I Made The Most Difficult Maze In Gaming History

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no it's not a trash obstacle course i'm trying to make like an actual obstacle course i mean i guess it's a trash obstacle course though because it leads to waste management and it's also just a dog [ __ ] course in and of itself but the point is that the message it sends waste management knows how to have fun we can get wacky and goofy this is definitely a job for more than one person hey hey charlie big man what's going on not much not much going on what is this place this is looking nice it's uh it's an obstacle course here follow me i'll show you what i've got so far whoa you're recreating the warehouse in game i see yes sir yeah it's uh do you guys know how to make an obstacle course because it's it's not very good you know how sometimes kids get lost you got to like get them out of there of course thinking that maybe we should add one of those in here it might be helpful some people get stuck no no i don't think anyone's gonna get stuck you have to be a real idiot to get stuck here sure sure let's just yeah let's just imagine a real real dumb dumb ops in you know probably skilled at other things in life but maybe just moving around a little bit tougher for them because they're large or something what then oh you know this we'd have to really look at doomsday protocols for something like that i think i'm not sure how we tackle that i'll tell you what i'm gonna go fill up my water and by the time i'm back i hope to see you up here yep oh oh there it is i was just playing is all oh yeah okay yeah i'm gonna go fill up my water now you you'll you'll get out of this dangling no no no you're good i'll be right back okay great help help help i'm stuck i need help i'm stuck oh i'm stuck step kittens and i need help getting out i'm i'm tremendously stressed out let me get on top of you i can push you out ready yeah i would love if you could just come here and really help me out you [Music] no you can't break it this is not mine this is it's monsters i don't want to break it just stand on my head you need a mountain meow yeah let me see if i can get on top of you yeah get on top of me maybe if you get on top of me oh my god it actually worked it actually worked oh step cat oh let me repay you come here i have to give you something what's the tip meow i see you wiggle this way out more extra scrap from the 20 i was gonna pay you get the [ __ ] out of here i'm so [ __ ] sick and tired of these [ __ ] acting like us cats what the [ __ ] happened hey brew hey let me show you what i got yeah yeah let me show you that's like a little dev entrance so i don't have to keep running the whole course to get up high maze is better yeah honestly maybe a maze is the play thanks to resub some guy gary yeah but i don't think a maze is as fun as an obstacle course an obstacle course is fun it's like a maze is kind of boring but an obstacle course is thrilling i uh it's too far have you timed yourself so far through what you've got no no no no it's it's it's hardly an obstacle course i was hoping for jumping puzzles traps all kinds of [ __ ] it was ambitious but now the reality is setting in yeah for sure so i'm thinking i might just tear the whole thing down and just make a maze full of traps i guess you need help with demo or ah yeah probably well we might as well just keep it here and just be built elsewhere what do you think where's where is a good place to make a maze there's a tier 1 in manual field back here looks pretty open yeah there's a couple houses there though but they probably like to be part of the maze what's happening in the back oh i don't know if it's not a maze i don't care so this is our first dead end over here maze management that's pretty cute okay so when you come over here oh there's another tree oh yeah we could make a maze where it's only in circles forever that'd be good i also need a tool a tool cupboard uh yeah i've never designed a maze before but this is kind of where i'm at right now like this is our first dead end where you come this way maybe we can branch off over here and it's another dead end [Laughter] yes they'll never expect it fall trap yeah and then yeah we could just keep building them up and then it oh it'll be big all right two doors all right immediately blew that good good good okay not even i know where this maze is gonna go so then where's the right way to go oh wait that'd be huge what if the right way is to like crouch under one of these actually i don't think yes oh it'll be a super secret path that's what i'm so this is what i'm thinking this will actually be the right way where you crouch under here and this will be the right path to go no one would expect that this is gonna be the hardest [ __ ] maze of all time yeah oh [ __ ] yeah this is looking so good okay okay this will not be a dead end instead it'll be a [ __ ] trap yeah i definitely want to do shotgun traps it's just i don't want to like blow up all my doors and i also don't know if i have enough wood or enough stone to make that work but i think i probably do if i had to guess bang i actually would really like that to be a stone trap or yeah like stone here so you walk in here all of this is stone and you just get [ __ ] blasted okay so that's the right side it's gonna look like the maze is impossible at first because if you go to the right side you get blasted you're like oh well the solution must be on the left side because i'm just a [ __ ] idiot and i can't think abstract so you come over here like oh it's probably here oh what do you mean it's a dead end i must have missed something you'll be saying to yourself ah of course i have to go up this is the right way damn it oh god oh god damn it oh what in tarnation it's an unbeatable maze they'll be saying but then when someone really stops and thinks they'll be like wait a minute and then bang the right way oh [ __ ] genius i i well i trapped myself now but yeah that should be good enough i don't think you can escape with that there this is i'm going to make this the most absurd [ __ ] labyrinth ever uh if someone falls on that they're probably going to die right or am i going to need to like make sure because i mean if you fall on that unfortunately you can kind of get out is this a h holmes murder castle yeah that's what it is well the thing is though even if someone does get out of the maze there's nowhere for them to finish it because everything's going to be walled in so it should be fine like i think everything should be pretty clear hey hi charlie quick repair before he sees it oh no oh his name is his name is chucky that's so sweet thank you the waste management thanks you hey do you guys want to check out the maze we're working on he's apparently little but he gets the job done oh he'll be a faithful companion for sure let's see how bo is doing in the maze oh no he's in the maze right now yeah yeah he's the prime john how you liking the maze anxiety i don't think i can go in here it's not we're not super deep yet so don't worry it'll be fine oh jesus christ all right i see a flaw you should put a pitfall there is actually we have those it's on the second part of the maze actually yeah oh they just left yep no problem they never even found the second part brew yeah you can even see the second part oh wait i see they're going around to try and scout it out to make sure we weren't lying i did it i'm out god damn it no i gotta work on b land but uh i have i have rights i told you mazes sucks billboard right no no no it's okay god damn it well [ __ ] it i'm going to finish the maze anyway brew you need a reward at the end the reward should be the uh the knowledge that you're the smart you're smart enough to figure out where the secrets are i'm not giving up on the maze look at how good it's already looking of course i'm not giving up on it can't do lap land mines it'll just blow up my wood structure because all of it's going to be made out of wood except for like the shotgun trap areas bang see even i got confused for a second and i made the [ __ ] thing oh what if you're supposed to fall in the hole and this whole route here is just a ruse oh this looks good this looks real good the thing is then people that do [ __ ] up and fall in here they'll accidentally be going the right way but that'll really confuse the like the really galaxy brain players i like that okay we'll do that hello traveler hello this is amazed you want to try it oh waste management yes oh [ __ ] amazed yeah it's a it's a real it's a brain buster though i warn you oh really okay okay should i there's no there's no death traps or anything right no not yet but there will be well there is a couple but i don't know if you'll make it to them actually it's pretty tough oh this is the recent waffle start this is a lie hmm the first of many tricks in the maze wait a moment is this is this part of the maze it will be but are you so sure you went the correct way what if i was to tell you i don't know yeah so i have no way of you getting out of there right now but there was another path that you missed oh yes the maze is full of surprises it is indeed full of surprises wow yes and just wait till it's done good sir to uh yeah to thank you for showing me this would you like to try a free sample of my tea oh absolutely that so that window jump worked really well it didn't even occur to her to just drop down because the natural thing is ah interesting i guess the right way is going through the window also for this path what i'm going to do is there's going to be a doorway on every single ring here except this one it's gonna be a little like bear trap like two bear traps here you have to jump over but then it's just door door door door door door door door shotgun i like that idea hey waste management oh no no you can't you can oh boy oh oh boy [Music] that was bold all right you're gonna have to really flex your abstract thinking muscles here oh no no that's that's wait leah that's that's a dev block that's for devs no no no leah leah come back down that's that's not going to be there and it's finished for him all right now i'm thinking here where i say start this is where you start oh you think you can trust the maze oh oh look at this there we go you fool the first of many ruses in the maze the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i figured it out are you so sure about that well this is where you start clearly don't go toward where the arrow points the maze has claimed two more souls they're editing it as we walk no okay yeah yeah how the [ __ ] oh this is [ __ ] i bet you feel like a real fool can you beat this it's gonna take a real genius to figure this out wait this isn't the right way either what the [ __ ] the maze has many [Music] mysteries see if you can make it i see and then you go this way oh that that was a bold choice just a trip this is how they trap you i see what's happened here oh that's uh whoa we won the maze is not yet beaten but you have alerted me to a potential problem with the maze an outcome i didn't consider well i do say i've never seen this in the maze oh there's many right ways and wrong ways who's to say well excellent work i hope you enjoyed the maze you did it wait that was the end uh no neither one of you found the right path there is one more path that was the correct one oh my god yes it's been solved oh my god i win it feels good doesn't it would a window work no i literally can't build on this side for some reason which is very sad that's a good maze i i completely forgot i i i just made it and forgot it was there brew are you are you around the maze has claimed its first soul brew help help help brew help i'm deep in the maze i stared too long into the abyss and it stared back oh that's perfect so you have to come around here and find this note oh and it should be a giveaway that that's that has to serve a purpose because it's not any electricity like i'm not using electricity in the maze this is the [ __ ] most big brain maze ever made in gaming oh charlie yeah yeah yeah yeah can you hear me oh good i actually killed myself on one of them so they worked then yeah yeah yeah first one's gonna be a bear trap here brew any chance you're still around here okay no worries just a speedrun strat i'll end up back at base people can speedrun the maze yeah well yeah since there's gonna be jumping puzzles there is an element of speed running that could be uh added to it i am so excited for this [ __ ] maze man oh my lord i forgot i was low on health oh yeah cut off this dev entrance do i have any other entrance here by chance [ __ ] i do not oh yes i do here's one the maze is always full of surprises oh okay full maze walk through thanks to three sub cat with manners start you come through here you enter our first chamber and your [ __ ] idiot for believing the maze tells the truth that's the wrong way you feel like a real fool so the naturally processable elimination you go left immediately you get two quick choices this is also wrong so then naturally the last thing you're thinking is it's got to be up here this is the only way left there's nowhere else in the entire facility ah but what do you know it's still wrong also i should really close this what you didn't realize what your puny [ __ ] reptile brain didn't process is there is actually another path right here and then this is where the real maze begins then there's a another couple options here right leads into the the pit here left is the correct choice then you have another really difficult one do you take the staircase or do you trust this weird door you'd be a fool to trust this door a lot of people like to think that the obvious choice is the wrong one so that's why i put that there to really make them think get them firing on all cylinders taking the staircase up get to our next brain buster going right again big mistake you're a [ __ ] idiot left is looking good from the left side oh man that's a dead giveaway i need to i need to close this off better i didn't realize you could see this entire side uh anyone got any ideas on how i can hide this side no no no it's not fine it's not [ __ ] fine so the idea is the only way you'd see this is by dropping down here but most people wouldn't expect that because you have this window here so you'd go through the window thinking this was the right way you'd make this jump thinking like oh i'm definitely going the right way you jump over the half wall you'd see all these doors you're like oh this is absolutely right i did the puzzle also i'm gonna hide a clue over there on that wall but the correct way is actually to fail the window jump i think it's pretty obvious like if you see this and then you'd see a door down there like huh what the what's that door there for i need to figure out a way to block this off at least a little bit there's got to be something so do you have any idea on how we can hide this like because when you're coming here you see that entire side do you have any idea what we can do to hide it it's just everything from here up that needs to be closed bro you just [ __ ] did it is that a sign the biggest sign they had that's that was the one that's what we needed right there yeah i think so i think that makes it significantly less obvious that there's something over there now let me hide these good [ __ ] bro all right i'm just running through the course right now checking things out that was the big issue these are all trap doors back here hidden is another one of the notes that gives you part of the cipher for the final door oh i need to put bear trap brew you still here it said it's that same old bear trap down here this maze has really come along nicely really happy with it so far holy [ __ ] yeah it was it had a lot of moving parts i think you would just have to i think you would just have to make like a new one right yeah i don't think i can rebuild this i'll have to just completely start a new one oh nice these were pitfalls in the maze that's one of my no my hey my one of my ciphers was still in there god damn it oh um [ __ ] uh [Music] actually prime harp the tier one mud kip in the prime chimp it's all right it's okay god the maze was [ __ ] nuts if i do manage to rebuild even kind of close to what it originally was there's only like two things i changed that's what i was gonna try and do is it uh what's the fastest way to break these is it machete i see thank you man this is the fastest way i noticed that is a good speed run strat all right thank you i'm pretty happy with this right here most people probably like when they go this way they're not going to turn around and see this and think like this is the right way i don't think plus they'll try and make the jump and have a hard time until they eventually get it they have to keep trying so it'd take like a really astute gamer to get that i feel like this makes it might be a little more obvious that that's the right way to go now but this should be fine i just don't know how i'd guide people up the rock oh sweet thanks madison the resub cheese because i'd like to use the rocks as part of the jumping puzzle but i don't know how i'd actually guide them there actually that's pretty good i think it's a little more obvious that this is a path to take as opposed to the last maze so that's that's nice that it's like this tight you should be able to see this one coming through okay uh okay that'll work that'll work i don't have any food i'm fine if i die in the maze it's not a big deal i'm close enough i can just come right back if someone fails make them pay to try again i like that yeah that's how i'll finally make some [ __ ] scrap jesus that is i don't know if you can make that tuna can lamps i'm saving for a uh a good play in mind like i have a really good obstacle with tuna can lamps [Music] so from there we go what here is that higher oh wow can you make that [ __ ] that might be a little too high this is this is nerve wracking actually reset mic i think that might be too high [Music] let's see no you can make that you can absolutely make that it's going to be a really precise jump but you can make it that'll be the last part of the outside jumping though and then we'll keep them we'll keep the uh the maze going but that'll be the last jumping part for that area yep oh man that's that's a [ __ ] tight that's tight though but yeah you can absolutely make it okay good all right well we finished our jumping puzzle i'm actually a lot happier with that jumping puzzle than our original one so that's good oh that'd be kind of cool for like a little secret area too there could be two secrets here if you want to really stop and look for them cypher on this side what can we put on that side food oh yeah we can hide some food in the maze all right this i'm actually really happy with how the maze is looking right now it's actually a lot better than the last one okay we'll put something back here i do like the idea of putting food here after the jumping puzzle so these will be a foods a food storage crate he fell for the first trap he made a big mistake trusting the maze oh oh what the hell uh-huh oh he immediately sniffed that out oh but he gave up pretty quick [ __ ] yeah so far he's gone to every wrong location oh jesus uh yeah so that's that you you die in there here i'll just break you out though i told you it might be too tight oh he's going for it there there we go yeah that would also be a spike trap once i get that going that'll be a bear trap wow you just first tried all of those jumps okay this is cool yeah the ending i was just confused because the jumping i was like do i have to jump here yeah yeah yeah i like that okay yeah there's going to be a lot more to this though you i will say you missed three ciphers that i've hidden in the maze yeah so there's a code that you'll need to piece together through clues that i've hidden in the maze in very specific areas so there's a lot to this what the hell okay is that how you win though yep you'll need to piece together all of the clues to get the final code that'll unlock the last door but don't tell anyone i told you that's going to be a surprise for people that kind of bee-line it to the end okay no i definitely won't that's that's awesome that parkour is gonna mess up so many people by the way yeah hilarious i'm excited man i can't wait to get this actually going i think you should definitely put some spike traps under here yeah yeah that's what i was thinking as well i just don't have any spike traps so the reason i need the ladder is because that jump you made on the left there's going to be a cipher there but you missed one on the right but if you go to the left i have no way of getting you back on the right path so it's going to ladder on the side of the half wall so i have to go research it let's see yeah no no bro if you need any supplies or anything at all let me know i can help you out perfect well do you have playing around doing like random runs yeah do you have spike traps or bear traps because i don't have the research yet i can look in my base i i'm not too sure but i will look around and i'll trade okay perfect thank you i'm definitely done man yeah yeah no problem i can help you out and if you need resources or something i can also research oh thank you so much man i'm really excited and good work in the maze basically bat raid thank you man so he did a lot better than i thought most people would yeah i'm thinking like in the middle i'll make a giant room with a ton of doors which is kind of what i did at the end of the first maze before it decayed but i'll make it in more of a circle and not all of them are going to be immediately wrong paths some of them will take you to the start some of them will just lead to like a death trap or something but there's there's going to be like one or two right paths that i'll carve out i want this to be a massive [ __ ] maze like amazed that even like speed running will take you like 10 minutes to make it through 10-15 minutes this thing is going to be huge and you're going to have to get all of the clues all the ciphers all that [ __ ] oh oh it's going to be so [ __ ] big honestly it might have been a blessing in disguise the last maze decayed because this one's much better already like the jumping puzzle here is significantly smoother everything flows a lot better there's no jankiness to it this is just a better maze actually what i'd like this is actually a cool idea what i like to do is maybe have this whole thing be like a ruse like when we drew ladder jumps the ladder jumps will go really high you get a key you bring it back back down this door is locked you open this door and it's a shotgun trap that's kind of what i'm thinking right there then the right way to go be how high do i want to make it i guess i'll make it go all the way across i want to see what kind of instincts people have automatic this is kind of what i did with the last maze in the window automatically you'll think the right way to go is like the way that looks like hey this is right you know like there's a puzzle here it must mean i need to solve it to go the right way so i want to see how many people actually do that and come in here and die to the shotgun yeah it'd be nice to have someone help someone that like knows what's possible in the game because i only know like a limited amount of things since i'm not a veteran but even still i'm managing pretty well i think i've got a really solid maze so far like even rey missed a few things in the maze which i'm really proud of that means they were really well hidden i really just want to see if someone can complete it as it is right now or at least close to as it is with a couple of additions i still need to put like the codes or the uh padlock i'm gonna recruit someone to try it i'm gonna see if anyone can beat it in under 20 minutes today and i'll put a bounty on it i'll do uh i think i have a hundred scraps like 100 scrap if you can beat my maze in under 20 minutes with no help you have to come one at a time so you don't get hints let's close the doors and let's see if anyone can complete this in a reasonable time or at all this time there will be no redos this room's not done so we're gonna have to finish that at some point i missed two that's fine this is plenty of bear traps all right once i load the shotgun trap set that up and place the bear traps we are [ __ ] good to go oh baby oh hey welcome to the new maze see someone hey my name is deckard blade i'm investigating a theft uh what's going on what happened i heard the good news maybe you should take cover no no no i trust deckard blade no no no there's nothing there's nothing to fear there's nothing to fear if you're human i'm just gonna take a look around in your maze oh yes maybe if it's not in here ah you fell in the first pitfall yes you can't get out of here you cannot yeah you just have to starve to death in there or i can free you just give me a sec so far everyone literally everybody that has run this maze has fallen in there which is shocking because i thought that was like a really obvious trap oh we did it nice oh it's all good is it ever going to expand yeah this is just version one i just want to see if anyone can beat this in 20 minutes that'll give me a good gauge on things all right we put the advertisement out there let's see who can do it oh kid ken i didn't see you wrong what's up so have you done it is it is it completed uh in its current form yeah this is phase one maze how long are you gonna spend on like i don't know going over this and redoing it until it takes the whole server i'm gonna have its expand across the entire region wow that's going to take a lot of wood oh i have a lot of wood do i need to take it or you can go get a tour of it oh let's just see if you can solve it go for it let's see how you do let's start you got the start here on two doors i bet i can trust this sign i bet i can trust this dead end uh outplayed by the maze this is gonna take you right to the exit right okay he's running he has ran this before oh dear don't fall oh no i can't i can't get you out ken god damn it that's actually a dead end down there oh no break the wall to your uh to your right there make rules there is only one rule you collect the ciphers and win no breaking are you able to fix it yeah i just have to wait 30 seconds looking good boys that is very bold bro no one thinks to turn it off nothing thanks to prime joseph [Music] that trap is too good i'd say i think 20 minutes is ample if you if you somehow on your first try compete complete this in under 20 minutes you're either looking at chat or an actual [ __ ] genius you need lighting nope stuck in the corner no i don't move that's part of the appeal and hope you're having a good day kiwami yeah yeah we did it nice they supposed to do this on your own uh you can't no no i just don't want to show you guys you didn't earn it this whole maze is meant to be solo there is a tactic let's see it leah do you know how to do it you did it how'd you do it this this will set this will set the tone for the whole maze to get you guys thinking the right way what you're supposed to do is turn off the campfire and jump off it [Music] oh turn it off from our jokes how long have they been in the maze already like in this first part like 10 minutes maybe and there's a ton to go i do feel confident that it would take all really lucky really smart or cheater to do it in under 20 on their first try stupid ass twitch it's in here my god he's done it thanks to the five gift subs walrus all right let's see can xqc do it i would be extremely impressed like i said most rust pros well june did beat it he's exaggerating but the majority of the rus pros could not in like a reasonable time hello hello welcome all right so this is gonna this is i think you're gonna have your work cut out for you so first off go into your console and type that command in because you're gonna need it for some of the jumping puzzles there is also a few death traps so you might wanna put a sleeping bag down as well we're not going to loot you or anything obviously but just so you don't have to run so far so once you choose a door the timer starts you have 20 minutes it's a super long maze there are four ciphers that you're going to have to find to solve the last door so keep an eye out for boxes that will have the cipher in them let's [ __ ] run it baby yeah i'm gonna follow you with light all right so i'll let you retry but that right there would be a death trap in the final the final version but you can just restart here all right timer started baby oh very interesting tactic well i don't think xkc would be the kind of guy to read chat i really don't i'm not too worried about that whoa [Music] just for some perspective that jump took vigor h june and rey significantly more tries than you very impressive work he's doing very well like it's already been like almost three minutes but just fine just just finding that key is huge he is this is his first time on the maze he's hitting it blind he is so close he's so close oh how did he not see it he's got it yep very nice that gets him every time baby hold on i'm coming i'm coming hold on [ __ ] [Laughter] for what it's worth you are at part two of a five part maze so you're gonna you're gonna really [ __ ] punch some dick here to make the time limit but you're doing really well it takes it takes it no exaggeration it's taken pretty much everyone else 20 minutes to get to this part you're at right now so you're doing pretty well oh no it's it's just starting to register the question you need to ask yourself is if you can trust the maze in all of its winding paths i'm surprised he hasn't even tried going straight there it is that's definitely going to be a time detriment i think he's going to have he's going to really have his work cut out for him to get a sub 20 after that blunder dude this is madness [Laughter] it's tight everything here is frame perfect i'll just hold on to him he doesn't need him till the end anyway i want to ruin his neurons firing right now he's dialing in entering the avatar state there it is baby oh my god dude don't be don't feel bad it this happens to everyone yeah yeah they hit the tip and then you have to hold backwards and then go like i said it is precise as a [ __ ] it really is unforgiving like i know when i run it it looks kind of easy but i made the [ __ ] thing so you would expect that i could at least get it down to somewhat consistent but like i said even for me i [ __ ] up plenty oh you got this there it is there it is that's a [ __ ] man up there look at that [ __ ] man there he goes oh boy he's looking in the wrong direction oh boy oh oh boy oh oh whoa whoa that's not where you're supposed to go i didn't think you could make that jump so he went right to the riddle he's actually skipped that whole part uh and now i need to fix that [ __ ] how did he make that holy [ __ ] since you're not competing for scrap right now you found uh a crazy speedrun strat so you were supposed to go to the right and get the key in cipher over here but you skipped an entire part getting the riddle like that so really impressive [ __ ] you still need the key in cypher though did he find uh if anyone has a stream open did he get the riddle correct he said in that is a three-letter word but he's thinking correctly okay so this should put it this should put the kibosh on that by having it here uh are you back in the maze by chance what happened to the timer oh it's been probably close to 35-ish minutes now he died over here this is something else yeah it's it's just she's a real cruel mistress she's very fickle he's gotta know her ins and outs that's it oh [ __ ] oh god oh god here uh do you want me to you know you you know the keys up there do you want me to show you the rest so you can see how it finishes yeah so you get the key from up there you get the cipher you have all four notes right yeah okay then you find which one of these doors is right yep and then you put in the answer to the riddle using the cipher so it's a four letter word so four numbers using the cipher and that's the end for now phase one the cipher it's the legend and you'll whatever you found to be the answer to the riddle will fit into that cipher and give you a number and it's three letters so three numbers to open the door yeah baby the first full completion congrats excellent it's a good puzzle though thank you man it wasn't a sub 20 but i still give you a reward hold on hold on hold on here's uh i don't know what do people like do you guys like uh do you like bees man look at this okay okay oh the maze will do that to you even when you win you lose his time was 40 minutes exactly nice uh it was a really really good run the like even before the sequence break he was making beautiful time compared to every like almost everyone else we had so he did an extremely good job unironically so that right now is the world record for the maze 40 minutes on the dot now when the maze is actually done though there uh when you die in it that's just going to be like a full stop or when you get into one of the pitfalls that'll just be a full stop i also need to make this ah jesus christ oh jesus christ oh boy any chance you're still in the maze did you go for a round two perhaps i'm over here hey oh there you are charlie you don't need to explain yourself to me kid you become the maze charlie i know i knew this would happen ken i always knew this would happen no no no no i'm an inside man now but the police have so much trash oh i see it was a ploy the whole time i've infiltrated the biggest producers of trash in the whole town you genius i knew it i knew it who's fools okay you're good whenever you want to run it do you want me to time it yeah yeah so you say he can pick it with scrap right because it's like yeah if you so if you do a 20 minute or less run i'll give you 250 scrap yo that's that's ridiculous uh so before you start the maze though is there a world record board uh i'm going to have one eventually right now the world record is x he's the only one that's completed it so far so make sure make sure to put this in yep make sure to put this in your command console if you're going to do a serious run the physics steps it's used for a couple jumping puzzles i think they're gonna make a big run here yeah you've learned your first hard lesson about the maze you can't trust anything you see here nah i just gotta follow him around i'm gonna put uh cameras at some point i just don't have the electricity finished no no no destroying anything in the mazes is strictly forbidden you think they're gonna beat 40 minutes though uh i don't know so this this right here is the the first test to let you know that you have to think very abstract when dealing with this maze uh so just a heads up there is four ciphers hidden throughout the maze and a riddle that you'll have to solve to unlock the last door so you'll have to really like look around pretty hard to find the cyphers don't do it oh just don't okay uh i'll let you i'll don't feel bad every single person that's ran this maze did the same thing this is just a death trap but without the death trap in it yet so you can just get out and restart if you want oh yeah you would have died there okay you guys did it oh my god don't feel bad no exaggeration everybody h june rey x everyone fell for that same thing we're finding we're close i can feel it scar is on it scar is on it we need to find the code i don't know i don't know if this is part of it but look at this i love that i love hearing that i don't know if this is part of it but look at this that's exactly what i want to hear hold on you have to think very abstract to solve a lot of the puzzles but good work finding the door i will say that that took you guys almost no time to find the good door over there sounds good this part you must jump over here [Laughter] he's right he was here a long time ago yep xqc just did it in 40 minutes and he found a huge skip to skip one of the entire parts of the puzzle so it was really impressive and the time was 40. 20 to get 250 it can be done uh it can be done for 20 minutes you're at 10 40 right now this jump yeah how the [ __ ] just just to give you perspective it really is a super hard jump h june and rey also struggled with it and vigor like it's a tough [ __ ] jump so it's not easy don't feel bad it's a hard i'm telling you it's not an easy maze like there's a lot a lot to it uh you're at 14 minutes i i really don't mind if you guys just want to boost up here just to see the rest of the maze you guys can just go ahead and like head stand on somebody just to see the rest it's totally fine i gotta get this if i don't get this i'm not leaving i'm here until we jump this all right yeah they need they need more play testers for this one hey hey it's supposed to be hard again like when x made his run he got it first try yeah this is this is the first part of the puzzle of the the maze of the escape room it's only getting harder from here that's the first part i'll consider myself an expert it's really i like it the maze consumes more souls yeah hey ken x finished it he got a 40 minute run oh it took him 40 minutes damn yeah he found that's pretty good yeah he found a crazy sequence break i just want to see i know i'm excited ironic do it for us one time so we can see yeah i'll do it again real quick just give me a couple of tries [Laughter] [Music] oh you need help i'm coming hold on [Music] it's been a great experience what why not just head boost you know what yeah surprise we're gonna figure out like this later that was the goal it can't be done it can't be done do the jump again okay dude he's got jet pack he's got a jet pack jason had it on the last one i really thought he was in there it is and there it is oh there it is oh my god oh my god whoa no no this is fake this is actually this actually helped yeah there it is wow nice space boy you man [Music] hey [ __ ] you quick you think i'll get to him pretty quick i think we're not far how the [ __ ] did you make it what the [ __ ] did he make it up already he ran this yesterday here we go space boy the big man mr 40k concurrent right here baby [Applause] there it is talk about gassing me up i'm feeling gas first try too easy look up you got it you go to this one spiderman this one that's impossible thanks to the reset vegan so it unlocks either the door behind you or the door across whichever one you think is the right path oh okay no i gave him a choice i said it's either the door behind him oh my god okay i'll turn it off it's safe and now it's safe now it's safe i love the [ __ ] maze it's so good [Laughter] come on ken i can't make any jumps in this place i can't do anything you've got a kid what the [ __ ] there it is you [ __ ] got it baby ouch thank you tier one beeps there it is yeah good luck with the next one bro yeah if i make it if i don't make it here i'm gonna die no you [ __ ] got this space boy no nice yep he's [ __ ] got it it's a ladder puzzle i'll show you in a second once you get the code word and type in the code with the cipher yeah i didn't do any of that i just wanted to do the obstacles okay yeah yeah then you did it now this maze was made by charlie and a few people have chipped in but it is very well done you'll love it ash this is perfect this is a good maze i hope you aren't planning to go to bed anytime soon though just it's going to be it's going to be a while thanks to the resub i'm lost i give up the maze claims another hole yellow i'm gonna hit the old dusty trail and look at that bright blue sky because i have been stuffed in there forgotten how long now over an hour okay good day sir good luck i smell like tweets it was significantly more than an hour it was like three hours actually some snickerdoodle what the [ __ ] that sounds like the maze that's what i like to hear make a room full of farts all right weird fetish guy okay oh nice oh wait yeah here i can just look here here hold on wait wait wait i'll just let you up i'll i'll help oh my god wait no no i want to restart it okay like how other people felt okay yeah well typically it's like a full restart yeah it's fun yeah oh typically yeah it's cut through i'll restart oh oh okay i'll restart i'll restart all right that's a [ __ ] fighter's attitude right there god damn oh wow you are on world record pace yeah ex xqc holds the record don't tell me that i'm pressured oh okay sorry i'm pressured i don't know where to go i don't know if i want to go this door off the ladder and down the alley hold on this door is supposed to be closed god that trap is always good [ __ ] [ __ ] that trap is good get some every time every time bro holy [ __ ] you did the jumping puzzle already yeah i'm surprisingly okay at the jumping [ __ ] it's the crouch jumping that i suck at god damn oh it never gets old let me tell you what i saw him turn and i saw it coming the whole way uh no official data days the only official time we have there it is let's go just one more ladder nailed it be very careful though thanks for the [ __ ] this sounds nasty no don't don't be scared no no this this is gonna put some hair on your chest this is the one this is the one i'm scared every everyone who achieved greatness was scared once you think uh steven tyler wasn't afraid when he hit that high note in the dream on song that man was probably pissing his pants and now look at him old as [ __ ] but kind of cool i'm trying to get like a safety net out this is this is free this is where you throw no oh oh no no don't throw dude saves me just saves me go do it you go [ __ ] this place man i'm tired of this no no no no no don't go insane hey there we go june's got it i've had enough i've had enough of these [ __ ] ladders no no god wait please i don't have resources i'm poor i had to scrounge up so much if it makes you feel any better uh softy space boy took uh 48 hours to finish 48 wait what well not straight it just took him two days i can't even get on the ladder somebody you go [Laughter] oh jesus june be careful oh wait oh okay i see yeah oh let's put you in there it was [ __ ] close you made this [Music] i know that was that was the point and it's only going to get harder from here i swear to god the world record will be a six hour run i always feel bad when someone spends like a crazy amount of time here she's been in this part for almost an hour she got here at 24 minutes i am so surprised that both of you got the first jump so quickly and this is the one that's holding you up the first jump is the first jump is the like the actual gordian knot though like that one's brutal oh my gosh [Music] the thing is though i feel like i can oh god are you going to beat me to death no you'll never catch me up here oh jesus christ oh i thought i'd survive no no i have mercy on the maze master oh god please
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,277,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CJzl6ry766I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 54sec (4254 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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