Jackbox Has a New Game, and They Let Us Test It Out!

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- When I said this next thing at my local library, they banned me for life. - What was it? - And it was (loud garbling noises) (everyone laughs) (upbeat theme music) - Hey guys, welcome to another Smosh Games video on the channel of Smosh Games 'cause we're Smosh Games. Guys, it's our favorite time of the week, the time of the week when we play Jackbox games. (everyone cheers) It's always a good time. They always have the best games. They actually have a new one. Jackbox 7 is coming out. The Party Pack 7 is coming out in the Fall, and we are playing Talking Points. We're the very first ones to play it, before everybody else. (everyone cheers) - Ain't nobody played this (bleep) yet, boy! - Except for us just like a few minutes ago in practice. - Live through us vicariously and enjoy yourself. - Yeah! - I love this game because I get to talk a lot. - Yeah. This game definitely involves a lot of talking. So, each of us are going to take turns giving a speech on a topic that has been submitted by all of us possibly. - Never seen these slides before. - Yeah, it's a brand new PowerPoint of words, pictures, and other set ups that our assistant, each performer has an assistant that is selecting the slides as they go. The performer has to justify each slide and picture and how it pertains to the topic that they're talking about. We want to see passion throughout the performance, throughout the speech. The other listeners are gonna be up voting or down voting whether they like it or not. It's very stressful, but also very educational. - This is just exactly like the Gettysburg Address. - Yeah! - Oh my God, yeah! - Remember that day? That was such a good day. - Fore score, guys. - And seven years. That's 87 years, my dog. - And before we get started, you should subscribe because we have a crap ton of new things happening. We got a new set. We're playing this new game, and we have some very big announcements. - Big is true. - I'm pregnant! - I'm having a new baby. - Whoa! - I'm having an old baby. - What happened to the old one? - Well, he has the old one. - I have the old one. - I have a question. Who took the least flattering photo? Because we all attempted the same exact face. - [Sarah] I'm gonna have to say my chin is doing magical. - [Olivia] Damien looks like Lin Manuel. - Miranda? - Kind of. - All right, so now we're creating four titles for possible speech topics. - No, gotta keep it PG. - Yes, please. (Courtney laughs) - I'm sorry. As I just was like, "yeah you have to keep it G-rated." I feel like it is so nerve racking as the assistant to the person giving the speech because you can either sabotage them and give them the worst. - Sabotage them. - Yeah, but if you do a good job then you get half their points, and winning matters, you guys. - You want it to be a good speech at the end of the day. - Are we winning anything after this? - Is there a gift card involved? - I don't know. Maybe depending on how you rate my speech. (Sarah and Courtney laugh) - I still haven't used that Olive Garden or Burger King gift card because you keep picking restaurants like Olive Garden. - You worked so hard to win them! - You were just talking about how you like Jack in the Box's new cradle of mini tacos. - Yeah, those are great! Pick Jack in the Box! - Now we're going to pick what we're going to talk about. - Oh boy! - Olivia first! - So, Olivia's going up first and Damien will be assisting. He will be giving her all the slides. - Wow, I'm so excited. - Your outfit's great. It's very "fell into the laundry basket" vibe. - You're throwing me off. Be quiet. (Sarah laughs) - Hello, my name is Olivia and my talk is The Bad Boy's Guide to Swanging Dong. (everyone laughs) Here, look at this little bad boy in nature. He's wondering where my dongy at? (Sarah and Courtney laugh) Nothing will make you angrier than this. Oh my God, could this also be dong? No. This is poo poo. (everyone laughs) Okay, that is not your dong. - I'm not convinced. - Never forget what you learned today. Never forget it. This is not a dong. It's actually a lady's dong. (everyone laughs) Lady's dong. Thank you very much. (everyone cheers) Thank you very much. - I can't believe we're going to have to blur sushi. (Shayne laughs) - Oh, Ian couldn't be bothered. Olivia, I did my best for you. - [Olivia] Wow! Wow! Oh my God, I'm wonderful! - [Sarah] Whoa, 115,000! (everyone cheers) - [Courtney] That was really good! - Oh and now we get to quote their speech, and this will come up later. Don't worry you guys, this comes up later. - Thank you guys so much for all your love and support, except for you, Ian. - I wasn't (bleep) on lady dong, I'm sorry. - I loved lady dong. Ian! - Hey look, a segway! - Attention everyone, I have something very important to tell you. Hello, my name is Ian and my talk is, it's my time to reveal my secret identity. I am Shania Twain. (Shayne groans) As you can see here, this is the movie Titanic which I sang in. (everyone laughs) Jack is down here. Oh! Never mind. That's Celine Dion. - Oh, you actually didn't know that. - Next slide! - Celine Dion. (everyone laughs) - [Olivia] Spelled Dion wrong. - What? You're not surprised? Well then, let me give you a shock. As you can see here, Anonymous has been behind this ruse the whole time. - Those are the Jabbawockeez. - Not the Jabbawockeez. Not the, I don't know how to spell. (Sarah and Shayne laugh) - [Sarah] "Sowll"? Who's your assistant? - I'm here, bro. - Deep down, guy's listen, deep down I'm still me because of this. You see, Shania Twain and mouse have things in common. What is that? Heart. - Oh. - Oh. - Also, cheese. - [Olivia] What? - [Courtney] No. (Courtney laughs) - There it is. I am Shania Twain. Thank you very much. I am Shania Twain, but I am also Celine Dion 'cause I don't know what the difference is. - Whoa! (everyone laughs) - Whoa! - I see it was a very polarizing speech. - It was. - I'll never let go Jack, and he falls into the ocean, and it's like (mimics guitar sounds). - Wow! Well done! - Wow, Ian! - Sarah, you up! - Are you ready, Shayne? - I'm ready to help you out. - I'm ready for some fire. - Hello everyone. My name is Sarah and my talk is very, very important today. I am here to talk to you about here are all the reasons as CEO of deez nuts. - Okay. - Oh! - I'm sorry that the day has come to this, but I need to explain why deez nuts doesn't align with me anymore. - [Courtney] Oh! - [Sarah] This used to be me and deez nuts. The trees are deez nuts, and I am that lady. And I used to be very in love with deez nuts. Great joke, solid roast. In 2007 deez nuts was the top bro insult of fraternities across America. - Very true. - But I just can't do it, because what time is it? Time for me to clear up a few misconceptions, o'clock. - Oh! - About deez nuts. - Oh, good one! - Deez nuts are on fire because they have chlamydia, a very curable STD. The answer was in front of me the whole time. Doze nuts. I am the CEO of doze nuts, growing in the grass. You know how 420 is pretty lit these days? Doze nuts got 420. 420 of them. And 99% of 420 people agree that doze nuts are better than deez nuts. - I get it! - Thank you for your time. - Nice. - Great job. You (bleep) killed it. - A deez, a deez doz nuts. - I'm sweating. - Sarah, I learned a lot today. - You really had me in the middle. I gotta give you that. - Whoa! You're about to sweep this! - Oh boy! - People did not like the chlamydia talk. - No, that's where you lost me. (Courtney laughs) - Crotchney! - Time for my speech, guys. Okay. (Sarah laughs) Hello, my name is Crotchney and today my talk is within the next 10 years everyone will like me or I will eat my hat. (Sarah laughs) That's because I am so confident that I will impress you guys in the next 10 years. - [Sarah] Whoa! - Number one example. I'm a fun guy. I like to take squishy big pillows that are probably from the old Defy office, (everyone laughs) and sliding down the stairs. Sliding down them down the stairs, and I'm all about that teamwork. I don't do it by myself. I'm not selfish. When I said this next thing at my local library, they banned me for life. - What was it? - And it was (loud garbling noises) (everyone laughs) And now I know that I should never ever say that because it upsets people. That means self improvement! Self growth! I am becoming better. And get your scorecards out because I'm about to stick the landing. (Shayne cheers) Not only do I slide down the stairs and learn not to say (loud garbling noises), I also make lollipops. - Boo! (beep) you. - I got a sweet tooth and I'm a sweet lady, so may as well come and get it! - I like sweet things! - Because each of these lollipops is me! Tag yourself. I'm every single lollipop. Thank you very much. I hope you like me. (everyone claps) - I was so invested I forgot the first half to rate you. (Courtney laughs) - Whoa! (everyone laughs) - Everyone hated my lollipop bit! - Yeah, it sucked! - Uh oh, Shayne. - Shayne, time for talking! - Okay. (Shayne clears his throat) - I hate him already. (Sarah laughs) - Hello, my name is Shayne and my talk is being Courtney, (Sarah gasps) the ultimate way to disappoint your parents. (Ian laughs) Now, I think we all know Courtney pretty well. (Sarah laughs) And the main thing you gotta do when you're Courtney is just look at your parents and go, "I don't know. "And you wanna go there? "And then maybe that's what's up, dude." And you gotta talk like, "hoo hoo." And just like, just like, pretty chill. - He's got a point. She does go hoo hoo. - Look at this kid's head. Look at that. - Is that one of your brothers? - Now, get ready to get mad, - Oh! - Oh! - at my next point, bro. - Oh (beep) - Dogs! - Look at this dog. Look at how much he has. He has all of these things, and other dogs, other dogs don't have balls. - This looks like my dog! I love you, can I have it? - They don't have balls. All I'm asking for is blind faith in me and my vision which is the following. Courtney Miller is sent from the past. She's sent from the 70s, but she's there, she's here (mumbles) (beep) - Terrible speech. - You're losing me. - Thank you. - I didn't like your speech at all. - Well, that's 'cause you don't like Courtney. - Yo, there are seven kids in my family. We all were disappointing constantly. - This is it! (Damien clears his throat) I'm gonna try my best. Please be nice to me. Hello, my name is Damien and my talk is- - I'm not convinced. (Courtney and Sarah laugh) - And my talk is true story, I found home in a colony of ants. Now, I like many of you watched "A Bug's Life," "Ants," and felt a kindred spirit to these movies. And I liked it so much, it was like the floodgates had been released. All my life I thought, "I'm not supposed to be human! "I'm not supposed to be a little puppy dog! "I am an ant." And I don't mean like an uncle kind of ant. - That looks like (beep). - It is! Because that's what released me. Everything I was keeping inside, well that's just a big ole pile of (beep). And now I stand there while making direct eye contact with my neighbors poop on the ground. - Oh. - The next thing blew my mind and my bottom. - Whoa. - This little baby! This thing attacked the colony one day. And although the ants had not accepted me by this point, I thought "yeah, I can fight this thing for you!" - Aw, don't fight the cat. - Little did I know that it was thrice my size and six times as vicious. (Sarah gasps) Horns. And breathing fire! - Oh my God, cuter! - It's pretty kawaii. Now, my question is how did we get here? - I don't know, how? - I knocked down piece after piece of obstacle in my way in order to steal a vehicle so I could get here today! Now, many people would say it was Shayne Topp's car. I would agree. I stole Shayne Topp's car. - Whoa. - And drove it directly to an ant hill. - You wouldn't steal a car. - But you would download a gun. So, here's my thing. - It's true. - Thank you very much for your time. - [Ian] Wow! - That was a journey! - Yeah, I didn't talk much about the ants, but I think you felt it. - The ants stole Shayne's car? And printed out a gun? - I think so. - Not cool. - Who was blue at the bottom? - That was me 'cause you stole my car. - It was a metaphorical car! - Whoa! - 11K, nice! - Sarah, we (beep) nailed it. - I'm doing good. - Olivia, we're within, like, I don't know 44 points of each other? - So, you're gonna pick, there's a bunch of photos and you pick your favorite comment from the speech. - I like. - You're quote tweeting the speech. - Amazing stories, let's recap! - Recap, recap! The Bad Boy's Guide to Swanging Dong. - Horny now. - Lady dong? - Lady dong in Minnesota? - Heavens to Betsy? - Ladirs! - He can't spowl. - Deon. - Celine Deon? Get (beep) buddy! (everyone laughs) - D's newts! - Clam-idia. - Deez. - Doe doe doe. (Courtney laughs) - Yum yum hat. - Hate lollipop. Lollipops are for suckers. Lol, Kerry. Is that you, Ian? Hey, it's a baseball. (everyone laughs) I wiped but there's stuff left, por que? - Thief. - Dude, that's actually like my life. - It's like a permanent marker. - Now we give our awards, like our own special awards to our favorite speech people. - The Sarah award. - This like really does make me feel like I'm in school and I have to give a freakin' oral presentation to my ninth grade class that I was playing Nintendo DS the whole time and wasn't listening to any of the. - Huh? (Courtney laughs) - Stop! - Here we go. The Olivia award goes to me! Archduke Ferdinandies goes to Olivia. The Sarah award goes to Olivia. The Crotchney award goes to Olivia. Hey! - The (beep) farded peeded award. (everyone cheers and claps) - [Sarah] Olivia won! - Do I get a gift card? - [Sarah] Yeah. - To doze nuts! - Yeah, to doze nuts. - Yay! I didn't even know what I was doing the whole time. - To dunking deez nuts. - [Courtney] Wow, you got second, I got third. - Oh my God, thank you so much. I wanna thank deez nuts, and I wanna thank Shania Twain. - Boy, I love talking to my friends even when I don't even understand what they're saying. It's still a good ole quality time. If you wanna spend more quality time with Smosh, make sure to subscribe 'cause we really have some crazy stuff coming, like, your mind's about to be blown! And then we have more content there and there to warm you up and get you all ready to go. - And look out for this game in the fall! Thank you Jackbox! - Jackbox Party Pack 7 is coming out in the fall. Shut up! We love you guys.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 442,525
Rating: 4.9196043 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Jackbox Has a New Game, and They Let Us Test It Out!, jackbox games, jackbox party pack 7, jackbox talking points, ted talk, powerpoint party, smosh games jackbox
Id: LHpzn8sCdXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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