Pokemon Famous People Would Have

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[Music] hey guys Ron here and it's time to bring Pokemon into the real world what if famous people were renowned Pokemon trainers and had a full party of six Pokemon what would they be I'm not talking about the most popular people on earth but rather people who have major world influence in the eyes of Westerners whether you like it or not and let me tell you this was actually pretty difficult to come up with so much so there was mandatory to have helped with the list in order for the video to succeed so I asked Michael from M&J TV to give me a hand but he said he needs both of his hands and they weren't for sale so he offered to help me write this video instead which is it really as valuable but I'll take it I still don't know what you needed my hand for but greetings offense Michael here and it was really fun deciding which celebrities got which Pokemon keep in mind that we tried to pick celebrities that have been in the public eye for a while but we're still popular and possibly even hit their peak Fame in 2018 also we in so much fun deciding which celebrities got which Pokemon then we decided to do the same for some famous superheroes as well in a video over on my channel but let's talk about the real people first exactly first come the most famous world leaders let's start big Michael with the President of the United States Donald Trump times most recent single person of the year do we really have to explain what this guy is I mean technically we are since we are explaining these peoples achievements and goals based on the Pokemon that they have on their team you're not wrong and since he's basically the most controversial person on this list it's a good time to explain that we're basing these Pokemon teams on general knowledge things that everybody knows about these people not our personal opinions this is literally a list about which fictional monsters these famous people would have so it's clearly for fun that being said Donald Trump's team consists first of his ace gumshoes not only does it look like him but another funny parallel that many fans have drawn is that gumshoes was brought to the Aloha region to deal with dude can we say this yeah it's fine to deal with the dark type radishes that plagued the region oh boy now when it comes to the border wall no better pokemon represents Trump's dream then stack attack ax and mr. mime one builds walls and the other is one I also thought it would make sense that in the Pokemon world every US president is given a brave iary upon inauguration but Trump's personal story Pokemon is his meal that he's had since childhood and it of course knows painting and then to top it all off his Landorus because Trump is an orange man in a high position and Landorus is the oranges demand that's pretty funny actually but you know what isn't North Korea you know we didn't exclude kim jeong-hoon he gets a tyrantrum because they're both tyrants celestina the bamboo rocket Pokemon Aggron a pokemon that is based on Pulgas sorry a Korean film produced by Kim Jong Il which stars a Godzilla s character based on an iron eating Korean legend cuz Lord is here too because he's a big evil dude that eats too much Blastoise is here as well since he's a water rocket launching big boy and of course there is type null because Kim Jang Geun is definitely harboring some sort of evil chimera experiment honestly Michael I think we made him a little too overpowered but North Korea does have a disproportionately large military so it makes sense but how about we move on to the least contentious leader here the Queen of England Queen Elizabeth she of course has the Queen Pokemon herself vespiquen but she also has the royal pyroar since the national animal of the UK is the lion coincidentally the national animal of scotland is the unicorn but that's not the reason that she has a rabid Esch she has a rapid - because of her love of horses and that's also the same reason she has a very obedient grandpa and also because the other national animal of the UK is the Bulldog she's got a Kingdra - and her beloved family owns a diancie which could represent the crown jewels but those aren't necessarily gems she's simply wealthy and has a lot of expensive rocks Michael why don't you take our last leader Wow Vladimir Putin is a fan of dogs which is why he has a stout one an extra appropriate dog because it's used for finding and saving people in treacherous terrain like the snowing lands of Russia which is why he also has a bear tick and a nursery because Russia their mascots like a bear or something he also has a BM which while it is an alien it is also designed after secret government agents which works for Putin because he was a KGB officer in addition to that he also has a porygon Z since Russia hacked the US elections and a Persian due to the corruption since Giovanni has a person let's cut the tension and talk about entertainers now keep in mind that we're only focusing on people that have been famous for more than just the past year or so instead of breakout stars from 2018 so you never know maybe I can make more of these videos and include artists like post Malone and cardi B but for now I pick the most popular female artist and the most popular male artist Drake's team was probably the hardest to come up with but I think we pulled it off it first have a salamence since drake is a word often associated with dragons and also the elite form member in the Hoenn region Drake it's a it's a nice reference he also has a new Vern for the same reason but also these speaker ears work with the whole hip-hop theme and then of course any rapper on this list is going to have the Spitfire Pokemon magmar as well as chatot since its tail is literally a metronome and it would allow him to stay on beat cricket hoon is here too due to its musical capabilities but the stretchy ax stuff stretches is that he has a greninja because Drake played fortnight with ninja it was a big thing last year believe me he is not wrong now it's time for the female artist Ariana Grande I bet you didn't know that she played a lot of let's go easy on her downtime and recently got a tattoo of Eevee on her arm so this combined with that signature black mask jad led us to believe that her ex Pokemon would be her starter Umbreon Ariana and Umbreon have the most beautiful friendship it is a perfect choice but Oliver Pokemon make good sense to meloetta and the ponytail wielding pre marina being the most obvious they feel incredibly right as well as a sassy Jigglypuff and Serena who is Ariana Grande's inspiration when it comes to many things the lights of the stage are also represented by luxray but it's really here because Michael and I first fell in love with her as cat from Victorious not romantically in love she's just cool and sings well don't kill me do you believe but anyways now it's actor time starting off with Dwayne the rock Johnson who's here not only because I am a big fan but also because he's the second highest paid actor behind only George Clooney who hasn't been in as many movies lately all of the rocks Pokemon are here because they like fighting like in sinner or hawlucha or Hariyama or because they're muscular like ma champer busts wall or because they're big polynesian rocks like propo pets the rocks team was pretty much a no-brainer due to all the pokemon that fight and because his name literally includes a Pokemon type now my favorite actor is the tie between Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio but we always more recognizable by our generations so he gets to have Pokemon and they obviously have to do with his famous acting rules Avalon for Titanic Bouchard up for inception pangoro for the revenant since putin took all the other bears and cottony for Django Unchained but he played an evil cotton plantation owner he often uses the environmentally friendly suicune and Sceptile based on all the environmental activism that this man has done now Leo gets the true green 7 award for being truly green now Ron I think it's a great time to include detective Pikachu himself onto the list Ryan Reynolds his team would be a Pikachu me asleep but he also has a mimic you which is a Deadpool ask meta version of Pikachu a Gallade fish sharp incisors or to represent Deadpool and Ryu Nicolas to also represent Deadpool since it can regenerate but also it kind of looks like Green Lantern Shh Michael we don't talk about that film here what film green lantern Michael though is a disgrace all things green please stop it well okay then now it's time for billionaires that are part of pop culture Elon Musk is known for many things so his teams that fit all over the place porygon too was designed for space exploration so Elon Musk must have it as well as sulkily oh and Solrock which also represents his solar business ventures Magnezone is his and Tesla's signature Pokemon and electivire is eelain's personal favorite although Rotom heat is a new addition to Ellen's team now that he runs a flamethrower company or something and we can't talk about billionaires without talking about the richest person in the world Jeff Bezos since Jeff Bezos founded Amazon it makes sense that he has several Pokemon that specialized in delivery like delibird Lapras mud stale and Latios in addition to that he also has Alakazam which can of course teleport but also Amazon started as a book selling company and since Alakazam has such a high IQ it probably reads a lot of books and also it's bald and of course the richest man in the world by default has Mewtwo it's just a thing that he has but for a long time before Jeff Bezos overthrew him Bill Gates was the richest man on earth the founder of Microsoft you know Windows the computer operating system most of you guys have that guy must have a Metagross McGee Rinna and genesect he's got a good old fashioned porygon considering the whole Mac versus PC stereotype and this man is known for giving away a good chunk of his wealth to charity so it would be safe to assume that he has a Jirachi and unlike kim jeong-hoon who has an unsuccessful type null Bill Gates was able to evolve his type null through the power of friendship and tends to battle using a god-like Silve ally now let's move on and talk about the younger billionaires starting with the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg he is a Glalie because giant face and a Basia dawn for the same reason he also has the knowledge Pokemon yuxi and Zhou - for all the information gathering since Facebook knows everything about you he also has a goal organic link lang on account of how robotic the guy is and since Kylie Jenner is set to become the youngest self-made billionaire she gets to have some Pokemon but seriously who would have thought that this was the Kardashian to make the list she has her trusty Milotic aroma teas and lopunny hijinx for those noteworthy lips Agathe Telford's iconic fashion and a lucky family owned Victini because how else would the Kardashians be so fortunate on the other side of the spectrum we have athletes now to be truthful Michael this is the reason you're here I don't know which athletes to include well to be fair I'm only really knowledgeable about American athletes a lot of the international stars like for example Messi and Ronaldo I only know that they play soccer so that's not really enough knowledge to give him a full team so let's just stick with the American ones and start with LeBron James okay well he has a low settle on the pokemon with a ball head the bouncy ball of death that his feel and hoop unbound because of you know oops and also cuz he's got a few rings and that we have Pokemon that represent his team's as elf for the Lakers Esquivel ER for the Cavaliers and for Miami Heat the round and energetic dar manikin and by default that means that no matter how much I do not want to we have to talk about the most famous football player Tom Brady his team consists of a passive Ian obviously a bit sharp since its armor is kind of like football pads and Combee since it's a tightly knit squad like a football team and a showman because of its armor being kind of like a helmet and also because it has the ability hydration which heals status conditions in the rain which Tom Brady kind of believes that you can do to represent his team we wanted to give him bravery to represent the Patriots but since Trump already has one we decided to go with mega Pidgeot instead since it has the same hair as the Patriots logo it's a good fit almost as good as a qwilfish for his team to represent deflategate oh my god Michael you're gonna get me in so much trouble with Patriot fans whatever they're in a good mood anyways the last group represents the religious leaders of the world we have the Pope and PewDiePie that was a joke please don't kill me but they are both in the video the Pope he just has one Arceus I mean that's all he needs PewDiePie on the other hand has a full team of memes seems very appropriate he's got a Mudkip around it a Magikarp a how's it going slow bros and a lowland Dugtrio and an armor star now there are more celebrities to talk about like all the Marvel actors who could have been on this list but they're basically represented by the superheroes they play over on Michaels channel where I helped him come up with the Pokemon teams now all our favorite superheroes would wield so go check it out right now and like both our videos if you enjoyed make sure to check the description for the music I used the teachers I made for you guys my patreon and the joint button below where you can donate to get cool rewards like seeing videos days early make sure to follow us on Twitter too and I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 2,830,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ariana Grande, Drake, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Fakemon, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, popular Pokemon, Pokemon Ultra Sun, Pokemon Ultra Moon, Pokemon Sun and Moon, Red and Blue, Pokemon champion, Gen 7, Generation 7, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, shiny, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Eevee, Pokemon Team
Id: Ar1KuCaZpq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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