Pokémon Y, but I Randomized Everything

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i randomized everything in pokemon y oh my god one of the starters is latias easiest decision of my life it's a fighting type with bulletproof and is holding a latte a sight it's moveset is garbage but that can change got myself a shroomish pure fire if i remember correctly catches are guaranteed in this forest so hopefully i can find something special okay snorlax is cool all right pure dragon oh you'd be a good pokemon to catch because you're not too hard to evolve and evolutions are random whoa oh boy there's no way right like this route's not guaranteed it's not gonna okay one more you never know yes okay sometimes you do now the first gym battle tropius okay not too bad and she has six pokemon it's fine toxic spikes are actually super helpful the more pokemon they have and this is a flying type why you gotta do me like that swap to little nina ran which somehow ended up the highest level of the remaining pokemon oh if i can get this thing ko'd and someone else comes in they're gonna be poisoned yes that's so helpful oh my god two back to back hurt itself that never happens this game truly is random thank goodness we have ko'd one of her six okay that's another one just don't send in a poison time oh she sent it a poison type it's fine we'll get the spikes set back up oh okay i handled that it's fine professional all right spikes are set back up so after we get rid of this oh well that's that's incredibly rude oh what it's not a it's not a ground type i'll take it i guess a few moments later okay finally all right don't send in another poison type shading with no wonder guard easy dub don't be a legendary don't be a legendary don't be allergic diggers b that's not a legendary and with this mock punch first gym battle is finally over lustre purge the tms are randomized oh shinks would be great that evolves relatively low my bad chinks whoa oh reggie giggis without slow start but there's like no way though i only have six pogo balls but i figure what's the harm in trying i can buy more a little longer than a few minutes later all right last ball all right okay the best way to get legendaries in this is to evolve a non-legendary into one we'll take it jackpot's evolving come on give me a big buff legend the giratina dialga groudon rayquaza even for team sky and it is a s dan learn which cannot evolve further in this game it's a bug type with flower veil this stantler might be worse than the nidoran oh that's right i get to pick a second starter why does he have a full team of oh my well there's his stantler and what type that is oh god okay he's just covering me in powder scissor needs to bathe landorus why at least it's poisoned it's also only level 10. but the starter choice is going to match pokemon he has like it does in the normal version like am i gonna get depicted between landorus and mega scissor and low tad's evolving i'm sure into a beautiful glorious okay i can live with that yeah well before it evolves again but it's a decently strong pokemon for the interim and my new starter choices aren't underwhelming you know what i think i'm gonna go with poliwhirl just because it'll actually be decent before it evolves ha ha it is i grunty boy and this video is sponsored by counter side oh wow getting right to it today well it's just that you ignore me so often when i do promos during your gameplay video so i figured i'd just get right to it without worrying about your input that is completely fair go ahead countersight is a mobile rpg made for anime fans where you take on the role of a ceo assigning counters soldiers and mechs to fight against unknown monsters to protect the world it has beautiful 2d graphics engaging background music and an in-depth story full of game content the combat is not turn-based you place characters and they fight automatically like in clash royale and it has real-time pvp events wow that sounds really fun aren't you supposed to be ignoring me well it's hard when you're doing such a great 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shroomish is finally evolving come on please give me something good i've been heavily leaning on latias and it is c-dot dumb stupid seed okay could be worse ooh silcoon would be good that evolves easy all right silgoon and it is an azumarill stayed the same shape fire poison with solid rock keep it on the squad for a bit let it level up learn some more moves oh okay oh i'm 14 levels higher never mind i'm fine all right evolution number two for ignite trumish to c dot to glory okay dragon water with battle armor that's not bad oh my goodness golly gee wild goodra i would like you to join my team please yes oh let's go and it's pure fire wait i'm in a multi-battle oh god it's a did they uh this is a 12 versus 12 multi battle ah i can get a fossil which could be revived into a legendary pokemon onward steed oh oh i stepped on a dialgar how does one do that by accident as is policy while legendary give it a couple tries there's no way oh my god that was the first throw fairy electric that's so cool i'm going to call it doormat because i found it by stepping on it it's timid with rough skin this is going so well oh darmat believe in yourself that didn't do very much oh i'm gonna leave time to go oh and now i get a fossil you know what i'm gonna go sail yes please restore it answer ice dark liquid ooze holding the pincer right the nature's not great but it could be interesting also he knows dark void which i think in this generation would still work this is a box it for now but maybe come back for it later i can take a couple more amulet coins increase my team's bling finally after one of the longest distances between first and second gym battles in all of pokemon it's time for the second gym this diglett has slow start i'm gonna just like kind of spam echoed voice i wasn't using it much earlier because i forgot that it gets stronger every time you use it so maybe doormat just yelling a lot will carry us to victor in he's got a lotion a no okay it's time to go freaking stop critting i know it's a higher crit chance move but my goodness oh it's weak to fire in a high proportion's of bummer this latios just wasted several turns power swapping so thank you for the assistance with that oh and slack off okay aside from the mega latios this guy had nothing whoa there's some kind of joke to be made with this but i'm not going to make it i've encountered a wild go goat which is a sentence i genuinely don't think i've ever said before go go it's a weird pokemon this is like the only game you can get one in like natively you can transfer it into aorus and the sun and moon games but then it's not in gen 7 at all and it's not it's only skittos in the wild in this game it's very odd okay i i caught a go goat how odd it's ground flying huh tower of mastery time for another 6v6 rival battle oh oh a worm a dam just bodied my doormat is this the most busted warba dam in the history of hormone dams it's about to have taken out two of my legendaries oh my god the menace well that was a that was a weird battle oh and date hall's finally evolving it's finally becoming something else be something good that's okay offense del fox personally but it is a fully evolved pokemon and starters have good stats oh it's a pure rock type harvest that's okay not the best nature for adele fox it's not horrible but it's certainly not standing out the third gym battle or six v6 all-out fight wow chestnut is very overleveled but also the experience share in this game doesn't curve well anyways oh no okay we're fine we're fine oh why another wormadam oh god sand tune going all right way to go capricorn look at me using a go goat celebi are you why oh no all right got the celebi and now i go to the top of the tower mastering to do what was originally the mega lucario versus mega lucario battle and i have no idea how it's gonna end up in the randomizer all right i got the mega ring she's got venusaur and i have blaziken oh wait i got excited about the typings but i'm realizing i don't i don't actually know the typings of either of these pokemon okay i looked it up my blaziken is poison steel no idea what it's gonna become after i mega evolve it though so i guess i'll just go for cross poison oh i got a poison nice glaciate i resist that wait no i don't i don't know what i am mega blaze again is just poison type regular blaze give us poison steel just loses the steel type guess i'll just keep going for cross poison because it's stab frustration oh gosh oh that did a lot oh but i think it here close battle that i still won well what ends now that i can mega evolve let's test out the megas i already have access to first chestnut mega latios it's dark rock and water absorb removes its weakness to water okay that's actually pretty cool and mega pincer is pure dark what it was dark ice before this is the second one to just lose one of its typings it's vital spirit okay don't think i'm gonna toss it on the team time for another serena battle but she doesn't have that vinyl wormadam anymore pidgey okay i think i can live with the pidgey oh i hate it when they transform into my own go goat because the moveset is annoying there's the reflect aha okay go mega latias oh you're kidding me she has two imposter pokemon [Music] okay that battle was more annoying than hard but it is over time to go through my favorite gym interior immediately not a fan of course it resists it because what else would it do oh god wow going through my favorite gym interior and the first gym trainer pokemon is a volcanion that keeps its water type what how do you resist electric hello ramos and your very cool treetop library plant thing i just can i just have the gym it's so cool dude all right let's see what he's got cray cray dilly i found one of these before i think it's a brock type oh boy secondly our toxic spikes up and then get rid of this thing before it rolls out my entire team snobble 12 seconds later and he immediately absorbed my toxic spikes you son of a basket at least i know it's a poison type so it's weak to bulldoze and capricorn is a cleaning house and it's over that was extremely easy a magikarp left out of the ground magikarp you were having a really rough day then and now here comes part of the story which is just a whole bunch of team flare battles in a row 3 000 yields later okay that's over leave this stupid power plant gym five let's do this get our spikes up get some more spikes up elga finally learned a better electric move than thunder shock so that's nice still no fairy attack but whatever oh that didn't ah i thought it was gonna be a water type i hate it when these spam moves that aren't their type because then i don't know what their type is well this is his last pokemon hopefully it forces fully evolved soon because these gym battles are becoming very trivial i could buy rare candies you know what i'm just gonna buy one now use it real quick on poliwhirl all right it worked randomizer removed trade evolutions so i just leveled it up while holding the king's rock my second starter becomes another starter significantly far away from evolution i bought another rare candy to use on the magikarp maybe it'll become zygarde you know another strong serpent monkey what is with the middle evolution starters are you kidding me woman let me live my life a few moments later okay thankfully that went pretty quick but still okay inferno gonna be something interesting okay uh it's pure electric it's a dialga overlap never mind gym battle six a table let's set up the toxic spikes as is traditional hell no i don't have any ice types moody what a wild ability is this thing at like plus four special attack okay well we dealt with that mess spread is rude you know what's kind of funny is that somehow the pokemon on my team with the best move set is go goat oh god goat oh god this thing needs to die yes okay whoo all right magma let's try out your new move magma store why does this game keep killing my vibe once again magma storm that is that is quite the animation i like it that is quite the violent recurring damage every pokemon she sent out has been fully evolved so i think we've reached the point of forcing fully evolved pokemon for all the trainers yep last one's fully evolved too i think it's all gonna be fully evolved from here on out time to fight a bunch more flare battles guess i'll beat more forgettable admins or scientists or whatever the heck there's like admins which are like a class okay well it randomizes it suspicious child admin okay now it's who are these people i swear to god is this another 12v12 multi-battle if so i am ever allowing this setting to be turned on again doormat why are you learning aqua ring instead of a fairy move you know what i'm just gonna make evolve more powerful cross poisons no steel typing but i don't have a steel attack anyways oh god my mega blaziken just got bodied by a miractis why do i do this not even a nose lock i've ko two of twelve what is this miractus frenzy plant and seed flare why don't my pokemon get busted moves like that that didn't kill serena you're really letting me down here half your team is dead oh my god okay serena okay oblivion wing what it why does the go goat get the best moves thousands of deals later all right hoopa gets a ko please please the last one on that side it's been like 15 minutes oh my god how many are left get me out of this endless nightmare so much later that the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one finally i had that was a 12v12 battle that ended up two versus zero i watched 22 pokemon faint it gave me the master ball though so that can be used on something i need to catch something that can learn fly because the only pokemon i have that can learn it is latias and i'd rather not teach it fly eventually you'll do all right got a flyer now to fetch a heart scale a testament to how crappy doormats level up moveset has been is the fact that it can only remember five moves guess i'll use this on the flying pidgeotto just see what happens hello there swadlun pokemon that needs friendship to evolve i think i'm finally gonna level up that name cada because i have higher level wild pokemon to fight in kate i just grew to level 20. i'm in an empty space in the party obviously it's not going to turn into a ninja but will it create a shidinja or will it create a random pokemon or will it create nothing at all because it's not evolving into a ninja ah magikarp i swear if there's not anything in the party i'm done for the day there is not anything else in the party the next day oh wild tyranitar definitely want to try and catch this okay i caught the tyranitar round dark that overlaps with go goat and gogoat's weirdly like one of my better pokemon right now i can't believe i'm doing this but i'm using a go goat over a tyranitar oh wild chomp all right got the garchon please be good please ghost dark that's amazing okay i only see one admin so i think i'm not gonna have to do a 12 versus 12 multi-battle again creepy admin with a full team of six and she has a roommate okay it's the pizza one can someone tell me how in a playthrough where i have a latias a dialga and a gudra on my team that this go goat has ended up being my best team member gotta say didn't see this coming the garchomp already has shadow claw and night slash this is amazing time for another serena battle i send in dialga she stands in palkia a battle as old as time and space oh and i one shot it with a crit all right right into the seventh gym battle i'm gonna go ahead and mega just because i'm not using the blades again anymore so it's not like i really have a decision final gambit what on earth immediately well i'm getting my toxic spikes up so all right go goat is go going aha i got the flinch and now i can kill it with oblivion wing cause it's a tad stronger than air slash are you kidding what that was an insanely bad roll there we go super effective finally stupid blimp go capricorn use your death laser which is for some reason a bird laser let's give the newbie a shot here the lowest level on the team but we can see how it goes would you look at that the newbie got a ko so proud of you shri khan and now the team flare plot gets crazy time to just go through a disgusting amount of battles oh god the demon if i remember correctly it's a poison type and i can do this dang it well time for battle one with lysander he has just a little budget he says that's using bald strike oh that did nothing okay we're fine hello verizon wireless horizon and entei pulling out the big boss i dig iko ayalga i know what type you are why do you know flash cannon mine doesn't know flash cannon lysander's had three legendaries so far which i've handled like the champ i am but uh a little uh upsetting i like how this game came out in 2013 and yet team flare still used all these old computers oh god there's two of them is this gonna be back to back is it gonna be 12v12 is it's not going to be 6v12 okay i'm fighting just one thank god if it was about to be six versus 12 i was the playthrough was over here all right that was super easy guard chomp did the whole thing didn't need a heal and thank goodness it was super easy because back to back with no healing in between dormant wants to learn zap cannon it's only 50 accurate i would have preferred that we do thunderbolt first but fine i'll take zap cannon so this level 57 electric fairy dialga knows shockwave zap cannon harris song and echoed voice no fairy move goes straight from shockwave to zap cannon i i um and i've missed two zap cannons in a row because if it's not 100 accurate it's 50 accurate though actually this time it's only 50 accurate i've missed three in a row i regret deleting thunder wave i am oh my god why did this really dope dialga have to have such a garbage move set and now i think i'm finally done with the okay i have to press a button wow what a what a weird plot point lysander battle two oh well that was uh super easy more battles with the nameless admins oh my god it's finally happening my rock head flying ground go goat just learned brave bird let's try it out take you to the skies oh come on seriously it's finally time you will awakens but what will it be randomized to double tall is a registeel it's wildly underwhelming oh oops now the final lysander battle oh a soundproof verizon a snarl didn't work oh that's a fighting move and i'm dead it's fine everything's fine go go goat bruh it's resisted still a two-hit ko i got a crit though rustle no problem is going to be his mega nope surprise motherfu oh what whoa maybe it is his mega that was crazy magudra land the magma storm he knows a rock move that's so unfair but it landed yes magma two ungulates facing off happens to have a pecha berry sure capricorn use your wings sit down stantler and it's clearly superior for reasons other than being 15 levels higher here's the gengar which is definitely his mega one more flight yeah and here's the final hit and team flare is over and done with oh wild salamance i wouldn't mind another pseudo legendary on the team water type with earlock octazuka brine natural gift and relic song and now for trevor he has a cast form oh oh the pain i'm sorry buddy hell yeah no no oh kraken's learning scald let's go the final gym that's one oh god sorry magma go kraken newest member of the team that's all that did is it not a rock type it used rock wrecker it's doing it again well i mean it got the ko so whatever let's let shurikon use its newly acquired shadow force greetings from the upside down [Music] and his ace is no warning but i don't care because i have overcoat hello from the other side you know what fine fine die to your own hail or don't the poison whatever the battle's over okay i won i have all eight badges look at me oh here it is the final battle with serena okay can someone explain to me how my level 71 go goat that knows brave bird oblivion wing dig is trying to learn sweet scent and her final pokemon is a meow stick she's a pokemon that she normally has and is getting buffeted by its own hail goodbye meowstic and goodbye serena in we go malva first immediately with a mega aerodactyl lovely mega myself and set up my spikes please just don't let this thing be a fighting type oh great now that's super effective i hope this thing is a grass type and gudra can just body it it knows diamond storm are you serious it's gotta be rock grass are you kidding me that type combo is like actually amazing shri khan is the only one i think that's not weak to either of them power whip and diamond storm this is the first pokemon and he crits me and boosts its defense that's fair it's not very effective what type is this come on shadow force please be enough what the hell i got a paris song i know she'll switch but this is ridiculous i've been crushing every battle for so long now with absolutely no issue and then this freaking mega aerodactyl with a super effective move on my almost my entire team shock we've got it yes oh my gosh and now she's got an entei because of course she does i want this other layer of toxic spikes up all right let's go to the ace why does it also know an ice move how did it predict me at least it's two turns but jesus well it looks like i'm gonna sack off chestnut after all because i can't let go go die all right so this thing knows a grass and a nice move may or may not be an actual grass type i'm gonna go into magma and heal because magma resists both of the moves it's used so far we create jesus this these move sets are disgustingly op all right i'm going for the blue flare go burn it down yes origan z no idea what type this is so yes it's crafty okay you know what let's just go into capricorn and i just want to oco something brave bird not quite it's got a super effective move lovely love that love the coverage on these pokemon and it knows icicle crash getting a little frustrated with this it's got water absorb i have to attack again i'm faster if i if i let it get weaker without ko'ing it she'll full restore okay salamance goes down but the poison kills at this turn man battle one was brutal look at my team afterwards not a single healthy one see bold if your team of fully evolved pokemon could be just like all volbeats or dela birds that'd be cool until okay huntail that's reasonable there we go landorus spike's disappeared it's a poison type okay well my toxic spikes are gone but at least i know it's weak to me we got the ko all right alone sock all that's left come on brave bird yes with the poison damage it's over still frustrating but not near as bad as the first one okay drastic can you give me a breather boom bang all right knock on wood these are getting progressively smoother finally four member wickstrom dragonite oh goody not a great pokemon to see first getting the second layer of spikes up and then i can swap to dialga yes okay big threat handled superior and here's the brave bird yeah suicune got some beefy boys in here oh it is weak to electric all right there's the suicune doormats finally learning another fairy move and it's geomancy final pokemon is sock again a little odd but this crunch there's only one battle left this is it deantha or barrical is first i'm not gonna mega because every time i've done that i've regretted it it's got water absorb okay lovely i'm just gonna switch to doormat because i wanna try geomancy geomancy absorbing power now i have the boost go shockwave nice gamium unfortunately no idea what type it is so i'm just gonna go for shockwave again and hope for the best oh nice oh that's earthquake um if we live though i can heal we lived and the poison gets the meganium let's go hencer thousand waves ah good let's just echo voice thing i feel like there's a good chance this is a ground type oh hello maybe pincer is the mega a good voice again please let this be enough with the power boost yes let's go ron latias oh her own mega latias echoed voice is resisted but it's boosted so much due to the consecutive usage i still think it's worth it future science i'm good with that this next echoed voice plus the poison damage should ko oh didn't even need the poison damage because i got a crit and finally what has to be mega pincer i think if i recall from earlier it's just a pure dark type an echoed voice should just be a neutral strong hit and it is yes oh my gosh doormat with the terrible moves set up until the very end when it gets one of the best sweeping moves in the game oh my god this did not go how i expected it to but i did beat pokemon y with everything randomized
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 2,510,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, brilliant diamond, shining pearl, legends arceus, pokemon legends arceus, random, randomizer, random pokemon, extreme randomizer
Id: ttWXyBRaFQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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