The Fake Minecraft Speedrun Iceberg Explained...

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fake speed runs whether you like it or not you've probably seen your fair share of youtube videos regarding them in this video i'm going to take you on a journey into the depths and go over some absolutely insane fake minecraft speedruns and the stories surrounding them in the next 30 or so minutes you're gonna see everything from the most infamous cheating scandals to a super unknown case of a top runner faking a world record i feel like it goes without saying but don't fake minecraft speedruns because similar to almost every entry on this iceberg you're just gonna look like an idiot now in case you're unfamiliar with how these videos work it's gonna start off with well-known topics and as we get deeper in the iceberg i'm gonna discuss more and more obscure cases first though my goal is to gain an indefinite amount of subscribers within an allotted time period so subscribe not because you want to just do it out of pity that being said without further ado i present to you the fake minecraft speedrun iceberg if you've been in and around speedrunning on youtube you've probably seen your fair share of the funniest fake speed runs ever oh my god look at this golden diamond block structure and they always have this kind of text well those videos tend to do quite well but they don't really show fake speed runs rather the videos are made solely for comedic purposes some trends you'll notice from watching them are that they feature videos that are very obviously made as jokes and for no reason in particular are always exactly 8 minutes long as it pertains to this iceberg there's not really much to talk about besides the fact that they're extremely popular on youtube that brings me to the most famous and infamous case of faking a minecraft speedrun the dream cheating situation if you were on the internet from late 2020 to mid 2021 you've probably heard a thing or two about it on october 16th 2020 speedrunner minecravenger posted a tweet that raised suspicion regarding dreams piglet trades specifically the ender pearl trade rates basically over the course of six streams he got ender pearl's 15.41 of the time that he traded gold to a piglet the chance of getting pearls from a piglet trade is 4.73 so that discovery raised some eyebrows the reason that this became a huge ordeal is because dream had a verified fifth place time on the leaderboards that took place during those streams the first video made regarding this was on october 19th from shell guy and it really stirred the pot i mean fourson even reacted to it on stream anyways let's jump forward to december 11th 2020 because that's when the official moderator analysis was released to the world with a 14 minute video and a 29 page report they calculated the odds of dream getting his ender pearl trade rates and blaze raw drop rates to be 1 in 7.5 trillion and concluded by saying that there was no legitimate way that dream did that that however wouldn't deter him from posting a response video 11 days later in which he hired an astrophysicist to release a 19-page report that would prove he in fact didn't fake his speed runs this report however would get torn apart by reddit and the astrophysicist's credibility would be brought into question due to the website that the paper was linked to and the fact that they chose to remain anonymous eight days later on december 30th the mod team released a rebuttal that basically went thanks but no thanks and they kept their original conclusion it wouldn't be until late may of 2021 that we would get an update to this story because that's when dream got in the bathtub at 4am to write a paceman basically he had a realization that he was accidentally using a mod that altered the rates during the six runs in question while many commentary channels had their doubts on june 30th karl jobs released an hour and 15 minute video going over the entire story from start to finish basically he talked to dream the astrophysicist the mod developer and the leaderboard mods to formulate a well-thought-out analysis of the situation he found that the astrophysicist was real but was rushed and most likely didn't know anything about minecraft which would explain the discrepancies in dream's response the shady website was basically used for tax purposes the developer the mod never told dream that it improved the pearl and blaze rates and much more stuff the release of karl jobs video is what i would call the end of the dream cheating scandal because it basically threw everything out on the table and had people form their own conclusions up next ah yes it's drem the first massive cheating scandal in minecraft speedrunning on july 9th 2020 youtuber zyphen released a video titled this minecraft speedrunner cheated and got exposed dram fake world record a critical analysis this video currently has 11 and a half million views basically dram spliced to 1.16 random scene glitches world record run and it even got the attention of dream who left a comment stating multiple reasons why the run was suspicious the original video was deleted but fortunately there are re-uploads so i'll go through it first of all notice how he doesn't look around whatsoever now notice how he managed to find a shipwreck by b-lining in some random direction next he chose to go to the village right behind the ruined portal he got earlier which he literally looked at for the first time a full minute and a half into the run at the village we can immediately see that he isn't exactly a crafting connoisseur but aside from that he used a fletching table to get emeralds fair bow and arrows and enter the nether from a lava pool near a spawn once in another he didn't look around whatsoever yet still managed to walk right up to the blade spawner after getting his rods and pearls drama being the directional mastermind that he is disregarded the fact that he had just been wandering around in another for multiple minutes and knew to dig through this wall in order to get back to his portal all without checking his coordinates very impressive indeed in the overworld he caught a fleeting glimpse out of the corner of his eye that told him the stronghold would be in this particular direction when he threw his first eye he found out that the direction he had been running in for 10 seconds was correct a miracle drum is also a pioneer of two eye triangulation and after getting the exact precise location of the stronghold by throwing the eyes while moving he dug down directly into the portal room crazy considering the fact that eyes don't even point toward the pulled room they point toward the starter staircase once in the end he fought the dragon valiantly and finished the run with the final time of 1919 his reaction was indeed very real no way anyways you get the point the run is very poorly faked and the cherry on top is that the loading screen in the beginning completely confirmed the presence of a splice basically whenever you load up drum seed the loading screen will always begin in the bottom left corner and in this run the loading screen began in the center when zyphen brought up this detail in his video many people misinterpret it as any loading screen not be getting in the left corner proves the run is fake he cleared this up pretty quickly but we can still see the consequences of this on nice twice's world record video anyways due to the sheer popularity of this exposing video drum's youtube channel started to get quite a lot of attention albeit not exactly the positive kind eventually the hate and dislike bombs became too much and he either deleted the channel or changed the name to be honest i can't really be bothered to find out but that concludes that up first in the second level down is one of the most insane cheating scandals in minecraft speedrunning aka the flowbee situation flowbe was a top minecraft speedrunner who specifically focused on the 1.16 rsg category and he had been getting top times left and right soon though he posted a run that would raise some eyebrows to say the least upon loading into the world he bee-lined a shipwreck and got iron and after gathering wood he used all of it to craft tools leaving none for flint and steel he did see a ruined portal in the distance so perhaps he was banking on getting a light from the chest but in that case why craft an iron shovel if he wasn't gonna get flint anyways upon opening the ruined portal chest he got a looting 2 sword and flynn's steel and entered the nether with a nearby magma ravine at 2 10. once he was in he located a bastion and went in that direction without even looking around for all he knew another forgers could be anywhere so this behavior was highly abnormal for a top runner when he got to the bastion the routing wasn't anything out of the ordinary but he was able to get 20 obsidian enabling him to double travel soon he was able to leave in search of a fortress at 4 20. nice but yet again he went in a direction while hardly looking around and what do you know the exact path he followed just happened to contain a fortress now perhaps the most damning piece of evidence lay here because once on the fortress instead of looking toward this left branch containing most of the fortress he went to a completely concealed blaze spawner more on that in a bit because first he had to kill some blazes and with looting it only took three of them to get six rods looking at his coordinates he saw that he was in the stronghold ring so building a portal where he was after killing the last blaze made sense but instead he opted to go on the fortress while we don't know exactly why he did this it's widely believed that it was a result of wanting to stick to his pre-routed path at 5 30 he exited the nether and threw some eyes to gauge the distance of the stronghold the angle change was 0.6 indicating that it was a ways away at this distance from the stronghold a difference of just 0.1 degrees meant hundreds of blocks traveled so there was inherently a margin of error when he was back in the nether he made his way to the ideal exiting location but didn't hold the angle whatsoever making it even less likely than it already was that he was gonna get close conveniently though the stronghold was ocean exposed right next to his portal his routing was slightly questionable because instead of going to the starter staircase he spotted the porta room for about seven frames and turned toward it now this run would have entered the end on world record pace if he had enough eyes to finish the portal but he didn't so the run died right there before i move on to more evidence yes the run that got him exposed wasn't even completed anyways remember when i said his fortress routing was probably the most damning evidence that this was done on a set seed well if he had made the logical decision of looking left he would have seen a blaze spawner and if he left the nether from that blaze spawner it would have pointed him to a different non-ocean exposed strongholds essentially with his willful ignorance of the fortress layout he was able to save multiple minutes on top of that when asked why he didn't show the making of the world he responded that he was using a reset mod except for the fact that he definitely wasn't because this thing wasn't there when he paused so with so much evidence pointing to this around being on a set seed much to your surprise when the mozza reviewed the logs it was drumroll please confirm to be done on a set seed now raises the real question why would he fake an incomplete run well grab some popcorn he was in a call with crystal a leaderboard moderator who was getting some toast while this happened and rolled the seed from the run i just broke down again let me emphasize that crystal is a leaderboard moderator the first time he played the seed he panicked because of how good it was and through the run when crystal returned he told her about the seed but not that he threw the run opting instead to say that he wasn't able to enter the end due to a lack of pearls why would he lie about this you might ask well he had a bit of a crush on crystal and didn't want her to thank less of him for doing such shameful acts as getting nervous on good pace quote i didn't want to be seen as nothing well this backfired a bit when crystal asked if he would upload the run i'll let you take a wild guess as to what he responded with so basically in an attempt to impress a leaderboard moderator he faked a speedrun this however isn't where the story ends because once word got out that he faked it his other top runs started to get some attention over the past few months floby had been absolutely [ __ ] out top times left and right and suspicious activity was quickly found in almost every single one of them after denying that the other runs were fake floby eventually caved in and admitted to everything yet still claimed his 1158 time was real interpret that as you may but that concludes what is easily one of minecraft speedrunning's craziest cheating scandals now it's time for the funniest cheating scandal big tony which isn't his actual name was doing some minecraft speedruns and just happened to stumble upon the world record with no prior runs this uh i think that's thai or something this possibly thai prodigy loaded into a particularly good seed the spawn was in a village and after grabbing a blacksmith chest containing 12 obsidian and 5 iron he tried his best to do the fast crafting and after spending 5 seconds to make an iron axe and hoe it was immediately clear that big tony had elite mechanics now why would big tony use all of his iron to craft that you just said to your monitor well every good speedrunner knows that there's always a second blacksmith house containing 7 iron after struggling to craft a boat he went to a nearby ruined portal containing a looting sword more abbey and flint and steel with picture-perfect precision he placed obsidian to complete the portal and entered the nether at 120 not bad whatsoever after spending about 25 seconds in the settings menu he was not only able to change his renderers since the 17 but also back down to where it originally was now something you need to learn about this guy is that big tony don't need no e counter because after walking forward for a bit he found a treasure bastion upon approaching it he lowered his render distance to 10 and performed a meta defining settings change turning his graphics from fast to fancy prior to entering the bastion once big tony was in the bastion he jumped on the gold crafted an iron pickaxe and with that gold block in his inventory he crafted uh come on you got this just move the ingot as i was saying he crafted a gold helmet and pickaxe after that he went to the stairs and surprisingly didn't totally [ __ ] up the route getting all necessary items at around 4 10. seeing how big tony used his echolocation powers to find a bastion it would only make sense for him to use it on the forgers as well and pretty soon it was located he chose to drop bright on the blaze spawner and managed to save himself from taking a lot of fall damage with the pearl only for the blazes to melee him right after while running from wither skeletons he placed a boat on the ground which didn't go quite as intended once they were taken care of big tony killed five blazes getting eight rods just in case the portal was a negative four eye after traveling to the totally not predetermined netherexit location he left another at 7 36 and found himself in the porter room with lightning fast crafting big tony made his eyes of ender and entered the end at 7 47. when the one cycle was set up he waited and when the dragon perched big tony hit a super clean 7 bed 1 cycle finishing the run with a final time of 904 beating brantilda by 32 seconds jokes aside this is definitely a less serious one and it's on this tier because a ton of attention was brought to just how ridiculous it is when the weekly thing made a video about it to start off the lesser known cases in late august of 2020 a polish speedrunner named dizz got a time of 1859 in version 1.16 which was the first ever sub 19. the world spawn had a village nearby which he used to get basic resources soon after leaving he stumbled upon a ruined portal there was one obsidian block from completion in the chest there were two obsidian blocks flint and steel a golden apple and a gold sword with the looting enchantment after entering the nether at five minutes he almost immediately spotted a fortress and after locating the spawner his blaze drop rates were 7 for 6. after about a minute of trading with the nearby piglen he had his pearls and was out of the nether at 9 45. at 15 minutes his eye throw went straight down and a minute and a half later he was in the end with 8 beds to explode he won cycled the dragon and finished the run in 1859 the world record at the time was in 1941 so this was supposedly a record by 42 seconds and this time was verified on the leaderboards shortly after one slight issue when asked for the original footage odis was unable to provide it and on september 9th he tweeted that the mods unverified slash rejected the run but didn't call it fake the official reason given by the mods read insufficient proof of completion previous footage such video edits were mysteriously deleted without this proof the run is assumed to be invalid the story doesn't quite end there because another reason the run was suspicious is because one of the names deeper in this iceberg was friends with him but i'll talk more about that when we get there to clarify nothing suspicious was found in the run itself rather the circumstances around it put a big fat question mark on the legitimacy of this time was run faker real we will probably never know to this day this remains as one of the biggest unsolved mysteries in minecraft speedrunning what we do know is that a month later there was a cheating scandal that dwarfed the one for odiz i'm talking about corbano's world record or in other words the biggest time improvement in 1.60 in random sea glitches world record history on september 29th 2020 corbanos got a time of 14 minutes and 56 seconds with a run that was seen as near perfection at the time he got a sub four minute nether entry right on top of the fortress and two pearl trades and five gold ingots he was out of the nether at 7 30 and his overall travel was almost full ocean with an ocean exposed stronghold unfortunately the portal room wasn't exposed but he still entered the end sub 13 minutes with a two minute perch he killed the dragon in six beds and shattered the world record by two and a half minutes at the time corbanos held the version's 1.9 to 1.15 world record so his skill wasn't the thing in question what was however in question was the world creation time right after this run corbanos went into various twitch chats and talked about what he had just done at around 12 pm est at around the same time he uploaded the world files to google drive for anyone to see dream who lives in the same time zone as corbanos downloaded the files and found that the world creation time said 9 31 am est three hours earlier than corbanos led people to believe with the discrepancy noted he brought this information to the mod team to investigate some time later this happened the mods just told me i faked it oh my god they would get they said they would give me a run down after my stream i think i'm gonna end my stream a short time after corbanos was banned from the leaderboards his world record rejected and the other world record removed so that's it right except for the fact that a few hours later he was unbanned and both of his records took their places on the leaderboards so what could corbanos have shown the mods which would prove his innocence beyond a reasonable doubt well he showed the world files on his pc which said that the world was created at 1231 esc basically google is based in california so when you download something from drive it will automatically switch the file creation time to the west coast time zone anyways the irony here is that because the mods falsely banned corbanos they spent extra time making sure the dream investigation was sound so they wouldn't make the same mistake twice up next on april 13 2021 a player named minsky shocked the minecraft speedrunning community with an absolutely insane time with a 4 minute nether entry he was able to locate a nearby bastion route it and get the required resources to leave soon after he found a fortress and a combination of good blaze raw drop rates and many blazed spawns enabled him to leave the nether at 8 30. after following the path of the eye he quickly stumbled upon an ocean exposed port room and entered the end sub 10 minutes a short time later the dragon perched and he finished the run with a time of 11 minutes in one second if verified it would be a new minecraft 1.16 rsg world record and this run also didn't use f3 which is insanely useful in this category nothing suspicious was found in the run itself but nobody knew who minsky was prior to it he wasn't in the official discord server and he had no prior submitted runs in fact he created a account for submitting the world record on top of that his previous personal best was 26 minutes but it's possible that he could have just been resetting for a good time eventually when tasked with verifying the run the mod team rejected it on the basis that there wasn't enough evidence to verify it although there are certainly less question marks around its legitimacy compared to odis this story remains without a conclusion i should however point out that minsky didn't just submit the run then up and goes to the community recently he got a run where he left another at 5 52 easily world record pace and another one where he entered the end at 907. starting off the fourth level down taking place in early september of 2020 we have kieran remember when i said that one of the reasons odis's run was suspicious is because one of his friends faked a world record well kieran is that friend and this is the run in question upon loading into the world he had some extremely weird movement until he stumbled upon a village if you thought that was bad just wait till you see his crafting speed hey at least he knows how to shift click after killing the iron golem and crafting a bucket in flint's steel he located a lava pool and used a more difficult and significantly slower method of building a nether portal yeah okay at least i can insert a funny joke because he entered the nether at 4 20. so thanks for that kieran immediately he saw nether fortress and got nether gold ore for piglet trades and since this run took place before bastion strats were widely implemented this makes sense what doesn't make sense however is him not killing the stray blaze my assumption would be that he was too focused on his pre-scouted path to bother with it and a short time later he located a blaze spawner upon entry back into the overworld he showed off more of his lightning-fast crafting and threw an eye of ender to know where the stronghold was and what do you know a tiny bit of it was exposed in the ocean upon going through this door he had a really tough choice to make fight the zombie and go through the iron door or go see what's down the other path of course kieran chose to fight the zombie and as luck would have it the portal room was there in the end he performed what is probably the saddest pro throw i've ever seen and set up the one cycle with seven bets he got the dragon down to super low health and after struggling to find where to hit it he eventually located the head and killed it finishing the run in 1824 beating the world record by over a minute now as blatantly fake as this run is the immediate community reaction was that it was real and there was a new world record that is until the mods had something to say about it quote i wouldn't describe it as there's hope it's legit basically kieran sent a screenshot of his vegas project to show it wasn't spliced deleted the screenshot after one of the mods saved it then sent the video which was different to the screenshot that and the world files were modified making this a pretty open and shut case anyways kieran was soon banned from the leaderboards now perhaps you can argue that kieran's run simply wasn't legendary enough to be a real record that brings me to speedrun legend my absolute favorite one on this iceberg because he offered some amazing commentary to go along with his run in the video prior to actually playing the run he felt the need to explain why he didn't immediately post it the reason why i didn't post the video immediately after i did the world record is because i want this to be an actual channel with actual consistent uploads so i have a bunch of videos on deck that i'm ready to post with that very important information out of the way he loaded into the world and went to a nearby village if you thought kieran's crafting was bad just look at this in one fell swoop he scattered sticks all over his inventory and incorrectly crafted a wooden pickaxe once that was sorted he got resources from the rest of the village and after killing the iron golem he felt the need to explain why it dropped 5 iron the maximum amount i got 5 iron from the iron golem which is pretty normal for me i am a very fortunate person when it comes to these type of things pic where there's pickling trades or iron golem drops or level pools i'm literally pretty fortunate with that so i managed to find those pretty easily great now that we know he's a very fortunate person i've set my expectations sky high for the rest of the run that good fortune immediately came into play when he located a nearby lava pool upon entry into the nether he quickly spotted a fortress and with his genetically good rng went 7-7 on blazer on drop rates wanna guess how much gold it took for him to get 12 pearls four and he was out of the nether at 7 minutes thankfully soon after he threw his first eye speedrun legend explained where strongholds generate strongholds if you don't know tend normally to be from like 1 500 below to 2000 above whatever the [ __ ] that means but at least he clarified his stance on stronghold generation a short time later so i'm keeping mind of my x y and z coordinates to see you know if i'm near the fortress right here i'm i'm making my way to the to the end fortress at 10 29 now this is very very very good time this this fortress was actually really close actually now prior to that i didn't know if he was on good pace or not so i'm overjoyed that he let us know when he was very close to the end fortress when his eye turned around he performed triangulation that only a true speedrun legend could do jumping down a nearby cave and stumbling upon the end fortress his routing was perfect i mean i didn't expect anything less and he entered the end at 12 minutes in case you didn't already know speedrun legend is just naturally lucky and that also carried over to the end fight because the dragon purchased super quickly with seven beds he killed the dragon and finished the most legendary minecraft speedrun in 13 minutes and 45 seconds now you may wonder why his commentary was kind of scuffed and fortunately he gave us the answer i just wanted to apologize for my commentating on the speed run i was just so nervous you know nerves do play a major factor when talking over a run especially if it's a world record i can totally relate anyways if you haven't already guessed this run is blatantly fake but that wasn't even the reason it got rejected rather he was using an illegal texture pack yeah that's right at the end of the day it was the ugly ass texture pack that got this run projected although speedrun legend never officially got the world record and his youtube channel unfortunately never took off the meme continues to live on ah here we are at the very bottom of the iceberg all of the fake speedruns in this tier are very obscure and pretty unknown to anyone outside of the minecraft speedrun community regardless there are still some pretty interesting cases and the first one of these i'm going to discuss is lomix run this took place on may 27th 2021 and features this french runner supposedly getting a time that would have put him in the top 8. he spawned near a shipwreck and after getting iron he found a rune portal with a chest containing a looting 3 sword not seeing any nether entries nearby lomig decided to dig down in hopes of lava and what do you know there just happened to be a magma ravine right there at 2 45 he was in the nether and after using his e-counter to located bastion he headed over to it and on the path ran into a fortress once the spawner was located he proceeded to do an incredibly slow blaze fight even forgetting to kill one of them with the looting sword leading to him having to wait for another cycle of spawns when the last place was killed lomeg went to the bastion which turned out to be a treasure and routed it getting all required piglet trades a short time later at around 7 30 he was in the overworld and after doing a distance estimation by throwing an eye going to the side and throwing another one he quickly discovered that he was insanely close to the stronghold less than 30 seconds after throwing the first eye he started digging down and with some mediocre stronghold navigation was in the end at 9 30. after setting up the one cycle he awaited the perch and when it happened landed a six bed one cycle finishing the run in 1213. so now that you've seen the run time for me to tell you about the ever so slight caveat upon creating the world he supposedly fell asleep and picked up the run 11 hours later i'm being dead serious if you look at the submission there is an 11 hour recording linked to it while the sleep story probably has some truth to it this run is almost certainly pre-scouted the running theory is that he found the seed discovered that it was absolutely insane loaded up and scouted on another minecraft instance went to sleep then played the run when he woke up in fact looking at his stat sheet shows us a bit of a trend that further backs up this theory out of the last 1033 recorded runs five of them reached the stage of eyes being crafted from there for those runs made it to the stronghold but the average time between those two splits is one minute and 58 seconds so basically he either always gets a super close stronghold distance upon nether exit or he scouts the seeds to know where to exit the nether i'll let you be the judge anyways once the mod started putting the puzzle pieces together not only was he subsequently banned from the leaderboards but from that point on a new rule where all runs must start within five minutes a world generation was created and with that we've nearly approached the end in fact only one more run remains that's right we've reached abdran aka the only instance in this entire video of a trusted runner with verified top times completely faking a world record now it's likely that if you haven't been in the minecraft speedrun community since at least late 2020 you haven't heard of this and there's a very good reason for that which i will get into later the run took place in the 1.9 to 1.15 category when many people were grinding for the first ever sub 20. abdran's verified leaderboard time was 24-23 which was fifth place on august 20th 2020 but in the following months he had gotten many 20xx and 21xx times which had yet to be verified that brings me to november 18th when abdran posted a time of 1946 which was not only the world record but the first ever sub 20 and breaking a huge barrier like that was a big deal the immediate community reaction was excitement and praise toward abdran's insane ability to get top times but over the next few days the truth began to unravel first though let's take a closer look at the run immediately you may notice that the footage is incredibly laggy that was not out of the ordinary for abdron as his pc was awful rather it just makes watching this run pretty painful so i'll do a quick breakdown he spawned next to a blacksmith house containing an iron pickaxe and five obsidian and after getting tools beds a brewing stand and killing the iron golem he found a desert temple got the tnt looted the chest and searched for a lava pool a short time later it was located and he was in the nether at 4 50. he spawned right next to a fortress and after killing blazes for nearly five minutes he was out of the nether at just under 10 minutes shortly afterward he located a savannah village used the tnt to blow up houses to get sticks traded a bunch of sticks for emeralds traded a bunch of emeralds for ender pearls and he was off to the stronghold with an absolute [ __ ] ton of pearls at just over 15 minutes it didn't take him too long to discover that the stronghold was close and at 16 30 he started digging down 45 seconds after entering it he located the portal room and entered the end at 18 minutes from there he simply awaited the perch and when it happened he pulled down one cycle the dragon and finished the run with a final time of 1946 seeing how this run was a pretty big deal it didn't take the mods too long to start looking into it and quickly they discovered a discrepancy the world file was created a day before the session vaude in other words according to their findings he did attempts on a known seed and spliced in his best run after the loading screen what took place next is what separates this cheating scandal from someone like flowbees hey people if you don't know what's going on regarding to my last 1.14 rsg run then it was confirmed by the mods team that it was indeed spliced yes i i'm going to confirm that statement that it was indeed spliced because i couldn't really do anything to be honest and i don't want to cover like a pitch and i i kind of have to address this i have to take the bullet from or a bullet of criticisms and just basically people venting out their disappointment to me and to me that's cool i did deserve it that's right he actually admitted to cheating not long after this he admitted to faking a 2051 and 1.14 and a 1733 and 1.16 out of every cheating scandal in this iceberg this one was easily handled the best and i think that shows by the fact that you likely haven't even heard about it prior to this video anyways that concludes this iceberg and if you've made it this far congratulations give yourself a pat on the back i spent a lot of time making this and it wouldn't be possible without the mods so i'd like to go ahead and thank crystal salexpoor and crafter dark for going out of their way to help me make this video if you enjoyed it feel free to like and subscribe and have a great day
Channel: pikaJ
Views: 702,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iceberg, Dream, Fake Speedrun
Id: 8kCc1xGC8Z8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 41sec (1781 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 02 2022
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