Which Starter Pokemon are the Best According to Fans? (Poll Results)

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[Music] [Applause] hey guys ron here and starter pokemon have always been the defining group of pokemon to me in pretty much every generation they're among my favorite pokemon in fact when i pulled thousands of my viewers two-thirds of them said that a starter pokemon is or was once their favorite pokemon and when i asked them if they grow especially attached to their starter pokemon 86 said that they do starter pokemon seem to be as important to you guys as they are to me but as we see every single generation this relationship usually starts out of rocky there are always starters and starter evolutions who are relatively controversial of course our opinion usually changes for the better the more we learn about them according to 60 of people who took my poll at least but it made me realize that none of them are flawless and almost all of them have their critics so i began to wonder what makes a good starter pokemon i was simply gonna give my own opinion in this video and of course i still kinda will but i immediately understood that the starters i believe are great may not be the best according to fans that's why i decided to publicly ask thousands of viewers their opinions of starter pokemon i posted a google form on my community tab and on twitter with many different questions and you guys filled it out but before we see the results of which starters are considered to be fan favorites and therefore good starters let's see the results of the polls i made in order to determine what are the criteria people believe make for a good starter in general i asked what you guys look for in an unevolved starter pokemon basically which criteria do you prioritize when judging them 83 percent prioritize design makes sense things like battle prowess and type barely matter here but it's interesting to note that 74 of people do want their starter to be cute compared to only about half choosing coolness as well but aside from design and cuteness about 60 percent honestly don't choose a starter based on their initial appearance but rather their evolution this perfectly matches the results of my other question where i asked when you guys usually decide which starter you want to pick and about 60 of you guys also said once the final evolution is revealed so at the end of it all only 40 of fans consider the unevolved starter to be a factor in whether or not they like a starter how about middle stage then design is still the most important factor but now a close second is how good of a transition they are between the unevolved and fully evolved starters so when we look into the results for the actual starter pokemon let's see if your favorite middle stages actually transition very well cuteness is no longer an important factor but coolness definitely is 60 of people are judging whether or not these designs are good on their own while more than half are still waiting for the final evolution to be revealed but 50 are now judging the concept as a whole makes sense since middle stage starters are when we can finally get a full glimpse at what the concept of the family even is it's not able to note that more people prefer middle stage starters to look lovably awkward over plain cute when it comes to final evolutions coolness and design reign supreme people simply want these final evos to be cool designs on their own 63 value these cool conceptually solid designs having a smooth development throughout their line which will keep an eye out when seeing the results for the starter pokemon themselves half of fans want them to be unique and have an interesting type while around 40 want these pokemon to be somewhat intimidating generally good in battle fit their expectations and have a nice color scheme the animal they're based on and how cute they are doesn't matter but what's interesting to note is that not that many care if they're gender neutral contrary to popular belief 75 of fans are fine with the starter being too masculine or too feminine then what do they dislike well the most contributing factor to people not liking a starter is it being too humanoid a lot of fans at least in the west don't want their cute animal friends to become human-shaped or act too much like humans let's see if this is reflected in the results standing up isn't really a problem we do know that people would still pick a starter that was bad at battle so this is all down to the various other design execution and concept level criteria okay let's finally get down to the results of all the starter pokemon polls i'll interpret the results as i go along and make my verdict about what makes good starters at the end when it comes to gen 1 starters bulbasaur wins by a decent amount with similar popularity between the other two i'm assuming it has garnered fans for being the underdog the most original design of the three and a fine personality the perceived popularity of charmander and squirtle is mostly surrounding their final evolutions that's why the results for the middle stage starters are nearly identical ivysaur is the least awkward and most complete looking of the threes so i i get it but they're all relatively similar to their prevos compared to the other middle stage starters so i get why nothing really changed it's their final evos where the grass and fire line pretty much switch as you expected charizard won with venusaur and blastoise too close to call to save time i'm not going to explain why charizard won that would be stupid we all know why interesting to note that the blastoise line had the most consistent results but when given the choice to choose all three around 70 said that these three are great starter pokemon the closest result out of any trio and one of the only three groups of starters in which all three starters are unanimously beloved but i consider these three outliers since we've had the most time to form balanced opinions on them nostalgia and their iconic status are also a factor they're the archetypes after all so all future starters are trying to replicate the success of this trio gen 2 starters now we're getting into unbalanced territory syndical and totodile are pretty much equal while chekorita is fairly less popular than the average starter this is weird considering cuteness was a big factor and chikorita is undoubtedly cute but the others are too and are considered to have more interesting designs and concepts but this is also affected by their evolutions when they evolve kolava becomes way more popular than the others and bayleaf is ahead of krakono this time kolava is among the most popular middle stages with a solid and inoffensive design and bayleef is a very popular anime character fakana seems to be underrepresented in media and even has an oddball design among the totodile family but this changes once again when they evolve typhlosion wins for its fantastic design explosive personality and clear progression for alligator is still decently popular but meganium is perhaps the most unpopular final evolution when given as many choices as possible only 35 percent chose meganium its actual battle prowess may have something to do with it but i suspect it's the plain design literally the most minimal starter design and concept the johto starters seem to have some of the most inconsistent lines in terms of popularity gen 3 results are way less grim all of them are popular but considering the meme mudkip wins tricho is kind of more popular than the average daughter but torchic is popular too nobody hates torchic but the excitement isn't there either it's a very solid group but popular cultures heavily skewed the results the middle stage results were also predictable grovile won by the largest margin out of any middle stage starter both because it's super popular and combustion and marshtop are slightly below average to many fans grovile's near flawless design anime appearances and mystery dungeon counterpart are huge contributing factors when it comes to their final evolutions they may just be one of the most balanced trios sceptile won by a bit and blaziken is last by a tiny chunk which is funny considering back in gen 3 it really did feel like the inverse was true perhaps children simply liked fire starters more than grass starters but since this poll was filled in by mostly adults their opinion is more nuanced ash's sceptile and accumulation of popularity over the years as well as the fact that my viewers may be biased towards my favorite pokemon made sceptile come out on top but it's the most flawless trio in terms of fan reception so all three have their own reasons for being on top they have cool designs unique concepts and steer clear of becoming too humanoid apparently so time perhaps the second most balanced group of starters turtwig won by a super tiny margin over piplup and chimchar is still above average in terms of popularity they're all cute with unique designs extremely successful when they evolve monferno sticks the landing it's super popular grottle has an average reception for a middle-stage starter but printflop is relatively unpopular i guess it's too awkward and lacks what made piplup exceptionally lovable while monferno only enhances chimchar's existing charm but once they evolve the results are back to relatively balanced they all have great designs infernape and torterra are executed perfectly and are among the most beloved final evolutions while empoleon is slightly above average in popularity it's a bit more awkward but has just as cool of a concept and design as the other two in my opinion the most successfully designed trio they're in the top three most popular trios also the first to have an explicit theme all being based on legends and myths universe next oshawa wins by a good amount i have a feeling that this is affected by samurai's perception and ash is oshawott but it's also a creative unique and bound starter design in my opinion snivy is very likable but tepig despite having such an inoffensive design and appealing personality is relatively unpopular again i believe the main reason is because people don't like its evolved form so i wouldn't use this graph as an indication of whether or not tepex design is successful in my opinion it is but i get why duad is so popular it's a cool design while still being somewhat adorable it's a clear upgrade cervin isn't hated probably average in terms of middle stage popularity but pig knight is kinda despised while a fine design on its own is probably not the direction people wanted tepek to go in people were tired of fire fighting starters the final evolutions are very controversial samrok comes out on top despite being his perception not being as unanimous as duot and superior's popularity is relatively average maybe slightly underwhelming as a starter evolution despite having a fantastic and beautiful design on its own but yeah mbor is hated people really hate his typing and find its design hard to love i think it's a great design but a ton of people think it's ugly aside from meganium it is the least popular final evolution and as a whole this line is relatively unpopular with only samrod being slightly above average samurai's design and concept are genius but i may be biased it's not a perfect design for a solar evolution but in my opinion it's a perfect pokemon design but some don't like how different it is from duat but gen 6 has the most unbalanced starter trio they start out good while it seems like froakie won by a good amount this is pretty much due to its evolved form back when these three were revealed the reception was relatively balanced none of these are flawed really but i assume people saw the most potential in froki but when their middle stages are revealed frogadier was by far the least controversial an incredibly solid middle stage breaks and had tons of fans but also those who thought its design was too feminine but most people did not like quillidan's drastic weight gain it's an okay design and makes sense conceptually but it's too awkward for most but as you expected greninja is by far the most popular starter evolution when compared to the other two in its trio in fact chestnut and del fox are two of the four least popular fully evolved starters chestnut is a bit clunky and not at all what people expected while del fox is exactly what people expected but not executed that well however greninja's concept was executed well and positively subverted expectations we all know how popular it is and the anime only helped it during my polls lifespan there were times when it was the most popular pokemon but some people are over the hype it gets and there are tons of greninja haters regardless everything that makes for a good starter is found in greninja coolness design smooth development concept uniqueness type battle prowess and more gen 7 starters are actually more successful in the long run the disparity starts out pretty big with rally being way above average in popularity and litten being pretty average popplio didn't get as much good luck with the more goofy design but the hate wasn't too strong relic was simply the opposite of controversial there's nothing to hate about it it's just a leaf owl tora cat however was the victor of the popularity poll it was the only one that was a unanimous upgrade from the former while the others may have lost the charm of their previous forms or simply gained new charms torqua had a larger personality than linton and looked fairly cool dog tricks had a very teenage look but it wasn't unpopular just not as cute as rowlet while brion looked a little too humanoid to some not in shape but personality some find it creepy and its femininity not as well executed as let's say breaks him but in the final evolution department the sigi takes the cake primarina isn't a bad design at all but is controversial for being the most explicitly gender design among starters incineroar was the other side of the coin being a bit too masculine and humanoid to some but most felt it was well executed in fact incineroar gets the most average score among fully evolved starters primarina was only slightly below average still loved by more than 50 of fans but decidueye got the highest score when i asked my viewers if they liked decidueye with 84 percent i get it it's literally exactly what people were expecting and more design wise it's the least controversial starter in existence it's not even hyped up to the point that it has a group of haters that think it's overrated like greninja does if i was asked what makes a good starter pokemon the answer would be everything that the sigi has and when i add up their scores as a trio the fully evolved alolan starters have the most average score not too bad considering their controversies finally it's time for gen 8 starter pokemon i know before i told you guys that this would happen because i believe in myself and that is that grooky score bunny and sable are the most balanced trio of new starters they're pretty much equal when it comes to fan reception as a trio they're beloved all three have unique personalities and simple yet appealing designs they feel like our children each has their own fan club unlike other gens where there's usually one starter that rose above the rest an initial fan reaction of course this changed once they evolved raboot was the only one with a super successful reaction and i get it too it's cool it's it's a natural evolution and transition and its aloofness is enticing flaky's color scheme is very controversial but as a design it was still very strong so its reception was pretty average but drizzle got the shortest end of the stick nothing we haven't seen before but naturally the least appealing still fine though but upon evolution paul relatively balanced in terms of fan reception this trio was not popular villaboom and cinderease were relatively fine not unpopular per se but underwhelming to some although i personally think gorillaboom was exactly what i expected italian however became the fifth least popular starter pokemon first slinky and humanoid appearance and personality the concept was fresh but it deviated too much from its animal inspirations i think willowboom's in-game model prevented it from becoming an above average pick people think he looks awkward and humanoid in battle but when you see him walk around in camp like a gorilla or even just his sugimori art i bet your opinion is more positive cinderease is also really close to being slightly above average but his short arms and human personality make him a slight miss but nothing egregious as a whole they're the only trio where all three are below average but people's opinion will always change for the better as we get used to them when i asked you guys which trio is the most balanced the gen 3 starters won which is also reflected in this poll they're the most popular final evolutions gen 4 came in second and gen 1 came in third as expected gen 7 came in fourth they seemed controversial at first but over the last few years people's opinions of them became less extreme on the other hand people believed that gen 5 was the worst trio even though galler starters get worse individual scores and the two gen 6 starters are relatively despised seems like greninja helps gen 6 stay somewhat afloat and i guess samarat's coolness wasn't enough to compensate for emboar's supposed ugliness jodo even with two above average starters is dragged down to third least favorite by having the least popular starter so my verdict is if you ask me what makes a good starter based on these poles when it comes to unevolved starters i'd say cute and unique is all you need to be every starter is cute and a successful pokemon but the ones winning the polls seem to be cute but also the most interesting in concept of the three while not being too out there perhaps they're more fantastical like bulbasaur cyndaquil and mudkip cool like froakie or trico or personality driven like totodile or the gen8 starters if your starter is very cute but not much other than that like torchic or chikorita they'll still be beloved but not at the top of the curve middle stage starters are different you need to be a strong transitional stage it's important to be cool and perhaps a bit awkward but never at the expense of your cuteness those that excel in this are undoubtedly cool pokemon like grovile duwatt and raboot while those who are unpopular are awkward at the expense of their design like prinplup quillidin and drizzle even though all these in the bottom are good transitional phases when it comes to final evolutions coolness is still the number one factor those with at least 80 popularity are considered the quote unquote cool or chill pokemon in their trio a friend you can vibe with their design is usually sleek but not too humanoid especially in personality their development from their unevolved stage is also understandable none of the ones with 70 of the votes or more are unsavory surprises they don't disappoint or not live up to the people's high expectations torterra isn't a surprise decidueye isn't a drastic turn sceptile looks exactly like a grown up trico while chestnut looks nothing like a chessmen even if the design isn't bad samarat doesn't physically look too close to al-shawat but its theme was there from the start and duat was a perfect indication that the final evolution was going to be a samurai otter with shell weapons most of all their concept was well executed in their design so to put it simply good starters have to be successful pokemon designs while also looking like powerful best friends you can count on now let me know if you want to see another video based on polls that you guys can vote on make sure to subscribe so you can see the polls in my community tab and on my twitter profile leave a like if you enjoyed and check the description for the music i used the t-shirts i made for you guys and my patreon where you can get cool rewards like seeing my videos days early you can also get cool rewards by clicking the join button to become a member follow me on twitter tick tock and on instagram to see the final artwork of my fake mon bye
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 1,173,264
Rating: 4.9120207 out of 5
Keywords: Starter Pokemon, Tier list, Pokemon Type Swaps, Creating New Pokemon, Redesigning Pokemon, Fixing Pokemon, Greninja, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon DLC, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Scorbunny, Game Freak, Shiny Pokemon, Crown Tundra, Dynamax Adverntures
Id: UEoysJJq_90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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