Reacting to Our Old Acting Gigs

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- Tubes of explosive death with your logo on the side. (cat meowing) - (singing) Best part of waking up... (all laughing) (building rumbling) You know us from Smosh, but we've done a lot of work before Smosh. And today we're gonna be looking at the work that Damien and Ian did before, or during. Just other work. - Just other stuff. - Embarrassing stuff. Embarrassing projects that were just awful projects. Awful films and shows. - Detailing our path to joy. - But this is part one, 'cause there is so much stuff out there, so much content that we have made collectively, that we're going to be covering what you two have done. - And then next time, - And then next time, it'll be Noah and I, and we get to see whose was more embarrassing. All right, let's start with Damien. - Oh! (upbeat theme music) (Noah laughing) - You just look the same. - Don't smoke, kids. ♪ He's Zombie Man ♪ - That's your voice! - Yeah, it is. - Hey, Zombie Man! (Zombie Man spits) Aw, pretty good. Anyway, so listen, uh, have you seen Katie from English class? - Darkest thing Disney Channel's ever done. (canned laughter) - Zombie Man? (Zombie Man vocalizes) Did you eat my date? (Zombie Man grunts, spits) - A Jelly bracelet. - Silly bands? - You ate my crush! (Zombie Man vocalizes) I know, I'm gonna miss her, too. (Zombie Man vocalizes) - I thought you said you were going to try eating vegan! (Zombie Man vocalizes) - I know Katie was a vegan! - Sounds like I said "vagina" right there, little fact. - Eating people is wrong. It's unnatural. (Zombie Man vocalizes) Oh, too little, too late, Zombie Man! Katie was going to homecoming with me! The dance is in two days, and now every girl in school already has a date. (canned laughter) (Zombie Man whispering indistinctly) (all laughing) - Did you have actual lines, or was it just gibberish, and you would just kind of... - I mean, I had things in my mind that I'm saying, but I would just make noise for it. - But the script was just gibberish, right? - Yeah, yeah, I think so. I think so. Also, it was like 100 degrees that day, I'm in a Letterman jacket, and my face is covered in like, they would use crepe paper to make the torn skin and all that stuff. I was a mess, but that was so much fun. Oh, this is the first movie I ever booked! I had one line, and I think it became two, and then it got cut back down to one! (all exclaiming) - Oh boy, I can't wait! - [Ian] Long hair Dames? - Semi-long hair Dames, a little bit, yeah. - What's the name of the movie? - Oh, it's "The Mark Pease Experience." It was Jason Schwartzman and Ben Stiller. Direct to DVD. - Maybe we should go and find him, Tin Man. - I think Scarecrow should do it. (guys whispering indistinctly) - Eight years from now, none of this is gonna matter. ♪ Less than one half an hour ♪ ♪ If you look up in the sky, you'll know who it is ♪ ♪ It's not a bird, it's not a plane ♪ ♪ It's just a little ol' Wiz ♪ - And guess who's on after that? - What's he doing out there? - My little face! I'm kinda like... Wow, I should not be an actor. - What the (beep) is going on? - Well, there was an hour and a half of movie before this. - Oh, that's you! Aw, you look so content! - Look at Damien right there, just like... - I'm gonna be a big star one day! - Someday I'm gonna be on Smosh! (all laughing) You know that YouTube channel that just started a year ago? I'm gonna be on that someday. - Oh, no way! During quarantine, actually, I recorded a small part in Fallout 76. - Yep, that's right. Hun, can you tell our friend here- - God, I hope this is good. - About those thingies we picked up recently? - Ah, sure thing! We got weapons, all right, initiate. You brotherhood guys make some high quality gear. And tell me if this sounds familiar: tubes of explosive death with your logo on the side? (cat meowing) - (singing) Best part of waking up... (all laughing) - [Shayne] All right, so this next one, - I booked this in college. - Hell yeah! - Oh, it's everyone's favorite dude. - Hell yeah. - Let's start rehearsing. This year, Glee Club's going full Santa. (electronic acapella music) - Where's Damien? - Is that you? - That's me. I still own that jacket. - You are not looking at anyone. You are looking directly at the back of the person in front of you's head. - They wanted us to look forward. - You're just like, (electronic acapella music) (altered audio) Do not sing along! - You suck! - Who goes caroling with a band? - I'd seriously rather be learning. - That was my one line, "who goes caroling with a band?" This is the first indie film I ever booked, wow! You're gonna see a young Damien! You're gonna be like, "what happened?" - All right, here we go, baby Damien! - Aw, I hope it's good. - Two minutes?! (beep) I need one of you to kill me now. Blunt force, back of the head. - Oh, look at Damien! Look at him! - Wow! - [Ian] You have my hair! You got my old hair! - This is "The Last Mimsy." (all laughing) - Of course it works. (static crackling) (indistinct voice over radio) - Is your dad in space? Are you talking to your dad in space right now? - Wait, why do you know that? - Is that actually what's happening? - Did I say the line, "my dad," or something like that? - No, 'cause it says, "hello," like... - No, I'm listening to a space broadcast. This is very much like a comic book origin story kinda deal, where I'm like the kid that really likes to like, "I put things together!" It's very like, "Kids On Bikes." And so it's just like my dad is an astronaut, I know he's gonna be up there, and I'm like, "I wanna hear the launch." - You look enthralled. I'm feeling the emotion. You have the same glasses. - Are you about to get the (beep) kicked out of you? - [Damien] That's my like, leg brace, 'cause I've got a botched... - Every indie film has some sort of moment where you're like, push or grab, some sort of like, there can't be fights, 'cause you don't have the budget to do that. So it's always like a, "hey," yeah. - It was literally that, a lot. - You took one step forward. - No, it's literally that, I remember like, not pushing, not pulling, but having a whole scene where we're supposed to like, cross chest like this. For some reason we're just like... No, your arm crosses the same way. Like, we're grabbing here for some reason, which would never happen, and we're like... - It's always the most difficult part of an indie film, because there's no stunt coordinator, the director doesn't even know what they're doing with it. - What are you gonna do now? - See what I mean? - Yeah. Oh, it's very intense. - Why? - Because you know we're both on the same inner curve. (tense music) - Oh, does he also have messed up legs? - I don't know, maybe he's my real dad. - When does this take place? That's an old car. - It's like the moon landing. (all exclaiming) - [Noah] Oh, (beep) yes! Did you see the reaction? (all screaming) - Oh my God! - Why would there be a restaurant up here? - Ta da! Welcome to my restaurant, where you'll eat until you croak! - It's him! - One Eye? - One Eye 2.0 at your service. - [Frog] Please, a leopard can't change its spots. - Now, let's not dwell on the past! You're looking at someone who's new and improved! - Hold on. I just need to point out the original language was Mandarin, so I wasn't able to, they tried to create words. They have to basically rewrite the whole script in a way that matches the lip flaps as much as possible. - It's always gonna be real clunky. Yes. - However, there's no excuse for how bad that dubbing is, and there's a reason why we were only invited to do two of these. - Only two? - There's a "Frog Kingdom 2?" - This is "Frog Kingdom 2." (Noah laughing) Then we did a hedgehog movie. - I'll make up for my previous very unfortunate behavior. - Hmm, something about what you're saying just has a whiff of insincerity. - [Ian] And that's Anthony. - I was about to say, they cast you two too similarly. - Yes, that's correct! I will conquer you with my cooking, and then you will believe me! Bring out the dishes! - Wow, I've never heard of this. - There's a good reason. - Yeah, 'cause you're part of everybody. (all laughing) (all exclaiming) Put on your glasses now! (mimics alarm sounding) - I feel like that was supposed to be a 3D thing. - Oh, hell yeah! "Agents of Secret Stuff," let's go! This was Ryan Higa's, oh, this is the kiss. This was Ryan Higa's like, feature film that they made. I was a (beep) bully or something. - [Male Voiceover] His eyes indicate that he's aiming for the most exposed and vital area, her chest. Only three steps away from pummeling her with a borage of bullet punches straight to her ribcage, which will no doubt stop her heart forever- - So he's protecting her, because there's apparently assassins trying to kill her or something. So he's thinking that I am an assassin, about to kill her. - An assassin that's about to punch her in the chest... - Just where her most vital area is, 'cause her heart. - That's why the camera zooms in on her chest, 'cause of her heart. - Her heart. - 'Cause of her heart. - Got it. - Also, that's Arden Cho, a great actress. Here's my accident-chism. - Oh wait, it's an accident? - Oh wait, no, I think it was a blooper. - It's looking especially hot today. (laughs) - Her rack? - Yeah, man, her knockers! - So you were trying to knock her! (all laughing) - Your voice, too, how old were you here? - I did not write this script, okay? - How old were you? - Were you younger than me right now? - I was a bad guy in this movie. - [Damien] Oh, a classic! - Oh, this is the death scene? - Don't spoil it, dude. - I thought you were gonna ask me to marry you. - Marry you? Babe, we're super young. That's like, old people stuff. - And now in this one, Ian's 45. - And also an asshole! - You're doing great though! - I enjoyed this movie when we watched it. - And that's why I asked you to move in with me soon, so we could share things like food and cable and bills. - And? - What else is there? - Okay, um, you know what? I'm just gonna go, and I'll text you tomorrow or something. - Ha ha! Yes, yeah. Sorry, I just am now remembering what happens. - You set all this up, and you get on one knee and ask me to move in. Eventually. Eventually. - Yes! When I'm ready, or when we're ready! - I'm ready! I'm ready! I told you I was ready! - All I hear is a SpongeBob quote. (all laughing) - (indistinct) proposal. - Jessica, wait! No, n- (door slams) Jessica. (sighs) - Uh oh! - I see nine ways for you to get out of this right now. - Oh, damn it! - This is just Final Destination. - Yeah! - What? Say something! (man choking) - That was some laminate-ass floor, right there. - Yeah, and bending. - You're acting like a child. (man gasping) Andy, let me in. - [Male Voice] Next, on the Skin Channel... - That's right, I forgot about this! The fake porno? - Nice. And 'cause I took my belt off, my pants fell down. - That's all it took, your size 42 jeans. - Say something or we're done. (shoe squeaks) (porn playing in background) - I don't know if that was a fart or if that was just the squeaky of the shoe. - You (beep) your pants. - Or underwear. - We're done. - Best breakup scene ever. - My only issue is, wouldn't your tie also be on the other side of the door? - It kinda got stuck in like, the middle, you know. Thick door. - You know it gets sometimes caught in the middle of the door? - [Shayne] Uh, Angry Birds! - This is what I was expecting, not the frog movie. - Wow. - Oh, this is like a little special thing we did. - Oh, you did a little special thing? - Yeah. (rock splashes) - Okay, so you know everyone calls us all angry birds, right? - Yeah, 'cause we're super angry! - Well, I was gonna say you're not very angry, and I'm really angry. - Uh, excuse me? - Yeah, so just being around you kind of like, brings down my level of anger, and I'd like you to kinda amp it up a little bit more. - I can't amp it up. I'm obviously the angriest bird. - You're making me look bad here, man. - Look how angry I am! (bird growls) - You're smiling when you do that! - Angry! - You can't stop smiling! (bird growls) I've never seen you not smiling. - If I was a kid, I'd be laughing really hard. - I'm enjoying this. I'm actually enjoying this. - This is actually well done. - Last for Ian, we have an Epic Rap Battle. - Oh, this one's tight! - Oh, well then we can't watch that. (rhythmic music) - No way, no way! You had Anthony for this? It's the artists with the Turtles. ♪ Kowabunga dude ♪ ♪ So let's get it on ♪ ♪ Reptiles against the fathers of the Renaissance ♪ ♪ We got the classical technique ♪ ♪ To kick these three-toed freaks back under the streets ♪ ♪ I take a turtle and I turn him into mincemeat ♪ ♪ You don't really wanna step to da Vinci ♪ ♪ I love the ladies ♪ ♪ I like to keep it mellow ♪ ♪ So let me pass the mic to my man, Donatello ♪ ♪ Hard shell, but you're gross in the middle ♪ ♪ Wouldn't wanna touch you with a six foot chisel ♪ ♪ Born in goop, raised in poop ♪ ♪ I slice through a group of ninjas like fruit, oops ♪ ♪ Yo, Rafael and I came to flow ♪ ♪ Being dope with the Pope and I boned til I croaked ♪ ♪ I'm an emcee Shredder but I get the feeling ♪ ♪ I should pass it up to my man on the ceiling ♪ ♪ Yo, I'm Michelangelo and I'm a giant ♪ ♪ I may (indistinct), but I'll slay you like Goliath ♪ ♪ I'm a rap God and you can't quite touch me ♪ ♪ This battle's your last judgment, trust me ♪ ♪ We drop science ♪ ♪ We got the mathematics ♪ ♪ The architects of rebirth are rap addicts ♪ ♪ You beat the Foot, but it won't go well ♪ ♪ When you catch an Italian boot to the half shell ♪ ♪ The wisdom of our master ♪ - That's it. - Holy (beep). - That is so (beep) - Wow, I didn't know that you had a team up with Rhett and Link back then. - Yeah, yeah. - That's epic! - Dude, you've gotta sell repertoire. - All right, well, I think we've finished off on a good note, at least. - That was a really great note. We got to see that Smosh with Rhett and Link before Smosh worked with Rhett and Link. - That we did, that we did. Little precursor. - You can't say "worked with," they acquired us. - And you know, I would say Damien, your fans, they love to call you an angel, and you were. - Man, I don't think anyone's ever said that, but it works. - Yeah, they use it. Let's get some "Damien's an angel"s in the chat. (all laughing) - I don't know, I feel like as someone who does not consider themselves a particularly good serious actor, that was not as bad as I thought. - Dude, that was good. Next time we'll be going into Noah and I's work. What are you looking forward to seeing? Didn't you work with Ariana Grande once? - Oh my God, don't talk about my life before this, or even now. I am not excited for my past work. That's all I'm saying. - Oh, but the rest of us are, and you shall all see why. - Shayne wins awards for all of his acting, and I'm not even kidding. He has them on display everywhere, and he accidentally knocks them over when you come to visit. He's like, "oh, this?" So I'm excited to see why you have that. - So make sure that you guys are subscribed, because this video with Noah and Shayne's video is gonna come out very soon. So you'd better be ready for it! - And buckle up! - But while you're waiting, check out these two videos! Either one, whichever one you want. - These ones are also embarrassing. - Yeah. - But which one's more embarrassing? I think it's this one. - That one?
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 644,396
Rating: 4.9892535 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy, Reacting to Our Old Acting Gigs, reacting, acting, throwback, so random, damien haas, ian hecox, noah grossman, shayne topp, 2021
Id: X4NeOLcmH4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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