MrBeast Burger Tier List

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this is mr beast burger to your list one of everything yeah one of everything on the menu as you all know we like mr beast but we're gonna be real harsh today yeah the gloves are coming off no bites yeah is this everything i think so so these are the fries beast style those are the normal fries i got more of the normal price so chelsea can eat today yay um i guess start opening them let me know what's in them or it can be a surprise no i just don't just go one by one yeah yeah okay you're going to you're going two ways yeah yeah okay get [Music] normal first yes this is how a man eats his fries on a fork that's good i like that seasoning it's got a little kick to it paprika is there any kick to it not really there's like there's like there's spice to it yeah it's not spicy but there's spice on it no i can i can handle this easy because i'm much stronger now after the psycho serum i'm a changed man a stronger man they remind me of a certain spice but i can't put my finger on it pepper no like an actual mix that you can get at a restaurant oh cumin i mean like there's a restaurant that uses this similar mix on them now you're just sounding stupid i'm sorry very similar seasoning to the taco bell fries doing mm-hmm go ahead this is your lunch you can take one of the bags there you go we feed chelsea once a day and she has to pay for it yeah and it's always some form of potato this is these fries are really good yeah i like them they did a good job imagine if the mr beast location wasn't an hour away and we got them fresher now we're good i don't think we should handle that that'd be too much all right where are you putting them in the in the to your list um well we're definitely not getting them at their best because they're kind of old now because it's really far i'm actually really enjoying these i'd give it a mess though i think once these are like actually refreshed the rest yeah yeah and their current state a mm-hmm but well i feel like you have to factor that in because you can't go there to eat because they have the number two so that's just the way that they are right wow i wonder yeah like how fresh can they possibly be unless you like actually live right next to one because it's not a physical location you can visit you have to order it interesting might have to be egg here yeah i think we just keep them at a2 then all right now i'd like to talk about this plate i've mentioned them multiple times in the past and because i'm a big fan of their products they're metal posters that have beautiful art on them which you can also customize if you want but even if you don't want to they have an incredibly robust catalog of art to choose from and you just easily mount it on your wall and it looks great it's a step up from a normal traditional poster because it's just a really beautiful metal piece that just really stands out and i think it's great you've probably seen a few of mine like i own the vagina disc plate that i've had in a couple videos yeah i wasn't exaggerating when i said they have a robust catalog i didn't even ask for the vagina it wasn't like a custom piece i just found it so they really do have a lot of options and it's super easy to mount it took me a couple seconds and i'm not really like a genius or anything especially when it comes to like any handy work so mounting that was super simple actual seconds so if you're interested in trying display and having some beautiful pieces around your room you can click the link in the description below to get up to 33 off your display so yeah just click the link in the description for getting up to 33 off your displayed order now let's try them beast style in itself that's [ __ ] can you explain what b style is yeah jimmy usually trims his pubic hair over there um but there's pickles onions looks like cheese ketchup and mayo maybe mayo on fries yeah has he gone insane he might have let's give it a try oh and mustard that's like i think they just grab everything and throw it on there that's kind of good those pickles go wild in there they actually do i don't like pickles yeah no these pickles go kind of nutty in here holy [ __ ] you might want to try one of these danny you would like to i'll go in on all this stuff after you guys are done those are scrumptious these are really good i could imagine this at like a like a ballpark that you pay 40 bucks for and you're like [ __ ] that was actually kind of worth 40 bucks i'm not a huge mustard fan but that mustard slaps in here every single like quadrant you visit here has a new visitor like a different surprise oh my god i imagine like to get this recipe he just emptied out his pantry into here just took like everything and just onions quick yeah i can use that whole thing so i'm gonna yeah it's not stuff i'm wearing those nests oh it's the carl's grilled cheese this is the carl's grilled cheese deluxe oh it's a limited time it looked like so carl's grilled cheese they invert the burger and squish it down so this is the inside i gotta say that looks [ __ ] good it does um but the carl's grilled cheese deluxe has a patty on it i actually have heard complaints about carl's grilled cheese that it always always always is like a dry or soggy it's never like at the right temperature or whatever huh but i really think that's just because of location being far yeah so i feel like this is basically a patty milk yeah like i don't think it looks good carl doesn't do this himself yeah true okay you can have that piece thank you oh lots of onions i'm not very i'm not a big onion i love onions i eat them raw all right that tastes like minecraft i'm getting hints of that yeah very pixelated it's weird because i thought it would just be a patty melt but they put so much cheese it really does taste like a grilled cheese with meat in it i don't know how to explain that like my mom accidentally dropped the hamburger helper in there every time that's good that's good that's a lot of onions right there but i'm gonna go for it that's a lot of onions and i love onions so that's good for me can i just ask why you're eating that with a fork my hands are dirty yeah you idiot oh yeah of course sorry i have a napkin you're gonna lose your mind when i eat a burger with a fork if only we had bathrooms here yeah that doesn't make any sense we don't have that yet i think that's really good that looks good i want to try i'm going to give it an a i will also be giving that well actually i might do that now you like onions i'm not a big onion guy but that's crazy they made me like the young same with the [ __ ] animal fries or whatever they're called they're not called animal fries beast fries yup that's the one i really like their packaging they've done a good job it really is playful it does remind me of them i have pokemon cards whoa that's a big boy what is it i might not be able to get my fork in there i think this might be chandler's style i'll look it up um but it's got fries that's serving execution that's actually like a huge burger yeah that's massive here you want to cut it while i look it up yeah what else we got in there fries bacon fries bacon burger and cheese yeah oh that sounds like my kind of burger all right so yeah that first one was the carl's deluxe and this is oh this is chris style let me get a napkin i'm just gonna give them all to you okay this is chris's style i have a strategy we're gonna upgrade he's gonna grab it with the napkin all right i'm ready i'm not a big bacon guy so i don't know how i like this yeah that i like crispy bacon and this doesn't look like crispy bacon right in the middle um probably my least favorite so far i can agree with that um it's not bad the fries don't do anything it dries it out a little bit i don't like the bacon a ton remember when you made bacon on the grill with the ordinary sausage and wonderful no and you dropped it on the ground yeah that's this kind of bacon ground bacon i kind of liked my bacon though i don't know if it's like because of the actual recipe calling for sewage bacon or if it's just like it was so far away that it started to rot sewage bacon um so yeah my problem with it like i said i like crispy bacon i don't think that was ever crispy no that's flimsy bacon which is a stylistic choice yeah exactly some people probably like that bacon i think the fries dry it out a little bit yeah would have been better with some like ketchup yeah it needed some sauce on it it needed some condiments it's not bad i just wouldn't order this again so i give it a c high d i was thinking high b c is a little generous i'm not a fan of that bacon the fries aren't really a not really star player in that formula definitely needs some sauce i think the thing carl's had going for it is the bun was so thin whereas this is a fat bun which once again it would have been better if it was a warm bun this feels like something plankton would make trying to emulate a grabby party but he couldn't quite get it is this the choice grilled cheese nondual i don't know yeah i wonder what the charlie style can do you didn't catch me staring to the camera can i put it on this plate are you fine with that whoa that is not how carl would have done it he's wiping it off it's fine look it's all better i can't believe you just ruined the car carl just had a heart attack somewhere i'm sorry girl he felt that i'm sorry carl oh my god yeah your phone's ringing all right let's get in here i'll cut this one yeah it's a lot of bread there's a lot of bread to cheese ratio yeah would you stop stabbing your food why there's sauce on here i can't tell get in here at the cross section there's like some mystery liquid in there you can also wait hold it still here we go it might just be cheese yeah it might just be cheese well there is like a rogue onion hanging out that's from the plate yeah all right yeah is it a mystery liquid or is it actually just cheese not just cheese i feel like that definitely needs to be hot yep that just felt like i dug into bread but i had like some cheese whiz in there in the middle of the champs i'm not going back for seconds on that that's the weakest now the deluxe bangs that that maybe that's why they measure their water they have the normal instead it needs more yeah not for me i will say though even the weakest ones here are better than the bts meal so and the mcrib the mcrib actively made me sick yeah that made me ill like i am not unhappy with any of these yet yeah like i'm being very harsh but that's compared to the like good ones we've already had compared to the others i put this in f yeah once again that's relative in real life it's a d yes we're moving on this almost spits this is beast style oh i am a fan of the previous beast stuff yeah jimmy's gotta be involved i wonder if it's the same stuff i think it probably says plate me it's his own recipe and you know what just to avoid the table it's like opening a little present on christmas oh wow i like the butt on this one seems a little more pressed than the last one what do we got in here it looks like toad's head here i'm gonna i'm gonna give it a little lift off oh oh wait it was a full lift was that some ejaculate from jimmy here look full lift torso oh yeah we got onions and pickles hanging out okay what's that sauce male marshmallow oh marshmallow and then we've got ketchup and mustard on the top um so yeah it's a pickle onion ketchup mustard and marshmallow burger oh let's give it a try it could be vanilla ice cream i'm not sure yet i haven't tasted it maybe it's sour cream oh my god that would be charlie's burger yeah jimmy's it would just be a burrito with sour cream in a bun i'm gonna have to go with the old grab technique again why do you always go across why don't you grab it oh no you can have that one thanks man oh boy oh my [ __ ] god if only he had fingers he could use if only those fingers were clean oh no i touched it with bare hands no condom uh-oh oh i touched it raw i'm still trying to get mine onto the bun oh you're in for a treat that's good i'm missing half of it now so for some what of a treat [Music] it's like the beast fries on a burger [Music] do they belong on the fries more than long on the burger i think the fries are better but this is a good burger this is good i'm going back in for seconds that's an s um let me just take a quick nap these are some special pickles or something man they have so much flavor i think it's the mustard the mustard is packed with flavor or maybe the marshmallow it could be the marshmallow marshmallow comes in strong there so we just put like add in the title or do we need to say something new yeah how much was he paying us yeah jimmy we need to upgrade that yeah dog [ __ ] for how nice we're being yeah jesus he only paid us enough for bee tears yeah was that all of it oh there's more there's like intermission all right there's a lady inside this out of here there's this that's more than you haven't seen the secret one at the end of a bigger table we're gonna need a bigger move baby all right what's next let's let's finish off with the burgers chandler style boom so it looks like chandler style is just plain mmm ah interesting it's got cheese on it i mean like nothing else it's a plain cheeseburger what was chandler's style for the grilled cheese do you have one for grilled no no grilled cheese is just carl just carl and then i'm gonna guess people weren't a huge fan of the grilled cheese so they did looks and killed it yeah this looks good it looks like a burger you'd get at like a high school football game wrapped in tinfoil yeah yeah there's not a whole lot to this this is just standard american [ __ ] right here got a beard hair on my tongue quick little pose no do you think that was jimmy's beard hair yeah it definitely came with the meal it was on the beast i thought carl was working today and he just made these himself that would be nice flew to tampa to do that oh my god yeah that's practical had to really stretch i feel like this is going to be dry not as dry as you think but not very it really is like the high school boyfriend now that's good i'm not a fat it tastes like a burger that your dad and his friends would make a barbecue cookout kind of thing absolutely but they're not very talented yeah they're competent yeah like they're good enough to get food on their wearing why don't you use it on any other stuff you said was driving that ketchup this whole time you're skewing the results all right i won't do it this was just for my own personal enjoyment i'll rate it without the ketchup it's [ __ ] up actually oh yeah get in here for the [ __ ] up ketchup i don't know i just found it when i pulled that out i'm lying that was my pocket ketchup that just tastes the same but with a little ketchup i don't know what i was expecting shocker it's so different now all right oh rate it uh see i was going to say it see it's plain it's just a c what's next all right so i'm going to let you decide you know who that is right there right oh my god yeah can we save that for the end audience is going to lose their mind yeah that's going to be nuts oh my god i'll give you a hint he matches the walls oh what is that there's been more in the back yeah see if anyone can you want to do that now or do you want to move to the chair i just do that now they have chicken they do i didn't know that let's do one dream it's the dream burger made in collaboration with the finest astrophysicists at ivy league schools oh poor dream oh there's less avocado there better not be lettuce on that burger oh that's my [ __ ] mind i hate lettuce oh i thought you're going to say like you're allergic i'm just like i've seen you eat lettuce what's wrong with lotus on burgers i don't like lettuce it's such a waste like it doesn't do anything what is it it adds like crunch everyone says that but it yeah i don't care anymore it adds like a very subtle little crunch that's going to crunch that romanian what is that all right let me try this bacon it looks crispier it looks like brisket almost what the [ __ ] is that i'm i'm telling you right now when you cut it i'm feeling like oh my god that's avocado oh no yeah it's starting charlie you have to retain your integrity as a journalist i am taking that lettuce off i'll eat the sour avocado all day over lettuce we're going in god the lettuce i won't let them say that i skewed the results i'm sweating so hard eating this look at that cross section is this bingeing with babish was he in the kitchen it looks pretty good go for it oh okay there's no way i don't like that lettuce yeah i don't like lettuce either all right i'm going right in it doesn't have any flavor though this is going to be a big bite get ready onions pickles yeah they hid pickles in the avocado oh that's not for me that is also not for me that's not that's not for me now in their defense i'm gonna yes once again if it wasn't an hour the avocado would have been a little more fresh but yeah made it pretty mushy yeah i kind of felt like i had some baby food on a burger there yeah that is absolutely not for me either i i didn't like that i love avocado but that avocado was way too emotional yeah old i think that's not their fault though it's no it's not i mean dream didn't sabotage this or anything well we don't know that you may have known it was coming to you by that [ __ ] penguin guy all right let the avocado just [ __ ] on it instead of putting avocado that's some brown avocado right now yeah it is not looking good that's going to be a d i actually still think it's better than the um the crisp style yeah yeah and at least had moisture but yeah it's still a dude that's a d this is a chicken sandwich baby oh that looks good this actually looks pretty solid oh i see [ __ ] lettuce peeking out matt it can't be solid if there's lettuce on it that's true i don't understand your vendetta against this is so dumb like it's so i don't know like useless the crunch you know the only time i eat lettuce if i'm having a salad tell me tell me how much crunch that gives you there's more crunch than if there wasn't lettuce on it yeah but it's still not worth it it's not like a noticeable crunch when you have like the whole thing it was actually noticeable oh you you've been brainwashed by romaine it's so insignificant the fact that you hate it so much is irrational that's but that's why though because it's just such a white entire life yeah it just doesn't do anything there's no nutrients it doesn't add like a very useful crunch it doesn't do much spicy onions add more of a crunch true uh did you have the blind crunch nice all right which side would you like um that's a big tendee oh it's like a big do you think they just sell tenders don't you get one of everything oh yeah so they don't all right i'm going in we got to the bottom of that cheers yet oh yeah we have to choose you passed on some of your lettuce somehow i missed the chicken tender how are we feeling matt chicken is my chicken pink this is nashville hot chicken it's not really hot i guess if it was pink i know i think that's the sauce no it's not painful it's probably dark meat or pink yeah orange is raw that is nashville hot i don't want another pickle wait are you actually feeling it i was literally about to say it's nashville hot but there's no hot all right i'll go back in burning my [ __ ] lips whose style is this oh nashville it's the devil style oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] that's anyone now are you what are you [ __ ] around ah all right rate it um it's a b for me it's like a d for me i can't i can't taste anything besides pain you really don't feel it at all not even an ounce last one last one what do we got hey screen shake up bags thanks daddy that was good this is the normal chicken sandwich was this one we're going crazy for at the end that you saved no that was the dream burger that charlie decided to just it was a collaborative effort that we decided on i said you want to do this now and you said yeah watch this now that i've sanitized my hands watch what i'm going to do i'm going to save this goodbye lettuce no you're ruining the integrity of the sandwich right now this isn't for your personal enjoyment this is for your rating oh yeah it is for science oh that's the good stuff that sounds so what's the difference between this chicken sandwich and the other one it's not hot right not hot baby okay that means charlie gets to play we're in your neck of the woods now yeah that chicken looks good it does look pretty good kind of like ball game chicken all right let's do it well that's not very good mm-hmm that's not very very plain that's very [ __ ] hoof yeah so it needs the hot sauce on it yeah i mean it hurt me but i actually probably would prefer that but it's not even the hot it's almost like they remembered to season those chickens and not this one yeah this is let me try just the chicken i mean it's just going to taste like a chicken tender hmm wait but look at that look at that one that's not seasoned oh wow let me see let me get in there let me get that out of your way wow yeah that's all right someone like dropped the whole cube of seasoning right on that one spot that's a much better point that makes sense do i have any of those yeah yeah there's a little on mine over here a little sunburn that's a fogging no problem that's a lot better yeah i think the chicken does not compare to the burger no this seems like it very much an afterthought you know it's like oh you don't want a burger i guess there's some chicken yeah um i'm fine it's like school lunch chicken yeah absolutely that's a good way to put it i'm going to just give it a c like it's not offensive or anything exactly like the plain burger you get this out of school yeah it's fine see baby there were some stars though like there were some bangers though yeah kind of got like when they try and get plain it's just not for me you like playing [ __ ] though i do like playing the show you'll probably like that grilled cheese i could do all day i'll try the plain burger in a minute as well once we stop that was that was good yeah that was the fro they've really got the fries down in fact can you give me the mr b yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's open these back up we didn't get a good enough look the first one yeah i'll get i'll make sure i get this one this time yeah thanks here let's try this i'm going right into the epicenter here like these are really good um who would have thought putting cheese in all three condiments on french fries was good and pickles and onions and mayo that's true don't sell them short yeah i'm sure there's other [ __ ] in here that we don't even know you have undiscovered elements yeah we're getting to the bottom and there's like meat plutonium it was good
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,678,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7bQl_bVZd8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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