Which Legendary Pokemon is the Best? (Poll Results)

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[Music] hey guys ron here and i'm a sucker for a legendary pokemon i can't get enough of them according to 74 of my viewers legendaries are among their top 10 favorite pokemon you see a couple of months ago i made a poll containing a bunch of questions on starter pokemon for you guys to fill out i made a video on the results and you guys wanted more so i asked you guys on my community tab and twitter a bunch of legendary pokemon questions and i'll go over the results today legendaries are becoming controversial so this is very interesting a vast majority even said that legendaries are becoming less special virtually all of us agree that legendaries should be hard to obtain and since 80 consider mythical pokemon to be a subset of legendary pokemon they're 100 in this video 90 believe that mythicals should be gifted with story and additional gameplay and this lack of additional content over the last few gens is making them less worth the hype but which generations got it right how many legendary pokemon should each generation have the sweet spot seems to be 10 legendary pokemon like there were in gen 3 perhaps even 13 like in both gens 4 and 5 where the legendary designs became more and more complex is that something people appreciate well 68 say that legendary pokemon designs should only be slightly more complex than that of average pokemon but before going into the results of the individual pokemon you should know that the following metric probably skewed the results two-thirds of my viewers tend to fall in love with the legendaries from the first generation they played but what do they prioritize when judging a legendary pokemon almost everybody said design obviously with lauren backstory a close second then it's all about how interesting the concept is how they implemented it into the in-game plot and how cool it is versus things that aren't as important like cuteness having extra forms or how good it is competitively although that sometimes affects the results what makes a bad legendary ones with bad designs no backstory or relevance to the game's plot and therefore a boring way of being obtained but let's get into the actual results i asked you guys which pokemon you prefer among their trios and groups and i also gave you a separate question where you got to pick as many legendary pokemon as possible which allowed me to rank the legendaries based on the percentage of people that picked a specific legendary pokemon let's begin in pokedex order starting with kanto's legendary birds i asked you guys which of the trio you preferred and articuno won zapdos is relatively close but multrace is far behind clearly the most unpopular of the three i want to give a thanks to joeypokemmd for looking over these results and giving me insight in how competitive battling could have skewed the results now this trio's results are undoubtedly based on design considering articuno is the worst of the three competitively since these three have regional forms i ask which form you prefer it's pretty much split between both forms of articuno and zapdos but considering galerion moltres's flamboyant presence it is way more popular than its cantonian form when i allowed you guys to pick as many legendary pokemon that you like here were the results all the legendary birds were a good deal above average in popularity a tier except for original moltres who is below average in c tier people think its design is too goofy and perhaps simple for a legendary pokemon at least compared to the successful designs of its trio companions and forms golerian moltres being the most popular of all six is a cool redemption arc though well deserved mewtwo and mew were way simpler both were well above average with mew surprisingly being slightly more popular even though fans say that they don't prioritize cute legendary pokemon perhaps this mythical's lore rarity and concept compensate for that both are eightier though a point or two away from a plus time for the legendary beasts of johto suikun seems to be the fan favorite considering it's the most prominent in media has a majestic design and is the best competitively among the three raikou and entei are pretty much even all three are above average but suicune has it all for most people as a group they're above average too but ever so slightly less popular than the legendary birds now that the gallerian forms exist lugia is a tier above ho-oh in popularity considering its design and appearances in the anime and the highest rated legendary so far with 70 of the vote lugia has an a-plus while ho-oh is an a the two as a duo are more popular than the previous trios celebi managed to be relatively average compared to all other legendaries it's cute and unique but nothing that people go crazy for when it comes to legendaries gen 3 time the original 3 reggie seemed to be the least popular legendary so far which is funny considering people praise the way they're obtained and their backstory unfortunately people don't find their design all that interesting regirock is the least popular perhaps people think a rock golem is too simple for a legendary regis is second but reggie steel is the most popular by a bit it's the best of the three competitively and has a more unique design but we'll talk about the complete set later the eon duo is relatively above average in popularity people like ladies a bit more cause it's more useful in the metagame and looks cooler something people prioritize at least compared to latias cuteness very solid legendaries a for latios and b for larias the weather trio or super range and pokemon are up next kyogre seems to be slightly above groudon with an a plus and a respectively but rayquaza is not only far more popular within the group but is the most popular pokemon so far it's an s-tier pokemon in legendary will it maintain the highest score let's see i know for sure that rayquaza made the weather trio the most popular group as well it has an amazing design lore concept in-game relevance and method of catching it's all you want in a legendary pokemon while grazon and kyogre are way above average as well just not as cool as a dragon god jirachi however received the most average score out of any pokemon in this video neither hated nor absolutely beloved dioxis though is above average it's cool it's hip it has plot relevance it's a killer space virus but which form is everybody's favorite attack form with its base form as second interesting to note that when excluding its base form the results are in order of how useful they are in battle but we also can admit that attack form is the coolest and speed form is pretty sweet as well even defense form is exciting gen 4 has a diverse selection of legendaries when it comes to the lake guardians asshole's design is most appealing and more useful than yuxi and mesprit who are a few tiers below azelf with mesprit at the bottom that's right the late guardians are some of the most unpopular pokemon on this list yuxi and d-tier and mesprit is our first f tier people seem to be pissed about its roaming nature it's technically the second most unpopular legendary but the trio itself is the second least popular group of legendaries to many fans they all share very similar simple designs don't have any exciting impact on the game's experience and aren't as cool as a majority of legendaries the creation trio's results are interesting it's clear that giratina is way more popular than diaga and yaga seems to be more popular than pakia but when i gave you the ability to choose as many legendaries as you wanted almost 80 percent chose giratina almost 75 chose diago and 55 chose pakia who is still above average but both giaga and giratina seem to be a plus-tier legendary pokemon giratina is actually the second most popular legendary on this list as a trio disregarding numbers when i asked you guys your favorite the creation trio even beat the weather trio i guess as a concept people think it's the loftiest and most legendary a trio of pokemon can be and of course origin form is more beloved than altered form giratina it's a better design and has a slight edge against pokemon like groudon in competitive heatran on the other hand is relatively unpopular d-tier material it's not a design that fans latch onto and it's lore is uninteresting the first legendary in pokemon to just exist without any real impact or mystique reggie giggis is slightly more popular but still a bit below average in popularity at this time though it's the most popular reggie corcellia's reception is very similar to reggie gigas a sea tier legend without much of a following it's pretty but not cool and many fans don't even know what cresselia does or its backstory unlike other legendaries there is no desire to find one but compared to the next one it's not half bad i asked you guys if you consider fione a legendary and more than half said no this liminal existence has officially made fione the most unpopular legendary pokemon with 10 of fans enjoying its presence manafee a deter legendary does better but not enough there's nothing unique or legendary about it its mythicality is all down to its rarity to obtain one you have to get yourself an original copy of pokemon ranger not many people's favorite catching method but guess what pokemon raises the value of this entire generation darkrai with 78 of the vote it's the third most popular legendary here it has everything you want from a legendary pokemon cool design lore and even a story to go with this event shaymin ain't half bad either while you guys clearly prefer sky form for multiple reasons like its battle prowess and cooler design both together as one are slightly above average even more popular than pokemon like celebi and jirachi a group that i call pixie mythicals arceus finishes this generation off on a fine note it's relatively popular considering it's god it managed to land itself in high a tier apparently more popular than pokemon like mewtwo sweetgoon and deoxus i did not expect that let me know why you think arceus has risen in popularity at least from my perspective gen 5 time or gen v for victini who actually got the most votes for a pixie mythical at this point of the video not counting me of course with a unique concept and well executed event this pokemon isn't one people complain about the swords of justice on the other hand are another trio where all three are unpopular copalyon and verizon have pretty much the exact same perception see tear legendaries so not that embarrassing but tarakion is fairly unpopular even though it's one of the best pokemon competitively while all fans think these pokemon are rather uneventful and have uncanny faces tarakion is the target of most of this hatred considering kovaleon at least looks like a leader and verizon is somewhat pretty as a trio not counting keldeo they at least are more popular than the late guardians but the next trio is even more unpopular actually the least popular group of legendaries in this video the forces of nature ternatus thundurus and landorus when given the option to choose only one thunderus wins by a lot despite landot being incredibly famous in battle if this was not counting forms though this would make sense perhaps its color scheme is the least controversial but maybe people like the design of its theory and form the most people are pretty split on both tornadoes forms but thunderous tea is pretty popular as well as landorus therian form compared to its original but bringing the honor of gen 5 back we have the tau trio zekrom seems to be a fan favorite considering its design is the definition of cool but resharam isn't too far behind while kirim is the first trio master to be the least popular of its group despite its forms being the best in battle among the trio but overall all three have above average popularity with reshram and tier and zekram an a plus tier the tao trio is far from controversial kirin black is way better in competitive therefore winning but i'm sure zekrom's design helped boost kirum black's notoriety keldeo is pretty much as popular as the other source of justice so not that popular but pretty high considering he's the newest addition to the group keldeo's resolute form made him even more popular than in black and white meloetta doesn't manage to be more popular than caldio with only 31 of people choosing it when having as many choices as possible people even prefer its arya form over pirouette form it really seems to be the antithesis of what most popular legendaries look like and even represent conceptually but genocide finishes gen 5 with a bit of redemption while obviously not as popular as literal gods like dialga and kyogre it's slightly above average with half of my viewers saying they love this bionic bug gen 6's aura trio doesn't do too bad either while the reception of zygarde isn't as strong as the other two considering its implementation was not well executed and its design isn't as exciting in the overall score it received an above average score probably because of its forms and zygarde complete appropriately gets half of the votes iveltal manages to be an a plus tier for its badass design xerneas gets an a for its beautiful aura and domination in vgc zygarde almost making a tier with a high b b plus score the aura trio is generally favorable above average as a trio dion c gets a pretty low score of almost 30 percent a high d at best when it comes to legendaries hoopa manages to get a bit higher thanks to its confined form i bet if this form was revealed first and hoopa had some great lore and story-based event he would be way more popular but volcanion seems to be the least popular kalos mythical despite being the most traditionally legendary looking i'd say i guess his design was too confusing and it's lore literally non-existent another example of bad execution heading on over to alola type gnaw and cell valley are indeed legendary pokemon according to the game's code while type null doesn't get a great reception among legendaries at least still valy manages to be slightly above average despite being an unconventional design for any pokemon this is where good implementation into the plot of the game kicks in the tapus are here these guardian deities aren't evenly popular tapukoko gets a majority of the love with tapoffini getting a slight edge because it too dominated vgc but it's clear that tapu koko is the only above average guardian here landing it in b tier even higher than pokemon like entei and palkia as a whole the reception of this quartet is slightly below average cosmog despite being inferior in battle and more simple in design manages to be slightly more popular than the average tapu thanks to its importance in the plot even cosmoem is more popular than heatran yuxi and landorus but let's get to the big boys solgaleo and lunala are almost identical in reception so much so that solgaleo wins when there is only one option to vote while luna wins when you can pick as many as you like necrozma isn't unpopular though all three are above average literally eight tier legends for cosmog's final evolutions necrozma gets a boost from its forms ultra necrozma obviously being the most popular but what's weird is that despite being relatively above average in the overall plot when i asked you guys which groups were your favorite the light trio got the lowest score so far for box art legends i guess people like these legends individually but don't really find them as cohesive as a trio at least not as much as the weather trio creation trio or even taotrio who do seem more well-rounded and cohesively themed now it's time for the ultra beasts despite a majority of you guys not considering them as legendary pokemon 47 of you like that they look weird but a good chunk also don't respond to their weirdness so don't find them charming at all regardless here are the results for these interdimensional creatures naganadal is the winner by a clear amount to many it's at the very least good in battle and along with poipole the least unnatural looking of the ubs when it comes to the original ultra beasts kartana seems to be the fan favorite i'm assuming because it's really good in battle because lord is second because of its actual menacing design and even a bit of lore and game a well-handled yubi who's the least popular ultra beast celestia i get it it's the most unnatural looking of the ultra beasts very unsettling but all the ubs except for the naganada line and cortana are significantly below average in the polls maghirna is even more unpopular though almost tied with celastila the uniquely typed marshadow on the other hand is by far the most popular pixie mythical aside from you of course literally more popular than deoxis and zapdos i guess it has it all in the design and concept area it's both cute and cool and spectral thief is very fun it's simply missing plot relevance and a cool way of being obtained zero aura also manages to get an above average score despite being a mythical people think it's cool good in battle and i'm sure unite has boosted its popularity as well meltan and mel metal are slightly less popular and most averagely received people were definitely more intrigued by this line than other mythicals but as you can tell design wise people aren't as receptive to a nut with some mercury over an electric tiger and finally generation 8 the darkest day trio zashin seems to be more in line with fans tastes which is odd since when they were first revealed reception was pretty even sashing had a sword but people thought zamagenta looked more natural at the end perhaps people simply like how good crown's ocean is in battle or they like wolves with swords eternitus is such an outlier the least popular quote-unquote trio master but zashin and zamasenta are above average high b and low a as a duo they're more popular than the light trio and guardian deities even though alone they're the lowest rated box art legends which is understandable considering they're the newest obviously people prefer their crown form not a surprise kubfu is understandably not what most people want in a legendary still higher than regirock but urshifu made it above the average line single strike form is a bit more popular but rapid strike doesn't disappoint they both at least do better than zarud it's relatively uninteresting design for a legendary and lack of real implementation in the game make it super unpopular a d-tier legendary reggie leckie and reggie drago finally join us becoming the most popular regis they seem more exciting to fans considering they're not made of tangible raw materials regialeki has a fan favorite design animation and of course battle prowess making it the only reggie that passes the average line glastrier and spectria almost make it people think they're cool and of course spectra is beloved in battle but too many think that they're the simplest looking legendary pokemon considering they're as special looking as a rapidash i hate to end it with calorics because despite it being the legendary with the most in-game storyline interaction and even personality its unconventional design makes it unpopular shadow rider for its superiority in vgc has become people's favorite calorics form so at the end of the day when i asked fans what region had the best assortment of legendaries gen 4-1 with gen 3 coming in really close despite them not having the highest average score but rather the most positive reception from fans because the highest rated legendaries came from these two generations interesting to note that even though gen 6 got the least amount of votes when i asked people which gen had their least favorite assortment of legendaries gen 8 was the winner instead then gen 7 and then gen 6. a reason for this is that people are more comfortable explicitly giving negative scores to the most recent generations when asked for positive scores the newer generations aren't dead last it seems like newer generations are trying out more unorthodox ideas like ultra beasts and legendary regional forms some are hit or miss but i think the creativity hasn't run out fans simply have a preconceived notion of what legendaries should be based on successful designs from previous generations like rayquaza and darkrai but we also can all agree that quality over quantity applies to this group of pokemon and that we're hungry for future legendaries with cool designs and breathtaking stories if you thought this video was breathtaking leave a like and subscribe or follow me on twitter to know when the next poll comes out make sure to check out the previous poll video on the starters if you haven't and my now finished a sewn region playlist consider becoming a patron or clicking the join button to get cool rewards like seeing videos days early and a huge discount on the t-shirts i made for you guys my social media links are there too i'll see you guys next week for a spooky video bye
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 899,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Arceus, Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Game Freak, Pokemon Legends, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Sinnoh Remakes, Diamond and Pearl, Brilliant Diamond, Shining Pearl, BDSP, Kaskade Region, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Rayquaza, Darkrai
Id: v2OpFTdAN9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 51sec (1071 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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