The Worst Pokemon of Each Type

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hey guys Ron here and recently I released a video about the Pokemon I think are the best of each type and I made it abundantly clear that there is a difference between my favorite Pokemon and the Pokemon I think are the best now it's time to talk about the Pokemon I think are the worst based on how terribly they represent their type their design lower creativity and battle prowess and extreme cases while each entry has a different reason for being on the list they fail majorly in one or many of these aspects for example my least favorite ground-type is claydol but that's for very personal reasons I actually think claydol is a very good Pokemon based on what I want in a Pokemon so it's not gonna be here because the ground type I think is the worst may actually be a Pokemon I like but just so happens to suck at being a well made ground type but on the other hand some of these entries may actually be decent representatives of their type but clearly suck in the end this is still a subjective opinion because what I think makes a great Pokemon may not be what you think makes a great Pokemon I mean you get it you're a good person you know what's up if you think there's a Pokemon that should have been here chances are there's a reason they're not if you want to see my least favorite Pokemon rather than the Pokemon I think are the worst click this video now let's begin with the worst normal-type its delcatty this was also kind of hard because there are a lot of relatively boring normal types that's kind of the point of the normal type so being boring isn't the reason to detract points but at least every normal type does something it has an aspect that makes it unique and/or interesting to use in battle but delcatty doesn't really do anything that's kind of its thing actually all of its pokedex entries talked about how its nomadic oh this entry from sapphire talks about this Pokemon in battle related situation it says if the other Pokemon approach it as it sleeps Pokemon will never fight it will just move away somewhere else so what makes it anything other than just a cat with a neck pillow I mean it's not a criteria but does that at least have amazing stats nope I believe it actually has the lowest based a total of any fully evolved Pokemon with a pre evolution listen I think delcatty is super pretty but when it comes down to its skinny is more memorable and of course this shows you that I'm not judging only based on how terribly the Pokemon represents the type cuz delcatty is pretty normal and my favorite normal type barely represents the type but in every other criteria like design and lore tang goose is better in my opinion the worst water type is its Vinny on Vinny on stores it's literally a fish and honestly water type was the hardest to pick every single water type looks like a water type and even when they don't they're pretty awesome which really makes you understand that simply representing the type doesn't mean it's an OK water type so the reason why finian is at the bottom is because it's the least creative water type even my least favorite water type Pokemon simipour has very deep design traits that make it more appealing once you understand its origin but finian is probably the least interesting water type even Luvdisc is cute and memorable Vinny on 8 but after thinking about it at least it evolves and lumen Aeon is slightly better so I'm gonna make it tied with vascular bascule in has all the flaws of affinis on but when you train one you don't get that little jolt of excitement when your Pokemon is evolving water type is the most abundant type so don't blame me for picking two very similar Pokemon the worst fire type is semi sear now this is one of three Pokemon here that are actually my least favorite as well they're really easy to explain this guy is just the worst look at any other fire type and you'd understand that I even got the signs to back it up we all know that it was voted the least popular Pokemon in Japan a few years ago I have tons of videos that explain how cool its origin is and how it makes total sense but in my opinion it was executed terribly how could anybody prefer this Pokemon when Infernape exists he's just trying to copy a popular starter Pokemon yet he's doing it wrong even their stats are the same the fact that this pokemon exists is ridiculous and it doesn't look good in motion either for fighting we have sock now here's what's funny I actually like sock more than throw but at least throw is more monsters however sock isn't subtle enough to be a Pokemon especially in the fighting type because for example Hariyama is the sumo wrestling Pokemon but it isn't straight up a sumo wrestler it's clothing looks like part of its body and it's clearly not a human sock is guilty of having the most egregious integration of clothing into its design it looks like a rock dude who is simply wearing a karate gear and at least throws judo concept is relatively original however sock being a karate master falls a bit flat because karate was already part of most fighting-type pokémon techniques karate chop is like the most iconic fighting-type move so what's a new fighting type style that this pokemon offers I like this Pokemon but I just wish it was more demonic like it was originally supposed to be the worst flying type is delibird this pokemons whole deal is this Santa Claus gimmick it looks up healing enough but unlike far-fetched stick this pokemons signature technique isn't stab and actually has a chance of helping the opponent I'm a big supporter of gimmicks but not when they actually are a detriment to the Pokemon unless the Pokemon is already super powerful like slaking whose ability is there to prevent it from killing anybody again it's not like it's an abomination all the other flying types are at least cool in some way except for Ducklin but when it comes down to it it's the last flying type I would want on my team so I mean that's kind of why it's here pretty harsh honestly you just wants to give gifts nothing wrong with that the worst grass type is sunkern it also happens to be the weakest pokemon and no I'm not counting solo wishy-washy sunflora is my least favorite grass type but I think sunkern is worse objectively and does anybody else get some freaky vibes from this bodyless creature and i wish that could be all i have to say but then i wouldn't really have a point if i don't think this pokemon is cute and it's also not good at battle its origin isn't anything special either so what use does it have when it comes to my entertainment cuz that's what pokemon is about it's a game even the Pokemon deemed the worst by other people give me some form of enjoyment and the sunkern line simply doesn't for poison we have trouble it's also my least favorite poison type but simply because I like every other poison type more not because I'm offended by this fam I like Garbo even though it's literally trash I reserve the word garbage for those who are worse than scum like people who abandoned their friends are literal Nazis things that have no value whatsoever but rubbish has value I think that if it's a garbage concept was executed in a more clever way people would like it more but till then it's simply a garbage bag with a face the worst electric-type is Picchu I love Picchu it's cute as butts but any electric-type pokémon that shocks itself isn't gonna be in the top tier of electric-types and when it's a vault form is more appealing iconic and in my opinion cuter there is no reason for this baby Pokemon to exist I gotta lay down the facts honey the worst ground type is nincada did you even know this thing was a ground type I get it it borrows but like other than the fact that it can dig what other Pokemon incorporates less ground into its design and abilities than in kama does it's not bad have you seen this thing smile it's underrated ly cute look at that he's a good boy this thing makes me happy but what I give a flying ferd if this thing lost its ground typing no for psychic it's tingling you see now it's kind of getting easier maybe Pokemon aren't the best and when it comes to a pokemon that already looks like a baby why in the world did anybody think it was a good idea to make a weaker time echo instead of giving it an evolved form its design isn't bad at all but psychic is filled with some freaky and cool-looking Pokemon so why would I ever want to chingling honestly Chimecho scooter that's why jingling could have been the evolved form of Chimecho I mean a bell is louder and more obnoxious than a chime am I wrong who cares really Rock was pretty hard jokes aside it was difficult to come up with but Robo passes the answer even though I kind of liked it a lot it makes way more sense than people give it credit for and I wouldn't mind using one but this is a type in which my opinion shouldn't matter because I'm actually a huge fan of rock types and all the unpopular rock types are actually Pokemon that I love I just may be biased when it comes to rock types I could be super blind to how much these things suck so perhaps this Pokemon fails because its origin and concept didn't translate into an appealing design and I get it it's here since I seriously leave all the other Pokemon of this type absolutely rock there I said it ice is Who am I kidding jinx again this is another case of even though I think this Pokemon has a very interesting concept with a design that takes inspiration from so many intriguing places its execution has failed its incredibly clever when you look into why this Pokemon looks the way it does but here's the thing the same design would work in a different art style and genre but it doesn't translate into a good Pokemon it's not as terrible as people think it is but in the context of this franchise this creature is a pretty bad pocket monster the worst bug type is scatterbug this was easy it was gonna go to an early route bug type because the ones you catch later in the game are pretty epic the rest are iconic cute cool have a concept I admire or are at the very least inoffensive but this thing is ugly I mean perhaps it's another case of an ugly Pokemon becoming beautiful like feed bass but I know that's not what its concept is this Pokemon just happens to look disgusting and doesn't have any of the redeeming qualities other early bug types have so it's here but here isn't a bad place it's nice here we have some bean bags and apple juice the worst dragon type is sliggoo this is another case of literally every other dragon type is better than this Pokemon not only that I don't dislike any dragon types they're all pretty great sliggoo just so happens to be relatively uninteresting when compared to other dragons because on its own I actually think it's cuter than gooey but goomy has more personality and is somehow iconic but other than goomy it's the least dragon II of all the dragons being the worst doesn't mean it sucks it just means that everything else is better it can roll with the crew but it can't disrespect the posse and say that it's as good as its homeboys you get it for worst ghost type Sableye wins if we were to ask what's the Pokemon that gives off the least ghostly vibes the answer would probably be decidua but considering its one of my favorite Pokemon of all time I'm not comfortable saying that it's the worst ghost type ever so what's the second least ghosty ghost Sableye it feels to physical and tangible to be a ghost it's more of a goblin than a ghost but we don't have to get into that ghost is unfortunately another type in which I kind of like Pokemon I mean that's a fortunate thing but unfortunate for the purpose of this video but if I were to ask myself which Pokemon would be my last choice if I wanted a ghost on my team the answer would be Sableye for dark a lowland month takes the cake I mean he can have the cake once it already touched it this one was also tough because when asking which Pokemon doesn't deserve to be a dark-type I'd answer abyssal or a lowland muck because we know that they aren't malicious they're actually nice guys but abyssal does seem edgy and highs in the darkness while a lowland muck is not the easiest to be around on account of its smell hello in Persian also could be here because it looks dumb but now the problem is its design isn't dumb and is in fact pretty genius now that it resembles an actual blue short hair which are derived from Persian cats it's also dark type for one of the most appropriate reasons in all of dark-type history so it's a well executed Pokemon because it was bred to look stupid kind of like modern-day Persian cats Hollow and muck doesn't really deserve the dark type if the only thing that makes it dark is its stench Kanto nyan muc smells bad too and a lowland muck is actually friendlier and if you think about it its colors are brighter too so I may be missing something here but I'm eager to learn so if you know a reason politely tell me in the comment section below the worst steel type is worm Adam if we were basing this on which Pokemon looks the least metallic Lucario would come close even though it's clearly an amazing Pokemon so it's not here but this may be another instance in which I'm ignorant on the topic because I don't understand why trash cloak warmer damn is pink and doesn't even remotely look like it's a steel type I mean I get that trash could be pink but whatever makes garbage pink like strawberry milkshake or gum isn't made of steel I'm not confused by why two steel type and I'm not asking why it's pink I'm asking what kind of steel related trash is pink and even if it had a reason it still isn't the most appealing Pokemon Fermi is way more meaningful to me and the worst fairy type is granbull it just doesn't embody anything that the fairy type represents I get it's literally the fairy Pokemon but it should have stayed normal so get that it could be based on a mythical dog from Celtic lore but none of that comes across in the design or concept but then again it's kind of the point of this Pokemon since it's based on a creature that looks frightening but is shy and friendly like Grandal and I'm not saying that a fairy type can't be masculine it just has to do something very related if it can't at least look like one I'm not picking on this innocent dog I legitimately like this Pokemon more than I used to now that I get why it looks so creepy but that doesn't mean that it accurately represents the themes of the fairies and that's why it's here not because it's terrible but because it's the worst at being a fairy but you can be the best viewer by liking this video if you enjoyed that is and subscribe for more check the description for the music I use the t-shirts I made for you guys and my patreon where you can donate to get cool Awards like seeing my videos days early which you can also have by clicking the join button please follow me on Twitter and I'll see you guys 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Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 1,434,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Worst Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Fakemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, popular Pokemon, Red and Blue, Pokemon champion, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, shiny, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Pokemon Generations, Dynamax, Pokemon World Championships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 25 2019
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