minecraft VR is the ultimate fitness program

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welcome guys are playing Minecraft and virtual reality I saw shroud do a stream of this and I was incident like oh man I got a try this we're gonna be playing hardcore mode of course cuz I mean what are we little babies come on now I've never actually played a VR game before but I mean come on I'm an elite gamer I think I can figure this out all right I got others there's chicken somewhere where okay is that it that's a pig down okay I have arms this is this is there's there's definitely a chicken in that okay so the thing is I have arms here now I could hit a button there is a button that's not the one there is a button that that's not the button there's the button first right there's a button I can press to just break blocks like that but come on we have all this technology we're gonna do it the old-fashioned way Panch didn't that didn't work I have to get closer punch punch punch this is a lot of our motion and now I can't I can't reach it it reset oh yes I hit my ceiling in real life for logs we need to get tools I do not want to do that much arm motion for every inventory alright pick this up that there we there we first try crafting table and place that was teleport one place that was the chain place that was the opened inventory but in place nailed it crafting sticks and now we craft a wood pickaxe oh my god this is incredible this is incredible yes oh my god we're just such geniuses let's fine where's stone we're just gonna take this with us it's a doggy if I'm gonna pet the dog I'm gonna I'm gonna pet it very yes yes URI I'm so glad they didn't attack you I would have been mauled to death immediately you can actually like kneel down and like look at the look at the floor it's pretty it's pretty technology is incredible let me just kneel down get these blocks I'm about to I'm actually not about it all right the wires I don't think this is the recommended safety setup for oculus but but here we are we're video gaming oh you can actually you can select your hotbar slot like that there we go back nailed I'm getting that I'm getting the hang of this guys I told you I'm a pro gamer check this out we're going to turn all this chicken chicken all chicken you are dead we're gonna make stone tools this is all very advanced stuff Oh sword and I want oh I want an axe just so I don't have to do all of that cutter never again no and there we go chop chop chop chop chop okay where's that chick where's that chicken I need food is that how do I do a harvest that's not how you do it I don't know how to right click I just know how to punch things where are you chicken I can smell you there's no there's no smell it's not where is it you know where it is don't you oh wait I don't want to I don't know it's over I can hear it I can hear it yes yes die I need to get a food source the problem is I understand like kinda I can do things but uh the Sun the Sun it's noon nighttime is going to hell Oh cow I don't know how to swim this could end this could end very badly for me but we're gonna okay that's not oh it goes it goes in the direction of face and yes HDMI control okay alright I don't know I want to get a crit I think I got that air I have to actually actually jump in okay we're not going to be doing that a lot I'm gonna bash my head through the through the ceiling cow get back die owned rat Frank and got it oh there's fish let me PvP the fish get back your fish died died died it's a massacre it's a massacre oh my god oh my god those poor fish they had a family and now and now they do not have a family did I get there's still a fish they're linked all right bonk let's use an axe but up bunk wait wait sheep dropped food in this version - yes back back and back back back back there we go one survivor back all the sun's going down okay I have I have stuff I haven't I haven't organized anything I just I've just been a merge nope no okay okay we're gonna go over here okay we got Auto jump on so I don't have to physically jump every time there's a block thank God wait I need this break oh look at how much faster this is oh yes lean down alright alright there's the they're monsters have my eyesight man oh that's a skeleton I can I can make that out much okay you guys can probably see better than I can because I'm wearing glasses under the VR it's not it's not ideal we got a we got a cave oh that's the sound and just sight now that's a block I don't care about all right and back back alright we're safe I can't I can't see anything but we're safe Oh let's go oh let's put some sticks in there - we're gonna get a charcoal and that's gonna be useful because we're gonna we're gonna go like this and we're gonna make a torch I know that seems simple to you guys but if I put torches in my off hand look everything's bright it's it's Optifine and now we smelt Oh my arms are tired now that I have a pickaxe I can finally mine this is intentional this is not a bug at all it's nice to look at this pic actual I break blocks with my torch which has now gained its powers just for me holding it bam oh I got six leather I can make a hat oh let's do that half the time oh yes check this out check I bet there's a VRE control for this where you just you just put it on you just you just you just put it you put it over your head and then and then it's okay I don't think there's it actually a VR control we're just gonna use our inventory like a loser and I phased through the oh I can I'm out of the work okay okay we're we're not doing that again I guess we're gonna go regular mining we just kneel down to the floor oh my back oh that's not good oh no oh there's a cave right here Oh sick oh I can just I can just believe oh I was leaning over why did it why did it actually drop me I didn't move hey we're gonna make a little barrier here so no no creepers fall on me wait where did they come from where did they wait a minute I have to stand on my tiptoes to break that okay you know what you know what this is this is my life now we're going we're going and the cave is over and my life was without value okay we're getting we're getting coal at least it's something I'd look so dumb in real life oh but there's no one in the house no one will ever know alright boys here's the ultimate test can I break two blocks at the same time yeah it's resetting the progress never okay back to one block like a peasant keeps I keep changing the hot bar and we're setting it what I can't help but the button so easy to press it's so sensitive it happened again I gotta actually swing my arms to break these blocks I'm gonna I'm gonna have a six-pack by the time we fight the ender dragon dude I'm getting back in shape let's go get it into shape playing Minecraft this doesn't this doesn't even look cool in Minecraft I just look like an idiot I look like an idiot in both worlds no I hear water it's this way we're get into a double arm break double arm break where's the water there's got to be a cave and that cave is gonna have iron probably it's so loud it's gotta be like right here huh let me lean lean forward lean through there's my chair here I don't see anything all right then torch torch light up the way light up the way torch do you see anything we're gonna that's not BAM wow there's there's absolutely nothing here this was a huge waste of my time there's got to be an actually good cave that the skeleton is in ooh the last time I leaned forward it sent me it sent me off but what's what's down there tonight can I hit it we kneel down to the floor yeah I can actually hit it die yes yes get owned alright that looks like that looks like a wood plank there's a whoa I got an achievement there's stuff down there alright we're gonna I know if they can see me if I just mean I can't hide you're a creeper oh there's something to my right there is an Enderman hey we've been blocked we blocked this off I just I don't want to get sneak attacked so we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna only going in one direct okay we got we have some iron is there anything down there anything a chest oh I don't know how to open those I've never opened it okay I think we're safe back huh quick I absolutely no idea what that does but I will take this iron don't mind if I do I'm gonna get a little bit more coal because we can you know because we can we need more armor we are going to get it's minecraft hardcore mode you get owned by things if you don't have armor oh we can make yeah I look so dumb okay I have to not hit my own ceiling while doing this are you kidding me okay just one one-handed are you kidding okay just whatever just break it just break it with the button I don't even care oh why why do the capes why are they that loud no no that was that was such an unnecessary addition to the game children play this Mojang I got yeah there's there's a block above me isn't there I did not want Minecraft to take a realistic amount of effort to like punch down trees and mine coal dude okay just advance I don't want to deal with anything from that direction we advance with caution Oh God back back don't got to deal with that up that sounded sounded like a spider Hey ooh alright nothing there you can actually look to the side well mine in the iron it looks really dumb but but nothing's gonna be sneak attacking me man I'm looking down that hallway and getting jump scared by creepers today no sir oh my god this is I don't like this I don't like this hallway I'm gonna go down this hall away alright tell me I brought the crafting table no no did I not I hopefully have so much birch no wait wait I just remembered there's like wood everywhere here this is the only place underground that has wood nothing matters can I craft a chair and sit in a chair and minecraft and now crafting table form again we're just we're just gonna forget it every time this is just how it goes the bank and now and now oh my god oh my god the place the sheer skill that is going on right here bam bam and all right well that's melted I'm just gonna I'm just gonna lie down for a second here you know crouched on the ground the whole point of playing video games really finish so I don't have to do this exercise so now I got to actually swing my arm this is this stair this is terrible you don't have all that much iron but I do want to make a chest plate yeah boy on that's that's not how it works it's not how it works at all alright sick iron sword and back nailed it yonk and we're gonna make boots going and the boots are on all right we have everything except pants just another day on the techno blades channel oh I don't like this at all oh I like that though back and we're gonna make iron iron helmet yes all right actual armor acquired boys there spiders over here man I can I can feel it in my bones oh boy okay what's gonna be what's gonna be under oh god no you can get in here no no stay back oh well I am NOT I am not prepared to BAM torches die die get get that away get it away from me no nope nope nope nope nope I need to select my sword I need to select my guy died hey I've been bit lean over and place a torch lean over place a torch lean over and place a torch over there maybe we can learn to coexist for now spider spider spawner I'm gonna all right okay you relax you you mind your own business spawner and maybe just maybe that's I did not want to fight I do not when it worse or is it where's the enemy's where's the okay are we safe are we saying okay this is good oh no this is where the danger is all right well back to acts back reveal yourself okay can we find diamonds this episode it doesn't doesn't seem terribly likely oh we can find that you fade away and I can walk over I do not like this nothing behind me right ooh funk and it's for oh wait a nametag - well you know might as well fear nothing fear is the mind killer I don't remember the rest of this speech all this this is I don't see oh I see something this is a danger zone there's a bat oh oh I should be worried about those nope kill it creeper get it oh and for the cherry on top nothing survives we keep going okay we're just gonna we're just gonna dab I don't like that at all oh it hurts my neck - look up there die die die die die die die dice high die oh my god I've become exactly what Tyler one made fun of me for being oh no I don't want to deal with this I don't want to deal with this in my life I'm just this is my first day on this is my first day on the earth what the heck is that down there is that have a hat well what was that thing down there I can actually point it look at that what is that what the heck is down I don't even want to I don't want to worry about that in my life skeleton ooh okay duck arrows and real life like I said only just drop to the floor and dodge it like sick sick John oh oh I don't think it's gonna I don't think that's gonna work at all actually alright skeleton Bam Bam die die die why is this not why is it not hidden I'm getting owned I'm get okay okay not even close not even no no no no no no ya can't get me there we're going in Burt I can't see anything okay okay we have a dead end here I'm placing the torch and we're just gonna we're just gonna block that okay we're safe we're safe for now and now it's time for a fun minigame did you guys see the cursor that was there at the side of the screen the entire video if so congratulations you win a prize you get to click on this end screen and watch the next video that way that was actually a fun minigame and not a mistake do you really think someone like me wouldn't notice that until the entire video was already recorded don't make me laugh I have a million subscribers heck now can I click on it if I didn't see the cursor well I can't actually stop you but would you be able to live with the guilt yeah probably click on it
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 7,000,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Minecraft VR, VR, Virtual Reality, Minecraft Virtual Reality, Minecraft Hardcore Mode, Hardcore Mode, Minecraft Hardcore, Minecraft Hardcore Mode VR, Minecraft in VR, Technoblade VR, Technoblade Virtual Reality
Id: pjmzMOJedAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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