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what car was i driving when i first started working at smosh song [Music] so today we're doing who knows me best this is something you guys did like two years ago yeah we realize we know very little about each other yeah well no you did pretty well you know now that we've known each other for four years now we probably know each other let's find out we can I ask each other five questions everyone else is gonna write down what they think their answers are or what the best answer would be and then whoever asked the questions at yeah yeah we're also on Olivia's couch yeah we're at my house and I made them take off their shoes yeah because I think they have dirty shoes I think they have dirty feet can we acknowledge her shoes yeah no fees that's it's like Rudolph is on your foot I think everything is dirty I thought you guys are gonna look at my room and I was gonna tell you guys to not jump on my bed or lay on my bed because I think that you guys are all dirty Wow exactly how I was treated in elementary school I am dirty too and if you guys want us to jump on our bed and go through all our stuff let us know I have this thing where I like even for me this is not I don't think you guys are dirty I mean I think we're all very dirty but before I go into bed every night I have to wash my feet thoroughly why I even put socks on or what my feet off yeah because I think I'm wrong dirt inside my bed because you know it'll go up your butt and like just why don't I you guys but I will roll around on the ground to get sufficiently dirty then I climb into bed so it's not just that you are your own mom so you have a blood infection that's what yeah make sure to always have a button factor I'm holding the camera so I'm gonna ask you don't go in the chicken are you about to eat the chicken off the tails up in there that's really a piece of chicken used to talk to you I thought we're out of talky let's do another game with like what is the crumbs from there let's eat the crumbs my very first question I think it's a it's generally an easy question of a start off easy okay okay what is the name of my dog my dog just fell off the stairs yeah guys my dog fell down the stairs yes so sad no now we got a gate so he can't do it again but he's old no he really he went down 22 stairs and he didn't once fall over it was like he was surfing on the stairs it was like a road run in there 3 2 1 oh my god you said blind dead dog Oh dead what did Toby Keith leak jr. - that's funny I like I like Keith Lee jr. jr. you said blind dead dog no TV is not the name of my dog okay dad and I wrote blind for the past two years no you've been saying that your dog is either gonna die very soon or he's blind and he's fallen off the stairs yes we're doing here straight where she's not lying well guess what nobody gets any point damn my dog's name my dog's name is Cooper he's currently alive and maybe by the time we post this he might not know I found out my friends know nothing about me so far we'll go a little bit I think easier you guys should know this one what is the name of my current girlfriend you know I'll accept a nickname - okay on the count of three hello okay Keith is finishing on the count of three show them one two three oh my god you wrote broke up no nothing happened they're happily legs together okay you know what these three get points to be spelled correctly yeah yeah nickname baby because you call her that all no I dunno nor nicknames chip chip okay yes yeah Turpin II I'm wait no I'm upset about this it's upside down you look broke up what if olivia is predicting the future you know what because I keep it keep blacks no is really funny and you know maybe well right now we're happily together maybe by the time of posting no no no no it's not real that was a joke I love here oh it's right here alright next question what is my favorite movie oh it is my favorite film I've watched it throughout my entire life like literally five times a year probably since the eighties when when I was a kid I would bring this film every time I was at a sleepover well that's coming to America that you've never seen or trading places both of those up never seen great alright so we get it down you guys ready whoa no wait have you know I feel like it's something on this caliber okay are there any Asian people in this stuff are there angels there are noisy people in anything I really had to think I'm unsure if there's an Asian character that's crazy I've never thought about that there might not be oh wow fair what do you do ferns body okay Ferris Bueller's Day Off that's my second that's my favorite yeah I'm very sorry avatar no what is what is Cool Runnings Cool Runnings I never I've never seen cool ready Jamaican bobsled team Charlie's Angels Charlie no it's not it's honest to god my favorite film ever is scary movie 3 cringing because he was around when I got blamed for that the last labor I've never heard you say your favorite movie that's real that's real boy Ferris Bueller's Day Off though that's like a recent like number 2 I think I got too much yeah I heard the other scene is the world of film hey alright so the current score I believe is Ian one Kourtney one keep one and whoa that look at that leaf zero Olivia is there I have no points because I can't are you guys ready for my next question yeah okay what is my favorite restaurant and an extra bonus point if you can guess the nickname my friends and I call it Jesus my favorite restaurant wait it's a fast food restaurant you have to narrow down because facet is different than like I choose to sit down at this place but you can order and and pick it up no there's no dragony right there's no drive every way this restaurant oh yeah yeah that one the nickname is pretty obscure yeah you have to frequent the restaurant often to know oh my gosh you're gonna try it I have to say this Olivia definitely looked at mine and copy I don't see the look that my fellow that's definitely and they started looking I don't know no I actually saw it but then like I was like oh yeah that's it of course yeah yeah okay one two three tommy's Wow Tommy Tommy is I hop Olive Garden and then I also get some nicknames Odin oh so G make tasty well start up with olive garden is the worst restaurant I've ever been without a doubt all you are me was the worst experience at any restaurant I've ever had without a doubt and I've been to sizzler I really enjoyed both of you hit my favorite okay honest to god that it's the late-night spot if you if you've got a designated driver recently being 21 you got to go to Tommy's original hamburgers that is the best hamburger spot but my favorite restaurant is in fact I have if you're on the inside of I hope it spells out Kuo key just backwards okay it's just backwards yeah I just once on those literally in an IHOP for probably 12 hours over the course of a week it was just one of the things I noticed you really like I love I hope what's your favorite thing I have I normally just get a breakfast and right now they've got unlimited pancakes so I go there with like three people and we pay like $10 and everybody's it's great all right also great syrup yeah I can't believe I don't know anything about you it's okay you know I probably will know a lot about you to be honest now it is my turn to ask these fools questions about me all right are you guys ready oh that's a good one my favorite topic the topic this is the benefit of giving Olivia the camera I can go on and talk and talk forever okay are you guys ready for this this is really tricky but if you guys pay attention okay okay if you guys watch my Instagram stories and care about me as a person and my well being you guys would know this what is my favorite thing to eat on the weekends no [ __ ] is it a small green it's not rice no yeah although I do love rice couscous wait I think Ian might know this um nobody look um I know buddy though it's not salad I can promise you it's not salad yeah pasta [ __ ] I said tiny sliders from a rooftop bar again all right Wow oh my god wait hold on okay so the thing is I love spaghetti but you guys got it all wrong what okay so every weekend ie waffles I didn't make that up dude I promise you ie okay I have so many oh you know what I'm gonna show you guys all these photos I take of this waffle that I eat on the weekends okay tiny sliders from a rooftop I don't have tiny sliders a real cowboy I do not like that no can't watch you know this one is good okay hahaha loser who is my hero in life it is not a Naggar ten it is not Mario Batali it's gonna be anymore it is not Ian it is not Courtney excuse me sorry it's not you it's not you it's not Noah's dog what wait did you just give yourself a point no the one point yeah I should give this stuff any more points well in here in your crystal yes do not do that you're like my crystal yeah you can do that isn't it you can feel the energy no actually that's just when I can't feel like I made all right are you done are you writing a paragraph diary three two one mama say oh oh mama swing Jessica garner you mean Jennifer Garner yeah oh my god I love her yeah I said that Instagram exact whom is Asian but that's not why you like her is because she's successful and grounded oh I don't know her name that's pretty good no I love her yes you know you do a pay attention to me if I knew the name no way but Jen garner if you're watching this I'm a huge fan of you I love the video of you making chocolate bread for your kids at 5 a.m. I love you so much also like you deserve someone better than Ben ok like I know he was Bannister but he was even that good as bad man to be honest ok wait wait can you pause really quick I have to do something I have something that I didn't know this house oh my god oh she's gonna ask us questions about her crystals we don't know about her crystals that's what's the name what's the name of your crystal Bobby Roger bobby moynihan out of these five crystals huh which one is my favorite but you have to carefully I'm told I've told you guys about these personals I don't think you told all of us I well that's because you guys don't your hero is that one executive no she's not my mom was my hero we went through that okay so these are my crystals um you guys have to guess which one is my favorite look at it closely okay you guys I feel like you can tell which one my favorite is also how are you guys gonna describe this I got it I got it really yeah I know exactly which one well I got it you know we have to all say that the same exact time okay say the thing three two one dick looking mother oh my god the smallest crystal of men I said you got white one because it kills your farts and I mean this okay my favorite crystal is cougar eyes okay close your eyes okay open up it's the one that feels your farts okay well there's no like you know this is white yeah doesn't kill my farts but I love this one what is it what does that one do well I meditate with this one because this crystal has a lot of growth on here and like you see these ones are pretty smooth but this one has growth that means it's still growing and I I was easy I was very attracted to this crystal because I got it when I was in a period where like I needed to grow usually usually growth some things aren't good do you want to take this home put up your box dude that would hurt so bad I mean if you're not experienced alright I know everything about you know you don't yeah you look what's my favorite Disneyland ride oh I feel like Ian would know this one you guys have to really go back deep into your brain of course okay what is my favorite Chinese dish all right I'm ready and I talk a lot about food okay ready no no you got it wrong cuz I'm just projecting my own my own preference for Chinese food with you okay then I'm my first answer maybe was right because I tried the cheap out here okay ready three you don't have okay okay three two one no food no it's good I wrote it here I just I crossed it out it's called now it's an app oh no dude I was trying to cheese's good good wow you know it's my it's so good it's spicy and yummy yeah it's me nuts your turkey all right all right so currently ian has four points I've got one point keith has two corneas two olivia has zero good job Olivia what if skis turn to ask questions sweets gonna ask us for questions or no - yes we yes I honestly know keep them that's the best yeah okay the well is what about this question number one what's the last airline of fluids what's the last airline I flew on okay so we got a Southwest we have an American we have a Southwest and we have a barbershop - all right all right you know it's not the same thing plane yeah that was no that was last year though no I know that you've been taking the same well good job you got it right whatever okay so what's the last movie I've watched there's a documentary count no movie documentary movie I watched a movie with my eyes I watched a movie I said I'm not cheating I'm just looking at your eyes you're fired you can't cheat here cheater make cheater cheater all right already I'm the cheerleader and you're in did you watch it like yeah I watch it like I don't want to talk about it I wash it on the plane actually I wash it on American Airlines well my okay are you ready why okay I still have a black panther we have a script duck duck nope you got duck what's the scribbles those are the that is not Wonder Woman I know okay and then we have Norbit you got okay and then we have a barbershop five the Barberie Barberie no you're actually all wrong damn this movie i watch to us incredible soup I did I love the merchants I thought the first one before was definitely all right next one so if my mom didn't name me Keith what what would she have named if she didn't any kids what would my name have been did it I told you I told you but do you remember if my name wasn't Keith my mom did not name me Keith what would she have named me that's none of your business I mean O'Brien O'Brien but that doesn't help what you thinking me in I already know you know one two three kikuchi mother's name crying little [ __ ] oh my god so you guys are all wrong [Music] no my mom would've names me Casey hasten case that has nothing to do what my mom wouldn't name it anyway she probably suggested it you weren't there yep you're right Casey ka s ey cryin is pretty funny guys this the last one yeah what grade was I in when I miss my first day of school I don't know probably too short why did before huh what you're missing for I missed because my dad cut my hair and he'd messed it up he messed up my haircut so bad he gave me a box my boxes were not cool anymore I wasn't important and I did not go to school because my mom had to take me to get a haircut that's what happened yeah no I cried I cried and my dad felt bad he did cut my hair like four years after that you're also a really good student I know that you didn't miss a lot of school like not do your parents to her they were all under my eyes efforts I was a good student I wasn't then somehow along the way I just sit you drying another duck okay so we have the sixth grade right here we have a fourth grade we have a second grade and we have a ninth grade drumroll please though okay you definitely just those are really good guys no he said I couldn't afford it no no he used to come here okay what's my favorite movie die asses in the last episode it's different now like from a lot if I had said like guardians of the galaxy was my favorite it's not that's a business jail free card for you guys it's not guardians you will already everyone else ready no that's like it just I know you do it is so nice okay you ready one two three the proud family movie grease to grease to Top Gun no no he literally showed Danna dude that is not my favorite movie but I appreciate you know what the country the city why are you saying it out loud Utah Utah all of you I was born know what kind of trick this I was gonna guess that cuz you're definitely from California we've known that like you've never died you thought it was through Utah for like three years I thought you were at least born there yes moved like very quickly she never said that she's from Utah though huh okay what car was i driving when i first started working at smosh I love that you just whispers we just had a talk yeah and you and you both were in the car too I was in the car with ya then you guys laughed at how she was just spotting to my a where you're talking is really funny is that can tell you that that's wrong that's our okay thank you 96 don't copy me dude you got one good copy the least I can do yeah but my answers right you're wrong written is 96 you gotta fill the rest out yeah okay okay you ready guys three two one 96 Fiat car mini-size I said Chevy Ford 1996 car with wheels no it's I actually read read read you're the closest was it it was a 95 Ford Escort and it was turquoise it was Green oh yeah at the point you didn't get the full answer hey kudos you at the year almost okay I remember you do you do like wavelengths don't show it okay last question right okay what is my favorite pizza like toppings please two answers for this did she get finish our pizza yeah that was still weird I don't know why yeah sound good which is we were you know we're all expected to get a piece of that pizza and then she got the the pizza toppings we were like really good I just wanted just like prove to you that I like you know you're really well so I'm gonna put down some spoons oh okay hold on nothing too personal about what your favorite is just put down the entire venue than a copy of sheep house she draws a detail by detail my vagina Jesus okay you can't say or why did all right guys are you ready three two one cheese cheese margarita pizza with margarita oh yes you do like margarita whoa when you were vegan you ate first for this vegan pizza or have a pineapple or with pepper flakes Oh pineapple helping you and ham also close Oh so lately my pizza I've been getting is favorites no that's wrong that's wrong what is it third ingredient wrong my favorite because other than a classic cheese I love a classic cheese but my favorite pizza toppings is pineapple jalapeno and green pepper and pepper what it was Wow I used to get margarita pizzas when I knew they couldn't do it a lot of cheese beats I've never seen you like it anything else well because they always order like then it's either pine up it's always like pepperoni cheese or a weird veggie one and I always just pick the cheese you can't you have you get a prize get a point but I'm gonna give you guys point nobody gets a point yeah no you're gonna points so generously she get our points this answer this is my world now I control everything current score ian is with six points I'm with three points Keith is also at three points Courtney three points Olivia four points Keith is also tied with Olivia now five points wiggle well Charlie were tallying savez that only comes with one the curse for Ziggy it has six points Noah has three points Keith has four points tied behind your back are all y'all ready I'm ready I'm ready to ask me the question I'm ready I'm ready to win huh what's one thing I can't live without it's true I am a stone said before like like you know you know since we're such good friends I shouldn't have to tell you you should just know like I you didn't you didn't tell me that was your favorite crystal and I just knew because I'm a good friend that's good as the water it's a great note [Music] alright alright three two one go okay I'll see water post veyts post mates phone oh man yeah I have to give a give it to post mates other people can order post my point oh it's true those either don't know post making a food delivery service that I'm not sponsored by them so I don't care if you use them or not alright ready for the next one what is one thing that will always make me laugh you look very sure of yourself [Applause] wait till won't go alright old Smosh pigs the gag oh and someone falls and they get up super quick lemon party or some person breaking or death you guys know me so well it's all those some Smosh videos I'm old Smosh videos are pretty bad they still make you laugh no some of them are just pretty pretty straight up bad so I I'll give it I'll give it to you three oh well done give yourself a petit point just in case okay that was four so that means we know we all know these are teeth points so we know they're cheater points that's fine they'll be excluded from the final time okay so we've got two more questions and he and Ian along with Olivia are tied at 6 points I'm sitting at 5 points oh my god for Eleanor overall I got to 6 Wow so much about your friends wow that's actually that's actually really good I'm tweeting it right now my phone is being used as a camera right now I can tweet it I really don't take me I already tweeted it is too late I got 500 retweets already like wow you're so funny huh but also people might take that as your like super right wing or you want or you'll die well no you would so you're not a writer guy you're an alt writer guy yeah you don't know as joke is better corny ready what am I most insecure about oh I can't wait for this I can't wait for everyone that call out my insecurities it was your question I think you asked hey you're right let's see them your weight your tummy steps tummy just call them honestly you're beautiful smelly feet I get sweaty feet I don't know how smelly their thanks well I mean like using your insecurities probably whatever you get it can be none of them I mean my my it's my puppy nipples how are you I mean I got some puffy nips yo we got little tiny nipples that don't exist no we're the antithesis to each other Wow no the antithesis would be volcano nipples no I am seeking insecure about that - thanks a lot people under the bus for being a worse friend I brought this on myself I don't I don't harbor any any grudge I'm gonna get a tattoo of a smaller nipple on my nipple there's always gonna be my response I know yeah giving people points sometimes keith was a cheater so I'm giving everyone else a point to make up for not if I put it over here it's over by the cactus so if you try to get even stabbed okay last question this was this was a question that was asked by some of you guys the last time we did this what is my pet peeve and go alright got stepping in Dookie - fine media bad drivers and when the squad is late oh she got it I mean I don't know what my biggest pet peeve is but that really buck it's not just it's not just it's not just the squad it's just people in general like like just just people in jail you guys it's not you you relate to your own house even complain more about bad drivers though you know what all those are pretty well you don't actually yet cuz stepping in Duke he's also like no I wanted you guys to figure it out for me I mean like you know they're you know what I don't what if what if I just want all you guys to win points I think I think I think this there's truth to all these because stepping a Dookie has to do with people not picking up after the dogs and that is that is a big ol peeve of mine and then define media yeah yeah that's like I got a question right so I wasn't sure bad drivers yes huge peas just know that I listen when you complain about bad driving even though you don't think you're saying it like I'm listening to driving yeah I'll get points you just want to know I'm not peeved by you guys being late I'm peeved by everyone because everyone in the world but never be late ever ever so what the total of six points we have Courtney Moore you know rub it in with the total of seven points we have non gross with the total of eight points we have a lien what's a total of nine points we have yeah wow I wonder who got first place I would err can you count the you got eight points do you justice uh but okay you want you know the guy hey thank you guys so much for watching this if you guys want to see us do more of these you let us know and if you want something else say hey this is freaking garbage is garbo let's see something else yeah you can say that in the comments as well we do read the comments and we want to do everything I don't know where I'm going this part don't hear miss Mona Bell writes I don't know and and what do we always say guys try guys bye oh ring that Bell fun fact we filmed this video during the defy media shutdown if you want to check out our brand new clothing line we have a link right here or if you want to watch a video just for you you can do that as well it's so fun so many options [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,345,982
Rating: 4.9432478 out of 5
Keywords: Who Knows Me Best Challenge (arguing for 42 minutes straight), Who Knows Me Best Challenge, (arguing for 42 minutes straight), smosh, smosh pit, smosh 2nd, who knows me best, smoshpit, courtney miller, keith leak jr, ian hecox, olivia sui, noah grossman, funny, challenge, who knows me better
Id: 1GGb5ueYrxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 37sec (2557 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2019
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