I Forced 100 Players to Compete in a Bell-Ringing Contest

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why am i watching your stream when i could be watching a girl also a large proportion of my viewers aren't actually subscribed i trust that you probably are but if you just scroll down and check that you still are that'll be really helpful because youtube unsubscribes you it takes five seconds and it really helps me out thank you so we come over to this giant bell over here i'm on my way just wiping my hands i've just had a you know what i call them a urination so actually you came up with this idea tommy i should say this wasn't me you got a bell right bam now as you know you can't craft you can't craft bells oh look holy crap basically fire pvp is on the entire time and we will just be seeing who can ring the bell the most times elder's currently just befriending a cow she's editing this yeah she's the one oh she's she's kissing the cow oh that's very led that's that's enter button bam hey it worked adam plays his hair again he's back he's back hey i can spawn in loads of bells those guys please don't when did all these cats come from i have a guest i don't i i know another word for cats dude stop this just isn't a good bit believe me it is how do i kill the animals how do i kill the animals because animals need all the help they can get three two one really really ready and place it it's placed here they gotta get it oh no oh oh we got someone just put oh we've got them ringing oh great what the [ __ ] is this so if i just destroy it now it'll stop yeah it does look give it a go give it a go you're idiots they're all clicking the air did you break it yeah i did i've got it they look they're chasing after you they think someone's got it they follow me i put it back i put it back [ __ ] oh just lost all my power are any of them gonna pick it up oh oh it's gone it's in the mix it's in the mix who has it hi the person who's got it could just hide with it oh this guy this guy side grace side great oh oh look at they're just getting the rings oh they're taking the leader they're climbing up look at them oh my god look at the bell someone's going to get it oh it's a massacre oh no do you know what it reminds me of tommy please what i was going to say ants when they like drink sugar water ants you know when they like when they're like they get high look it's still going no one's picked up the bell it's quite like a social experiment people rather share the bell with lots of people than take it for themselves which should seem strange because that means that mr bread man up there is just going to stay in first the whole time yeah oh but they are killing people look oh i see who's got it it's sid grace again no don't say it oh my that poor lady no it's fine it's fine that tommy they're gone look they're running away with the belt they're digging they're digging with the bell oh look there they go what these guys came here with the stone axe holy [ __ ] oh my god that's not good it's like the terminator oh no it's wait the jumping wait no don't look at it no the bell's still down there they think he's got it oh you've just given it away well if i win i get ten thousand dollars no there's no money i don't do money incentives tommy oh oh oh oh iron axe and shield man adam plays [ __ ] hell every goddamn time look at this toy why would no one take the time to break the dirt [Laughter] honestly mr bread man here is really controlling the situation i'd say he knows this [ __ ] he does he's the old bell ringer he's a bell boy yeah this is dreadful they've just written signs on it that said maybe it's a metaphor this is just a mess tommy why is no one just picking it up well interestingly they're still ringing the bell yeah why would they not be ringing the bell well i i hey listen buddy i'm just an observer like everybody else all right i've watched the joker miop has taken the lead tommy have you seen the joker really changed my perspective on things why is allergy just still sat here i don't know she's not even playing she's so weird she's so weird hey ld put on the screen how you're feeling right now as this happens to you i think you're weird i think you're weird and wrong and stupid everyone kills swamp mouse oh the bell's almost broken the bell's gone where where's the bell gone who's got the belt we just gotta look at the leaderboard i guess look no one knows what to do with themselves anymore now that their one purpose in life is gone oh no do you see any leaderboards going up any any bells being wrong hmm hmm where's the best i didn't encounter this well it didn't account for just losing the bell peace and quiet is quite nice now actually oh i can change that no tommy tommy tommy tommy please tommy please wait someone else wait someone else just placed down a bell and then i destroyed it oh voice announced only now there's wait so now we gotta put the bells back in throw the bell into the crowd oh bread boy bread boy's got it oh bread boy's dead uh adorable goat dog's got it okay uh froggy's got it froggy's running froggy's running frog he's got the bell and he's out tommy oh no one's seen him no one's seen him he's gotta run he's just gotta run uh-oh oh oh diamond diamond axe [ __ ] cartoon oh my god the [ __ ] end of it oh my god look at the crowd sorry he's seen some [ __ ] look this guy this guy oh he's taking him on he's taking him on oh he put the bell down oh my god it's a massive they're just going they're just going holy sh lava there's someone's got lava oh my god they could destroy the bell we'd have to add another one oh my god oh look juvety is just using lava what if will you guys no this is not efficient if you if you jump in the flames during the no okay it's fine oh oh oh oh oh oh it's so close oh my god oh oh it's broke it's broke it's broke where'd it go where'd it go oh it's placed again it got placed again instantly tell me i think this is more of a social experiment we just leave this going and we don't and we just see society well you like the society i did until i saw the joker i like orange pineapples trying to develop an aerial tactic wait belgium bell's gone bill's on the move oh he's been placed immediately again no you know what no no i'm sick of this i've had an idea okay okay okay he's going he do be building though okay i vibe with that i vibe with this idea let's see how this goes with that i [ __ ] with that yeah also look none of them have blocks tommy so they're all just adam plays is really on his way though here comes adam oh my god here comes adam it's like a sitcom what's he gonna do oh adam no get your rings no no no remember adam plays just like killing people he's gone oh oh no adam the bell fell the bell fell into the crowd someone's down here's got it who's got it oh what's that where i can hear it tell me i heard it where is it i heard it but now it's gone what who was raiding it adam plays is looking for it by just killing everyone i'm i'm lost we just gotta wait i guess i heard it i heard it adam might have it adam's digging down he was killing people wait don't don't stand there don't stand here listen listen just listen down there [ __ ] god who's oh god they're searching oh no tommy we hung around too long the bell's still there adam's still safe man adam's safe is adam even on the leaderboards yeah adam's in fourth look at him just ringing it oh my god he's using the fact that you can only hit it from one side tommy oh that's clever oh my god what what a genuine oh now he's now he's dead holy [ __ ] that's gwin it's awful adam's back with a vengeance oh my god lord's coming in look lord's got oh he's ringing he's not actually i thought he was going to mind it oh wait no he's stabbing he's stabbing he's he's got a knife i think he's just he's only in it for the kill this is just awful wait is he going under he's going look at lord look at that he's gonna break it he's gonna break the oh that idiot oh he's like no thank you look at all these people falling love it love it oh no wait wait can you write oh he got the belt orange pineapple's got it he's just running he's running away the stream delay isn't caught up yet no one knows holy crap he was prepared look oh orange pineapple surely got the lead here that's why you just gotta let it wait wait wait oh oh no [Music] oh who got it oh the ladies i think it's adam plays i think adam plays got it tommy oh not adam what the [ __ ] oh my god who got tnt okay i'm watching adam plays tommy tpd people tell me look what oh adam he's [ __ ] it he's put it in the wrong place there you go is it gonna break if he minds it without picking wait he wants it gone he wants it we'll just make another one we're bringing people to the center tommy what's your idea well you know how we went high with a bell yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean of course already yeah yeah everyone remembers that what if hear me out okay okay that's that's gonna look that's good um hold on let's at least uh i'm running out of time here you're like hamilton [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i [ __ ] up i was trying to make a pool so it wouldn't it wouldn't all spill out like it's currently spilling out oh no that's good that's good okay five characters they're just they're just going to get it tommy like it's not going to be different no no we'll watch this if they do i'll kill them no don't just murder them this guy's only he's only got six bells wrong just ring it my friend oh no you no that wasn't what i wanted to happen where's he going just let him just let him go let him go oh you idiot and he's going to play valve new bell's down tommy taught me new bells here see what they don't realize is if they just destroy the block under the it's gone it's gone tommy it's gone i think it's not sarah died with it i think chapters got it tommy i think he's got it i think he's got it okay he's going it down he's got a little hole interesting tactic oh oh that's one way of fixing i mean i guess that makes you pretty safe doesn't it oh look they made a little fall train oh oh oh that's clever wait what's he up to 30 30 40 bells okay he's only got to press it 400 more times look they're putting water down his hole oh no no one wants water down their hole oh they certainly don't look he's climbing up the leaderboards we've got miopa miyopa refuses to be beaten but they also didn't bring a pickaxe oh but chapter keeps going they didn't bring a [ __ ] pickaxe fools what fool well look at him chapter continues down just keeps going i think he's going to bedrock he's trying to man is he one this is just well it's just a guy look this is [ __ ] kermit the frog is okay i don't think he even knew we could see him he was so close to diamonds as well poor guy oh yummy poor kermie oh we got someone coming look pogio oh chapter's moving he's moving down no the dow can he go leopard is still punching the [ __ ] thing he's still not like a big gang of people coming down look oh yeah they're like ants look at them they're searching for him also chapter chapter has taken that oh my god is just leaving diamond oh my god is like no diamonds for me thanks see what you could do is place the bell on bedrock and then you can't destroy the bomb block that's a good idea oh oh here comes a fight i think pikiyo might have the work cut out because this guy's got a shield and an axe and she's got a wooden sword he's running out of time because he needs to start ringing the bell i mean he's got a comfortable lead i guess he's open back to belling he misplaced it oh man that's that you can't be doing that there we go back on bell duty it's still a solid 40 minutes how is me opening oh oh tommy tommy they've really they're getting close oh he's just what what is miopa hoping to do here the ants are getting close what is myopa hoping to do confused oh this guy's in full iron well he's got an opponent on his way oh oh oh i see him miller tim bring your bells chapter ring oh that's really clever of him because he's placing wood yeah yeah they have to have had an axe which is not maybe he's just very poor can i just say he's just digging towards adam plays wait adam plays just needs to dig down like three blocks oh my god this isn't oh oh tommy tommy clicking tommy this might be it just keep clicking oh oh wait oh oh my god adam plays as the bell adam plays is getting his score up oh wait but look at all these people coming now he's going to take the lead again he's just got to click it 400 times oh god miller tim oh hello gang it's the ants the ants have arrived the answer oh adam plays is dead but the ants arrived well miller tim's got the belt there's a sign you're writing a sign w we win [ __ ] i think militants are oh that's not cool what is happening oh my god no the bell's gonna revolution the bell's just gonna blaze the bell oh wait the bell's still there i still see it i see it still there the bell's there wait do i see it wait did he even have it oh it's kermit the [ __ ] kermit's back wait who's got the bell no i think it burned because he plays the lava i don't think anyone's got the bell i guess we go back to the center i think we should go up let's begin okay we've got we got we got a bell owner people are setting fire there are the bell destroyers we've come it's already identified the bell owner god kermit you're a real it's mr mister and aren't you missed mr yeah comments just look at him he's the only person following the bellow now just look at his eyes he's crazed oh my god wait wait they're friends they're not friends they're not friends oh he's done the problem you can't ring the bell like that other than he just died good [Music] oh there we go oh oh all right he's just he's just done he's got no more bells for it oh no he's back on no patch he had a little bit but he had a break he had a thing oh my god look who's back just [ __ ] staring just it's just his head his head just like moved slowly around the corner look at him he's just what's his deal oh he's here wait josh is right look at the right hand side catch yeah i told you there was another one oh look at oh my god teleport's a cat jam dude oh my god i think we need to keep glowing to cat jam and the other one oh wait fluffy's just dying he's not punched to death what oh my god okay well the kermit's just stood and particles are coming out of his feet but he's not moving okay we have a bit of a problem this hole has the bell in it megc has the bell and he's just killing comet how come it died kermit died to another force cat jam's really just going at it any oh my god oh no wait can't jump about to get jumped oh oh oh oh we got another one anarchist goblin is now the bell owner oh and it's my old skin oh well just like a repeat of the actual sir oh no i won that time i didn't go crazy tommy we're making a battle royale bell ringing battle royale okay it's moving in i think i've had a good idea we make a big hole to the void and put the bell in the middle of it i don't think that's a good idea cat jam is in the lead though i will mention that you need to grow down man you [ __ ] screw down you prick tell me i think it's fine we just need to look at who's on the leaderboard i'm not fine thanks for asking though who has the bell right now um i don't know there are two bells out there i think they're all low scoring it oh my god wilbur look look there's this whole community that the borders about oh no oh no look at them they're picking up their flowers they're moving oh god what is this will you protect me fellow gay we are straight up vibing hello fellow lesbians oh no pineapple sand but look he's nodding oh this isn't good bye-bye bye-bye community house oh lord lobster tommy lord lobster oh god i accidentally just got everything there hello mate sorry about that three boys in a bit alright what should we chat about hey was he right he's right he just wrote move he was done with that [ __ ] so competitive they're so competitive he says digging balls why would he why would he put that why would he why would he put that why would he put that that's not funny why the border is definitely coming i'm gonna make it go quicker double time oh god what's he writing what's he writing just left a blank sign why why we'll never know oh my god look at all the items being just mashed up was that you tommy was that you no no that doesn't look like something i would do i think there's only one bell in play now well thank me later society let's see how this is how the surface is looking right now oh it's not looking good what has happened up here what is going on oh my god well but i solemnly believe a pit to the void would help well do you avoid pit last night put it right in the middle we'll do the void look i won't do my void pit now but i have another idea okay what's your other idea i don't know if you're aware of this this feature in minecraft there's a potion known as a potion of lingering which means the effects stay there oh so you're saying we spammed lingerie [ __ ] poison it i mean is it how to be consumed by the border tommy i think i've made the world border too small at least it looks pretty there we go there's no bell no there is a bell you put it in the big cloud oh yeah i forgot about that this is a bit much i think this would kill people instantly so oh wait someone's just doing it someone's got the belt someone's taking the [ __ ] they don't care they're here wait they're just not oh wait they got the belt he's got the bell top hat mc oh yeah i see him i see him oh my god it's just like the beginning again why is there a dolphin tommy look what behind you that's global warming that is there's two of them the climate's changing wilbur the ocean's spawning [ __ ] everywhere it's literally just like the beginning i've read about it in the sun telling you wilbur that was climate change was that you that oh okay well it's me it's me now oh they transcend the neither a border oh oh who has the belt i can't there's too many dolphins i mean that's gonna that's one way to get rid of them oh who got the bell tommy i don't know is there even a bell in the mix i think there is i think there's two in the mix actually what the [ __ ] tell me what's going on here tommy what's going on here what's happened look oh what are they doing oh no we shouldn't have looked today oh we shouldn't oh it's not happening it's just in our lives i put another one there what what the [ __ ] is this look come with me what is going on all the way look all the way up okay you see it oh i see it all the way up oh they're [ __ ] sky blocking again look oh you nerds you nerds nerds tell me about the experience dicks yeah review it would you is anyone ringing tommy you know you came up with this bell idea i think it was a little bit in the lacking distinct lack of bats i i agree i agree i was just you took the words right out of my mouth they're still doing this [ __ ] i think it's time for operation void whole tommy you've got world at it you know what to do ten bucks tommy crashes myself oh where did this hole come from that's bigger than i thought it was gonna be that's what thingy she said that wait i've just rose the world spawns there tommy they're just gonna fall forever oh well watch me not mine oh my god look at them right where are you putting the bell tommy i've already placed the belt oh you've got the bell okay i like this i like this oh don't mind the bell no don't mind it there's so many bodies it's a little time it's just raining when they fall past it and they ring it as they fall oh mr bread man oh he's out he's gone there he goes you can't make the jump stop trying to jump hey guys you know you can't make the jump please oh this was a great idea tommy oh water now we've got water now i don't want water which doesn't make any sense to me they're trying to move the bell no no don't let's not be immature now adam place is actually climbing up the leaderboard from this tactic look at my bats look at my back they're loving it oh look it's just it's just like the most depressing death chapter tried to regain his lead and failed oh it's karmit he's just he's just stood there oh and he's gone come here this is just upsetting i think cat jam has solidified his lead we've only got like 10 minutes left good idea they can still click the battle but they'll fall to they death oh my god look come under come under ah oh my god really unsettling it's like they're little play-doh machines please squish them out they're like dripping their way through hey now i've had an idea hmm what if just uh just upset everyone we just moved the bell like three blocks [Music] oh it's so good mr bread man's got a great spot look oh good on you i think he's got this this kermit's just digging is going up as well mr bredman's taking the lead cat jam's lost his lead oh the bell's gone tommy the bell's gone i know i know i know oh now they have to do drive-by clicks oh my god you've got it mr fluffers let's do it really small really [ __ ] small like that yeah yeah oh no my god this is just so miserable to watch i don't know about you but the noise is getting a bit on my nerves i'm i am so done with this noise now adam places in second chapters coming up to third oh my god mr breadman still got it i'm gonna give everyone one ender pearl oh wait where would i give them 64. oh no they're just gonna be jumping around like mad men oh my god they're gonna be all quirky i'm just waiting for adam plays to take first place i think he's gonna do it unless chapter starts ringing oh tommy why tommy tommy why that wasn't me well but that was society that was the self-blame society we got new first place right final five minutes begins now okay okay okay just lots of people dying this is how it starts now what'd you call him nasty khaki he's made it oh he fell oh we've got adam plays on the bell well mr breadman can definitely take the lead in this time tommy like the top four are like super close to each other well the turn around he's just seen all the deaths what it how many belts he's only rung the bell three times he's wrong the belt always everywhere he's rung the bell three times this guy gal afraid are you hey i'm just feeling a bit left out tommy uh one from gav is helping hold on i want to give gav the bell for a second hold on hold on hold on there you go there you go gav yeah go whoa look at him go you've had your fun you've had your fun let's give it back to them they're all punching each other they don't know what to do they're lost who else have we got this creeper how many bells have you wrong way yeah you [ __ ] get out of here what is the lingering question of slow falling do oh wait they're just good they're gonna fall slowly into the void tommy wait she hang and swamp mouse wait swamp mouse where's led um no wait no no no bad bad led led no led stop with the dolph led put yourself on screen go on webcam on explain yourself now [Music] wait hold on chapters chapter's going to overtake adam please 30 seconds left holy [ __ ] oh adam plays is clicking it off again yeah i don't think adam plays can lose now oh can he five four three three two one why if we put everyone in one of them squidgy things and watch them all squidge yeah you want to put them in a squidgy thing oh oh no they've discovered they can hit you gotta make sound effects you gotta make sound effects as they fall tommy [Music] oh god it's gross oh let's get adam plays i want to get his final speech i'll get him he's already there he's on the victory though he keeps going he's just he's all he knows this new crack it's a holy nose went well my hand hurts there's a girl there [Music] oh there you go
Channel: Wilbur Soot
Views: 2,551,707
Rating: 4.9741969 out of 5
Keywords: wilbur soot, live, wilbur live, wilbur plays
Id: NWAd4oJp40Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 06 2020
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