Why Grey Knights Are the Best Army to 3D Print

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for every million boys that are scoured and taken to Titan only one survives to become an actual Grey Knight grey nights might actually be the best army to 3D print I'll admit that that might be a bold statement to make so I don't blame you if you don't believe me it was only a week ago when I didn't think so either now that was until I printed out a small selection of models and I have to say I'm shocked by how good these are but the real question question is how easy is it to start 3D printing them these files I used come presup with a extra benefit of having ly files included even though I use Shu box to slice my files I also have ly Pro which in my opinion is worth every penny having the saved Ley files means that if a presup model fails you can easily amend the supports like the strength or amount without having to start all over again like if it was just an s now saying that the presport worked for the most part for my machine but I do think the colder weather coming in has meant some parts didn't work a wash in meeted spirits to clean off all the excess resin and a UV cure later to make them safe to touch and I'm able to have a better look at how these print but what really makes these prints different from the plastic ones well the biggest one is the level of detail I have some official models which I'll be honest with you this is a old metal model from 20 years ago which probably isn't the fairest comparison to make however looking at the pictures on chub's website it doesn't really look like much has changed in the last 20 years but the 3D printed versions just blow them out of the water which is another reason why grey Knights could be considered the best army to 3D print they have been neglected for far too long with only a handful of units the Creator is well known and I reached out via Instagram DMS to ask if they wanted credited but there was no response the details that they have sculpted on these menis add so much more depth for example on the Terminators the pauldrons aren't just the standard ball ones with some grite engraving in fact they look more like combat armor being triple plated and the backpacks look more aggressive and that's just the standard trips the libarian looks like the powerful psycher that he should comparing it to quite frankly generic plastic version that doesn't really look like a grey Knight to me just shows that some armies lend themselves to being 3D printed more than the plastic version which brings me neatly into the point of this video why grey Knights are possibly the best army to 3D print they have some of the coolest lore recently in my private Discord which you can join by becoming a patreon or YouTube member I asked if anyone knew anything about grey nights and one of my patrons kindly offered to let me know everything that she knew and to make it better for you she let me record our conversation so here's some of the highlights of the lore that I got from her what what's one thing that stood out to you in the lore well one of the big things that stood out to me in the lore was like the training process that they go through and the level of secrecy like so this might not be fully safe for YouTube I hope it doesn't get you in any sort of trouble because I there's I I don't know how to freee it in ways that dear Susan isn't going to penalize you for but uh the training process uh they mentioned that that for every million boys that are scoured and taken to Titan only one survives to become an actual Grey Knight but they also go through even more retraining because you know Space Marines in general go through uh like Hypno um retraining like they they go through various things that force them to be obedient and also to Crave companionship and other things that kind of eliminate their ability to feel fear in addition to their genetic augmentations the grey Knights take it a step further the opening of that book literally is this horrible training process where they are put into this sort of hypnotic coma psychically and they are tormented until they lose their identity completely oh my God it's so Grim dark oh it is incredibly Grim dark and they are like tormented over and over until they no longer know what their name is until they no longer know how old they are or who they are what year it is or anything else they could be there for months and months and months and if they survive that then they can have their psychic powers activated and they are eventually given a completely new identity and the Inquisition which that's another interesting thing about Thea about the grey nights is they are almost the they're like a branch of the Inquisition also in addition to being Space Marines uh they're part of the Ordo malas and so that's part of the reason they're so secretive is they like directly serve the Inquisition and that actually is a really interesting sort of conflict in that book The Grey Knights they genan seed generally comes directly from the emperor so they literally that's part of the reason they're such powerful psychers is because they were literally crafted by the emperor directly from his own Gene seed to found a new chapter at the end of the heresy did you say before that they are repeatedly possessed by demons CH Tran will as part of their mission allow themselves to become possessed by demons so they can understand how to fight them better because part of what their uh Gene seed does um so you know how demons call the emperor the anath yeah they call the grey kns the same thing because the grey Knights collectively um they have very similar powers to the emperor where they have psychic powers but their psychic powers create order like his does um and they work collectively they will merge their minds together like they are more about Brotherhood than probably any other chapter is because they literally have to psychically can join in order to fight demons they have to kind of be in alignment with each other I am surprised that more people don't play them cuz I haven't met a lot of people who do even though they are their own entire faction right like they get their own codecs and stuff do you not think it might be because there isn't that many models like the I think the range of models is quite old as well yeah I think they do need a range refresh like they really do I mean thankfully though in the 3D printing Community like there are bits packs and all kinds of cool stuff you can find what about I what about like a librarian in grey nights like would you know anything about them uh the closest that you have the librarius are um there are record Keepers that will actually write Scrolls of conquest and things um for the grey Knights uh but they also have um prognostic cars that are their most powerful psychers and what those guys do is they spend their entire day diving into the warp and finding places where the most powerful demons have created incursions into reality so the grey Knights can be sent there to stop them you have a YouTube channel yourself it's obviously not the same 3D print content um do you want to let people know what your YouTube channel is and what it's about and if they want to check you out they certainly can sure um so hi my name is ayakai uh I make well I I don't I make a lot of different kinds of content really I make Pagan videos uh talking about ancient Greece and ancient Greek mythology but also the way ancient Greek people lived according to classical Scholars um and also the way that modern pagans um Can honor the Greek gods and I also talk about different kinds of media from a pagan perspective so I am in the process of working on a video on the ancient Greek and Roman influences on all of 40K in the Imperium not just uh the um ultramarines which people know that there's a ton of Roman influence on the ultramarines but even like the structure of the Imperium itself and things like the Crusade terms and like the naming conventions and you know the story there are tons and tons and tons of Greek and Roman influences on the 40K franchise I'll leave a link to her Channel Down Below I've got to say I collected grites back in third and fourth edition when they were part of the demon Hunters codex and even though I've had that book for 20 years I've never really read the lore in it but that makes sense for me personally because I don't know if you're like me but I just can't sit down and read something I need to hear it being told to me me or shown to me for me to really get it so what do you think could they be the best army of 3D print let me know in the comments down below I think they are one of the rare cases where there is more of a model range 3D printable than plastic and not to mention how easy they were to paint I only printed out a small selection because I'm still looking for the army that I want to fully commit to but this could be a cool series trying to find the coolest armies or models out there that hopefully won't get taken down while the gr nights are cool you should watch this video next because I 3D printed 1,000 of the army the emperor would probably play with given the chance as always I want to give a huge thanks to all my patreons and channel members your constant support really means the world to me and I'll see you all in the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 12,382
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N_V1ZttfGlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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