Where To Find Files For 3D Printing Warhammer 40k Models NOW For Beginners

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3d printing warhammer models is easy and by the end of this video you're going to be able to know how to 3d print your own models for either warhammer or any other tabletop game hello how's it going i think more people should 3d print their models for warhammer 40k i can already hear the pitch forks and torches so i'm holding the talking brush so you can wait your turn this is a heated debate at the best of times in our community so i'm gonna just be straight with you and try and give you a good strong base to work off if you want to start 3d printing your own models to start off with hello i do 3d print a lot of my models i still support my games workshop or my local gaming store by either buying paints and supplies or an official model from time to time and you should as well one thing to remember is that 3d printing is in itself its own hobby so there are going to be times where you're going to end up focusing more on the actual printing site than you know the paint inside or the plain side of the hobby but if you really think about it as that not just the same as buying a box of figs and then before you've even primed it and painted it you've already bought another box let's get started so in my previous video of how much does it cost to 3d print a space marine army i basically detailed the starting cost and i'll link it here or here whichever way it goes and in that video i went more detail so in this one i'm just going to do a very quick run through of it and give you just the basic costs needed i only have experience with illegal products at the moment but as far as i can see a lot of the budget printers all seem to be up to the same standard so you should be fine in whichever one you pick but for me personally i can recommend the irigoo printers because i've had good experience with them so you'll need a 3d printer obviously and the one that i started off with was the eelgoo mars 2 pro it goes on sale normally between 180 pound and 200 pound for resin i've used both abs like resin and water washable resin now they're both from ilagu i am going back to abs like resin just purely because i've had a few breakages with the water washable resin and also the abs like resin tends to be cheaper and on sale more often so for this example i use the abs like resin and it normally goes on offer for between 27 pound and 30 pound on amazon next you'll need nitro gloves and you can get a hundred pack for under a tanner at the moment though they do seem to be getting a bit cheaper just because the overall demand is going down if you go for abs like resin then you'll need isopropyl alcohol to clean your prints and it's normally a later for tanner but you save more if you buy in bulk finally you'll need uv light or some source of uv light to cure your models now whenever i started i borrowed my wife's nail lamp since then i've actually bought a dedicated uv light along with some aluminium tip cost me about 25 pound you could also use the sun if you're one of the lucky ones and also you could buy a dedicated wash and cure system they normally cost between 100 and 200 pounds the main takeaway from this is that 3d printing can be as cheap as possible you can normally start from about 250 odd pound and you're still going to get fantastic minis from it to help improve the quality of the prints you can do some exposure tests or calibration tests and that will get your exposure times down with in regards to your printer and your resin now i will say i personally haven't done them i did try them with my new saturn but it ended up that the elegy recommended sentence were perfectly fine for me in fact sometimes i prefer to have 0.5 seconds more exposure time if it means that i'm going to have less failures now speaking of that i'm going to quickly address some common objections about 3d printing and i see them all the time in my comments and really it seems like if you're grasping at straws electric tam what about the materials and the space and all the failed prints and what about you stealing the ep simply the people that are leaving the comments like these just don't like 3d printing i don't know why you decide to click on a video then just to leave these comments but you do you most of the time it's just people trying to justify why they've spent a lot of money on little toy soldiers where as you can just print them for a fraction of the cost i'll just very quickly go over them now so with the electric i will be honest i've very minimal usage i haven't noticed a difference in my bills and we've got to take into consideration that at the moment in the uk energy prices are rising higher than ever and yet i still haven't really noticed any of the difference for the time now i don't know what they mean by time but i'm going to take it as the time of preparing the prints so cleaning the plate and curing the models in total it's about five or ten minutes the rest of the time really is just waiting on a print to finish so unless you're going to be sitting watching the printer you're more likely going to be doing some other things materials and space to me are the same thing now there's a couple different options and i've done a few different options so in the past i've had my printer and all of my materials basically sitting on the floor just on a silicon mat just to capture any spillages or any overflows then i've graduated to a grow tent which looks suspicious whenever you order it but it's fine and in that i had a lag table with the printer sitting on top and then all of the materials below again with the silicon mat and now i've actually got a unused cupboard which i store all of my stuff in essentially if you are serious about 3d printing you're going to find the space fail prints are annoying in my last video i had a huge failure of a print on a warhound titan but now i've got either a cool diorama piece or even a terrain piece so really with failed prints it's just what you make of it stealing ip is more of like an a moral objection so it's going to be really dependent on you the individual now i won't judge if you have morals or you have a moral objection to it i know a lot of people like to judge my lack of morals towards it the way i look at it is that if you've ever pirated a movie or you've ever used torrance then really it's not much of a difference but the way i look at it in terms of our hobby is that you can get one to one copies of models from warhammer or you could get some cooler and better versions of outdated minis the more you move away from space marines the better the sculpts tend to get there's also the moral objection to only 3d printing forward models now to me it's still sort of the same thing as you printing off a warhand titan and me printing off 100 space screens i mean at the end of the day it's still we're still doing the same thing which moves us on to where to get the files now i get loads of comments every day on where do you find the files where can i get the files what's the sauce now i could link every file but i guarantee you if i linked the file it would be a dead link very quickly because big brother is watching and i know you're watching because somebody that commented on one of my videos looks exactly like a manager from the store maybe i'm being paranoid but i know you're watching however the main sites to get the models on are the big three cults 3d.com myminifactory.com and cgtrader.com if you're searching for specific models you're going to have to be very creative with your search terms for example for space marines they normally tend to fall under like prime beef char heads space knight space crusaders if you're looking for the likes of custodies they're normally under custodians janitors custards bananas there are also communities online on the likes of reddit facebook and 4chan i believe what i tend to find is as a community we would prefer if people put in the effort first to try and find the files instead of just coming in asking stl stl stl sto files we're good to file you know have some files please where did you get the files the main takeaway from this point is basically to get involved in the community like i said 3d printing is a hobby of its own and there are a lot of wise people out there that will help any new people but obviously you still have to put in a bit of groundwork into trying to find the files yourself now in terms of files the further you move away from space screens the easier it is to find files as you can see it is easy to 3d print your own warhammer models and really the only obstacle is the initial investment but like i said it's an investment i have saved a lot of money and i mean a lot of money i've paid my printers off basically multiple times if i were able to buy the same models from games workshop and that actually brings me on to my final point and the reason why i do advocate for 3d printing for our hobby and that's because why should our hobby be this expensive it shouldn't be this expensive that some of us have to look at alternative ways to maintain our presence within a hobby now i'm glad that i found 3d printing and i'm honestly very happy with the quality of each of my prints that i've done it also means that i can support smaller artists and smaller companies that are developing their own models or proxies for warhammer because why should we limit ourselves to one company's vision leave a comment below if you do have any other advice that i haven't covered for any newcomers coming into 3d printing and if you are a newcomer then feel free to ask any questions i know that my subscribers are a very helpful bunch so they'll be more than happy along with me to answer any questions that you have and also maybe you should check out my last video about the huge fail that i had with the warhand titan or maybe you shouldn't please don't no don't actually don't no no
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 80,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: I7VVzDyyTLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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