a world of technoblade

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two years ago I had a dream a dream that one day all would be techno blade and two years ago we came very close to achieving this everyone was changing their name to techno their skin to techno we formed the largest guild in the server's history we filled entire games of UHD we were so close to greatness but unfortunately some were threatened by our power the server simply couldn't handle memes of this magnitude on April 22nd had been hijacked the techno guild and disbanded it left without a home the techno army gradually fell apart and barely any members survived this day it seemed that my dream would be forever unfulfilled that I would never get to live in a world of techno blade until one day make me a mod please I can't read fine ladies and gentlemen I have just acquired the most powerful minecraft mod to ever be created watch as I make the server a hundred times better with just two commands everybody's techno blade everybody's techno blade uh it's not enough we need the techno pack oh yes this is how bad worst was meant to be played all right boys welcome to another episode of bed were here with our teammate techno Lance techno techno to the homies let me see his name man techno meta language and techno repudiated we got this voice we can't lose we have four Technos also we're playing lucky black monks I didn't think the game would be bad enough if we were just using the texture pack we needed to go even further beyond lucky block mode let's go dude look how incredible speed Brigitte is oh my god the faces I love this alright oh hello well like guys gone got techno shovels he's the counter we and out of here I'm just gonna leave you there I'm just gonna leave it there what are you gonna do about it I'm gonna slow down the rainbow techno blades yeah techno speed bridge we don't mind me bye bye anyone else here always up there there's a thousand years too soon for you to challenge me techno shovels alright wait what are you doing what are you been what have you no no don't hit me I need an explanation I need to know what have you been doing out there why am I on fire we'll never know we'll never know what happened to that guy we'll never know what his story was the techno blades never sets on the techno blades empire this space is so beautiful you know sometimes people tell me they say they say techno blade we think your your ego is getting a little bit out of hand but I think they're just jealous of how perfect I am that was a joke before you leave angry calm okay why is there well he has a crown okay Pig oh yes go go go we have a pig launcher we have a launcher of pigs we literally can't lose he can jump I doesn't matter I got a pig launcher what's he gonna do pig pig where are they vixen launch what a scam us I think so no that US cams are against YouTube's Terms of Service cuz I know I pretty I'm pretty sure they have a guideline go go go go oh I missed I missed I messed up I messed up and I'll part of my master plan I will see you guys later I'm going down here bye even the waters techno blade but everyone's gone there's no one here alright oh come on team Fatima kiddo where you doing teammate always find some dude I was stabbed and my cell phone got sharpness but I'm a pig with a dream it's not a launcher thank you give up it's for Technos on one alright boys are back with techno frying techno refereed and techno discovered we got this with this lineup it's literally impossible to lose who's actually bridge to mid we got red team and blue team red team is an actual defense and that guy's punching a bomb so he's a strategic genius of the highest ket so a water balloon me chucking what Oh Mike why why was I set on fire by a water balloon what man oh wait is the blaze okay that makes that makes slightly more sense I was gonna say the gameplay mechanics in this game are wild out of here alright so long as the blaze man doesn't turn around I think we can get this bed Oh bye oh hello bye okay you do not take like any rock back why [Music] alright now we just hope that a red guy in a blaze isn't mad cuz there's how much you can do against a man on a blaze no clown spotted techno Oh what what no why it's the blazes man they can't be stopped I can't like do any damage to it I did 30% of its health with my entire God bow that wasn't worth it at all go die oh the place is here quick kill his teammates kill him all okay we didn't get the place but we killed all of his teammates thus reducing his overall team strength by about 10% oh he's going back he's mad nope I want to deal with this the only way to counter to get another blaze let's go blaze 1v1 die die out of here good day we have won the blaze 1v1 and the yellow team has never left their base not even once we're gonna let them waste their what's hopefully God bow I don't want them to have a regular mow it's a gun though let's attack yeah I'm way how do you do it i'm cyberbullying these men they're getting cyber there's not actually much I can do besides cider bully them because they got a lot of blocks but believe me the cyber bullying is happening alright here we go we're in I'm got any health so I don't wanna do anything else but we're in and now we wait does he know you fools you have just fallen for my master plan die die oh it's not a one are you are you even aware of the game going on around you what are you what are you doing I just slaughtered your entire team in front of your eyes and you don't even care you don't you don't you think you think I'm your teammate don't you you don't even know the difference you don't okay you tried you tried the important thing is you eventually came to their proper conclusion watch me lose this one be one alright we're here the techno successions techno inhumane and techno prejudiced these are not the nicest Technos i've ever teamed with I give me Opie items so I can just go ruin people's lives it's not what I meant always sad when you're playing lucky block mode and you're still got a bridge oh I see opportunity to cyberbully I see it oh he's going in oh let's go and dodged and nope I wanted I know cookie lady we're off curb and not even close why what have you guys done to our base no this is inhumane techno inhumane all right no one no one else is actually like built a bridge no God why why can't it's out of range and it'll be there forever ruined in my life no wait wait get back here oh my god see I hate this because now if I try to bridge it's just gonna shoot me off because I'm the one guy who dared to like right-click in this game please yes who's throwing fireballs I love you get it how it clipped it oh my god it's got the stripes some random dudes like wasting is god bow I that's how everyone hates this blaze how is it still alive thank you hey look look at me look at me look at me everyone should go stand right right next to that ledge that's the best chance of stopping me is standing next to that ledge there's just no way I can get you if you you stopped me you did it bro at least these guys have no idea what happened they have no idea they're panicking I feel like if I go in at least one of them is gonna know on the other hand kill everything in sight and wait all my health is gone what happened why why is my team like this oh thank god it's gone and it's back oh he's gone he's not that's not gonna happen why we and it didn't work it didn't work we're all gonna die wait and out of here what the chickens there my counter my mortal enemy I don't care how many clowns I gotta kill I had a teammate right I had a teammate right I don't have a teammate I thought that was one I thought I was distracted for a reason okay I've been away from the base for two seconds and this clown is already trying to avenge his clan it's not happening it's not happening my man it's not your place and Technol watch you will never defeat me with these they're made of my face oh not the punch bowl absolutely not I don't feel like I can let any of these guys through even though fight in them is a bad idea because there's gonna respawn and then we have to fight him again but if I don't kill them then they're just gonna rush my base and I'm gonna be real with you I'm not terribly confident in techno inhumane and techno bread you do these guys they just don't strike me as PvP gods don't mind if I do he's got your boost go higher get that cheeky little hidden get back here young man oh he's still sweethearts I wasn't even close everyone into this game mode is so like they don't leave their base that's how I keep getting three beds they just don't leave their base it's got my teammate or not I can't help he's not I don't I don't know why it wasn't invisible he thought he was invisible he was not invisible they even even know I'm here die I can't hoping you get launched you think I almost got one of you one by us it's a tube it's a 2 V 3 I got as I'm always go home it's 2 before and hope please and the goal I was gonna teleport into the void any second anyways oh nope hey did they just hold themselves up completely in their race they're all the way in there hey they don't even they're all the way in their base and I hear more iron golems but they're a turtle i oh it's got stuff you know what come out come out try me you are the one that has full health ok die die die get him get him how are they killed kill him yes The Golem got him techno blades successions it's just a left he's like we're not winning this one might as well leave now well I'm telling you guys lucky block mode players are literally allergic to mid don't you shoot me blocked with this wait oh wait that's just that's just a regular bow that's just a regular boat oh my god this man has gone all out into turtle mode he's gone all out you know what I'm blocking this up where are you gonna tell poor back into what are you gonna teleport back into where to go where where is he what's that just a regular pearl oh my god my bets gonna get broken I leave base for to set my Betsy oh my god seriously my teammate returned to me and knocked him off the first good teammate in Fed Wars history this is incredible that was another up sort of techno blade yeah I coordinated 80 people to make that bad joke what of it anyways you guys want the techno blatant of Nick Haider by Skeeter click the download link it's in the description if you want the techno pack you're gonna have to click on this video on the top left and if you don't want the techno pack because you're like because you're not insane then you can watch the 111 techno blade UHC from the techno Army's prime all aboard the techno train we're flying into the techno Sun it's rainin techno blade
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 3,990,067
Rating: 4.97612 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, hypixel bedwars, bedwars, bedwars lucky block, lucky block, minecraft lucky block, technoblade lucky block, technoblade mod, minecraft mod, technoblade guild, technoguild, techno army
Id: kFV3Yb2v1tc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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