We converted the most HERETICAL Traitor Sentinel...

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it doesn't mean it's a cat girl it could be just a weeb driving a tank it's tabletop time I'm Dave and I'm Jen and today I'm going to be making some more horrifying traitor gun bringing back the lost and the damned for 2023. oh Lord Emperor please deliver us may we always win our battles may we Triumph with the night that will lead us to Everlasting peace oh Smokey what the hell is going on in here oh uh I'm just praying tomorrow night you're praying to your Forge World model yeah I mean the video did really well so I'm hoping that if I do a little press ceremony for the next video we'll do super awesome okay well uh have fun with that I kind of feel like I need to make some cool models now yeah something cool all right no worries I'll I'll just keep doing laundry oh Emperor please let me absolutely Crush David's Army so if Jen's awesome assistant night video got a hundred thousand views I was going to make a traitor night but it hasn't quite got there which means I've kind of got to make the two-legged Walker we've got at home that's right I'm making a Trader Sentinel so I still have my cadius stands box and lots of ideas and to my surprise a lot of you actually requested that I make a traitor Sentinel now as I start to look at the sprues and develop bigger models there's actually a lot more space for me to play around with conversions so fundamentally what I'm going to do is build up the base which is the legs to the Torso pretty much as the kit entails but then I'm thinking some etched brass and some custom pieces to start to diverge once that core is built we don't usually do things 100 by the book we definitely need to add our own Flair to all of our custom models and my flare is usually heresy or spiky bits when assembling the cockpit of the Sentinel it became very clear that I had limited options in terms of how I would convert the pilot the legs are sculpted into the seats and the Torso is built in such a way that it requires a special torso back plate because that's the only piece that will fit seamlessly in the chair they've kind of clipped the back of his body into the seat rather than making it a full torso that sits in a chair now one of the most important steps at this stage of building any Trader guard model is carving the filthy aquilas off the front of all of my vehicles that's heresy that's what you say every time Jen I know yeah those damn loyalists they're really one note now when I started to look through bits I had a chuckle as I found an old piece I had bought on a whim to basically annoy people that is this uh sort of Guardsman head that's a cat person they have cat ears and Cat teeth and they're very anime and I kind of loved it it's such a meme uh so you know what felonids are heresy and uh this might be a heretic felonid with cat tail and head or maybe not uh you know what I'm actually gonna take this two ways I'm gonna make it seriously using the gun arm yeah this heretic is not satisfied with their autocannon they're going to continue to shoot with their sidearm out the cockpit as well but then I'm also going to leave the head blue tacked in going with a more serious traitor guard head or the meme that is the that person screeching why don't you decide in the comments if you want me to do cat person screeching or in fact just a regular Trader head I've wrote cat person I kinda also vote cat person I've got jazza here and Jen because there's a line I think where it goes from being heresied of real heresy and I got these bits a long time ago specifically to annoy people and make them like react they're bits to create a reaction I'm going to show you and I want you to tell me if you think this is going too far or if you think think it's amazing what is that it it's it's a cat hey cat girl I mean that's pretty chaos like Jen what do you think this might be a little too much but what if you have your calculator too teeny tiny magnet swappable cat swappable cat head you worried the heads too controversial what if the Community voted on their favorite reveals and if the cat version was one then we make a cat Army no we're not making that Army I have 10 of these heads of various animals to piss people off oh my God I feel like literally all anime characters I I will make a squad of renegade cat people not just girls they'll be boys too with Tails wow people want me to I actually don't I don't have an answer for that one if you're doing that you have to double down and fully commit I want to see a tail on the Sentinel on the sentinel oh my God caddy is on the Sentinel this is a tangent for what the original vision of this project was but is that an upgrade I think it's heresy I'll magnetize the head and you can decide if if the Nyan Cat Head stays in the Sentinel as a Trader it doesn't mean it's a cat girl it could be just a weeb driving a tank that has cat ears on their helmet so I'm sculpted up a quick Cattail because uh the meme I shouldn't let it be a dream and now I have some parts that I can substitute in if we decide to go the way of the Nyan Cat now when I was building this I decided rule of cool is the critical Factor so I definitely added that chain sword in I'm not sure if it's particularly effective as a melee weapon but I also don't really care the repo auto Cannon half of an old defiler kit that I've previously kit bashed into a new defiler I didn't actually use the reaper Auto Cannon so one half of this is appropriately scaled for an auto Cannon but looks about a million times more chaosy so I'm going to put that mounted higher up on the Sentinel chassis leaving me space on the lower right side to do something a little bit interesting and that's something is mounting a hell Drake claw this claw was really interesting I thought it could have looked like a harpoon at one point but then once you started moving the little thingies around it actually did start to look like a really cool claw I actually used two pieces of an Omega Dune crawler set again I've already used most of this kit for a conversion so don't worry I'm not destroying it it went into the defiler I needed parts of the legs to basically give an extra joint to the claw to make it look functional and do you see what I've done here Jen uh no not really if this is piloted by a cat person this Sentinel has a claw oh yeah yeah right this person's beaming too hard so I really wanted to come up with a good silhouette for the claw so I went for the chain blade down and the claw up to give a bit of motion to the kit once that was done I could add the repo auto Cannon and one of the things I did need to do for the reaper autocannon was decide if I was going to cut off the ammunition belt and put an ammo box on or actually try and utilize it and in the end I decided from almost every viewing angle it would look really cool if the change is bent under the chassis of the vehicle and disappeared underneath the Sentinel we can imagine there's an ammo Hopper built into this vehicle but from every angle it just looks really cool this way for another chaosi touch I wanted this pilot to have the head of the previous loyal Sentinel pilot skewed on a pike so I just sliced off one of the parts of a chaos spiky bit sprue and added that onto the Sentinel metal and flesh with all these pieces coming together it was time to add the legendary etched brass onto the front and I chose a nice eight-pointed chaos Star as well as a numeric to identify the vehicle did they still make this etched for us no not for a long time but there are third-party companies that produce similar if you go looking now to complete the war zone base I used some of these awesome Gamers grass pre-made resin pieces including sandbags and some drums and I also added a spool of the old barbed wire from Citadel and shaped it so it appeared that the Sentinel was sort of walking through it and pulling it out of its mountings I then covered the rest of the base in a mud technical so that could dry and I could paint it black to match the rest of my Army later I'm really happy with how these conversions are turning out and I always like to have a good look at the model before you've primed it or painted it just to see all the fun little parts that were used in its creation [Music] now moving towards models larger than inventory I decided it was time to crack out the airbrush and for the armor I did a gradient of Grays that I usually do rather than just painting them by hand this starts with a charcoal gray from Vallejo and moves up to escape and black danger and storm Vermin fur for the Final highlights I noticed that some of the paints you use are kind of subtle in color but once you start layer okay and now I'll respond this Army is a really dark paint Scheme that's accentuated by a couple of Pops of color but the idea is it's meant to look really grungy and realistic so I try and use similar colors that are tonally separate I'm using subtle differences in shading and Hue based on the material rather than saying oh well they'll just paint the armor blue I think that's a really interesting tidbit if you are looking to paint Army that is primarily gray there are different types of gray that you can paint it for the majority of the underskeleton and also a lot of spot highlights I just went in with trusty lead Belcher and once this was done I could apply a liberal wash of null and oil to the whole model the sandbags on the base were painted khaki and then I came in with that teal color that I use as the basis for my Alpha Legion homage stripes on the Army it's a bit of an accent color for these fuel drums the metallic areas would gently dry brushed in a silver just to give them a bit of Pop once that wash had dried and then I could move on to the next step now something I find really keeps my Army looking earthy is incorporating Browns in them and on Infantry this is often in the form of leather straps or cows and hoods for vehicles however I actually use warplock bronze it's an exceedingly dark brown metallic but I think it looks really good to add this warmth into the models foreign [Music] large amounts of the model had those details painted I can come in with some of the fine detail painting the chaos sigils and markings were painted in a beautiful Rich gold I also painted these satchel bags khaki blue and gray with some washes and highlights as well I also applied a liberator gold dry brush onto all of the warplock bronze in all of these similar brown-toed areas could get a nice agrax Earth shade wash once this wash was dry I could come in and re-highlight a bunch of these areas especially focusing on the blingy gold just to make it pop those brass symbols look so good with that little bit of extra piece on this particular model they definitely draw the eye and add a nice splash of color for sure final touches on these models that really bring them together is definitely the sponging and weathering and the first part of sponging I do is I make the markings I use a little bit of packing foam just to sponge on this paint [Music] foreign once the initial color is down I just move up through brighter Greens in scurvy green foul green and then also that Temple guard blue maximum highlight once these markings are done I can come in and start sponging Brown all over the model areas that are brown including on the drums on the ground go on to become rust and after I've used a charred Brown I then come in with a mid-tone brown and then finish off with a bright orange rust focused in the areas where I'd placed the maximum amount of brown in the earlier steps this is an extremely simple rust and weathering technique but one that works really well for batch painting large armies and is especially effective for armies on campaign be they Imperial Guard or armies like the death guard that have a lot of weathering with the majority of the model done I could come in and finish off the detailed areas like the faces and hands painting flesh tones and highlighting as I would any other model so I used some dead flesh paints and then also some dried blood paints brownie Reds just made a lovely feature piece of this incredibly pale decaying head lovely beautiful trophy to show off and I'm sure it wouldn't smell at all foreign [Music] Army simply doesn't look right unless it's all brought together with some weathering pigment so using some brown weathering pigment liberally on the base and rubbing it up on the underside of the model we get the desired effect and uh I guess it's time to take a look at our Trader Sentinel can't wait let's have a look please don't step on it with your knife it's so small [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] that was super fun getting to build my Sentinel and I'm really starting to see my little trainer Army come together yeah it looks really really good but uh it's small in comparison to uh my knight yeah well I mean we promised in your video if that got a hundred thousand views that I would make a traitor slash Dark mechanicus Knight that could really even the odds yeah it's not too far off so if you haven't seen that video absolutely great give it a like and let's get it up there I'm all done with my ceremony so I'm gonna go paint up my night you're painting it next week right yeah well good luck all right no worries thanks Jan so I thought she was crazy but um at least 100kb isn't like uh my Traders need to boost everyone come on help me out and yeah we've got to go to get more Traders dart guns I I think I actually think Jen I think she might be under something I think maybe this whole uh Dark Ritual thing is maybe a little road I could go down yeah yeah I think that's a good idea [Music] ah my darling patrons you are amazing I'm I'm sorry for calling you darling patrons you're all the best uh thank you so much for all your support it's because of all of you we can do videos with crazy scope and silliness like this and if you like what you see consider signing up to our patreon joining up as part of our Mini review I'd like to give a special shout out to our new patrons Mr silly P Jack Edwards Ashley Goran Elaine shukri and Julius billeter it is wonderful to have you all along make sure you join the Discord come and hang out with us and definitely dive into that mini review every month we'll see you all in the next one oh also sorry the mini reviews at the end the anime gag was too good to drop oh and sorry the patron Scrolls at the very end of the video um the anime thing was too too good to drop
Channel: Tabletop Time
Views: 71,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPG, DnD, roleplay, role play, role, play, pathfinder, stream, live, livestream, dice, dragons, dungeons, LARP, tabletop, table, game, gaming, roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, Roll Play, D&D, Dungeons, Dragons, Pen and Paper, roleplayoing, itmeJP, campaign, story, storytelling, matt mercer, Criticall Role, Critical Roll, D20, D6, cogent, cogent roleplay, warhammer, 40k, warhammer 40k, miniature, mini painting, kitbash, customize, custom chapter, greenstuff, sculpt, games workshop
Id: qpcqlODIfNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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