Real Supervillain Gives People Heart Attacks

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oh this is a tour of heart attack customers suffer heart attacks after eating at the establishment and even celebrating a death on the premises it's aptly named the heart attack grill remarkably the owner says it's all done in the name of promoting good health one among us has to tell the truth and that's what we're doing here yeah you're a real hero giving people actual heart attacks along with belt sizes that'll teach them [Applause] flatliner fries cooked in lard are unlimited thirsty try the all butter fat shake that sounds so good what the [ __ ] and new to this menu a burger with eight patties almost 20 thousand calories that's the equivalent of nearly 40 big macs oh and if you don't finish your meal you get spanked she actually like really went in on that not exactly a real rn but her spankings are real real hard yeah like she's not holding back the restaurant dr john has become something of a superstar in the fast food world he depicts himself as jesus christ at the last supper dining with the industry's other giants dr jones is kind of [ __ ] wacky the restaurant was under fire after its nearly 600-pound spokesman blair rivers died of obesity-related issues it's not confirmed 29. there's an argument he may have died of you use this guy just consuming so this man's death has not given you pause at all zero pause yes we are actually rolling now we're actually rolling this guy's like nintendo is double the size if your player dies do you feel bad nope sounds good now the one that i couldn't save was a very dear friend of mine and i want to tell you something this is his ashes right here they'll say how they will how can you keep the man's cremation here oh my god wait it is something what the [ __ ] i am setting the bag on the table and i challenge the restaurant to set the bag let's turn it into a burger i'm talking about a bag of truth this was a good man with hopes and dreams who couldn't now look at him this stupid piece of [ __ ] his bag or the remnants yet he becomes sand he ate at the restaurant every day oh people explain people will continue to die can they just stop pause and reflect upon the food for thought that i'm selling it's not happening he's like actually lex luthor when there are lights and sirens outside and they're bringing some person out on a gurney you're basically in the background he's celebrating yeah he's having fun was that heart attack good for business did that heart attack pad my wallet with money absolutely this is the most honest guy ever i enjoy that absolutely i'm a businessman what the [ __ ] oh what the what did they give this guy do they hit him with like a [ __ ] truth serum is wonder woman there with her lasso around his leg why is he so honest hey did you like when that guy died oh [ __ ] yeah you kidding me i made money off that dude died at my restaurant it's like hey holy [ __ ] i'm not only making money i'm killing idiots i guess i ate [ __ ] yeah in fact here's this dude's ashes stolen from his loved ones and they're now in my restaurant what are they gonna do fight me now if they do die here i'm not going to lie to you that's great for business death is great for business at the heart attack grill wow somehow he's like an anime villain dr john in order to save the world i must kill it first and from its ashes will rise a phoenix of greece and bacon and on top of that phoenix i will be writing it dr john i think his points a little dog [ __ ] though if i'm being honest like other places obviously sell shitty food but he is going way out of his way to make the food as detrimental to your health as humanly possible it's not like they're just being dishonest and saying it's good for you food like you know they're not like hiding that it's bad for you but he is doing the most he can to kill you with it so it's a little dishonest to compare the two it's not like it's a matter of honesty or not you're actively trying to make it worse for them in a city near you you're fine i'm ryan wasn't his point that he's not selling shitty things to kids is this not a kid eating this didn't he make that exact point like i'm not selling this awful death to kids only these consenting adults and then in the same interview there's a kid oh without parental guidance oh did he say that part i didn't say that i didn't see that i remember searing that rather why does it matter if they're what i don't really understand though why would that matter if they're supervised or not it's the same food that guy was that guy's nutty that guy was actually [ __ ] wild is there any more from dr john did he die of a heart attack at his own restaurant i wonder what's in his will like if he does die at that restaurant what does he want like make patties out of his corpse parade it around taxidermie it and hang it i bet he's got a crazy plan for it in 2013 john aleman known as the heart attack grill's daily customer and unofficial mascot died after suffering a heart attack and collapsing as he stood at the bus stop in front of the restaurant he was the inspiration for the patient john character seen around the restaurant in 2017 man that's right what's so about this disturbing patient so not oh my god not only did he die at the restaurant because of all the [ __ ] horrible food and not only does dr john have his cremated ashes like it's seasoning for his patties he also used him as a cartoon character to continue to promote it to other people oh wow that's [ __ ] awful because if you stop and realize it i put out a broader far-reaching message about health and fitness than any other physician you absolutely haven't period his reasoning no one thinks of heart attack grilling thinks of i should eat healthy get all the work done but no fitness and changing really all of you customers i can't tell if you're meaning or not so his message of i make this food that kills people so it should teach people about not eating unhealthy is somehow being conveyed to you because that's not what i get if this guy like it's a little different when he's going out of his way to make the food as deadly as possible right and is happy when people die from it i don't think the message really gets across it's more like he found a way to capitalize off the most gluttonous people in society and make a lot of money off it while also being able to take a bit of a high road even though he literally has killed people from it i wouldn't necessarily say the message gets delivered very well that's like saying because mcdonald's exists it has taught me to eat healthy i just don't think that really works in 2013 he was on bloomberg's in the loop with betty lou to talk about his food when he pulled out a plastic bag of powder and put it on the desk then he said sean's ashes i'm here with the cremated remains of someone who died at my restaurant he died of a heart attack at my restaurant and i'm putting the bag clearly on the table i wish that burger king mcdonald's and everyone else would do the same thing when a shocked lou pointed out how grim things had suddenly gotten pretty bold so agreed as he put it absolutely because the entire fast food industry is pretty grim the former employee said that there were more repeat customers than one might expect like locals who would frequently take advantage of the free meal offered to anyone weighing over 350 pounds she also revealed some just that's another thing offering free poor diet certainly does seem that it can contribute to risk over time but no one has yet shown that it has an immediate effect that can precipitate the heart attack i don't know about that i feel like evidence that a one-time trip to the heart the people there are at risk every day and i think it can exacerbate in a 2011 poor diet certainly does seem that it can contribute to risk over time but no one has yet shown that it has an immediate effect that can precipitate the heart attack i don't know about that i feel like evidence that a one-time trip to the heart the people there are at risk every day that was so much more interesting than i thought it would be i've known about heart attack grill for quite a while uh i actually remember back in like must have been college i was reading about heart attack grill didn't know it was so deep though wow [ __ ] wild dr john's a maniac is he still alive in their defense they haven't had a death in eight years i don't know how many more heart attacks they've had in that time but they have not had a death at heart attack grill in about eight years yeah apparently tyler1 and faker went to it i must have missed that i know they did content together was that what they did they went to the heart attack grill we're here at the heart attack grill yeah now i don't know what to expect but let's go jesus tyler's like a real youtuber look at him go there's dr john here this is our entire menu and if you guys don't finish eating you get three he's making goofy thumbnail faces and everything the wine comes to the table in an id bag that's pretty that's pretty cute not really but we tried i'll tell you what caught my eye right away chris the octopus and then i'm also trying to get this what the [ __ ] is he doing actually you're gonna give me a full stick i'll take a full stick yeah let's go faker going in now imagine if someone had a heart attack and died during this video there's some stranger in the back maybe do you think i can get one bite does he even finish a single patty i feel like one paddy's already like 6k calories in my heart somebody help me it's honestly pretty good listen this is so wholesome i'm done or not it's like an episode of spongebob like spongebob and squidward go to the heart attack grill i'm gonna love it i don't know if you will but i'm gonna love it listen don't do it too hard oh it's gonna be hard how many three let me at least make it fast like probably not handsome together it's gonna break the paddle on his ass all right here is one holy [ __ ] she cranked that [Music] that windup was nuts she's getting like a happy gilmore running start she hates him i'm so sorry i actually bet that would hurt like a it with you [ __ ] that was so [ __ ] wholesome
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,299,424
Rating: 4.97715 out of 5
Id: 7xlC0kzUX7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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