Why Apple Clearly Thinks You're Stupid

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all demographics agree ads are great but did you know that you can learn a lot about how companies view their customers simply by analyzing their ads did you okay rude during the 1984 Superbowl Apple computers ran an ad that showed everyone exactly who they thought Mac users were and please go zooms rebels that dared to break the chains of conformity and spit in the eye of the man even if a phalanx of cops are clearly about to beat our orange short shorts off a few seconds after the a dance oh and note the bright rainbow colors those will come back later Apple quickly followed up with their think different campaign which was the product of thinking very much the same as they just had a few seconds ago with the 1984 thing here's to the crazy ones The Misfits the rebels the troublemakers the round pegs in the square holes not only are we rebels giasses kinds of people the dude from jaws narrates about you know I bet Lenin wrote glass onion and GarageBand and I know Hitchcock shot psycho on a 4s read that next came the iPod iMac I things I phase in which I already Cleary I defined their eye users as party kids who like bright colors I guess after no one called out the fact that think different should actually be think differently they figured we weren't as smart as they first I sumed I then the iPhone came out and everyone started correcting each other in conversation and Apple realized who they were really dealing with dumb people who want to be smart and inflict themselves on others am I wrong you're not wrong Walter you're just an [ __ ] now else can you explain the ad where a pilot uses his phone to [ __ ] with air traffic control or the series of ads where Mac's are depicted as scruffy hipsters and PCs are well John Hodgman do you see what's happening here or are you an unimaginative nerd Ling er PC user destined for failure and humiliation I'll break it down for you PC Apple ads used to treat us like adults rebels thinkers innovators in those Hodgman ads Mac is still the right answer but who are you the viewer someone that needs children's music in the background someone that needs us plain white sets they don't get too distracted someone who needs Macs and PCs to act like goofus and gallant cartoons so you remember which one's the cool one and which one's the lame one don't believe Apple thinks you're that stupid your thumb it goes from here together your thumb look at the hand orientation that's supposed to be you in the eyes of Apple ads we're the ones who don't know how our thumbs work we're the ones who think the laws of physics are just suggestions we are the dumb smug [ __ ] who lured their iphone over everyone but only bought one because someone was nice enough to hold it directly in front of our face for 30 seconds oh and we still have a thing for bright colors yes you know like a baby a literal human baby you like yet lookee dad whoo go on Sam you are dad yeah you do here it is sideways okay buy that who's your boy look I like Apple products I do it just makes me angry to see their opinion of us go from this to this seriously Apple how dumb do you think we are hi mmm pie is good hey you yeah you really make me happy like just the happiest is if you to click Subscribe you'd like it you know you'd like it I'd like it so you could do me just this great big favor I'll be your best friend forever please
Channel: Cracked
Views: 2,240,203
Rating: 4.5331712 out of 5
Keywords: Apple, Apple Computers, iPad, iPhone, Michael Swaim, Cracked, funny, sketch, comedy, the big lebowski, parody, spoof, Apple Inc. (Organization), stupid
Id: UUb6LngRZ-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 14 2013
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