bedwars: mission impossible

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if you run fast enough I won't be able to break this bed you can do it you can do it now oh wow you place TNT let me just run right now what what how are you kidding me it knocks me towards it how is that a thing don't worry son bear MC I got you your black kid in the air so we can tell you're a PvP god so sniper bully some teams oh yes blocks to an default map I had no expectations and I still manage to be disappointed welcome to bed wars we don't mind me just killing your base don't mind me just killing the entire yellow team single-handedly because welcome to bed warriors your team with a youtuber with 54 subs dude give me a shoutout PvP battle PvP this only we had a very close fight but I managed to persevere flow and if I two guys at the same time okay I'm fine with it bro are you techno flip open up you know Stu I am one second I thought pulley this guy and the way I go wah I do this guy is a savage is not not losing the opportunity to advertise this channel if you find that guy and then I'll run past you guys awkwardly just I'm going to run over here don't know mind me okay this is going to be tricky but I'm sure we can find a way oh he wants wrong way oh I knew that like jump up to help TT yes you want to try something if you stay in that corner you can live I'm just I'm just gonna walk by I'm glad we could come to and understand and go into your base don't mind me what do you mean there's still tea no no I'm not in a good situation okay okay I'm out why did you decide to leave his base open is there some guy here that I can't see now he uses their just smart boys trap he schreeten up up up how many arrows do have dude how oh god that is a punch boat I'm down three hearts and if that guy hits me I'm gonna fall off the map and die I believe he's trying to bait me into the air oh it won't work one kill this is it our one chance to win punch I did it they both called hax that was the greatest teammate I've ever had it's only because of him that we managed to win this and making fun of him too much he's probably watching okay I have to wait for one of them to make a mistake I can't just rush both of them it's not going to work that's a mistake off the map you all go thank you and good night all these guys just left their rays so he'll just go like this oh if you run fast enough you can stop me Oh what scammed what is this day of obsidian I'm so mad I'm so so done with this game no no no no what is this why are there people everywhere no off the map go don't speak to me or my son ever again they just both fell into the void go go go go go yes we did it I hope the expert a pickaxe counts to the weapon I can't use it to be one to be 100 I'm charging in yes I did it don't my oh no no no you don't know you go punch punch punch and subscribe to techno blade alright here we go 1 V 2 in the house oh hey hey wizard how's it going Oh what no you blocked me I was gonna break the bed wizard why uh-uh clutch oh hello hello yes yes clutch going and going and going in I blocked off the map I am the greatest bed words player to ever play this game this man is a genius I do not know how we'll be able to defeat him but rest assured if I can win this fight everyone has to subscribe that's the rules it's in the YouTube Terms & Conditions you didn't read them with this this is the kind of thing that was in it oh he's breaking the ball yes pvp oh my god I actually kill them now I'm gonna kill the teammates don't care you walked off the map by yourself I'll just kill those guys then I died but still and now he's coming to kill me and I'm gonna walk right past them because I'm a thug what are you going to do about it that's what I thought but teenth he's gonna knock oh snap what you're gonna do when they come for you Oh sad and you're dead and above I go oh look there's a person we'll look how much I care look how much I care this guy exists I don't care at all I don't care at all oh god there's there's obsidian I'm so dead I can't do anything to that I'm not here I can smell you he's going to look for me I have to hide I have to hide in the roof here I have to wait for 12 gold to spawn and then I have to quickly buy it 11 gold to spawn and I have to quickly buy a diamond pickaxe and break their bed but I have to do it before they rush our team and I have to make sure that none of them are coming back to their base or about to respawn or something when I do it you just pick up the gold okay I I said I have to make sure he doesn't see me mission impossible ah my teammate just got banned by watchdog I don't think he's going to be defending the bed anymore that's like no gold at all are you kidding me I just got scammed I've made a terrible mistake I have to leave I'm going back go back you guys are nothing oh I activate the trap he knows I'm here heels up Shh I'm not here I'm not here don't look down don't look down lock he doesn't see me it doesn't see me I've hid in run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run run okay okay submission impossible it's going a bit a bit worse than expected oh no he's blocking up oh snap wait always teammates here all is lost if they forget I exist we should be good no okay here's the plan I feel like that and I go in and I take all the gold but I still I'm still one Gold short are you kidding me why does this game hate me bump bump bump bump bump bump but us bumps bumps but but oh god no he's behind you hi grant uh uh-oh is teammates here oh it's lost uh-huh I'm so good at video games his teammate has a bow though I'm gonna die nope nope even folks give no gold we can do it we can do it we can do this we can do this this dream is alive yes yes yes yes yes yes yes PvP we have a charge you've never expected we can do this TTT go go yes mission impossible cool you trying to leave strengthen trying to get up that's right there's no escape from tax no blaze ade wait there's still three teams left alive are you kidding no leave me alone and you did cut them off that are underneath something all right all right there's green team full also aqua still alive and aquas probably Russian my bad because I I know did I ever build a defense on it I think my teammate - oh oh oh oh oh my god my lecture slash for my eyes go go go Mission Impossible bump-bump-bump shut up bump-bump spot I got him wait I killed the other guy somehow oh my god did I just I just want I just killed both of them yes I see where you're what you're going for oh he's a punch boat all this lost oh never mind I'm fine all he had was a diamond sword is not very strong one ah I'm gonna prove Tecna bleed us guy oh my god use so much more stuff than me I got him techno blade never dies
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 5,713,091
Rating: 4.9569764 out of 5
Keywords: Hypixel, Hypixel Network, Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Bedwars, Minecraft Bedwars, Hypixel Bedwars, Bedwars clutch, Bedwars montage, Bedwars Funny Moments, Bedwars Highlights, Stream Highlights
Id: USErowmaYBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2017
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