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are you guys ready yeah are you gonna tell us the answer why would I tell you the answer when I got to get you wet first sorry [Music] [Applause] welcome back to be teased 106 in park I'm host Keith Lee jr. now for a we're doing a special show today we're doing who knows me best and I have know a Grossmont and Olivia sway here I think it's my first time doing it really I think so I think I suppose I don't like competing for best friend or like I don't know what they're competing for so first of all let me just say this Noah doesn't listen but I felt like he would know the most about me but Olivia on the other hand she listens to everything and she's listening when you don't think she is yeah like Santa said oh and we've worked together for four years now so I would hope that they know just know that it's quality over quantity I listen and I care about all of you guys so much I know well look I will be the judge of that so these are the rules of the game so I'm gonna have some very personal questions about myself we have some little white board or race boards right here I'm gonna ask some of the questions are gonna write down their answers on the white boards if they get it right they're spared but if they get it wrong um can I get a hug again I'm a spray acid and also remember to punch that notification bill in the muff face please just like boom boom boom boom boom so you know when the videos are out okay all right are y'all ready to do this I am ready to do this on BET's 106 & Park very good question number one what is my mom's first name easy oh you don't know well I saw the card come on down it doesn't matter if I see it or not I'm so nervous why are you nervous because I've said your mom's name many times facetiming hurt and now I don't know see like I said Noah's like I tell him everything he's always around but he doesn't listen or he just forgets he think I think he has like dementia I'm setting my mom's name a lot you're pretty sure you know I'm pretty sure you know too because you remember a whole lot of stuff all right so Noah what's your answer I went with Kelly Kelly okay all right [Music] Kelly she's been married a few times so don't know her last name but like she's a very beautiful all right y'all ready yes you ready yeah you reckon oh are you ready yes chef okay here we go this is a really good question I like this question electro if I were a famous white woman who would I be easy you're famous I know you would be if you were white man no probably Justin Timberlake and then as close second a white Michael Jackson right I don't like that I said Michael Jackson is still black okay don't disrespect for that woman yes let me take off my leg white woman who do you think I wouldn't want him I know you don't want to be Kelly Clarkson so if I were a white woman I love you I'm gonna start with you this time who would I be I just get cher Cher I was gonna sing a song but we can't do that but I got you babe anyway no if I were a white woman who would I be I just I feel like you'd be Paris Hilton please explain I feel like small dogs you like I feel like you like reality TV and you like hanging out with your best friend that's hot and then why share I was actually gonna say that woman from the alien movie Sigourney Weaver or Sarah McLachlan in the army yeah I was also gonna say Ellen oh I had a lot you are the new there's a lot you like so I would have gone with Shania Twain oh that's wise you might not confuse by okay so you're writing Courtney Miller I mean you sent them home oh there's no more white women so you're both wrong okay if I were a white woman I would honestly be Rachel Dolezal and the reason you guys don't know her she's a transracial lady the reason I would want to be Rachel Dolezal is strictly because I feel like if I were why I was still like how to be it like fit myself into the culture I still want to be black and I feel like she's like not necessarily doing the best job but she wants in so bad and I mean like it's really the whitest thing you could ever do well good jobs are getting wet guys you got answer but right now I'm going to upgrade my gun oh we not playing out here boom ha y'all ready yes I know everything about you you clearly did you just got the wrong answer no we'll come on not this time all right which one of you am I more jealous of Olivia Anna Noah which one of you guys are my more jealous up I don't know I know it does have to pay rent good answer out of the three of us I think Olivia Olivia think you're jealous of Olivia oh I'm also jealous of Olivia okay okay I don't think you'd be jealous of anyone but in this scenario I think you wouldn't want to be an Asian woman like me can you explain that I don't know what like between us two like we always vibe with like our culture we talk about it and yes like that you know it works you're right is it strictly based off of you going and traveling all over the world I want to be agent or woman that was between us - if you had to choose I would definitely be more jealous of you and not be I forgot see I didn't take into like consideration that he does not pay rent but beyond that the reason is because you travel you get to go to beautiful places you go to fancy restaurants you get wined and dined by like a Hollywood actor like us dough are you all ready for this oh my god I'll put on my reading glasses who do I think is a better driver between the two suck but when we drove car accidents like he does yes but you have run out of gas with both of us in the car twice I know your answer are you ready Olivia who do I think is a better driver between you and Noah that is oh you puts in a Roberta Olivia okay okay all right and Noah who do I think is a better driver between you and Olivia Olivia Olivia I think yeah like two car accidents with Noah I have been in the middle of stuck in the middle of traffic with Olivia at a red light hey hey you got into a car accident being on social 2003 I I came over and I rescued a oh yeah I thank you for that one and one huh car accident Olivia came to rescue because we were like close by to where you lived at the time and like she saved my life her dad gave me a hug and I was even involved in if I wasn't I was in the car so did his dad didn't even give me a hug and ass house okay alright so for I'm gonna upgrade my gun right now guys because I want to get you guys really wet since I haven't been able to get you what at all okay we'll just put that down here what's coming No all right y'all ready yeah okay we go round number five question five who would I prefer to be roommates with if I was forced to between these two between no I don't love you all these are between no Olivia I just got my trigger finger it's like going crazy this issue you would prefer yes Sharon listen see that's the problem I told you you don't listen to who would I prefer to be roommates with I'm gonna say that you would prefer to be roommates with me okay and I'm gonna say that because I feel like at a certain point we would understand that we could just duct tape the center yeah and like that's just how it works good answer that's okay like I'm gonna say that I can provide for you but I know that Noah can also provide for you too if he doesn't pay rent well look shut up first of all please turn that around why don't y'all think of like an independent man and only no but the thing is you know how I love to cook Oh like I can always cook you know and you'll be fed yeah but I also know a certain point I'm gonna be like time I get up we got gonna work out so that's your answer no I think we both lost weight really really know what to get you what cuz it's been a minute but no I would definitely say no because me and Noah like a lot of saying things Olivia is such a neat freak to the point that I mean but like I mean she's just very particular yeah particular about the thing she likes but yeah like I don't think it'll work out but definitely no because we always room together when we do like different like convinced together yeah yeah and I sleep fifty miles away row six question six that is what was my nickname as a kid oh my god oh I'm not looking oh yeah I know you know to me to me can we now I feel like we're against him you're ready Olivia you want to go first yeah ladies first the stuff yeah all right so Oh what was my nickname growing up a nickname about your penis dang I know what it is okay I know you're talking about that was not my nickname that my family called me that was just something that my sister called me I was disrespectful are you guys out there my sister used to call me center meter Peter that as well that is not a good name that is not a nickname that everyone around because I rental Middletown Ohio used to call me so thank you for listening but that's not my nightmare okay I don't remember the name of the animal but it's mister that horse it's the old horse mister my mom she used to all my kids are so ugly look at it looking like mr. ed all the things that I hate about my child listen John didn't listen but my nickname you want to know with Keith stop the only reason I got you in your glass is because you should have known this you should've knew this but should I upgrade my guns oh my that would have had like four individual honestly I feel like that previous one is like the biggest one oh this is a good one guys yeah alrighty so question number 7 how many hats do i this is any number from that one ever goes to 17 how many at how many hats I'm not gonna give you a [ __ ] answer are you kidding me is it in general like we're talking about the hats that are also in Ohio in like your bedroom I don't have anything back in Ohio this is all all the hats you know yeah my house currently how many hats do I have at my house currently he doesn't have a car so there's no none like in his car that's where a lot of my clothes are so I think I started with you last time Olivia so I'm gonna start with Noah design all right brother how many hats do you think I own you should count I've seen you I've seen you in a lot of hats over the years but how many do you currently have with you that you could put on any given day five hats I just want to say I said five but then like I asked you that question about like how many you have I thought it was five at first okay okay but I chose seven seven those are really good guesses guys I guess seven I would have guys my guess was 1313 like ten plus so seven thirteen ten plus your uncle definitely wrong guys I have thirty three hats at home where I've been to your hotel 33 are they under your bed no no they're like in my closet Wow hmm I have 33 heads so round number eight hey hey all right what's my favorite curse word what is my favorite curse word am I being set up is this a setup at all I don't know like that's for you to decide all right wait this is our pickup and bad one already okay a limp lip what is my favorite curse word it's nice nice and no what's my favorite curse word [ __ ] seems like you like not the thing not a face anywhere with my makeup No when they asked me what my favorite curse word was I did not know I was like I don't know because I use them all and I use them all a lot but I will say [ __ ] is definitely my favorite cuz you can use this so many different ways if you want to be disrespectful you can be like [ __ ] but if you don't be like yo what's up [ __ ] you're like Oh [ __ ] you could say it so many different ways so [ __ ] because I can use it a lot of different ways alright let's get to the next one question number nine alright alright I think you guys might get this so maybe maybe not how would I best describe myself in one word Michael Jackson's two words that is two words so that's not the answer you're gonna have to pick one that's oh not a word so Noah mm-hmm how would I describe myself in one word so I'm gonna put loving I think you're very loving you care a lot about your family and that's you're always like facetiming them creative good oh I love that the Lovings nice to it oh yeah uh thank you they're always there's always something going on your head you're always trying to express yourself in a way yeah yeah thank you guys are you guys ready yeah are you gonna tell us the answer why would I tell you the answer when I got to get you wet first I'm sorry I'm sorry [Applause] a lot is two words is that suit like water free no that's definitely not water okay so hold on boy what word what I say to describe myself what's one word out with you so let's go away so petit petit okay that's what you'd use for yourself one word I would use to describe myself as a black and I honestly didn't know how black I was until I started working which I think yeah okay guys so this is the last question I think Noah you're in the lead Olivia you have a chance to tie if he doesn't get it right are you guys ready yes chef what's the number ten how many times huh only one say it how many times have I urinated on myself in the last two months two details I know but you didn't tell me how many times but you did say well just happened this time this happened this time but that was like a month ago when we had that conversation so you might have had more incident well I'd be like Adam up and you could play favoritism cuz if one of you guys is just one short you can just piss himself right now imagine no more clothes and now you're good alright so Olivia I'm gonna start with you I just want to say if you get this wrong you lost okay all right so Lily give me your final answer three really good answer Noah how about you last two months in the last two months two months I'm gonna apologize to Olivia with my Aunt Sarah three I also carry okay all right Felix three-way six times two months 60 hey good job I definitely have urinated on myself and the last two months three times I don't want to get into details my bladder is getting weaker and weaker by today okay I think you might need to go to a doctor I think I need to - insurance is not happening right now so if someone sees you for the first time in this video and they want to get interesting facts the only real takeaways are he is black yeah and he pees on himself and I just say like you guys know more about me than I thought you did from knowing my mom's name I really appreciate that I'm still like I said earlier I'm still trying to figure out her last name but beyond that you guys did really well knowing you are the champ I'm so happy like I didn't know how I was gonna like how it was gonna go or like kudos II know you are the man thank you you are there now but I just want to get you what I love that's the best that's the worst y'all have so much fun with y'all today I have so much fun you guys know me more than I thought y'all did punch that notification bell guys so you know when the videos are coming out when they're there when they're on the interwebs is that a word Wow did not expect that ending to that video hey don't go anywhere unless you're going to this video right here where it's two truths will lie me versus Olivia I admit to some very bad things also YouTube picked this other video for you
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 1,974,334
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy
Id: hxcmY3hgRVQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 43sec (1243 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 05 2019
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