Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Is Easy

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this is the dumbest menu ever though for real mideo oh no it actually just doesn't function it doesn't all right we're gonna have to stay full screen all right i see who wants to be a millionaire must have been [ __ ] coded by regis philbin oh my gosh i can do it i swear oh we don't need to hire coders oh hey oh this is [ __ ] cool all right does number four become chat or do we just that's a great that's a good idea that's a really good idea matt hey yes thanks to the resub cheese let's run it oh it's player one yeah that could be you charlie okay i'll be player one i guess oh that he looks pretty he looks like mad a little bit oh ludwig's in the game do they not have party mode matt you can be player two i can't tell i'm not gonna pull this but i can't tell what's winning now what do you think yeah you can just be the deciding factor eyeball it matt who won all right i'm gonna point and you guys let me know what name i point at you ready ready lindsay okay that was convenient can you hear it no i was gonna say oh wait that's jimmy neutron symbol we're back baby brain blast all right let's go i really hope it's a horribly rendered regis this is also a dumb idea chad's absolutely just gonna google the answers oh well reuben's turn has finally arrived good luck to him all right let's kick it what type of restaurant would you order maki oh god i'll collapse chat real quick oh right yeah i think i think i know this one okay let's jesus christ is there a voice actor yeah i i wish you guys could oh it's margaret's turn to do her best here whenever it's your turn you can hear dialogue oh thank you oh look at me you got pranked that ear bud doesn't work there's no [ __ ] sound you got me back finally finally the ultimate prank oh one year to the american no this is just as hard as where you find maki really yeah everyone knows how to civil war [ __ ] didn't you go to school he's really hamming it up here he's stalling oh i even [ __ ] said it well how did i just click out on the first question really truly green's really green cenary that's what i'm saying it seems too easy all right it could have been all right it's easy because they gave me an actually hard question you gotta get ready for pulling out yeah okay oh people are sabotaging the pole you i still think yours was the easy you think you would have gotten mine right oh yeah i everyone knows what year the civil war started this is actually [ __ ] it could be smelly therapy or with hunger therapy what you don't know that i'm gonna say george good start we're really cruising that little oh my god this game is for [ __ ] babies it's so easy let's go rougher arf should we use uh oh yeah we can use it yeah we can use a lifeline what do we have any of those let's go what do we want also [ __ ] dennis the best 50 50 50 50. all right okay let's take away two incorrect answers i was going to say arf that's what i was i was going to say but let's see if it's one of the options oh oh [ __ ] well then i think that leaves us with rough i would have said let's say go with whoa yeah let's go let's i'm letting this ride out i want to feel the burn here oh yeah it only cost us a lifeline on the sixth question but we're ready we made four thousand i think it's mesopotamia i really do too do you think it's cool all right let's get it mesopotamia the audience wait that was like not even their second guess oh that was so stupid god damn it the audience [ __ ] us oh my god maybe from now on when we use that one we should do it because that's [ __ ] up that the game does oh man all right all right what was the movie that came out when we were in like high school with the word babylon babylon a.d with vin diesel yeah i loved that i saw that in theaters and i don't remember a thing about it except i really liked it it was it was a [ __ ] movie no one liked it but i did and i got a date there uh and i just remember she hated the movie yeah so you just kicked her ass on the way out oh i was just like yeah i'm shocked yeah you have checkpoints well the game [ __ ] up so she should give us extra points that actually is [ __ ] up yeah the audience did blow i like how every time i get out it's just regis philbin is dead as we go back into the game let's go what's in what's in menlo park what is minlo park i don't think benjamin franklin nor graham just go with edison did he do the kite thing yeah [Music] oh no for no reason at all oh danny whoever said he did it the kite in the park you were spot on but benjamin franklin did the kite well no you got that from fairly oddparents right because he like had the kite that he kept getting electrocuted by yeah is that actually what happened yeah i thought it was like what did edison make then was it a light bulb yeah did you wait you think he flew a kite with a key and got hit by a white man that's the story that's actually how it was this way is not the name of a flower which king had two of his wives executed well macbeth isn't real that's shakespeare uh is it henry this one really ramped yeah this is a [ __ ] tough one henry feels like he would murder his wife henry sounds like he would murder his wife richard even a king yeah king king richard the third robin hood hundred percent [ __ ] this guy i forgot his name already regis buildings clone really [ __ ] up yeah he's really after us holy [ __ ] how are we doing [ __ ] you we just we're on top of it i squeezed i squeaked it out for us we just did that for [Laughter] i always feel like hold on i'm 50 50. i was feeling chet knicks too b is still gonna be there yeah if this is still there it was d and those were the two o's between i'm reading it like a book oh my god oh boy i mean i know dubrovnik is a place so let's just go with a all right run it bro run it this is the heart we are [ __ ] fighting for these pennies well you know that's what they see though oh son of a [ __ ] this was the hardest round in who there's no [ __ ] chance it was taft yes i was gonna say it's not roosevelt yeah but it's dead it's good that we're between the two he said you said taft i do not think it's tough i don't do presidency died so quickly when he got to office i remember that he got in and if he died as a titanic song was he the fat one yeah he was in office for a day the titanic sucked him and he died his croaked i think it was [Laughter] all right well you seem to think it's grand so go for it i feel like it's grant but i don't want to be solely responsible for getting it wrong i don't know i think we eddie was eddie's one for one minute for one andrew jackson was such like an aggressive person there's no way it's always great yeah but i didn't think it was great i thought it was great [ __ ] you eddie god damn it eddie what the [ __ ] the last two lifelines go to chat because [ __ ] those two lifelines eddie sucks bro worthless to listen to yeah you should have asked her dad he was probably alive no oh wait let's hope what wait there's no there's literally nothing there you bugged it all right what are we what are we getting oh god 50 50 started on b let's go with b [ __ ] it no i don't we can't afford to not get neurons here let's roll b stays let's hope that they pull away the letters well it was clearly c uh what what oh this is dairy this is dairy you guys are both so confident this is yeah you are right that is that's dairy i i wouldn't i would have never guessed oval only because it's actually over like eggs ah interesting well 40 more neurons embarrassing god damn it all right i'm hungry as [ __ ] i'm really hungry yeah i'm gonna all right let's take a little snack for you let's get a snack break lindsay gets the easy question yeah yeah what the [ __ ] who i'm here with 13. you think i don't know all right good work boys dude that was possible yeah that's the us one yeah all right good speed run zero neurons thanks for the snacks eu sucks what a waste i love eu questions i literally said it i was like wait that's your american states because in king kong he was the eighth wonder of the world that's how i remember it from peter jackson's king kong jack black because i was like this is the wonder of the world it's king kong i i don't know boris is sounding pretty elton doesn't sound pretty good all right we're doing real well on these let's get past the fourth question yes yeah yeah i i was debating whether or not i was in the super family a trooper's like i'm trying to think a potato well because i didn't know if a potato was in it but i was trying to think what the [ __ ] is a tuber i've never heard of that in my opinion yeah i think yeah what about us yeah sweet potato there's no way chad knew what it is it's a root vegetable that's such that's dog [ __ ] then because it's a root vegetable vegetable is an all-encompassing term vegetable literally is it carrot we've got kumara potatoes [Music] yep yeah chat is so [ __ ] dumb trolling us no no chance i pulled this up before we said we were gonna use it because i was already set on it a hundred percent chat's just [ __ ] dumb we would have gotten there right and chad was the one spamming idiots earlier 133 iq eu education education go back to shapes idiots yeah stick with your shapes adams jefferson madison monroe under these men are country royal girl okay so is it madison well no those aren't the first presidents because it's gifts so what does it start washington jefferson madison monroe why did you start on twitter that's why i was like what you were like starting about three maybe but you just skipped i hope it's just completely wrong [Applause] so what's the actual washington jefferson madison monroe under these fisheries washington adams jefferson no that doesn't rhyme washington madison jefferson monroe maybe what is it these are all history-based dog [ __ ] like [ __ ] history i'm out all right i think i know right wouldn't this be johnson was vietnam i might say carter hey johnson how many or what was this he had a he had his own rhyme that i'm trying to remember but i don't know if it helps with the nixon face i think it is some more d for sure i mean 50 50 is just going to show us carter and johnson hey hey lbj how many kids did you kill today what's his chance so it's d oh okay cool well i guess i mean i mean it could be forward i have no idea i just remember that chance and it hasn't helped us yet they need to not teach songs in school it clearly doesn't help only 20th century president i don't even know who's on mount rushmore no quick sing a song oh isn't harold roosevelt german i don't know i don't know something one there's something in me that wants to say eisenhower i mean he started the fbi right eisenhower started the fbi sure we were also saying it was not i was saying kennedy wasn't on it yeah he wasn't on it oh okay also at least we know this one this is mondays that's good i think this is steinbeck no steinbeck and i know twain that's for the two items i know it's stunning i asked you man margaret's done nothing she wrote one book and then what and then what she didn't even know she didn't even tell that she wrote a book that gone with the wind of her face it was based on yeah did steinbeck write gone with the woman he might have oh he also wrote of mice and men that's probably where we know it then i'm assuming you had to read that as well thanks theresa bidoof my dad too and i just did it that was actually a pretty good book i didn't read it but i read its cliff notes run it now that matt's not here we're gonna cruise yeah this should be easy now because he's always messing us up right into the cooking question and which year did the pilgrim fathers sail for the americas 1642 i thought it ended in a two as well i haven't found a [ __ ] idea it's another song though so we should probably do the opposite um i say let's use the lifeline for this yeah which one do we want to phone grandma [Laughter] no no that doesn't make any sense now this would make less sense no because pilgrims came later right no the pilgrims were she also didn't say like she was certain on it oh [ __ ] grandma's a [ __ ] champ former u.s president ronald reagan was once married to which oh is this a marilyn monroe i don't remember who married her was christopher columbus not a pilgrim no he's no spanish uh was he a conquistador yes he actually yes you're correct why is this titled christopher columbus the turkey of thanksgiving then because he killed everyone and left a turkey on their corpse i don't know man wala bear what the [ __ ] was a pilgrim a myth pilgrims were english right because they were escaping the king yeah i i want to look it up you might have been from portugal just look up where he came from there's so much yeah i'm not kidding i don't know what i'm even thinking is correct anymore like i know that i have a brand new so fast italian explorer no they're wrong is that wikipedia doctor he was born in genoa italy okay but what did he where did he like burial spain yell big money wait if we get it right sure we're wrong what is it big money i literally looked up to see what tahini looked like and it said a berber-based dish well there's probably more than one berber and i have no basis for that that's oh yeah nice i don't know anything about that do we need another lifeline here yeah i don't know anything about angle that's 5050th where do we want to call grandma grandma hasn't been wrong are you a fisherman come on paula you old harpy they went with beat oh we we can't betray everyone grandma she's the cat she's 2-0 this is the farthest we've gotten yeah we're [Music] i don't know run it 25 all right jesus this is gonna be the worst one it's gotta be 25 or 15 well i guess 23. no 23 doesn't ever end then oh my god yeah let's go oh boy i got worried i'm sweating that was so funny how are we playing that out and chad thanks for being serious swamp ass was coming on hard there was a hesitation you sang them last time yeah but i didn't know yet there was a second item apparently there was you didn't know where the second movie was about all right who the [ __ ] is this second adams the john adams you screen us one brain cell i wasted all of my thought process on the on the shapes yeah we would have a chance i don't know what it is what is it i don't know we have to use the lightning we'll start with ch it's called grandma grandma paula we need you she said church paula is literally three and a half churches just have so much architectural stuff yeah it's probably just a church grandma is unstoppable holy [ __ ] paula what shakespeare wasn't a real person what are you talking about right was he he wasn't a real person shakespeare who am i thinking of no i don't think no i don't think shakespeare was a was a real person what was it wasn't it an alias for like who if people think that it was like a bunch of people or like a woman or something oh i don't know don't laugh at me i don't think shakespeare was a real person it sounds like a conspiracy well anne hathaway was [ __ ] married to him i think shakespeare is real who am i thank you guys i didn't have a chance i couldn't who am i thinking of that i don't know there's some famous writer who like was not who am i thinking of you're thinking of the illuminati i don't know oh and here's anne no no no no no no no i'm pretty sure it wasn't like we weren't sure that it was a real person you're so you are thinking of a conspiracy theory allegedly i'm pretty sure i was taught that in english class thanks to you so jason you went to a bad school then that i've never heard that the real shakespeare the one who wrote the plays was brilliant philosopher francis said he wasn't real well but shakespeare as like a like a playwright is real just who he was is contentious right so but he wasn't real he was just a name that people used to write stuff that this guy used to write so like i guess kind of so why didn't they say who was francis bacon's wife i don't know but this is again this is just from vox which is like hardly reputable i would say no chance tennessee willing to tennessee [Music] it's gonna be [ __ ] alabama no it's coming up oh jesus christ if this game let us pick two we'd always yeah imagine if only we could guess half the answers the [ __ ] is cat on a hot tin roof that's like a tumbler board we just got like four questions in a row about playwrights a stuffed sauerkraut that sounds sorry is that for sure i might go cheese pretzel it was between those two in my head no salad it's it's definitely sauerkraut what do you mean is it a potato salad i think it's a potato salad all right we'll do sour cream no i think it's a cheese pretzel curry sauces he said sauerkraut he's really confident we're all yelling i think it's a salat is in the name it's a sauerkraut [ __ ] salad is right there what do you mean i didn't know germans knew what potato salad was you could just [ __ ] survive so what is challenge we're gonna get into a trivia game and we're gonna [ __ ] buffalo wild wings trivia night we'll never see this perfect storm coming up oh yeah yeah we should try and stream on buffalo yeah pow wow unless it's little that's distracting me charlie making it that's not focused that's bringing our iq down wait she thinks it's gone around yeah she thinks it's gone already grandma we're gonna paula is carrying us well even when we all think the same one it doesn't mean anything that usually means we're definitely wrong at least one of us might be right this time come on grandma she said tehran she has not been wrong yet all right you gotta go wrong gotta go with grandma paula is five you know i think she's been there for all of this yeah she's seen it all in person paul is [ __ ] busted oh thank god this is the farthest we did it oh my lord we're over the neurons we got a new threshold personal best it's gonna get rid of both those oh i'm gonna go with bond i but the scottish fuse that's good we're going to be either i don't know i'm always wrong i'm literally always wrong we're going english bond yeah there it is there it is we needed that we needed that that sounds like i know his name and i don't think i would know a violin maker's name unless it's like the only violence simply right though oh it could be all right paula has not let us astray yet she's listening she is six and oh how confident were she i'm not sure yeah [ __ ] it seven and oh we're getting better we're gonna get mommy and it's gonna be like french manga or something i have no idea what it is grandma will know though yeah i'm gonna be really sad we have to switch off of her because she [ __ ] us and it's not today she has we actually just learned about this guy in our who wants to be a millionaire class i'm going in it sounds good yeah yeah we're saying the same thing [Laughter] oh jesus these aren't dumb it's not knowing where [ __ ] henry the fourth or whatever seventh's wife was born i don't know i don't recognize a single name i think this might be a time for grandma grandma i think she'll know paul is probably reddit i don't know any of these names i've not seen a single one of these names in my life rolf i might know ralph harris that's something that's the one that sounded like something paula said rolf harris all right paula what a [ __ ] name paul is guaranteed super super charles was the 2000s right was it or was charles like that devastating that's the one i was thinking because i remember andrew and charles and i don't remember which was earlier i think i think andrew oh no i think i think we were live for charlotte we were i think we were live for charles i think it's very good okay yeah let's just run it i think it's andrew i just i feel like if you remembered it you really no there we go oh yeah i'm happy you got it right just stay in my piece all right we locked in 200 neurons i think that brings us over as a thousand think it's uh you're tr you're right but i would say sir i'm done i'm done let's do it i'm down let's just [ __ ] run it it's gonna be [ __ ] monday because it's gonna have never heard of that's fine it's fine like the actual term for it starts with a g right but that doesn't start with a g yeah but it's a g because the g is in the word you're free right it's sticking out to me it's probably trust i just know for taste it starts with the g and i can't remember what the [ __ ] it is i'm not gonna pretend right or wrong really quickly okay merguez sure that was a hell of a first question holy [ __ ] i hadn't even heard of the place the sausage was [ __ ] yeah that's that was absolutely [ __ ] brutal you can unlock world food there's no way chat knew what the [ __ ] that was yeah no chance that says i'm pretty sure here's my reasoning and we we go based on we had everything we had three seconds to answer it kind of looks like margarine so you can go with the first one because it's got butter let's just go with paula we might as well tap into her now soft paste with a salted butter base seems right all right yeah this is for 10-0 paula has not been wrong yet this would be 10-0 for come on paula come on grandma we had this question it's very high 60 might be more realistic how do we get so many world food questions why okay matt you're in a bit of a cold streak but that's all right i said no i said no i said you guessed it okay running back this has gone downhill recently come on there's literally been an influx of food questions yeah so many food questions leaks run it i don't know i would say cucumbers aren't cucumbers a greek thing this is certainly going to take place this is so dumb what why are we getting food what are these [ __ ] food we haven't got a single sports question wait philadelphia is it oh god i don't know i don't know either man i'm so i don't my brain is not working i was like i think it's harrisburg but philadelphia sounds important that was exactly what i was going through what the i don't think it's the gas man the paperboy doesn't ring the pigman would make sense though because they ring twice because they want money who's the gas man you're calling about your gas you need to pay for your gas i'm going postman okay why the [ __ ] is your push man calling you twice it's ringing in the door well none of us really watch the simpsons huh no nope but i'm going quimby i think it's wiggle it just just hit a 50 50. i first popped up i thought quimby sounded right but i've literally never watched it well it wasn't wickham it could be gumball but i started thinking but i'm going to i think i'm going to stick with this question because it was my initial thought on this i think it's gumball it seemed like once we never get 50 50s i told you i [ __ ] told you i knew it was coming i knew it was coming we have not gotten a single 50 50 right barney gumball that sounds a lot better than barney quimbly quindy okay have you seen this one no that happened paul has been retired i know it's 2 a.m and you're 93 years old [Music] no [ __ ] way she got what like 16 or 17 in a row [ __ ] worthless old hag hobby horse just 50 50. let's just see if we're wrong again just let's all pick one and then just answer with the other one yeah all right everyone at once say what you're thinking when it comes to this 50 50 and we'll choose the opposite assuming we all choose the same one hobbies oh see i was going to say dole [ __ ] all right horse we know so what charlie just pick one i'm going to scare people it's absolutely dead who is coopie what does that mean these are the dumbest [ __ ] nobody in [ __ ] chat knew what koopie is all right good is it well wait it's a lot of there's no way how is that possible the [ __ ] ice cream tastes taste testers like put it all born with but you get more after you're still i don't think you didn't know they just changed i don't think you'd get more i thought it was million definitely doesn't the [ __ ] ice cream taster say coat all million taste buds what are you talking about i know what he's doing yeah isn't that what he said i don't like that i know what you're trying he doesn't say 10 000 right isn't it million doesn't he say million i don't even know who's saying this um i have no idea is ricky martin it's puerto rican it's i can promise you despacito was not saying by ricky martin okay i'm just making sure i just don't know who let's do carlos pond ponce poncha i think it's lewis but i'm fine with this we're already on a rough patch okay god damn it no blue's geography okay it's gonna be blue and we're gonna get a 50-50 rate yeah the curse is broken i'm thinking four seasons i was going to say that are the suits oh yeah the suits because saruki could be like hearts oh yeah i'm on board no no no dude okay i think it's seasons but we can go suits i think we really got it there i can't believe what's happened there oh that is shot yeah it is close it is closed charlie why didn't you pick the seasons matt made such a good case for suits i know my japanese well not a bad run pretty good that's what's the farthest we got we got 64. okay
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,181,701
Rating: 4.9525127 out of 5
Id: famslHuLrIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 50sec (2330 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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