wholesome bedwars

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welcome guys to our episode of actually it's bed worse this time I don't really like make bed worse videos which is kind of weird because bed worse is the game I think the game I actually play and I never really play skywars but yet it's like all of my uploads except for when there's like a bed worse' anyhow we're playing were playing bed Wars today and we're playing bed were stubble alone because just bed were solo is the most boring game mode ever conceived it just my mind just melts I can't stand it I've played like five thousand games of bed wars or something in like twenty of them were solo and some of those were bug testing and throwing the win streak and stuff anyhow I just don't know how people play solo bad worse man it's like you do all this speed bridging you get to the enemy base and there's only one final kill to be had it's a huge scam I don't know how I do what hang how we're gonna go up here doubles it's like I want to do something fancy oh he's just gonna blow himself up never mind no fanciness I missed I didn't miss I just didn't have long enough arms where you going excuse me oh no well we got him anyways that's what matters I got the wool defense cuz when you solo queue doubles just you just assume the first person that looks at your bed is gonna break it I mean you can defend your bed but then you're just gonna spend the entire game obsessing over it it's just you just gotta Yolo it man you just gotta Yolo it dying is for casuals don't forget what I did like three seconds ago Go Go hurry up break their bed yeah wait who blew up their a red team did all right you guys go in there oh hey hey why are you fighting me are you fighting me fine and all of their wealth is mine I'm so wealthy yes yes the wealth we're gonna buy this just so I'd like to know when someone's about to break my bed oh the wealth it feels good wait you just brought you just broke the entire bridge no no no no what is this what is this I can bridge faster than you can break blocks what are you doing I ain't even gonna kill him if I kill him he's just gonna he's just gonna respawn he's behind me isn't he oh I guess maybe he's just gonna try to use his shears he is he's using the shears he's a genius anyhow we're going over here now is this kind of like you just doesn't care at all yep die hello let's go ah all right I could have executed that better I think there's at least one thing I could have done better in that situation I I don't know what it was but I'm sure I'm sure I'll think of something and he fell into the void anyway see it was just all part of my plan the mind games you you wouldn't understand it's just it's too advanced to explain okay trust me on this one another reason I'm doing Abed worse videos guy I need to grind bed worse man I'm only I'm in level like a hundred ninety five right now which I know I know it sounds okay but I'm friends with all the bed worst try-hards they make fun of me man they're like look at this loser techno blade still iron prestige man II even even the gold prestiges aren't anything special nowadays man there's like 400 of them oh please don't block me off but if you're an iron procedure it's like 5,000 of us no one even cares don't do it I can't oh oh no no no no no no no no wait you're the one that doesn't have a bed why are you bullying me okay whatever I see how it is I see how it is gray team all right yeah I got a level up man I'm still I earn prestige where were so close to gold prestige which is still not that impressive either but you know at least it's something man it's something and the good news is that they changed the YouTube rank color because originally it was a YouTube rank was gold and if having the same rank color as your prestige color is just oh it looks so ugly oh man feel bad for all the MVP pluses with diamond prestige it's just no one cares oh we have an angry gamer in the chat ladies and gentlemen yeah we might as well go cyberbully pink team I mean at least we know where they are who knows where the great who it is it could be anywhere I'm starting to feel pretty lonely I'm just wandering around there there's no one here man am I gonna be randomly just stabbed in the face by an invisible person oh here's a person all right oh if you hide behind the bed I'll just never know you're there oh he is invisible and he is a knock-back stick this is a scam oh [Laughter] there's no base there's there's no bridge invisible knockbacks i thought he was just I thought he was a clown I thought he was hiding behind no he was hiding so I wouldn't see him drinking the pot and that guy's there and that guy's there this is a conspiracy to kill me they're all they're all planning together Oh leave me alone leave me alone what is this are you guys gonna fight him oh you guys should fight him yes yeah no no you were supposed to deal damage to them not just fall off immediately all right whatever we're out I'm out I don't want to be here anymore see I'm scared I don't have a pearl so it's like some invisible dudes knockbacks ticks me off the map there's nothing I can do but wear that that's about to happen yes yes so it's PvP yes bye wait I didn't get kill credit I'm telling you this game it's just nothing but a scam you know what I'm gonna do the same thing you did to me the same exact thing assuming I don't fall off the map trying to get to you revenge okay you were the most worthless iron golems ever you didn't even hit him you just didn't even look yeah just watching him as he falls off the map thanks for nothing get launched off by my dragon level 196 oh by the way just to raise the stakes I have a 96 win streak right now I'm pretty sure this is the highest win streak I've ever had so you know that's on the line right now and we're back the game actually decided to give us a teammate this time so you know we're joined here by ultimate underscore dwarf 98 I'm sure I mean they could be a PvP god we can't judge yet it's it's rude to make assumptions okay anyhow so watched I recently did a ban wave of people who cheat using people who cheat to speed bridge which i think is fantastic because I don't know what happens like when bed Wars first came out for the first few months it was like only a handful of people could breezily bridge well and they were like famous for it because like it was just so rare to see someone breezily bridging so it's like oh man this guy can breezily bridge he's famous man I want to be in this party and then it's like I I blinked and suddenly everyone and their grandmother started being able to God bridge I don't know what happened but then it's like you look at their stats and they have potato stats man I don't know what's happening No do you make teammate you got to protect our bad teammate teammate I believe in you teammate teammate it's alright ultimate war if you tried that's the important thing I got to give them some words of motivation it's okay we can still do this if we believe yeah all this guy is spirit they're all like speed to God bridging but they're 20 stars with like three final kill death ratio is I don't believe it for a second it's a scam anyhow I kind of I I kind of feel like getting wealthy right now because we don't have a bed the question is do I want to speed bridge all white teams admit no no stop okay fine we're gonna get chainmail armor which doesn't really help all that much but it's something and then we're gonna start getting emeralds I guess I kind of have to speed bridge man I mean after I made fun of all those people getting banned for speed bridge hacks then suddenly I stopped speed bridge and people are gonna roast me in the comments they're gonna be like what happened techno had to take off your client so you wouldn't get watchdog bands and there'd be oh whoa whoa whoa your teammates not here right about to get a lot of 1v2 oh your guys are right there that's not worth going for yeah her defense is actually decent we're just gonna casually chill collect wealth just you know that's my philosophy towards life just ignore everyone acquire money but now it's in bed worse - oh god those guys have a water defense that's an abomination who does that oh it's ultimate Dorf yes best friends let's beat up this white guy that sounded way more racist I wanted it to well actually is going over there so there's no don't do it it's not worth it teammate teammate okay my teammate won barely but still up I'm smart okay the problem is those guys have access to diamonds so we're gonna have levels of pride and everything are probably gonna be richer than us we're getting emeralds but that's just so I can buy like ender pearls and stuff this is not a substitute for like real wealth but it's something man it's something actually we should probably kill white team we could get their diamond generator that way and just assimilate their wealth so we're gonna do that this guy's coming to beat us up oh it's a blue dude as well and the blue dudes completely clueless and he's gone alright that's the thing he was just visiting man seeing the sights I almost met war if you're the distraction I'll charge in please don't oh wow you wrecked him you don't even need my help man you've got this we just got outplayed by the TNT am i visible look die die and their wealth belongs to me now prot it's just one level of proper trust me man it means a lot I'm gonna be honest they weren't really that wealthy you're on my team right yep good work ah this is the most supportive team I've ever had well actually they know that's true because the huh okay the win streak teams are all about making fun of each other like on my first win streak it was just Ecuador and Mika calling each other balled repeatedly the entire times every game we get a final kill balled we kill someone's bed bald that's the part that's some of the parts that I edited out is the ball doors well I'm gonna leave these diamonds here and trust my teammate to make a good purchase decision I'm gonna go for emeralds now every time every time you let your teammates by with diamonds they buy like he'll pool and dragon buff but see see ultimate dwarf is the ideal teammate he buys pride and manic miner but that's a pretty cheap upgrade so I was probably just the romaine that'll probably just a remainder diamond so you know it's still good nothing else he could have spent it on way I mean we don't have a bed anymore and we're not at her base there's no reason to buy trap people have already got in the diet emeralds was it you did you get them you survived all right someone got those emeralds and I want them No ultimate dwarf he's gone how dare yellow team kill my teammate they're next I don't care if first they make a water defense and then they kill my teammate unforgivable okay oh hey British all the way over here it's crazy I never noticed where did they even bridge from behind the base why we're even gonna buy sheers that's how you know that I'm getting serious I just bought sheers Cheers that's messed up oh they're gonna send a guy here alright we have to be clever I would never mind he's not looking if he sent out if he's in third person mode he could see the footsteps but he doesn't appear to be oh hey have the trap doesn't matter that we got the kill and die thank you hey free diamonds don't mind if I do wealth oh wow a rich mmm don't mind if I do alright we just up the hunt down oh he's the guy that killed my teammate this is a grudge man we can't let blue team kill and we got to kill him ourselves how dare ye killed Lois my teammates name he killed ultimate dwarf 98 he was like a brother on ell there's one way to make sure that I'm the one that kills yellow team and it's to kill blue team before they can kill him oh I don't I didn't bring any TNT oh they have obsidian oh they're making a second layer of obsidian oh these guys aren't messing around how did you not notice me I'm legit right here Shh don't look over here don't look over here don't look over here hey wait his teammates gonna respond 200 that's bad no no oh yeah I'm out bye-bye die you know dude it's not about the back stab me is he die okay it's a 1 B 1 B 1 no you don't yeah it's not a thing not on the list of things that are happening today no it isn't we're so wealthy what the heck [Music] 3 golems Bobby just doesn't care I was going into all that effort to do psychological warfare and then he's just walking across the bridge without a care oh he's a beau oh dang were you doing that's that's one way wait ultimate dwarf is still here I did it for you ultimate I love you we did it guys we defended the 97 win streak as you guys can probably guess I am extremely emotionally invested in this yep anyhow we did it that wasn't up sort of about risk guys hope you guys enjoyed if you guys want to see more bad worse than check out bed worst Mission Impossible this is a pretty old video I wasn't really that great at bed wars back then but you know if it's still good man we went around punching people of death it was a good time click on the video if you want to see it and obviously don't don't click on it if you don't want to it that that's how it works bye
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 5,477,899
Rating: 4.9632807 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, bedwars, hypixel bedwars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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