Ash Ketchum STRONGEST Pokémon Tier List

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hi if you're watching this on october 16th then that means today is my birthday happy birthday me thank you the best gift you can give to me is enjoying this video so yeah watch it who are ash ketchum's strongest pokemon that's what we'll be finding out in this video last time i went over the true win rates for all of ash's pokemon which was fun but that really isn't indicative of a pokemon's true strength as some could have been dealt a really shitty hand like torterra while others could have had it a bit easier like levanny instead we'll be looking at each pokemon's best performances to see how powerful they really are and ranking them in this tier list unlike the win rate video we'll be taking all battles into consideration that's right we're talking official unofficial wild and even legendary battles i'll also be including ash's journeys team for this one as i feel like we've seen enough of them to come up with a decent estimate of their current strength so strap your seat belts ladies and gentlemen cause this tier list is about to go crazy now let's get started [Music] alright i'll be going over each pokemon and tier from lowest to highest so first up is the e tier which i'll be referring to as the below average tier consisting of muk butterfree totodile and scraggy now just to get this out of the way in no way am i saying that these are bad pokemon or that they suck or anything but compared to the rest of ash's pokemon they just aren't as powerful starting with muk he's only gotten a win against jeanette's bell sprout and that was thanks to its slimy body that was basically used for suffocation its only other use was in the battle against gary but it wasn't very useful let's be honest so until we see it display a bit more strength it's gonna have to sit as ash's weakest pokemon butterfree's another one that didn't get a whole lot of action either with its best performance being against the gentleman's raticate totodile has some decent moments like being able to defeat a charizard but keep in mind that that was a rental charizard that probably isn't on the same caliber as leons alons or even kiaways there aren't really any other outstanding performances besides that and then there's scraggy who i will admit was great to see develop into a decent battler and even rocks the move focus blast but you've gotta admit he hasn't really taken out any major opponents aside from bryson's vanillish next let's move on to the d-tier also known as the average tier consisting of not so shift pheasant oshawott pidgeot palpitoad lapras noctowl apom boldor bay leaf primape and snivy this is pretty much what i'd consider to be the baseline for ash pokemon although kinda low in terms of this tier list these are still pretty good mods that at the very least have the strength to rival gym leaders first there's on pheasant who i have to be honest deserves a bit more credit as she was able to defeat skyla swoobat and swanna don't let that get to your head though because you're still pretty low for an ashmon when it comes to oshawa it's best performance comes from clay's crocoroc but keep in mind it took several hits to take it down even though it had a type advantage not really that impressive considering higher up this list we have pokemon that can sometimes two or even one shot far more powerful opponents like coincidentally pidgeot who was able to two shot the right on jesse used at the viridian gym which is impressive considering it belongs to giovanni palpato's best performance was taking down the lisa's abstract the same one that swept bianca's whole team so that's pretty good however it tied against stefan zeb strike us so it wasn't strong enough to completely win against that one unfortunately as for lapras it's had against drake's gengar and that's its only battle experience i mean it's kind of impressive sorta then there's not towel who could defeat morty's gengar who i think might be better than drake's gengar considering morty's a ghost type specialist and that was his ace apom was pretty solid in early cinno however at that point ash wasn't facing opponents that were too strong just yet the strongest pokemon in palms defeated was gardenia's rose raid and then we have baldor with its most impressive win being against clay's excadrill now interestingly enough i was actually gonna have it be below oshawa believe it or not but in the battle against cameron's high dragon its one rock smash did more damage than any of oshawa's four moves against the same pokemon so that was a cool way to help rank them bailey's best battles come from taking down chuck's polywrath and machoke and then also taking down harrison towndoom while prime helped ash win the p1 grand prix however none of the trainers there really seemed too outstanding to be honest they just seem like your average trainer so primabe doesn't have any crazy feats and lastly there's snivy who was able to defeat tripp cervin early on but it quickly surpassed it by their next battle so that sucks it's not even on the level where can at least touch a legendary so it's best performance really comes from defeating clay's palpitoed i guess now comes the sea tier aka the above average tier the strength of these pokemon surpasses that of gym leaders as they can do pretty well in the pokemon league setting first is boisel who's strong enough to defeat fantina's gengar tied with meleen's lucario and even defeated to valve form floatzel then there's levanny who took up the coughing that was strong enough to defeat on pheasant and boldore it was also able to go toe-to-toe with stefan's sock thanks to its swarm ability following that we have heracross i think it slightly surpasses levanny because it was able to take out gary's mag bar a pokemon it has a huge disadvantage too it was also strong enough to land a decent blow on tobias's dark cry kingler comes right after its most impressive victory comes from sweeping mandy's entire team in the indigo league with no prior battle experience mind you it's also strong enough to crack a cloister shell next is kolava whose most impressive feat was going underwater to defeat price's dugong as a cyndaquil and considering its evolve now it's probably a bit more stronger than that too after him i have sarapter unlike the other birds i talked about so raptor packs the move brave bird which gives it the edge to defeat foes like paul's weevil and candace's metacham those are probably its most impressive wins grimmo also makes it into this tier it was strong enough to defeat conway shuckle and dusk noir as well as being able to land a good rock smash on tobias's dark ride gibbel is so strong in fact that even tobias acknowledged its strength by saying that his draco meteor could have defeated any other opponent that wasn't his darkrai next is pig knight which is strong enough to defeat cameron's pseudo legendary high dragon pignet was also strong enough to defeat sheamus embor and heatmore at the same time since you know snivy couldn't help now after pig night we have our first journeys mon camon or surfaced unfortunately kamon is a pokemon we probably know the least about in terms of strength as its only wins come from rentals gelade and genba's girder for now i'm keeping it at the above average tier solely for the fact that as a far-fetched it was able to break girder's steel beam now imagine that strength but as a surf fetched after him we have glideskiller although he has a pretty shitty win rate he was able to defeat pulse busted dropion so he definitely deserves some love for that i mean the boy's packing the move giga impact so of course he's strong then there's glailey who was able to defeat two pokemon it has a disadvantage too morrison's metang and more impressively clark's charizard that was awesome following laylee is don fan its most impressive win comes from defeating lucy survivor now something to note here is that frontier brains are confirmed by scott to be elite 4 level so that's actually really impressive however lucy's probably the weakest frontier brain and saver isn't even lucy's strongest pokemon next is toros this pokemon was strong enough to defeat drake's venusaur and even one ash the pokemon swap meet toro's competition so it's probably stronger than the average tauros but what really proves its strength though is tying with annabelle pseudo legendary metagirls so it's at the very least on par with that pokemon squirtle comes in second to last for this tier as it was able to defeat brandon's ninjas it also has a really good win against macy's electabuzz where it really showed off the strength of its firefighter training and lastly we have the boy rowland finishing off this tier not only was he strong enough to defeat his evolved form decidueye but he also defeated kakui's braviary arguably kakui second ace pokemon now we move on to the b tier for pokemon i believe possess elite four levels of strength starting off we have talonflame a pokemon that's shown a lot of strength from very early on since he was able to defeat his final evolve form talonflame as a fletchender another notable feat includes defeating wolfray's avalog which was strong enough to defeat greninja but i think talonflame's best moment had to be when it went up against the legendary moltres although it lost pretty badly it still deserves credit for being able to land a brave bird with some decent knockback being able to do that to a legendary puts this pokemon way above average in my book after talonflame i have codfish his greatest feats come from defeating tucker's arcanine and annabelle's alakazam as i said before frontier brains are on the same level as elite four members so if corfish was able to take out multiple battlefrontier pokemon that tells me that corfett should be considered as elite four level as well next comes a very surprising entry torkle now if you just went off his performance in hoenn he kinda sucks but i guess the man has been hitting the juice at oak's lab because when ash brings him back to face brandon's registeel he kicks some serious ass although torko loses this is easily his best battle his body slam was strong enough to knock down reggie steele twice and his heat weight was strong enough to push back register sandstorm and trap it in a flaming vortex honestly if it wasn't for reggie steele's lock-on i think torkel would've won so although torkel is known for losing a lot of the time he was able to hold his own against the legendary which is really impressive i mean there's a reason why ash brought it to the tobias fight after all even though it didn't do anything following torkol we have gengar now this one was kind of hard to play says currently gengar isn't looking so good in pokemon journeys but i have a theory what if gengar is just 2op which is why the writers keep making him lose one can dream am i right first of all he has a pretty stacked move set with nightshade psychic ice punch and ball the move i really want to focus on though is psychic cause when gengar lands that move he's actually pretty broken with psychic gengar can float around his opponent and wreck their in all kinds of ways just ask visquez is raichu as of the making of this video his best display of strength can be seen in the battle against vulchner's luxray gengar was low-key beating up luxray to the point where volkner had to make the switch or it would have lost mind you this is the same lux ray that was vulchner's ace against infernae and vogner has been confirmed to be the strongest sinnoh gym leader almost on the level of the elite four in pokemon journeys he's gotten even stronger so he's definitely elite four level by now or at the very least right under them so if gengar's strength was the threat to volckner's luxury that should give you a hint at how strong he really is it also looks like he'll be able to giganta max soon so that's just gonna increase his power output he's just not so good at taking damage is all next up is bulbasaur this pokemon proves that there are other ways to be strong that don't just include evolution in the jodo league it's tied with a meganium proving that it was equal in strength to a fully evolved starter but it gets better from here because in the battlefrontier it's able to defeat brandon's dust clops the same dust clops that defeated charizard as well as tie with brandon solrock that's two battle frontier pokemon in one battle so it's safe to say that bulbasaur is pretty strong after him we've got another entry that might be a surprise torterra yes despite his many losses i believe torterra possesses elite four levels of strength why well look at the two notable losses they had after evolving it's lost to palmer's raperrier and birth does it power on two elite four level pokemon that couldn't have been easy even if it had a type advantage torterra actually performed really well in both of these battles it's just that the strength of its opponents were slightly higher something that really stands out though is that it almost defeated palmer's ryperior as a grotto if he got that close to winning as a mere grotto imagine how much better it would do now that it's a fully evolved torterra i might catch some heat for this one but i honestly think torterra has enough strength to rival some elite 4 pokemon and if you need even more proof then just look at this elite four aaron's ace pokemon drapion was taken down by jesse saviper and that same survivor gets taken out by ash's torterra in a one-on-one fight so do what you will with that information next is halucha the mad luchador not only is holucha strong enough to defeat fairy types a type it's weak against and also break trick rooms okay he also defeated wolfrax obama snow and even a mega absol that's already really impressive and makes him an above average pokemon but what really brings halucha up is his battle against zapdos although he got nae-naed pretty easily he was able to land a high jump kick that had enough power to completely blow back zapdos he's an absolute mad lad following halucha is lycanrock the mon that helped ash win the alola league that feat alone already proves that its strength is above your average league participant it's also worth noting that it can use the exclusive z-move splinter stormshard which does some serious damage on top of that it was able to sweep nano's team of three pokemon on its own as well as receive training from topobulu where it landed a solid hit with its stone edge yet another ash pokemon that scrapped with legendaries speaking of which next is best bird swallow this bird has some insane feats like as a talo it was eating up pikachu's thunderbolts like it was breakfast it's thanks to this high resistance to electricity that it was able to pull off thunder armor some other crazy feats include going underwater to defeat juan's wish cash stopping a don fans roll out with its talons and then defeating it by just tossing it and also defeating tucker swampert and spencer's venusaur damn swallow might be the true god bird after all the icing on the cake is that it was able to land the damaging area lace on the deoxis need i say more swellow's freaking based next we have naganodol he didn't have a lot of battles but i still think he's done enough to put him on this tier for starters it was strong enough to send the guzzlord through an ultra wormhole with the help of just pikachu keep in mind that other gun's lords in the same episode needed more than 2 pokemon to take it on and even the tables had to step in and hold one back it's also been able to defeat kokui's lucario which is pretty impressive considering the anime has the thing for making lucario seem unstoppable so if they're willing to make one lose then it's kind of a big deal and lastly it was able to hold its own against tapo coco for a bit naganodo was doing pretty well to be honest but unfortunately loses due to tapukoko's speed but still a very impressive pokemon nonetheless and the last one we have for the elite four tier is neuvern another pokemon that might come as a shock considering northern takes quite a few l's this is due to the fact that during xy noir was still pretty young and liked the proper battle experience but just because it didn't have the skill to win a lot does not mean it lacked the power for instance it was able to tie with sawyer salomons this lets us know that northern's power is at least equal to a pseudo legendary its most impressive feat however comes from its battle against zapdos where it was able to blow it back with the boom burst and temporarily knock it down neuron's boom burst is easily its most powerful move this move is so strong in fact that it was able to completely interrupt the aqua jet from sawyer's claw with sir and if you compare the damage done to legendaries from all the other pokemon we've talked about so far norven's attack clearly did the most damage so yes this boy does in fact possess elite four levels of strength now he just needs to learn how to use it properly alright now it's time for the a tier aka the champion tier for pokemon with champion levels of strength kicking off this tier we have goodra now i know i gave goodra a lot of in the winrate video for being a kalos league jobber but he's still pretty amazing what truly makes his pokemon shine is how bulky he is i know this this isn't taking defense into consideration as it's purely about strength and power but guja is a special case because it's a pokemon that turns its defense into a devastating offense this is thanks to the move by because gujar is so tanky he can eat up tons of hits survive it all mostly and throw it back at his opponents with double the power so as long as you're not a fairy type or packing a one-hit ko move gujara can and will wreck your following goodra we have ash's mythical male metal like northern this is another pokemon that lacks the battle experience but has incredible power nonetheless in the battle against kakui's empoleon it was able to deflect the hydro pump with absolute ease that wasn't even a move he was just swinging his arms and brushing it off like it was nothing its double iron bash was enough to send napoleon flying and knocked it out even though he was on the defensive keep in mind that it's a steel type move that empoleon should resist i think its best display of strength however comes from the battle against gladion silvalai although pikachu is the one that got the win in the end mel meadow is actually the one who did most of the work by absolutely tenderizing sovalli like a stake he ultimately loses due to his lack of speed but if he kept landing those hits he would have won next up is dracovish what now some of you might think i'm crazy for raiding dracovish a pokemon that's only had one battle so far this high but trust me it's already done enough to prove its strength it was used in the battle against iris where it took out her dragonite which is an insane feat for a pokemon's first battle iris's dragonite was near unstoppable in black and white and whenever he used his finishing move dragon rush it was pretty much over but here comes dracovich who was able to catch and completely stop said finishing move in its mouth with vicious rend then with one icefang dragonite is taken out that is unreal now dracovich can't take all the credit as iris's dragonite did take some damage from ash's dragonite which is a whole other beast we'll get to soon but just the simple fact that he was able to finish the job and the way that it did with such ease means that dracovich is hella strong also keep in mind that this is an iris that is leaps and bounds stronger compared to her black and white counterpart considering she's a champion now alright as of this point we've only got 10 pokemon remaining meaning these are technically ash's top 10 strongest pokemon in my opinion and the number 10 spot goes to incineroar now this one is interesting because we don't really know what incineroar is capable of in its final evolution but as a tour cat it was able to defeat kaku's incineroar which is more than enough to be honest kakui was known as the strongest trainer in alola under the alias of the masked royal with his ace being incineroar they were undefeated so if torqua was able to defeat him that makes it stronger than kokui's incineroar and because it evolved it's technically even stronger now it could honestly be even higher but seeing as how we haven't even seen incineroar in action just yet we don't really know how much stronger it is kokui's incineroar was able to catch mel metal's double iron bash with its bare paws so if it was able to do that and absolutely decimate it after that means ash's incineroar is most likely above his male metal as well so i think this is a good placement for the cat for now next is number nine and that goes to crocodile its most epic moment probably comes from the battle against bryson's bear take where despite the disadvantage it was able to win by using a mid-air stone edge but that isn't his greatest feat to me that comes in the win against iris's dragonite we just talked about how strong dragonite is so the fact that crooked i was able to beat it in a one-on-one match is something to behold and just in case you needed a reminder how strong dragonite was this is the very same dragonite that was duking it out with legendaries just five episodes later with zero training so if crocodile could take down that beast he's kind of a beast himself speaking of beasts ash's 8th strongest pokemon goes to snorlax now when you think of ash's snorlax and how strong it is the first thing that probably comes to mind is oh my god it used six moves in one battle yeah yeah i've heard it before thanks or guardian although snorlax did that keep in mind that this was back in gen 3 when the anime didn't have restrictions on how many moves pokemon could use ever since gen 4 pokemon have had four moves maxed like in the games so i doubt snorlax still has six moves plus it's not the fact that it had six moves that proves not like strength it's the power behind those moves because grovel kind of jobs against greta snorlax had to take on grid as haryama and metachan alone and it managed to win that's two battlefrontier pokemon back to back a feat none of ash's other pokemon have achieved next up is lucario this one i could possibly see being even higher but for the time being it'll sit here as seventh strongest as a mere riolu it was able to tie with beasts grap locked this is impressive because galore gym leaders are far stronger than your average gym leader ryhan the strongest galar gym leader is confirmed to be on the level of champions so that puts galar gym leaders around the level of elite 4 trainers so the fact that as a ryolu it was able to tie with one of b star pokemon says a lot as a newly evolved lucario it was able to one-shot chairman rose's ferrara thorn and copper raja one after the other this is a big deal considering rose is strong enough to be a champion himself circling back to b though as of the making of this video it's been confirmed that ash and b are about to have their third battle and in said battle ash will be mega evolving his lucario to take on b's g-max machamp i already believe regular lucario is strong enough to be considered elite 4 level to be honest so if it mega evolves then his power is just going to go beyond that which is why i believe it's going to be champion level and if he actually does help ash defeat b which let's be honest he probably will that would just prove my point even further god i hope this age as well and finishing off this tier is the sixth strongest ash pokemon dragonite now i know some might want to say that ash's dragonite should be the strongest because it's currently undefeated but guys journeys isn't done just yet so let's not use that as a valid argument we all know what happened to gujjar when he was undefeated still dragonite has already proven that it's an absolute monster on the battlefield in the battle against karina it had to take on myan xiao and mega lucario back to back and won its next and even crazier feat comes from defeating iris's hacksaurus by learning draco meteor freaking insane yeah you could argue that maybe iris is the weakest champion or get mad at the writing or whatever but that still doesn't change the fact that ash's dragon knight has beaten a champions ace pokemon after taking damage from iris's dragonite mind you yeah dragonite is 100 champion level after that now we've reached the final tier the s tier aka the legendary tier these are for what i consider ash's most powerful pokemon that have strength equal to legendaries starting off this tier is ash's fifth strongest pokemon sceptile now although it has a pretty embarrassing win rate for an ace pokemon as a sceptile he's had some incredible feats after evolving septel has been able to defeat spencer's shift tree and then later on spencer's clado two battle frontier pokemon then there's the most obvious feat defeating tobias's undefeated dark cry that's extremely impressive and i don't blame people for always pointing out this battle but people also gotta keep in mind that darkrai already received some damage from heracross and gibble so sceptile can't take all the credit for that one but you know what it can't take credit for being able to catch a speed form deoxis and blast it with a point-blank solar beam now that's insane following subtile we have infernape as ash's fourth strongest pokemon now this one's a bit interesting as infernape doesn't have as many crazy feats as sceptile its best battles come from defeating wagner's luxury and wiping out half of paul's team in the sinnoh league which included his elect divire those are some really strong trainers but nothing i'd really say can put him in legendary or even champion level right heck inferno hasn't even been a legendary he got clapped by moltres in pokemon journeys you know what i'm bringing him down i'm just kidding here's why i believe inferno belongs in the s tier even though ash left him at oak's lab since diamond and pearl pokemon journeys has confirmed that infernape has been always training even going as far as to challenge ash's other fire types minus torquel rest in peace he worked his way to the final boss charizard and although it's never confirmed to won as it's only stated that they battled the fact that he battled charizard and still wanted to face a stronger opponent means that infernape is at least an equal to charizard whose spoilers i still have above infernape but there's a reason for that although infernape did kind of bat against moltres keep in mind that it didn't activate its blaze ability he was about to continue with the battle but then gary stole the spotlight if infernip were to keep battling there's no doubt in my mind that it would have activated blaze and possibly even defeat moltres but it's because of that uncertainty that i didn't want to put infernape any higher than charizard i will at least have it higher than sceptile because although sceptile has its overgrow ability that is nothing compared to the power boost infernape gets with blaze his ability far exceeds the average blaze and whenever infernov activated it it usually meant his opponent would lose after one or two hits i definitely think that's enough power to rival legendaries and since we kinda brought him up already it works out perfectly that charizard is ash's third strongest pokemon his goal is to be the world's strongest charizard which is why he stayed to train in the charissific valley for a while and for a time before alon and leon's charizard came into the picture i probably would have believed that ash's charizard was the strongest its greatest feat was defeating nolan's articuno it was also giving a good clobbering to iris's dragonite when it came to univa and they probably would have won if n didn't interrupt the battle he may not be in the charismatic valley anymore but alicia's got infernape has a good sparring partner which is why i have these two boys side to side following charizard we have ash's second strongest pokemon greninja now this one might also seem a bit tricky because like infernape it hasn't defeated the legendary but i definitely believe it possesses the power to defeat one thanks to the power of the bomb phenomenon greninja can achieve his transformation which is pretty much like the power of mega evolution with this form greninja was able to defeat wolfrax mega obama snow and sawyer's mega sceptile that's already some pretty great feats but ironically i think its most impressive feat comes from the battle against salons charizard that he lost you see although greninja lost the battle it's the only pokemon in the entire kalos league that was close to defeating alons charizard mind you this is a charizard that's battled mega rayquaza primal groudon and primo kyogre has beaten 10 megavolt pokemon in a row including elite four malva and even took down a zygarde so the fact that greninja almost beat this broken charizard proves that he's pretty close to that insane power himself and because i believe alan's charizard is stronger than ashes greninja kinda has to be above ash's charizard as well to match alons but just to let you know these four are honestly extremely close to each other for me like it doesn't really matter what order these are in because they've all proven to be the best of the best hey what do you think you're doing here and with that we've reached our final entry ash's most powerful pokemon and obviously it's pikachu was it really gonna be any other pokemon not sure pikachu's had some embarrassing losses it's lost to an eevee it's lost to a sneasel it's lost to a meowth it's lost to a cersket and it's lost to a snivy but what do you expect it's a little pikachu if you hit it hard enough it'll go down i always saw ash's pikachu as a glass cannon extremely fragile but when it hits it hits like a damn truck when it comes to power alone pikachu is second to none some insane feats included defeating drake's dragonite lucy's milotic and taking out alons tyranitar and the metagross in the same battle for its small size that's already really impressive and then you remember oh right ash's pikachu has defeated the most legendary pokemon in the pokemon anime he's defeated brandon's regis tied with tobias's latios beat gladion silvalay and even beat tapukoko thanks to a z move and that's not even taken into consideration that countless other legendaries is battled throughout the series no other ash pokemon can ever or will ever come close and by the way that's something we should go back to the z move 10 million volt thunderbolt is the most powerful z move ash can unleash and it's exclusive to pikachu when it's used it's pretty much an instant kill switch that leaves no survivors juiced up nyligo jesse's mimikyu and even the legendary type of coco all fall to pikachu's devastating move that damn attack is even strong enough to overpower motor drive an ability that's supposed to absorb and nullify all electric attacks if that's not power i don't know what is thank you all for watching everyone this video was a lot of fun to make if you're new here and enjoyed this content why not consider subscribing remember to leave your life to the fullest and have yourself a damn good one [Music]
Channel: Lumiose Trainer Zac
Views: 766,342
Rating: 4.9097185 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Anime, Ash Ketchum Pokemon, Ash Ketchum Strongest Pokemon, Strongest Ash Ketchum Pokemon, Top 10 Strongest Ash Pokemon, Ash Ketchum Top 10 Strongest Pokemon, Ash Ketchum Tier List, Pokemon Tier List, Top 10 Ash Ketchum Pokemon, Ash Ketchum Best Pokemon, Ash Ketchum Weakest Pokemon, Weakest Ash Pokemon, Ash Ketchum, Ash's Top 10 Strongest Pokemion, Lumiose Trainer Zac
Id: AgPEKsWH-n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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