Why Are Traitor Guard The Best Army To 3D Print?

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why would Trader card an army that has no official rules be the best to 3D print well to answer that question I actually have to answer some more possibly important questions that you should be asking yourself before doing this like what models are even available for the trailer guard are they even easy to 3D print and the most important question of all why wouldn't Games Workshop release them however before I can even answer those questions I know there is someone gagging to leave a comment telling me about the small kill team or Blackstone Fortress models that she duom and my reply to you the premature commenter is simple how long ago were those models released exactly all that time ago and yet despite there being a new addition of 40K released there are still no rules for them and even at that you can't make a full diverse Army out of what is released but what I will show you in this video you and I both will be able to which brings me neatly into what models are there even for the Trader guard because if we are left with just the one similar to Blackstone and kill te then unless you're handy at kit bashing you're going to be pretty much using the same models over and over Traer guard would be set up similarly to traditional guard with Guardsman making up the bulk of the arm me well normally you wouldn't see a cman and a kadian fighting side by side for Trader guard the original regiment doesn't really matter anymore so you can combine multiple different creators interpretations together which means not only will the army look more diverse but it will be more unique guard also used what they call conscripts or at least they used to the last time I checked the trader guard's conscripts to me would be like cultists those that aren't as regimented as Guardsmen but are possibly even more corrupted by the forces of chaos now this is where I had a lot of fun for printing out the Army because there are some wickedly cool sculps out there but I also ran into my own problems here and I have to be honest with you originally a couple months ago I wanted to do a combat Patrol Box video of Trader guard so I printed out a lot of different models and a maturity from one Creator and the pr supports just either didn't work or my temperatures were off in the printer area because I had quite a few feels but probably the most epic of the models to include in would have to be something like this aan or ogan which just reminds me of something out of dark tide it was unfortunately caught up in the field Parts with his other hand which I think is meant to be holding an axe I couldn't find it in my box of bits which is full of probably two or three armies worth of models by the way but with one arm missing this meant I could actually customize it even more and I finally had an excuse to try out sculpting with milliot again so I combined the two parts and kned and rolled them until it looked pretty much mixed together I just want to stay simple but also make it gross so a tentacle is the perfect thing to add on because now this also means I can paint these as nuro blasted Trader guard and tie more into the dark TI theme I have in my head and with the best chaos God in my opinion of course I've only Built a small selection of these models like I said I wanted to originally do a combat Patrol box of them because I've been trying to find my next Army that I want to chump in with both feet and commit to in this case the Pres supports are a bit iffy for me but like I said I'm not sure if that was my temps or the files themselves but if I was going to commit to a full Army of these minis I'd probably end up having to support them myself which isn't really a bad thing to learn in all honesty but it's a pretty big factor for me when I'm trying to get out videos pretty much every week for you to enjoy which is why for a majority of prints that I show on the channel they pretty much have to be pry supported now just got me thinking though would it be worth the time investment to support the models myself if this was if Edition I would 100% be going all in on this for one major reason multi-purpose units before in a previous video I covered some Thunder Warrior proxies that could be used for both a Space Marine and a custodes army and after doing that video I've realized I really like the idea of having multi-purpose model models that can be used completely differently depending on the Army plus a major bonus with having multi-purpose models or armies is that it also helps with space which after 3D printing for pretty much two years and living in a normal sized UK house I've almost ran out of I haven't kept up with the meta for chaos Space Marines and the usage of cultist but I remember an if Edition having a wave of cultist was almost a must these actual cultist models could definitely be used for chaos Marines as well this topic actually came up in the private Discord recently which you can join by becoming a patreon or YouTube member when a question was asked on what models to print for a black Templar Army now my opinion for starting a new Army is always the rule of cool print whatever units look good to you and what ones will make you want to finish the Army because if if you're going to chase the meta you'll be setting yourself up for a fishous cycle of printing out loads of one unit only for them to get nerfed in a few months time but maybe you're into that and I'll admit at the start of my printing journey I was as well so having the trip choices be multi-purpose is the most important thing to me because the trips are what not only mies up the bulk of an army but I mean if we're being really honest here if I only have to paint up a 100 models once instead of two or three times then happy days because as much as I have tried to get into the painon side of it there's just like a mental block there that I just can't get pushed past now despite the Pres supports being a bit iffy for me I still think this might possibly be one of the best armies to 3D print but it does make me wonder why Games Workshop won't release them Trader guard have actually been around for a very long time in fact correct me if I'm wrong but the first time I remember seeing the truder guard was cheering the eye of Terror Campaign which for some of you those words bring back nostalgic memories of possibly better days in the hobby yet for others it means literally nothing the I Terror campaign was abidon with the spoilers 13th Black Crusade and people from all around the world were able to influence the end result in the lore depend on how the battles played out this huge event really made you feel like the small battles you were playing mattered and I really don't understand why Games Workshop won't release the trader guard range because to me it doesn't make any sense realistically they have their 3D models for guard already so 90% of the framework is already done and after the release of the Blackstone Fortress models they have the assets to work with so there must be some reason that we don't know about could it be because they don't want there to be more chaos aligned factions maybe they don't know how to play them on the tabletop but then again it could be the reducted Codex that's meant to come out later in the year they could release Trader guard that use beastmen as allies but this is all just my hopes for the future contrary to what some may believe I do want GW to keep making new ranges and factions because whenever they do new releases the 3D print in space becomes flooded with new models and creators and the more we have the better these trailer guard models are definitely cool and I hope will be one of the best to 3D print soon if official RS come out for them but for the meantime I'll be playing them under the Grim dark future R set but if you want to know what currently is the best army 3D print then you need to watch this video next as always I want to give a hug huge thanks to all my patreons and YouTube members without your support I wouldn't be able to do any of this and I'll see you all in the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 4,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vRvID-UwR4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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