Every Single Lightsaber COLOR MEANING Explained (All Known 13+ Colors) [2022 UPDATED] [CANON]

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Although having a lightsaber does not make one a Jedi, the Lightsaber is a crucial part of a Padawan’s journey towards becoming a master. Across the galaxy, the Jedi, Sith and other force wielding groups use lightsabers of a range range of colours... But what do these colours mean? Well I’m going to break down every single known lightsaber Color in Canon and exactly what they tell you about the user. So hit that Red Subscribe button to purify it and let’s get into it. A lightsaber blade’s colour emanates from the kyber crystal inside of it’s hilt. This is the heart of a lightsaber and it’s colour is determined the moment the user harvests it from its resting place. So in essence, a lightsaber’s color reveals something about it’s wielder and their personality. So that leads us to **number 1. Blue Lightsabers.** Blue lightsabers are the most common seen among members of the Jedi order during the time of the Clone Wars. Blue lightsabers are used by Jedi Guardians, who prefer to focus on lightsaber combat and honing their aggressive negotiation skills. Jedi Guardians are a mirror to Sith Warriors from many millenia ago and they were seen as the Order’s representatives to the rest of the Galaxy, using combat to protect those in need. Guardians spent most of their time honing their martial arts skills and on peacekeeping missions in violent locations. Some prominent examples of Jedi Guardians are Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku when he was still a Jedi and even Ki-Adi Mundi. **Number 2. Green Lightsabers** Green lightsabers were usually wielded by Jedi Consulars. If a Jedi who was about to harvest his kyber crystal was more in tune with the cosmic force than his fighting abilitiy, he would often have his crystal turn green. Consulars preferred to use nonviolent methods of solving problems, rather than pulling their lightsaber out. On top of this, Consulars spent most of their time refining their meditation and hoping to get answers to problems through the force. Now although Consulars would attempt to avoid conflict for as long as possible (maybe even too long), they were not stupid. They always carried their green blades around just in case they were needed. Finally, Jedi Consulars were some of the best at using force abilities in combat, making them incredible combatants, despite being so against violence. Some notable examples of Jedi Consulars are Qui-Gon Jinn, Master Yoda and Even Yoda’s doctor. **Number 3. Yellow Lightsabers** Yellow lightsabers were used by Jedi Sentinnels, which are basically a mix of the previous two. Sentinnels were some of the most powerful force users within the Jedi Order, and when Jedi were chosen to become temple guards they would be forced to take on the mindset of a sentinnel. A balance between fighting and calling upon the force. Now sentinnels were actually viewed as the most dangerous form of Jedi by Palpatine because they were very active in public life and were commonly seen helping poor and unfortunate citizens of cities. As a result, Palpatine believed that a Jedi from this branch would likely be the one to overthrow him... He was dead wrong. Some big examples of Yellow Lightsabers users are the Grand Inquisitor, before he fell to the Dark Side, All of the Jedi Temple Guards, Asajj Ventress after she broke off from Dooku and Rey. **Number 4. Purple and Amethyst Lightsabers** Purple and Amethyst lightsabers were exceedingly rare by the time of the Clone Wars because of the very unique personality and force attunement needed to harvest them. Purple kyber crystals could be harvested by those who were firmly in the light side of the force, but were not afraid to use the Dark Side of the force, if it was ultimately for good. The obvious case of this was Mace Windu, who was definitely a light side force user but developed the Lightsaber form known as Vapaad, which channeled the dark side. The less obvious example is a Jedi Knight named Huulik. Huulik was a Rodian Jedi Knight who served during the time of the Clone Wars and was one of the rare users of an Amethyst blade. Just like Mace Windu, Huulik was not afraid to use the Dark side of the force to help others, but he never took it too fair. Either way, during Order 66, Huulik was shot down by his Clone Troopers, but he did manage to get away and set a course for his homeworld of Rodia. Unfortunately he didn’t survive the journey and his family entombed him at his home, along with his amethyst lightsaber. Many years later Luke Skywalker discovered the lightsaber and compared it to Mace Windus, but accidently destroyed it when trying to deconstruct it. **Number 5. Red Lightsabers** Red Lightsabers are probably one of the most interesting colours available for a force user. Instead of being a natural color that can imbued into a kyber crystal when it is harvested, it can only be produced through a very unnautural method. The user would have to make the kyber crystal bleed out through the force, channeling their extreme anger and range into it, eventually turning it red. This was done by pretty much all Sith, including Darth Vader. All kyber crystal colours can be turned to red through making it bleed with the dark side. Notable users of red blades are of course Palpatine, Vader and interestingly enough, Taron Malicos, who bled his after Order 66. He however used Nightsister Magicks to do it, which is a variant of the dark side. And that leads us straight onto the next important color. **Number 6. White Lightsabers** White lightsabers are just as interesting as Red ones. In face the two are connected. To turn a kyber crystal white, a force user must purify it via the light side of the force to stop it from bleeding. We know for sure that a force user can purify a red kyber crystal to white, but we’re not totally sure yet in Canon if the other colors can be purified also. The obvious notable user of this color is Ahsoka Tano, who obtained her white lightsabers after killing the Inquisitor known as the Sixth Brother with her bare hands. She did this on the streets of Raada, a small farming moon, after the Sixth Brother discovered she was plotting a rebellion after Order 66. Regardless, she exploded his own lightsabers on him, leaving only the bleeding red crystals remaining. She then purified these two crystals, turning them white and used spare parts to construct her two sabers. **Number 7. Cloudly Blue or Sky Blue** Surprisingly, this variation is actually different to regular blue lightsabers. A cloudly blue lightsaber was seen in the form of a saber cane, used by Jedi Elder, Terra Sinube. The Cloudly blue color was only possible if the user harvested his crystal with a completely clear mind and remained focused on the living force entirely. This matches up very well with Master Terra Sinube, who was wise beyond most. **Number 8. Yellow-Green** Yellow-Green is an extremely rare lightsaber color that was used by Padawan Ahsoka Tano during the Clone Wars. When Ahsoka harvested the kyber crystal for her shoto-saber, the smaller one, she was shocked to find that it was pure green like her first. It instead was yellow-green, a mixture of both, which told her that she was moving closer towards a balance between being a guardian and a consular. Since her original was green, this means she was moving away from the cosmic force and closer to the living force and lightsaber combat. This is probably because her master was Anakin Skywalker of all people. Very understandable. **Number 9. Black** The most obvious and only current black saber that we’ve seen is the ancient Mandalorian Darksaber. The darksaber was created by the first ever Mandalorian to become a Jedi, Tarre Vizlsla, and after his death it was stored in the Jedi Temple vault for safekeeping. Unfortunately for the Jedi, the Mandalorian soon stole the Darksaber back, consdering it a Mandalorian relic. At this point it became a symbol of power of leadership, and the Mandalorian who held it was considered the leader of the Mandalorian people. Known holders of this weapon are Tarre Vizsla, the creator, Pre Vizsla, he distant descendant, Maul after he took control of Mandalore, Sabine Wren, Bo Katan Kryze, Moff Gideon and now Din Djarin. Now there is a question over whether the Darksaber is a lightsaber, or of it is a completely separate class of weapon, being a White Darksaber. Based on some of the artwork for the High Republic, it does appear the the Darksaber is not a lightsaber, but a White Darksaber and that there could be blue, red or even Green darksabers if a mandalorian chooses to make them. But right now, that is unclear in canon. Finally, there are actual LIGHTSABERS that emit black blades, used by the mysterious Sith Wraiths. These are in a currently unreleased book however and we only know a small amount about them from the Exceprt of Shadows of the Sith. **Number 10. Orange.** The Orange Lightsaber is a bit of a mysterious one. In Canon, there is only one known user of an Orange lightsaber, being Cal Kestis. But the problem is, this came from a pre-order bonus for Jedi: Fallen Order, rather than anything in game. So right now we can only assume the meaning behind it. If I had to guess, I would say it’s one of the two following options. Number one, it could be a force user who was so in tune with service to the public and was very selfless, like the Yellow wielding Jedi Sentinels, that their saber went even further than just yellow. This makes a lot of sense because Cal took one of the most selfless options possible by saving Prauf when he knew it would expose his force abilities to the inquisitors in Jedi fallen Order. Number 2, it could be a result of failure to bleed a kyber crystal red. This one is less likely, but maybe at some point in Jedi fallen Order which we haven’t seen yet, Cal is so taken by anger that he attempts to bleed his crystal red, ultimately failing. This is still possible in Jedi Fallen 2 flashbacks, but I’m not leaning towards it. and finally, there are also Kyber crystals called Fool’s Kyber which do emit an Orange blade, but these aren’t real Kyber, so they don’t technically count. **Number 11. Indigo** Indigo is another one of the lightsaber color choices from Jedi fallen Order, but it’s not Cal Kestis’ canonical color. In Canon, there are currently no known wielders of an Indigo blade. **Number 12. Magenta** Just like Indigo, this one is from fallen Order and there are no currently known users of this colour in Canon, but it certainly does exist in the Canon universe. **Number 13. Cyan** Again, Cyan is another lightsaber color from Fallen Order and it’s pretty close to blue, but not quite. There are no known wielders of this color in Canon and nothing more is known about it. So that is all of the currently known lightsaber colors in Star Wars canon. REally hope you guys enjoyed the video! If you did, hit that subscribe button and I will see you in the next one.
Channel: StarForceOne
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Keywords: star wars, star wars order 66, order 66, great jedi purge, jedi purge, all jedi that survived order 66, the clone wars, canon, jedi who survived order 66, clone wars order 66, 2022, grogu, red lightsaber, color meaning, lightsaber colors, colour, lightsaber color meaning, orange, green, red, blue, yellow, cyan, indigo, black, darksaber, the mandalorian, ahsoka tano, taron malicos, purple, amethyst, mace windu, vapaad, cal kestis, orange saber, guardian, consular, sentinnel, white, tera sinube
Id: Sqg5ylHavdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Fri May 06 2022
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