How Much Does It Cost To 3D Print the Titans of 40k

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I've been 3D printed on entire Titan Legend and with the last plate of the warlord printed it's time to work out how much it actually cost to 3D print each of these Titans and later on in the video I'm going to share with you why you shouldn't 3D print a Titan however the sponsors of this video might not like it who are frozen and they're magnificent Mega 8K that I have to say made this project so much easier and has opened the doors to bigger and better in the near future this is my second war hunt that I've printed off which if I bought it Through official means would have cost me a staggering 1628 dollars however the cost of 3D printed one isn't so simple especially if you don't have a 3D printer already because depending on if you watch this video before buying your first one will determine how much this will actually cost you I'm going to assume for now that you already have a 3D printer the size of a mighty 4K or 8K well it isn't necessary to have a printer the size for this particular Titan it certainly helps with the others depending on your skill level the warhound uses roughly between 1.5 and 2 kilograms of resin which means you can print it out really cheap but that comes at a hidden cost I've been using a really cheap resin that is usually around 25 to 30 dollars for two kilograms of standard so ready for the two warhounds it will cost sixty dollars maximum in resin which is a seven of over fifteen hundred dollars pretty good right well from my experience having used a cheaper resin for a while now I have to be honest and I wouldn't recommend it for Titan printing with cheaper standard resins the risk of it being brittle and very possibly shattering when trap is there if I was able to do this again I would have either mixed in some tough resin to the standard which I know some of you do or I would have waited until an effective abs like resin was in stock the raver Titan is the next step up in the Titan Legion and along with it being a bigger model the river Titan uses roughly between three and four kilograms of resin so using the same mobs as before it will cost a maximum of 120 dollars of resin which compared to the official model priced at just under a whopping fourteen hundred dollars for one model means that it's a saving of 1280 this Titan Legion that I'm printing uses two rivers and admittedly I haven't started printing the second one yet but when I do I'll save another 1280 so the Grand Savings so far is already for bison dollars which would have paid for almost two of these Mega 8ks or almost three of the new Mega 8K s's that are set to come out soon if you remember earlier I said that I assumed you'd be working with a mighty 4K or 8K well that four thousand dollars would pay for it Mighty 4ks or six Mighty eight case now do you need six absolutely not well maybe not I mean I guarantee if I had my hands on six of them I could find some good uses for them honestly the sevens already speak volumes and the thing is that unless you want to bring your Titan to Games Workshop store or join the Titans owner Club then it's very hard to argue against 3D printing a Titan but that's the issue I was referring to at the start of the video there are surprisingly quite a lot of reasons not to 3D print a Titan and there isn't really enough information readily available out there about doing it one of the main reasons I would not recommend people with a 3D printer Titan is probably just a very personal one to me it's well it's took the enjoyment and the fun out of 3D printing for me I've been 3D printed for over two years now and I've printed a lot but 3D printing these Titans in such quick secession to each other has really just made 3D print and feel like a chore that I have to do if I could do this again I would have spaced out the Titans like a normal human being and not of being so laser focused on having them all printed out so quickly but that's really just my personality and being hyper focused and obsessed on One Singular thing at a time it's just something that I do another reason not the 3D print Titans is that they are freaking huge models not in a go away though I mean when you first assemble them on Phantom it's like wow this is such a cool model but after a week of moving them around the place so I can actually work it just gets annoying with all the moving about I have to do I of course ended up breaking the river that much that I frankensteined some magnets on him like a caveman and the warhorn's toes are a bit ban Chuck's to say the least but saying that if you have the space this point is null and void but I know a lot of you would either have the same space or even less space than me in this tiny little box room regardless of these points and the others that I can only imagine my brain has suppressed in an act of survival man is it so cool to look at them I am glad that I started this project because it's a goal that I've had personally for a while now and I know that if it wasn't for 3D printing and people like you watching and my patreon supporting me every month I would never be able to have them and also if it wasn't for 3D printing I wouldn't currently be painting my warlord Titan the best way to deal with printing a warlord is really just to take it each played as it comes that means in an Ideal World when it's finished printing wash the parts straight away like I do in my wash station then once they are try Cure them or if you have a cure station like me and the Frozen one you can set it to try the parts for 30 minutes before it starts to cure them and then paint the parts that's probably my biggest regret doing this because to get this box full of Parts 95 base coated it took more than an R of standing outside spray paint and strip and the realization of the task at hand hit me that I need to paint all of these parts but before then I'm going to be chopping possibly the biggest video I've ever done that could be more impressive than printing these Titans and it's all for my patrons which by the way if you want to join possibly the best Discord in the universe then join the patreon or become a YouTube member also if you want to join these new Legends in YouTube history then consider donating directly to the project through my PayPal link down below introducing the commanding defender of the Titan Legion we have Mrs Guggenheim and closely beside her is the remembrance sir of the Discord Guggenheim also defending the Titan Legion from onford attacks is Eric Franklin thanks so much for joining your brothers and sisters with your donations the total cost for the warlord Titan is kind of hard to calculate the way that I've done it but if you do purely resin based on my calculations of 10 to 12 kilograms of resin then it should cost around 250 dollars based on using cheap resin however some people have said that they only needed to use six kilograms so that would actually be a hundred and eighty dollars which is even better right well mine use six kilograms of rosin roughly probably seven actually were some failures I had and I used roughly a roll of filament or maybe a little bit more but when the faux resin model is one tenth of the cost you have to wonder should I 3D print the Titan I mean who am I to say you should but I'll tell you one thing even with all the ups and downs at the end of the day I've printed a Titan Legion that I never would have bought from official sources I've learned new skills to do with supporting my own models and I've realized that I can't Hollow models properly but more importantly I've got a warlord Titan I mean I I still know how to comprehend how cool this is like I don't know how to put it towards it this is awesome if you like this video then you should really watch this video next because this was the start of this epic journey I just want to give a huge thanks to my patreons and members because without you none of this is possible all of you are amazing and I'll see you all in the Discord
Channel: Battle Brother Sam
Views: 29,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 28sec (568 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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