Who Makes the Best Ship? | Awkward

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[Damien] Should single-sex schools be abolished? - [Everybody] Oh! - Like all girl private schools, all boy private schools. - Abolished though. - And if you're abolishing a school what does that say about you? - [Shayne] This one's brutal. - Get ready to explain yourself Damien. - [Matt] Here we go. (Suspenseful music) (Cheerful music) - What is up you guys? Today we are playing the game of Awkward. So, basically we're sort of in a mystery mess situation. And we're gonna find out which of our Smosh contestants is the most compatible with the other. - Do you have to use that voice? - Yes. - Yeah. - It's basically Who's A Bad Friend: The Game. - Yes. - Cool! - But it's hypothetical stuff. (overlapping chatter) - But is this for love? - Winner gets a kiss. - I guess we'll find out. - [Damien] Coming up next on Awkward. There's gonna be a bunch of questions, you're gonna have two answers each. And it's gonna give you the match of each time. And by the very end of it, we're gonna see who is the most compatible. Especially, Noah and Matt. - So wait, Damien, explain to me the rules one more time. - (groans) No. - Well Noah was just asking. - No, I wanna know too. - My hands are so sweaty, I haven't been on a date in four years. - Wow, Claudio, figure it out, dude. (overlapping chatter) - Don't worry Sarah, we got this. Buy her some flowers! - Claudio hasn't taken her on a first date in that long? That (beep) asshole! - Hey guys, you should subscribe. - Boo! - [Courtney] Two options: subscribe or kiss my ass! - [Sarah] Oh! - But if you subscribe, I will have sex with your parents. (laughter) (beep) - Whoever is most compatible at the end of this, we legally have to get common law married. Let's play the game. (overlapping chatter) - [Sarah] Matt and Shayne! (overlapping chatter) - [Matt] I'm gonna answer these questions in secret. (overlapping chatter) - And we have to be honest. - So Matt, you're giving your honest answer about your life. - Take the controller and guess what Matt chose. - I like that they say, "Take the Xbox One wireless controller." (laughs) - Yeah, the wireless elite two controller. - I think he does use it more than once. - Cause that's disgusting. - No, I don't think it's that gross. I don't think you use it over and over, I think he washes at a certain point. - [Everyone] Yeah. - At some point. - Eventually. (cheering) - Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! - You're clean when you come out. You can use it at least a couple times. - I do not do that. I don't believe that. No, it's now wet and it's a big, porous material cloth. - [Courtney] If you hang it flat and let it dry on a bar or something? - [Damien] So you don't use it more than once? - No, I don't. - You wash your towel every time? - Every time. (overlapping chatter) - If you have seven towels, it's still one load. - I don't have seven towels! - Well you should probably cop more towels. - What is he J.D. Rockefeller with seven towels? - [Noah] They come in packs of like, six! - [Sarah] Noah, do you do your laundry? (overlapping chatter) - Do you use a hand towel? - Not toilet paper, Noah. - Ask away, Sarah. - Noah, do you do your own laundry or--? - Yes, I do! I do my own laundry. My girlfriend and I do our loads together. (laughter) - "We do our loads together", why is that? - Yes, there's an innuendo there. - If you subscribe now, I will do your parent's loads. (beep) - [Everyone] Sarah and Courtney! - [Shayne] Is it appropriate to let a pet-- (overlapping chatter) - Well, she does it. But who's to say if she thinks its appropriate? (groans of approval) - She's like, "so scandalous that I'm doing this." (overlapping chatter) - They didn't say what kind of pet. - Yeah I was gonna say, like a human that you keep in your basement? That's not appropriate. - [Noah] Sarah, I've got a question really quick. - [Sarah] Yes? - On the comforter? Or do you open it up and you let him in the sheets? - It depends on what the pet wants to do. - When I was young, my dog would get into bed and lay on my pillow. And there were sometimes when I just literally tucked him in, like, he was perfectly tucked into my bed and then I couldn't get him out. - (laughs) - And then I was like, I'm sleeping on the floor now. (laughter) - All right, all right. Here we go, you guys ready? (overlapping chatter) - [Matt] Which desert is the best? - I know the secret for that. You always want more dessert, it's delicious. That's why there's two X's. You don't want that much. - What's Black Forest cake? - Its chocolate and cherry. Scottsfarm. - [Sarah] I want chocolate and cherry cake verus hot fudge brownie. - Noah, everything I know about you. You're a man of very specific tastes and you like the basic tastes. In a place where they've got fancy like, crazy, like, mozzarella foam, you're like, "can I get the chicken nuggies?" So you don't want cherries on your cake, you want that hot fudge brownie. (buzzer) - [Everyone] Oh! (claps) - Hot fudge brownie is just legitimately the better choice. - I disagree. - [Courtney] Chocolate and cherry is good in tiny doses. I don't need a whole cake of it. But hot fudge brownie would be the better choice. - [Shayne] Hot fudge brownie is gonna annihilate us. - [Courtney] Whoa! - [Shayne] Not as good as I thought. - [Sarah] Oh, Shayne and Sarah! - [Courtney] Sharah! - Are you ready to make your match with your mystery man? - Don't you look, don't look. - Oh my god, I'm so nervous. (overlapping chatter) - Are you in a hotel? - I'm home. This is home. - Well I think Shayne is a good boy and so, I don't think he does. - [Everyone] Wow! (claps) - I'm meticulous. I can't leave clothes lying around. At least not on the floor. The only place I'll leave them is, I will sometimes I put stuff on my bed. Like at the end of my bed. That's the only place, anywhere else, I freak out. - Does anyone else use like, is there a chair in anyone else's room that only collects clothes? - Yeah, that's me. - That's you? - I can't sit in it, it just gathers my clothes that I wore once that I might wear again. - [Sarah] Oh! Look at that. - [Shayne] Pretty even split. - Eww. - Really disgusting. - Does anyone else leave wet towels on the floor? - I have such a weird thing with bacteria on stuff I used everyday, like-- - But you reuse your towel? - Yeah because that is clean water that is now air dry when it's hung up. - No, it's gathering all the bacteria in the air. It's got water, it's a cloth material, if it's where your toilet is-- - So as soon as you get out of shower, you're getting a bunch of bacteria. - Yes, I am but I have skin that protects my insides. I don't wanna the towel-- - But then how does the towel infect you when you use it again to dry-- - Cause you use your inside towel! - I have to use my second towel to clean my first towel. - (laughs) All right, who's next? Damien and Matt. - Datt! - [Matt] What's more important to do everyday? - Shower or brush your teeth? (groans) - Oh that's brutal one, that's the hardest one. - Okay, cause girls don't shower. - I don't brush my teeth. - What is it? - I'm gonna say, what's more important to do every day? (buzzer) 100 percent shower, the answer is shower. What? Damien, no! (groans) - What kind of garbage disposal mouth do you wanna walk around with? - No, because, you can shower every other day and you could probably get by. - No, no. That's why y'all stink. Y'all smell like wanton soup all the time. - I only shower once every 10 days. - Theoretically-- what? - I'm just kidding. - Theoretically, showering is important. But you could use a little deodorant and cover it up. - Let's see what the world said. The world said-- - [Everyone] Brush teeth. (overlapping chatter) - [Courtney] Let me just say, when you don't shower and you're not doing much (stuttering) But if you don't brush your teeth, you feel it in your mouth. - You got sweater teeth. - No, you gotta just chew on stuff. - [Courtney] Okay Noah. - [Sarah] Sweater teeth shame. - [Courtney] You ready for some Coca-Cola? - [Everyone] Who would win in a fight? - [Courtney] Robocop or the Terminator? (blows raspberry) - What's with a non-towel question? (laughter) - Weird. - I don't know if you're gonna be upset at my answer. - Probably. (overlapping chatter) - He's from the future. - Yeah. - And there's also an infinite number of those. There's only one Robocop. - There is, yeah, and he's only half human. - Yeah, so he's got flesh and (beep). - You can just shoot him in the face. - Yeah why did not Harry Potter just shoot Voldemort in the face? - That's a human gun. (surprised groans) (overlapping chatter) - [Shayne] We're all just perfect. (overlapping chatter) - I thought it was individuals. Maybe this is matching us a group. - Until we vote out of the club. (overlapping chatter) - [Matt] Shayne and Damien. - [Courtney] Shaymien, a classic. - [Shayne] Would you consider adopting a child instead of having a biological child? (groans) - This is a conversation I wouldn't even have with a serious girlfriend. - Really? - But it's cause you've never kissed a girl. If your significant other said, "Shayne I want to adopt", would you be like, "hell no!" Or would you be like, "I'll consider it"? (overlapping chatter) - Wait, I pressed the wrong one. - You did? - I think Shayne was gonna say, "yes". So if he pressed the wrong one that, it's "no". (buzzer) (cheers) - I would consider it. The real answer is yes. I would consider it. - Good, do I have a deal for you. So I found this kid-- - His name is Damien. - [Shayne] We're gonna be the only, "no". - [Everyone] Whoa! - Okay so more people said yes. - [Everyone] Matt and Noah! - Are you ready? - Yeah, I'm ready. (overlapping shatter) - [Matt] Do you think you're good at telling the stories about things that have happened before-- - [Courtney] Are you a good storyteller? - [Sarah] Do we think Matt is a narcissist? (overlapping chatter) - [Matt] It doesn't say, do I like telling stories about myself? Am I good at telling stories about myself? - [Sarah] Yeah, you are thinking if you are good. - [Courtney] Like, do you articulate well? - Perhaps. (laughter) (overlapping chatter) - Are you having a stroke? - He became a Dr. Seuss character. - [Noah] Matt this round is the same cause it's yes or no. It's whether or not I listen to the stories you tell me. (groans) - And the answer is-- (claps) - You're good at that. - Thanks, buddy. - Teacher's pet. - And Matt thinks he's also good at it. - I am. - [Sarah] Courtney and Shayne! - I want some like, juicy questions. Gimme the juice. - [Matt] Do you think it's important to-- This is juice. - These are so serious. - So that means, having money and not needing your partner's money. - Wow, you answered that very quickly. - Oh (beep). Damn it. - I'm a gold digger, bitch. (laughter) - (high-pitched) Sugar baby! - Those are the candies. It's sugar mama and sugar daddy, there's no sugar baby. (overlapping chatter) (collective cheering) - Yeah, I can make my own money. I get my own bag! - Yeah, her own bag. She can make her own sugar babies. - [Shayne] Honey, I brought my bag home. Sweet, honey. I have my own bag. - (laughs) - Here we go, it's the frenemies. - Don't (beep) this up. - You don't (beep) this up. - [Matt] If you could wish for one-- oh Jesus. - [Everyone] Wow! - [Matt] My god! - Damn it! - What do we think Sarah is gonna guess here? - One second, one second. One is worth a lot more than 15 million. - Okay but hold on. In this one, you don't get to sell that. - You don't get to own the cure, there is a cure. - You get to wish for the cure for cancer, gets to exist. - But somebody else gets to exploit it. - You don't get any money off of it, it just exists. (overlapping chatter) - [Everyone] Oh! - He thinks you're a bad person! - Well, I know you. This is the public Sarah. In private she'd be like (mumbling). - No, I don't think so. I think I would answer it the same. - What if you were to get cancer one day? - Think of all the puppies we could save and all the grandmas. - [Shayne] Oh my god! A lot of people are smart? - I'm a good person, Matthew. - Well, I learned something new today. - [Damien] Should single-sex schools be abolished? - [Everyone] Oh! - Like all girl private schools, all boy private schools. - Abolish though? - And if you're abolishing schools, what does that say about you? - [Shayne] This one is brutal. - Get ready to explain yourself, Damien. - Here's what I think Damien might think, its like, if he doesn't want his kid to go to a single-sex school then you don't have to. People have the choice where to send their kids. So maybe not abolish stuff that-- (buzzer) - [Everyone] Oh! - Wow! - He's over there shouting not to be abolishing (beep). - My thinking is that as we become more woke as a society, and gender is getting more and more grayed out, people will be thinking, I'm sort of in between. The kids don't always have the choice, but it's like, "no, you are in an all boys school!" So like, I would never think about it being abolished without this question, but like, now presented with it its just like, okay maybe that could make some complications for folks. - Yeah. - That's good reasoning. - For 15 million dollars, I agree. (laughter) - [Courtney] It's pretty close. I think there's good reasoning for both. - Abolish is such a strong word. - It's very strong. (overlapping chatter) - Norah. - Noah and Sarah's infinite playlist. - [Noah] Who gets embarrassed more easily. Me or Sarah? (overlapping chatter) - That's hard. - One of you has no shame. - I have my opinions. - All right, I've answered. - Dang, this is hard. This is hard because there's been many put in my mouth episodes. But did you feel embarrassment? And I do I feel embarrassment? - I think being on Smosh just means none of us have any embarrassment. - [Sarah] Yeah, that's the thing. - We don't show it. - We just have to hide it. - Does Noah feel more embarrassed or do I? I'm just gonna say, I feel more embarrassed. (cheering) - Noah, I've seen him put himself through a lot of crazy things. And you have not once been like, "I'm embarrassed". - Yeah, if it said who gets ashamed more easily, maybe me. Maybe. - I'd say that's so. - [Sarah] Final round. - Me and Courtney. What do you fear more? Not achieving success in my career or dying alone? (overlapping chatter) - I like how it's like, "do you like fudge or cake?" "Do you want to (beep) die alone or be a (beep) failure, you stupid piece of (beep)." Whoa! Damn, Awkward! - I'm gonna be real, I'm opening up. - [Sarah] I think I know how he would answer. - Oh, do you? - Yes, better than you. - 15 million dollars. - Frick. Frick! - Bobby Frick. - I've seen him during the fire shutdown, I've seen him in the tough times of jobs and stuff. I've also seen you through lonely times. - [Matt] Never in my life. - I think you're such a charismatic person and you're so good with people. I think dying alone is harder on you because you like people. (cheering) - Good job! - Yay, we're dying alone! - We're dying alone! (clapping) - Hey, I asked an important question. Do you think Bobby Frick every (beep) a Furby? - Who's Bobby Frick? - [Matt] Jesus, watch a Star Wars movie. - Who is Bobby Frick? (overlapping chatter) - [Shayne] Have you ever asked someone out on a date and been turned down? (overlapping chatter) - I wonder what the answer to this one is. (laughter) - There is no world where someone would turn you down, post the time that I knew you. Or after the time that I knew you. I could see, maybe, 13 year old Shayne getting turned down. But Shayne, I know that as a person you might not always like, feel that confident, but you could just like, be awkward in front of anyone and they would say yes to dating you. So I'm gonna say, unfortunately though, yes. - Yes. - Yay! (overlapping chatter) - Do you have a worse rejection story? - Yeah, tell a story. - I don't think I've had a flat out like, just a mean, "no". But I did have one that I remember in middle school where a girl was like, "yeah, she's really interested in you, you should ask her out." And then I showed up to school to ask her out. And I was walking up towards her and then all of a sudden her friend slides in front of me and goes, "she changed her mind". And I was like, okay! (groans) - So it counts but I've had others that were flat out turned down. - She literally like, cock blocked you. - She's like, "she changed her (beep) mind". - [Damien] Oh! Final familiarity! - [Courtney] Already? (overlapping chatter) - Does that mean Noah and Shayne are the most compatible? - You're common law married. - That's not how it works. - Is that how it works? - That could mean Shayne and I could marry anyone, right? No? - Just because Noah and I have been rejected before means-- (overlapping chatter) - I was gonna say, does that mean we matched? - So our Final Familiarity rankings mean that Noah and Shayne have to get common law married but you get to choose the state in the comments below. - Utah! - [Courtney] Utah! - Choose Alabama or one of the ones where like, if we divorce, only one side gets money. - I'm gonna get that prenup. - He's got that money, he's gonna get a prenup. - Are you guys gonna adopt kids or? - If you think that we're gonna get married with a prenup, you're gonna have to wash your towels more often. - The towel thing was the most controversial. (overlapping chatter) - [Courtney] If you're hanging the towel on the bar, only the tiniest amount of surface area is getting dust or bacteria on it. - If you flush your toilet, the air blowing around you is bacteria all the time! - When I flush the toilet, I stand over it with my mouth open so I collect it there. - Also, if your bathroom is clean it's not gonna get any stuff in there. - Clean with what? - Clean with chemicals. - There's feeky matter everywhere. So why does it (beep) matter? - I don't want poop on my towels! - Click this video over here for something YouTube has picked out for you! Click this video over here for something we-- No, keep arguing. We picked out this video for you. Click it as we battle. (overlapping shouting) - [Courtney] You motherfeekies. - I'm feeking done. (overlapping chatter)
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 842,849
Rating: 4.9643593 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Who Makes the Best Ship? | Awkward, awkward, awkward game, ships, relationships, compatability
Id: bwY5nNrajWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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