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everything happens for a reason for you to get here whatever the hell did oh my god Courtney I love it I'm bored hi hi hi where's our the big blood group plus Damien hey hey like me yeah indifference we didn't want to heat you that we switched him out for Damien right amount yeah I think he might be heading over to Smosh games we'll find out three pelvic Jesus ever played a video game no I don't think he plays video game thing with p.m. do not play this yes I know him we talked about like easy access played halo doesn't matter which game keith is played because we're about to play a game thank you for letting me have that segue guys do you know we're gonna play what is it cool cat an asshat well it's a game where basically you go around kind of like any of these card games one person is the judge that judge will lay out five cards the five cards have random stuff on it it could be Eiffel Tower baseball bats burritos so haptics you're weird that I thought all those like before you said them no okay good I mean it's meant to be so basically we got five items laid out in front the other four people then guess whether or not the voter likes those items so Eiffel Tower do you think I like it or don't like it so really good right now each card one through five on your card everybody does know it doesn't like the French oh so you write down what we think they like it they don't like it like it they don't like it whatever whatever for five of them at the end of that simple round of people guessing do you like or dislike things there will be a winner and a loser whoever gets the most correct gets a cool cat card the cool cat cards will have some fun rule on it or something fun so pick one person and that person has to play the rest of the game with one eye closed that's pretty fun and if they don't do it if they don't follow that rule then they we have like gross condiments or weird chemicals oh yeah that's what you had you put on the shaders we have ourselves in the finish so this everybody else get the loser absolute words he I don't know I believe it was press and I can't wait to judge you guys by your personality is entirely an eye breaker yes for the tiebreaker there's a special card on it we'll have a question or a game like who has the most photos on the camera rule whoever I may win yeah they would have which means that whoever losted that gets the attack on Olivia's going to be the master okay I had too much Mediterranean food hi okay so we not Mediterranean we got a hit she like not too much yes at least to a certain capacity yeah boom she enjoyed the experience goes why number one go creep hey don't put over the quest crab Oh kind of crab specify regular crabs okay I don't know if anybody likes this like me right I'm sorry unless your enemy goodness yeah that's alright yeah okay look I'm a DA okay what Courtney fourth yellow light yellow light so ghost is number one yellow exercise I like them oh I just like we just hey I like that yeah PDA Oh yellow I Oh like yellow light Wow Vicki told me to slow down and she's like nothing like I got three points because I said you dislike Cui's I said you liked crabs and I said you dislike yellow like three points I said you like goes I said you liked crabs I said you liked PDA well I said you dislikes goats I said you liked please I said you liked crabs cause you're like PD I said you liked yellow light sorry I only got to correct saying that you didn't like Leafs and that you were a big fan of Kratz that means we've got a tie for first place and a tie for last one I'll break your tie break your tie for winning this is I threw the winners what color underwear are you wearing closest would be on the are o YG b IV scale don't suppose just a violet whoever's underwears closest survival shallow there's a little yellow your bolo what do you blue Welsh are you telling these darker hue start hurting I was at a darker blue this is a way well I waited to start blue all right genuine way okay uh take someone to hold a mouthful of water for the next round if they swallow or spit any out before the round is over they must take a shot oh my god oh man I'm gonna go with Noah oh whoa what's your real name the longer the better most letter wins Andrew hey and the Cornelia and my asshat card said use t-rex arms during this round mm-hmm number one diarrhea number two vomiting number three the Amish before waterboarding uh [ __ ] it for Dad ah okay I I'm gonna say I like diarrhea yeah yeah cuz I do it cuz it's hilarious sometimes if you're home by yourself you get diarrhea it's okay because you're just like home by yourself you get to just go crazy it's like a flint it hit a little natural are you into go wild I go baby birds but no drinking you just go by just let it out yeah music oh yeah I said no to vomiting not not into vomiting do not like that diary can be fun cuz you don't to look at it vomiting s you have zero to it it's a weird thing your eyes your ass isn't it weird that your eyes shoot open will you but wait that's like gods like look at this Wow I am I at least mean I have a hard time closing my eyes I'm like oh I'll get an apple cider vinegar I didn't ask for this it tells me for you apple cider vinegar is really good for you actually I really was wait and you clearly knew to lose weight yeah but usually I should like dilute it with water go ahead that's what you really want to drink there cuz you told me to stack up all right oh god help you up but I was told to stack up you might call out who you wanted that somewhere on the Winnie Yakka very late huh hey great job dude whoa it's a lot I'm fine though look he didn't know a throwback so you barely tasted it okay uh look I like diarrhea don't like vomiting I like the Amish well I think I I think it's cool uh don't like waterboarding not into that and I like bird bath yay five four five baby oh but for my sophomore out of five we all three types of leaves you you got the curveball yeah what do i do as the winner bless you um pick someone to be your personal fart machine they must make a fart noise every time you pointed them during the next yeah I'm gonna go ahead and say Noah again the clap isn't cool but clapping is loudest clap we'll all right one sham mom spaghetti all right Olivia go oh we could probably end this now all right Noah okay Lynne laughs all right Courtney hey guys unfortunately [Applause] hey my ass has a sucker bite some part of the person to your right immediate right oh no what you blew this bite or something no you were like run over a leprechaun earlier or something let me handle bad time a murdered at work all right now oh how about like killing of looks like a bunny I stabbed Peter Dinklage earlier yeah there's a reason that you're my partner Sheen all right master ah all right I think I'm going to like having a fart machine uh number one is child labor number two dark meat number three Egyptians number four food pyramid number five nipple rings cool I'm ready to go I'm ready to go for you all right beginning with child labor I said I like child labor because I feel like during the industrial revolution they were not great detecting morale dad - I have tiny tiny hands to give him of those behaviors it helps the textile industry a lot no the machines would get all gunked up with like labor supply anywhere you're poor you know they would've killed like an adult can fit in there see like what I grade was raise awareness for the atrocities during the industrial revolution thank you oh and they're going on today on triangle sure I said I like dark meat ah I know you're not yes I do like dark meat don't waste anything use all parts of the animal if you're going to eat an aminal um I like Egyptians I wish I knew what the written language we see as hieroglyphics sounded like but nobody really does Ling Bing was it spoken just like the food pyramid because that is a disproportionate way mr. I just like Oh God what's your what you have written down sorry you don't know I've got 12 breads a day I'm sorry that's like exactly what I don't know why I owe you the wrong card I really honest whole heart because I don't like to lose here I said you win you all know I care about the food but I also dislike nipple rings of it ah because we but it's any like piercing and it's not like you do you but I always have the fear like if someone is a littering I always have the image of like it getting caught on something Oh miming like anything uh like oh the thought of it is the same is like chewing tinfoil is that feeling of my god so anyway there's that all right I got two points I got a gun too I got three Wow big a bird wow you don't get it I want to do a tiebreaker four oh four I'm cool to do that but I don't be honest with myself now I do not like I didn't think you'd like to pick up who's shorter you lose as usual well I win that card then oh I'm the tall Lybia losses and the hook wit and y'all want to be a little [ __ ] about it so I'm a cool cat which means that I get to pick a sign language translator for the next round and they must find everything that comes out of my mouth oh you're the only way to no anger I'm only one doesn't it do it yeah pick shame nice I feel bad for all of you guys because the next round I have to wear my socks on my hand [Applause] [Music] you can't talk pirate peratis hockey hockey Mexico Mexico cheek kiss greetings cheek kiss greetings twins twins he's directing traffic you guys want to hear what the one time that I discovered answered to the universe you know the bellman equation e equals MC squared yes well actually be factoring thank you factor that so I lost divided that equation and I ended up with L P to the third which basically it comes into an algorithm where you can put into a computer how light will Bend around galaxies and such so we can actually see further than any sort of telescope will allow us knowing naturally without really back yes what I discovered I can't win us three after this video because he was a loser no it's lying to you right now so just like all right I like tyrant hey I love pirate that's all I say oh they're good I don't like hockey because it's super violent and like it's kind of cool but it's like they just throw down and I heard each other and dirty and hockey movies are scary okay I love Mexico I went there last year and it was very fun very nice I don't like to kid screaming hey no I think the ID like which chica getting kids there there's like oh why are you touching my face your mouth I don't know you I barely like I'm actually no I like hug hello but she's okay anyway uh-oh I didn't decide to him I like to him yeah that wasn't it really when they're quick to be fun oh I got four more I got four tiebreaker low meanwhile particular each other the first one to laugh or giggle loses [Music] okay you start with your mouse a lot of smart wins and houses a lot of longing some moments upon a circle I think is it allowed yeah thank you guys so much Wow you just got knighted make someone your Squire slash [ __ ] for a round hahaha they must do everything they say damn it why would you curse in my presence Squire Oh Joyce I miss grab you then flashes of the mummify your head with toilet paper Oh quiet album we can draw writer is now cool yeah I'll do sir sorry it might get quick on you have no Martin ah right there multiple penises okay water fountains immigrant walls boy that's all great leprechaun hahaha would you get for number one yes what do your friends think about be nice haha can tell you sir guys ready yeah ah multiple penises I'm a fan of multiple penis yeah hey nice water problems I'm a fan a water tower damn it immigrant walls not too big fan of immigrant walls cool deodorant spray the owners from Havana leprechauns I'm a Santa leprechaun okay I got three I got two American corn I got three thank you I got two three three you guys gonna oh hi brainerd for the cool cat card make out with your hand the sexiest kisser wins Oh Courtney didn't change much very starti every time oh my god okay stop change my god I gotta troll your slide quite crap yes big boy great hopping back la plastic wrap someone's face for around reunited oka hole so they can still breathe Damien and Olivia first one to kiss someone is the SpaceX wind go ah I'm ending I miss knowing Oh his Shane's hair an extension of Shane's self if so I did kiss shake if not okay I'm gonna make the girls with ya ten the left side of your face has been glued to the table it'll become unglued after the next round I'm in a plastic wrap Noah's face because it's funny and he deserves it you'll work at the 50 I'm a master now first card the mailman oh the mail the mailman this is for Olivia yeah yeah farm animals hot sauce oh I gave it away bye I hate ioi hot dog yes I do I'm not George Cleveland steamers yeah big fan reveal I'm throwing them a curve ball 9-volt batteries yes all right I like the mailman I like farm animals I like hot sauce hmm I like craving steamers oh yeah I don't want to offend people in Cleveland yeah like well Shamir Cleveland sports generally are a Cleveland steamer okay now when I know they're will bang up I was supporting Cleveland haha but I don't really like to upon my chest and people walk in banking or you can prove on someone else's chest I don't want an idea okay so you're a joke I don't like Cleveland Steinway and I like 9-volt batteries go for all lies yeah anyway okay round over we got our joint I got a [ __ ] stamp on another player in sharpie do I look like a superhero I feel like yeah you look like a really crappy rapper and that's funny cuz your daddy ran rapper knees are nasty whoever's bellybutton goes in further losses oh I got out II ah yeah I got to hear you guys my Tony all right totally I think it's Damien yeah CIA man I'm sorry okay I was awesome some museum and so okay I'll play the next round with your left arm raised um so I'll be [ __ ] stamps and then I'll raise my left arm yeah hey she got a little peach a little bumper oh my god corn ethic that said yeah symbol of Georgia a who's that - a ski how big how involved is this isn't like the team Chapel I was very good okay thank you first card pink highlighters second card auto-correct third card Statue of David [Music] it was considered a beggar fourth card box if God Sandman I love how you were like I don't even know what a Cleveland steamer is but then you're like box why is this bad I'm ready you guys ready yeah ahh pink highlighters Dublin Hey down with them they're the cool I don't have anything against any color highlighters oh not like I learn might be difficult oh okay blue just my god like low-key might be racism but anyways I'm not autocorrect not I'm going to say no because because oftentimes it's just screwing up its I don't want to say go duck yourself and I'm my phone makes me say that always must be honest yeah yeah true lately they spend on a cracking hide it gives so every email send is like give all haha such a David I'm done with hey Jonathan even though it's hands are way too big anyway it's also too big way too big way too big uh not Schrodinger's box love it where's the cat go we don't know hopefully still with the box right I think it doesn't listen uh raise your hands if you just love Trump pickle juice out drink okay that's a man of principle Schrodinger's box and then fin Minh write them is you know I'm not a fan wait hold on it I actually got I totally got mixed up with something I'm gonna say no on Thin Mints because they are where my least favorite Girl Scout cookies I was thinking what's the movie Peter my Junior Mints junior man you don't like junior man hey human I'm not good it's like a kind of Cadbury egg that makes you smell good yeah for I got four I got more a 30 damage M you lose alright first Damian Texas we drink pickle juice I've seen my dad drink pickle juice out of a job oh well shades definitely put up three fingers in play never have I ever Last Man Standing wins I never have I ever stolen anything okay what do you mean anything from a store okay so that be a physical good drop your finger why do you know why a little it doesn't have to clarify I have never put my lips on a bun never have I ever been slapped Omikron Oh you I've never been to Ella's smart I should have been like I'm gonna be Wow never have I ever seen avatar which one there would be the blue people but you've never seen that movie I've never seen avatar yeah yeah we're so out to have you know what ah I am never um play Minecraft all right well there we go ah avatar nor have you play Minecraft maybe to get your eye checked yeah okay ready USB opossum take one part in a punch in a but but oh well you know it doesn't have one yeah I can't punch it I'd be punched in the lower back you can be really hard no okay ready and we're lips are five you know what next time you and keys are hanging up he's just gives but skins but to have the group give you an object of their choice give it kisses and pretend you're in love with fr around what do we want to give her and something very heavy something cumbersome oh wait a minute yeah can't really cover some valuable thing I believe that's keep dead alright is it whoops okay so uh number one eye patches number two magicians number three fourth grade number four holding doors number five handkerchiefs all right how well do you know your best friend Damien okay I patches low yo if you don't want someone to see your ID do you solace name no gear are magicians cool I dislike right because I've already learned all their tricks and gotten all I need from them otherwise they are users and liars and they will leave you with nothing the only thing they'll make disappears your self-confidence um I like the 4th grade I feel like I PK o más agua guess that you hated it no I was great in elementary school it's middle school things got rough holding doors love it nothing like being polite for an elder or anybody else you can just hold the door for oh and handkerchiefs don't like them what do I want to blow my nose on a snot rag and keep it in my pocket all that I wish it around the court cup of mucus in my pocket no thank you I got to I got four I got four no uh Olivia no Olivia my true friends it's great to see you guys let's get a tiebreaker for the happy cat man let's do it stand up and touch your toes the most flexible person wins I wouldn't even have to stand Olivia's argue with the most looking watch me have you seen her no whoa yeah no you got I can't tell my ankles you guys do you yeah all right Olivia wins hey hey when was your first kiss whoever was younger wins say your answer at the same time on the count of three one two three Oh Lord Jane what Oh kiss isn't making out no no Bridget oh then I was in I was in preschool oh I grabbed a boy and I kissed him like buzz buddy's like you're a genius I told the teacher one at a time make every person playing honor you girls bow guys Percy all right thank you gentlemen and woman ladies thank you sir I'm sorry look at how much room oh thank you thank you yeah I love that one lovely okay back straight ladies all day thank you wow thank you guys you're now the party dog every time you're spoken to during the next round you must respond with a series of bark nice it's literally me a good boy all right so first part is sports those are good stuff getting tickles braces monica lewinsky i'm going to do this one on the who videos off the top of my head well I know who that is Lisa crest yeah backup dancers according to give me seven American dollars floor rock o'clock okay so um I like sport a shoe I think they're a great invention no they're suck their stuff they're suck you realize that now you can package you can put together all these prepackaged utensils now with half as many utensils in them yes you're supposed to have the functionality you try to step it up a mistake with that fork and change items soup with it as well and you can't just March I don't like getting tickled I feel like it's like I said I can hate it so should people go for my arm Fekkai Rancic feel like I'm being strangled and suffocated to death it's I hate it I just feel like I'm going to elbow someone in the face of media oh that is ivory interesting oh my grandma right right right um I hate braces I got braces the day before my birthday which is where I went to Disneyland and the pain really set in and I had to try need a burrito and I couldn't it hurt so bad I couldn't even birthday cake like a $40 burrito yeah exactly and I couldn't eat it just for par four for four um I love pizza crust special it a little bit of tomato sauce on it I love hard bread you will tack and I like backup dancers I think that's a really cool addition to performances and I'm sure like the theater life like backstage with them is really awesome love to be part of that whole we have four I got three I got two I thought I knew you better Sara Sam all right sashayed you lost and lost the tie between a Libyan I for the win okay sorry hi breaker when was the last time you threw up most recent time winds January whatever it is it will be [Applause] [Applause] thank you guys and you know what happens at birthdays wishes sacrifice [ __ ] and you know what else we're all taking shots before we do the guy a lefty Shane's asshat yeah twerk I'll twerk while I drink all right guys come on guys don't watch for a watching this game this video these thank you guys so much for a can win if you Damien for coming on area with that I'm sorry we tortured you worried are you okay thanks for liking this and then I'm always being so interactive with us um I love y'all Dundas horn sounds like heckle [Music]
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 3,176,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, squad vlogs, squad vlog, cool cats, cool cats and asshats, shayne topp, noah grossman, damien haas, courtney miller, olivia sui, smosh pit, smosh 2nd, ianh
Id: -kkoOdqLX5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
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