five to six years ago I was the second in charge of our shipping department making $11 an hour the head of shipping had a mental breakdown so I took over while he got help about three weeks after he returned the company released him because they didn't like him and I could do the job when they told me they had released him I asked if there were going to be interviews for the job or was the job just mine since I was number two I was told they were looking but I would have a chance to interview once that process started fast-forward about six months and I'm still doing this job that pays around 50k a year for $11 an hour we had some issues with staff turnover and process changes because the warehouse manager thought he knew best and would listen they then tell me there wouldn't be a shipping manager just a shipping lead which would be an hourly position I asked about arrays get told my review is in two months so just wait I wait three months four months then one day after a 14-hour night shift I get a call from the WM telling me I have to come in right now when I get there he unloads on me for things that were beyond my control and mistakes other people made we start yelling and that's when I told him I make $11 an hour doing this job ex boss told me he got paid 50k a year to do I don't need this [ __ ] give me a raise or I won't be back I then went home and back to sleep when I go back to work I'm met by WN and ops manager they appreciate the hard work I've been doing and are putting me on a salary starting at 45 K since ex-boss was there longer I negotiated up to 48 K 2004 worked at a municipality department one day the program is update the work PCs and block pretty much everything and anything point no internet at all no authorization for installing anything all games removed from Windows they even removed the calculator function for some reason then the supervisor started moving car Walker's around and my entire team was dispersed across a gigantic building for no reason we were the top team in terms of results the supervisor simply hated our guts for some reason so me and one of the cow Walker's try to devise some way to have communication without having to travel for five minutes each time across the building and down a floor just to get to each other's desk and ask a simple yes-or-no question we do this during our lunch break our supervisor butts in and asks what we are doing we explain we are trying to save time and maximize communication and results the supervisor who doesn't like us anyway says we should get back to work and quit trying to communicate through unauthorized means ok we simply stop trying to install messenger on our phones one day later the supervisor is looking for my coworker I don't know where he is I say so well then contact him through your messenger program the one you told us to quit installing yes we gave up on that on your orders she tried to get me fired for refusing to obey basic orders I explained the situation to her superior he let me get back to work and told me to ignore her from then on I moved to a better post a few months later because she made my life unbearable from that day on and I finally went and told the upper floor they'll either move me elsewhere or I quit I used to work at a small family-owned grocery store for a few years we got a load in on Mondays and Thursdays and we got passed over one Monday and the distributor said we'd get the missing load in on Thursday so what essentially happened was the double load in might to receiving partners were out sick I was the only person in the warehouse / receiving at the time and got to take on 15 plus pallets of groceries that needed to hit the shelves immediately I was specifically told to not go up front and to do what I could while the front-end crew covered the aisles and cash registers well a lot of them were either lazy untrained or just putting in their hours so they could pay bills I put in my airboat just one and get to work I'm halfway through checking of the pallets when I get called up front so I ignore it and continue then I get called again so I head up there and get yelled at by a new hire with a bad attitude to do your job and back for me the customer was irregular and we got along very well and she told me that she was fine and could back their own groceries between the customer and the fact that I wasn't having it I walked away I had three years and two ranks on her so I didn't give half of a shirt and went back to my pallets then I get the newest hotshot manager who replaced the old hotshot manager who replaced the beloved manager who trained basically the whole store in my face about having an air burden on the clock which is allowed as long as you have on air free and said I could be sent home and not come back if I wanted to listen to music so I gestured to the pallets and said go for it these all need to be checked in and broken down have fun I got to keep my air burden so I had that going for me which was nice important notes my usual job was 3:00 a.m. noon and I was sleeping from 5:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. a split shift meant working 4:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and coming back to 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. if I remember right I had been working a series of split shifts and the whacky sleep schedule was really getting to me I was told I would only need to do it three days in a row but then it became four days and then finally I went to sleep after the fourth shift got woken up to my boss calling me and telling me I would have to work one more split shift I told him no and that I would come in for my usual schedule he started to argue with me and asking me why it was a big deal especially since I had worked it almost every day this week so why not work one more when I explained I was having issues with sleep and that I wouldn't come and he was like but it's your job I am scheduling you for another split shift and I just yelled at him then I don't need this job he started apologizing and that he would let me get some sleep I hung up I went to work the next morning for my usual split and everyone there was surprised to see me my boss had told everyone he thought I might not show up at all and wasn't sure if I had quit I worked my usual shift my boss came in at 8:00 a.m. and began apologizing right away when he saw me then he said if working a split was so hard on you you could have told me now I just turned and went to lunch I was hired on as a part-time assistant manager and then immediately told I would be working part-time at two different restaurants I knew things were shady as soon as they gave me two separate paychecks then less than a month later they had someone go on vacation and needed me to cover their shifts suddenly I was working 80-hour weeks at the end of the pay period I took my checks into the office and asked why I why I wasn't being paid overtime they said that they weren't required to pay overtime because technically I worked two jobs I look them in the eye and said this is my two weeks notice for one of my jobs they said they needed someone that worked - are you formally telling me that my employer requires me to keep two separate payrolls so that you aren't required to pay me overtime they said they couldn't afford to pay me overtime and I stood my ground and told them that I would work a maximum of 40 hours per week after a brief back-and-forth they agreed then about a week later another manager had a death in the family they shed yield me for a TR weeks again without asking while the other manager took time off to grieve then one day one of the payroll people came by one of my restaurants and politely asks how are you I said I'm not going to lie I'm a bit stressed about the amount of hours I've been working for the last couple months then she said you should be grateful you are getting paid I immediately told her that wasn't true because I was out for overtime and not receiving it and then called the office and informed them that they needed to either write me a check with back pay for all the overtime or reduce my hours to 40 hours per week by the end of the day then I told them that if I ever saw a schedule that had me listed for even 41 hours I would walk immediately they met my demands in that they reduced my hours I ended up quitting less than two months later anyways because it's really a shady business I was in the military and was trying to take my vacation time before I lost the days they denied my requests four different times and I hadn't had a day off in three months and I was working 12 to 16 hours shifts most days I was beyond done I was teaching some new guys part of the tasks for one job everything was fine I went somewhere else in the hangar to do something else on the plane this quality-assurance guy that everyone knew was a pain came in I did my stuff good and he never bothered me so I didn't pay him any attention he started talking to one of the new dudes he then asked to talk to me and pulled me aside he then asked mine I hadn't told the new guy about some super obscure caution about water under a grate in the hangar floor something that had nothing to do with our job so it didn't matter he was just being a pain I was over the job and him so I told him listen Sergent cap I've been denied my leave four separate times and I've been working for three months straight so if you have a problem with the way I taught them write me up I don't give a ref asterisk asterisk asterisk and you can stuff it up your a asterisk asterisk to tell my boss I said that it was a little extreme that I was pushed to the point when I went back and I knew I was in deep because the guy walked out of my shop heads office and I got called writin when I went in there the shop head said I heard what happened out there submit the day's you want to take leave right now and ill approve it for you then told me I could leave that's all I heard about it I was shocked I've been at the company a long time therefore I know both day and night shift suit is in and out are well liked by our clients and in charge of training the new recruits most work for us up to six to twelve months before growing tired of the workload or finding that they can't handle the job or just wanted cash enough to study up for something else anyway they are heavily dependent on me my closest boss threatened to fire me for being home one day and drinking beer when I was supposed to be at work two weeks prior I had agreed to do overtime but I wanted a new schedule so I would not miss it I got a new schedule that she had forgotten to fill in that day on it she blamed me for it anyway and said it was grounds for terminating my contract I dared her to do it and see how long we could stay in business similar story here had a big staff meeting to plan for the upcoming year about holidays and such so we could have the appropriately trained people on-site to cover the guys that would be away in the meeting I say to the owner so do you want us to when a Leo or the shedule are about this directly he says both so I say okay I'll and eliten that I will be gone for two weeks and I tell him the date he says that it's approved but ml it in so I am Aled to him the she Cola and my Foreman at the time my holidays come and on the last day I sent my Foreman a message the usual where are we how has it gone where's my company truck who do I need to pick up tomorrow the whole nine yards he fires back with you didn't tell me you were taking days off I'm gonna suspend you without pay for two week well as you imagine that didn't go well I politely told him he could go [ __ ] himself and that I had the emails and he was in the room when we discussed the exact dates I would be gone and that his lack of planning wasn't my fault at all so I phoned the owner who I had happened to work for for seven years at this point being the second-longest employed person there and told him that the three of us would be having a meeting in the morning to sort it out so I write up my resignation and take it with me along with my company phone credit card and keys to the meeting where the owner proceeds to fire the foreman after about five minutes and gives me the job as Foreman for the cruise thank me for bring it to his attention as it had happened before and as being the most knowledgeable person about our products and equipment he gave me the job which I had for the next five years till I destroyed my back and had to move on I was a shift manager at a relatively quiet fast-food restaurant there was only three managers total so it worked out one manager per shift two management shifts a day open and closed we were supposed to have four managers on a rotating roster but cost-cutting and laziness we had a worker who ended up being my replacement when I quit she should have been promoted at the same time as me but sexism and again cost-cutting anyway I agreed to pull a double for the other shift manager and come in early the next day for stock take with the store manager so from 6:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. Saturday I worked with no brakes I stayed behind until 1:00 to do most of the stock take and message the store manager that I'll be in for the open at 6:00 not the 4:30 for stock takers it was mostly done I received no response the next morning I arrived finish stock take by myself and do the open shift without the store manager arriving turns out he had a heart attack and was in serious condition at the hospital although I only found out later that night the other shift manager rocks up for the close and I go home looking forward to my weather and day off until I get a call from head office informing me not asking informing that I'm now working every open next week except for Saturday which I would be doing the close followed by stock take on the Sunday again so I change my plans and deal with it Monday at 11:00 a.m. I get a call from the other manager he's had a pretty serious car accident is in hospital for a few days he won't be able to work for the week if you've been keeping track that's two-thirds of the management team down I call head office and asked for someone to come and do some shifts so I can literally take a break they reluctantly agree and my afternoon shift for the next day Tuesday is covered and they were trying to organize some more help our state manager ended up doing the [ __ ] they got covered but they couldn't spare him or organize any more help this is when I advised them the store will be closed then because I've worked six shifts in four days and I had a limit to how much I could do with no breaks for my personal safety I wouldn't work without breaks or a day off head office told me if the store isn't open tomorrow morning Wednesday by this point you can find another job this was said while I was standing next to state manager so I put head office on speakerphone and asked them to repeat that they do in the state manager gets an angry look on his face I told them to hurry up and fire me if that's the case the call ends and he tells me take the day I'll get it covered he even put it in writing for me and gave me the clothes on the Thursday so I got a longer rest what a champ I arrived on Thursday afternoon to see a manager from another store and the stig manager who informed me the head office representative I had been speaking to have been fired and that he had personally organized it so I was no longer doing doubles should return to normal in a few weeks time and my there was talks of organizing another manager within a month but the moment they started I handed in my two weeks notice as I'd gotten a better job elsewhere thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
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Id: _p12f6OtVG0
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Length: 25min 45sec (1545 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 28 2019
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